//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include \r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "1 TYPELIB ""wiaacmgr.tlb""\r\n" "#include ""errors.h""\r\n" "#include ""errors.rc""\r\n" "#include ""wiaacmgr.rcv""\r\n" "#include ""mboxex.rc""\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // REGISTRY // IDR_ACQUISITIONMANAGER REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "wiaacmgr.rgs" IDR_MINIMALTRANSFER REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "mintrans.rgs" IDR_EVENTPROMPT REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "eventprompt.rgs" IDR_STIEVENTHANDLER REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "stievent.rgs" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_SCANCAM ICON DISCARDABLE "scancam.ico" IDI_UNAVAILABLE ICON DISCARDABLE "unavail.ico" IDI_SCANNER_WIZARD ICON DISCARDABLE "defscan.ico" IDI_LITTLE_I ICON DISCARDABLE "littlei.ico" IDI_CAMERA_WIZARD ICON DISCARDABLE "defcam.ico" IDI_CPHOTO ICON DISCARDABLE "cphoto.ico" IDI_CUSTOM ICON DISCARDABLE "custom.ico" IDI_BWPHOTO ICON DISCARDABLE "bwphoto.ico" IDI_VIDEO_WIZARD ICON DISCARDABLE "defvid.ico" IDI_TEXT ICON DISCARDABLE "text.ico" IDI_TRANSFER_WARN ICON DISCARDABLE "warn.ico" IDI_TRANSFER_OK ICON DISCARDABLE "ok.ico" IDI_TRANSFER_ERROR ICON DISCARDABLE "error.ico" IDI_UPLOADTOWEB ICON DISCARDABLE "web.ico" IDI_DEFTYPE ICON DISCARDABLE "deftype.ico" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_CAMERA_SELECT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN CONTROL "",IDC_CAMSEL_CAMERA_BUTTON_BAR_GUIDE,"Static", SS_BLACKFRAME | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED,7,148,343, 21 CONTROL "",IDC_CAMSEL_THUMBNAILS,"SysListView32", LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_AUTOARRANGE | WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,7,0,343,141 LTEXT "",IDC_STATIC,7,175,343,12,SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_CAMSEL_STATUS,9,176,339,10,SS_NOPREFIX | SS_CENTERIMAGE END IDD_CAMERA_FIRST DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 225 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Welcome to the Scanner and Camera Wizard", IDC_FIRST_TITLE,115,7,235,36,SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "(Device Name - no need to localize)", IDC_FIRST_DEVICE_NAME,115,57,235,20,SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "This wizard helps you copy pictures from your camera, scanner, or other device to your computer, your network, or the Web.", IDC_STATIC,115,93,235,16 CONTROL "If you prefer, you can work directly from your device. This option is recommended for advanced users only.", IDC_CAMFIRST_EXPLORE,"SysLink",WS_TABSTOP,115,121,235,33 LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_FIRST_INSTRUCTIONS,115, 217,235,8 END IDD_EVENTPROMPT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 203, 183 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Device name goes here" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Caption goes here",IDC_EVENTNAME,7,7,189,16 LTEXT "&Select the program to launch for this action:", IDC_STATIC,7,30,189,8 CONTROL "",IDC_HANDLERLIST,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SORTASCENDING | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,41,189,97 CONTROL "&Always use this program for this action",IDC_NOPROMPT, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,7,145, 189,10 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,92,162,50,14,WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,146,162,50,14 END IDD_SCANNER_ADF_SELECT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN CONTROL "",IDC_SCANSEL_BUTTON_BAR_GUIDE,"Static",SS_BLACKFRAME | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED,227,173,123,14 LTEXT "Picture type:",IDC_STATIC,7,0,153,8 CONTROL "&Color Picture",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_1,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,39,20,121,10 CONTROL "Black and &White Picture",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_2,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,43,121,10 CONTROL "&Text or Line Art",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_3,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,66,121,10 CONTROL "Custom &Settings",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_4,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,89,121,10 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_1,7,15,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_2,7,38,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_3,7,61,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_4,7,84,20,20 PUSHBUTTON "Custom &settings",IDC_SCANSEL_PROPERTIES,52,107,66,14, WS_GROUP CONTROL "",IDC_STATIC,"Static",SS_ETCHEDHORZ,7,128,153,1 LTEXT "P&aper source:",IDC_SCANSEL_PAPERSOURCE_STATIC,7,133,79, 8 COMBOBOX IDC_SCANSEL_PAPERSOURCE,7,144,153,200,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Page si&ze:",IDC_SCANSEL_PAPERSIZE_STATIC,7,163,153,8 COMBOBOX IDC_SCANSEL_PAPERSIZE,7,174,153,200,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "",IDC_SCANSEL_PREVIEW,"WiaPreviewControlFrame", WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,174,0,176,166 PUSHBUTTON "&Preview",IDC_SCANSEL_RESCAN,174,173,50,14,WS_GROUP END IDD_COMMON_FINISH DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 225 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "{Don't Localize}",IDC_FINISH_TITLE,118,7,232,36, SS_NOPREFIX CONTROL "",IDC_FINISH_STATUS,"SysLink",WS_TABSTOP,118,57,232,152 LTEXT "To close the wizard, click Finish.",IDC_FINISH_PROMPT, 118,217,232,8 END IDD_COMMON_PROGRESS DIALOGEX 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN LTEXT "Location:",IDC_STATIC,7,0,165,8,NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "",IDC_COMPROG_CURRENTTHUMBNAIL,"WiaPreviewControlFrame", WS_BORDER,186,0,164,187 EDITTEXT IDC_COMPROG_DESTNAME,7,11,166,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NOHIDESEL | ES_READONLY | NOT WS_BORDER | NOT WS_TABSTOP,WS_EX_STATICEDGE LTEXT "Picture:",IDC_STATIC,7,36,165,8 EDITTEXT IDC_COMPROG_IMAGENAME,7,48,165,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NOHIDESEL | ES_READONLY | NOT WS_BORDER | NOT WS_TABSTOP,WS_EX_STATICEDGE LTEXT "",IDC_COMPROG_DOWNLOADPROGRESS_TEXT,7,74,165,8 CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_COMPROG_DOWNLOADPROGRESS, "msctls_progress32",0x0,7,85,165,12 LTEXT "",IDC_COMPROG_CURRENTIMAGE_TEXT,7,111,165,8 CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_COMPROG_CURRENTIMAGE,"msctls_progress32", 0x0,7,122,165,12 LTEXT "To stop copying, click Cancel.",IDC_STATIC,7,179,165,8 END IDD_VIDEO_SELECT DIALOGEX 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN LTEXT "Preview:",IDC_STATIC,7,0,171,8 CTEXT "",IDC_VIDSEL_PREVIEW,7,11,171,130,NOT WS_GROUP, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE LTEXT "&Pictures:",IDC_STATIC,185,0,165,8 CONTROL "",IDC_CAMSEL_THUMBNAILS,"SysListView32", LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_AUTOARRANGE | WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,185,11,165,130 CONTROL "",IDC_CAMSEL_VIDEO_PREVIEW_BUTTON_BAR_GUIDE,"Static", SS_BLACKFRAME | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED,7,148,171, 21 CONTROL "",IDC_CAMSEL_VIDEO_SELECTION_BUTTON_BAR_GUIDE,"Static", SS_BLACKFRAME | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED,185,148,165, 21 LTEXT "",IDC_STATIC,7,175,343,12,SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_CAMSEL_STATUS,9,176,339,10,SS_NOPREFIX | SS_CENTERIMAGE END IDD_COMMON_DELETE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Current picture (%d of %d):", IDC_COMDEL_CURRENTIMAGE_TEXT,7,0,165,8 CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_COMDEL_CURRENTIMAGE,"msctls_progress32", 0x0,7,10,165,12 CONTROL "",IDC_COMDEL_CURRENTTHUMBNAIL,"WiaPreviewControlFrame", WS_BORDER,186,0,164,187 LTEXT "To stop deleting, click Cancel.",IDC_STATIC,7,179,165,8 END IDD_VIDEO_FIRST DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 225 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Welcome to the Scanner and Camera Wizard", IDC_FIRST_TITLE,115,7,235,36,SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "(Device Name - no need to localize)", IDC_FIRST_DEVICE_NAME,115,57,235,20,SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "This wizard helps you copy pictures from your camera, scanner, or other device to your computer, your network, or the Web.", IDC_STATIC,115,93,235,16 LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_FIRST_INSTRUCTIONS,115, 217,235,8 END IDD_SCANNER_FIRST DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 225 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Welcome to the Scanner and Camera Wizard", IDC_FIRST_TITLE,115,7,235,36,SS_NOPREFIX CONTROL "(Device Name - no need to localize)", IDC_FIRST_DEVICE_NAME,"Static",SS_SIMPLE | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_GROUP,115,57,235,16 LTEXT "This wizard helps you copy pictures from your camera, scanner, or other device to your computer, your network, or the Web.", IDC_STATIC,115,93,235,16 LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_FIRST_INSTRUCTIONS,115, 217,235,8 END IDD_CAMERA_TRANSFER DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "1.",IDC_TRANSFER_1,7,0,14,8 LTEXT "&Type a name for this group of pictures:", IDC_TRANSFER_NAME_PROMPT,21,0,280,8 COMBOBOX IDC_TRANSFER_ROOTNAME,21,15,280,200,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "2.",IDC_TRANSFER_2,7,34,14,8 LTEXT "&Choose a place to save this group of pictures:", IDC_TRANSFER_FOLDER_PROMPT,21,34,280,8 CONTROL "",IDC_TRANSFER_DESTINATION,"ComboBoxEx32", CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP,21,49,280,200 PUSHBUTTON "B&rowse...",IDC_TRANSFER_BROWSE,305,49,45,14 CONTROL "&Delete pictures from my device after copying them", IDC_TRANSFER_DELETEAFTERDOWNLOAD,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_MULTILINE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 21,78,329,10 END IDD_SCANNER_TRANSFER DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "1.",IDC_TRANSFER_1,7,0,14,8 LTEXT "&Type a name for this group of pictures:", IDC_TRANSFER_NAME_PROMPT,21,0,280,8 COMBOBOX IDC_TRANSFER_ROOTNAME,21,15,280,200,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "2.",IDC_TRANSFER_2,7,34,14,8 LTEXT "&Select a file format:",IDC_TRANSFER_FORMAT_PROMPT,21, 34,280,8 CONTROL "",IDC_TRANSFER_IMAGETYPE,"ComboBoxEx32", CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP,21,49,148,200 LTEXT "3.",IDC_TRANSFER_3,7,70,14,8 LTEXT "&Choose a place to save this group of pictures:", IDC_TRANSFER_FOLDER_PROMPT,21,70,280,8 CONTROL "",IDC_TRANSFER_DESTINATION,"ComboBoxEx32", CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP,21,86,280,200 PUSHBUTTON "B&rowse...",IDC_TRANSFER_BROWSE,305,86,45,14 END IDD_SCANNER_SELECT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN CONTROL "",IDC_SCANSEL_BUTTON_BAR_GUIDE,"Static",SS_BLACKFRAME | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED,227,173,123,14 LTEXT "Picture type:",-1,7,0,153,8 CONTROL "&Color Picture",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_1,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,39,20,121,10 CONTROL "Black and &White Picture",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_2,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,43,121,10 CONTROL "&Text or Line Art",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_3,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,66,121,10 CONTROL "Custom &Settings",IDC_SCANSEL_INTENT_4,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,39,89,121,10 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_1,7,15,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_2,7,38,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_3,7,61,20,20 ICON "",IDC_SCANSEL_ICON_4,7,84,20,20 PUSHBUTTON "Custom &settings",IDC_SCANSEL_PROPERTIES,52,107,66,14, WS_GROUP CONTROL "",IDC_SCANSEL_PREVIEW,"WiaPreviewControlFrame", WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,174,0,176,166 PUSHBUTTON "&Preview",IDC_SCANSEL_RESCAN,174,173,50,14,WS_GROUP END IDD_UPLOAD_QUERY DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 357, 188 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Your pictures have been successfully copied to your computer or network.\nYou can also publish these pictures to a Web site or order prints online.", IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS,7,7,343,16 LTEXT "What do you want to do?",IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_PROMPT,7, 37,343,8 CONTROL "&Publish these pictures to a Web site", IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_TO_WEB,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,14,52,336,10 CONTROL "&Order prints of these pictures from a photo printing Web site", IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_TO_PRINT,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,14,65,336,10 CONTROL "Nothin&g. I'm finished working with these pictures", IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_NO,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,14,78, 336,10 CONTROL "Learn more about working with pictures.", IDC_TRANSFER_UPLOAD_HELP,"SysLink",WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 7,102,343,10 END IDD_CHOOSE_STI_APPLICATION DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 234, 146 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | DS_CENTER | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Choose Application" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON IDI_SCANCAM,IDC_STI_APPS_ICON,6,7,20,20 LTEXT "Please choose which application should receive the image.", IDC_STI_APPS_SUB_TITLE,34,7,193,16 LTEXT "&Registered Applications ",IDC_STI_APPS_LIST_PROMPT,7, 34,159,8 LISTBOX IDC_STI_APPS_LIST,7,45,220,74,LBS_SORT | LBS_HASSTRINGS | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,123,126,50,14,WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,177,126,50,14 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_CAMERA_SELECT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 HORZGUIDE, 141 HORZGUIDE, 148 HORZGUIDE, 169 HORZGUIDE, 175 END IDD_CAMERA_FIRST, DIALOG BEGIN RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 115 BOTTOMMARGIN, 216 HORZGUIDE, 43 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 73 HORZGUIDE, 89 HORZGUIDE, 105 HORZGUIDE, 121 END IDD_EVENTPROMPT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 196 VERTGUIDE, 142 VERTGUIDE, 146 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 176 HORZGUIDE, 23 HORZGUIDE, 30 HORZGUIDE, 38 HORZGUIDE, 41 HORZGUIDE, 138 HORZGUIDE, 145 HORZGUIDE, 155 HORZGUIDE, 162 END IDD_SCANNER_ADF_SELECT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 52 VERTGUIDE, 160 VERTGUIDE, 174 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 HORZGUIDE, 8 HORZGUIDE, 15 HORZGUIDE, 53 HORZGUIDE, 73 HORZGUIDE, 76 HORZGUIDE, 96 HORZGUIDE, 104 HORZGUIDE, 107 HORZGUIDE, 121 HORZGUIDE, 132 HORZGUIDE, 140 HORZGUIDE, 143 HORZGUIDE, 155 HORZGUIDE, 162 HORZGUIDE, 173 END IDD_COMMON_FINISH, DIALOG BEGIN RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 118 VERTGUIDE, 132 HORZGUIDE, 7 HORZGUIDE, 43 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 137 HORZGUIDE, 144 HORZGUIDE, 162 END IDD_COMMON_PROGRESS, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 172 VERTGUIDE, 186 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 HORZGUIDE, 8 HORZGUIDE, 11 HORZGUIDE, 23 HORZGUIDE, 37 HORZGUIDE, 45 HORZGUIDE, 48 HORZGUIDE, 60 HORZGUIDE, 74 HORZGUIDE, 82 HORZGUIDE, 85 HORZGUIDE, 99 HORZGUIDE, 113 HORZGUIDE, 121 HORZGUIDE, 124 END IDD_VIDEO_SELECT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 178 VERTGUIDE, 185 VERTGUIDE, 242 VERTGUIDE, 246 VERTGUIDE, 296 VERTGUIDE, 300 HORZGUIDE, 8 HORZGUIDE, 11 HORZGUIDE, 141 HORZGUIDE, 148 HORZGUIDE, 169 HORZGUIDE, 175 END IDD_COMMON_DELETE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 172 VERTGUIDE, 186 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 END IDD_VIDEO_FIRST, DIALOG BEGIN RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 115 BOTTOMMARGIN, 216 HORZGUIDE, 43 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 73 HORZGUIDE, 89 HORZGUIDE, 105 HORZGUIDE, 121 END IDD_SCANNER_FIRST, DIALOG BEGIN RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 115 BOTTOMMARGIN, 216 HORZGUIDE, 43 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 73 HORZGUIDE, 89 HORZGUIDE, 105 HORZGUIDE, 121 END IDD_CAMERA_TRANSFER, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 14 VERTGUIDE, 21 VERTGUIDE, 169 VERTGUIDE, 301 VERTGUIDE, 305 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 HORZGUIDE, 16 HORZGUIDE, 23 HORZGUIDE, 35 HORZGUIDE, 42 HORZGUIDE, 50 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 71 HORZGUIDE, 78 END IDD_SCANNER_TRANSFER, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 14 VERTGUIDE, 21 VERTGUIDE, 169 VERTGUIDE, 301 VERTGUIDE, 305 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 HORZGUIDE, 16 HORZGUIDE, 23 HORZGUIDE, 35 HORZGUIDE, 42 HORZGUIDE, 50 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 71 HORZGUIDE, 78 HORZGUIDE, 86 HORZGUIDE, 93 HORZGUIDE, 108 HORZGUIDE, 115 HORZGUIDE, 140 HORZGUIDE, 147 HORZGUIDE, 170 HORZGUIDE, 177 END IDD_SCANNER_SELECT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 350 VERTGUIDE, 52 VERTGUIDE, 160 VERTGUIDE, 174 BOTTOMMARGIN, 187 HORZGUIDE, 8 HORZGUIDE, 15 HORZGUIDE, 53 HORZGUIDE, 73 HORZGUIDE, 76 HORZGUIDE, 96 HORZGUIDE, 104 HORZGUIDE, 107 HORZGUIDE, 121 HORZGUIDE, 132 HORZGUIDE, 140 HORZGUIDE, 143 HORZGUIDE, 155 HORZGUIDE, 162 HORZGUIDE, 173 END IDD_UPLOAD_QUERY, DIALOG BEGIN VERTGUIDE, 7 VERTGUIDE, 350 HORZGUIDE, 7 HORZGUIDE, 23 HORZGUIDE, 37 HORZGUIDE, 45 HORZGUIDE, 48 HORZGUIDE, 58 HORZGUIDE, 61 HORZGUIDE, 71 HORZGUIDE, 74 HORZGUIDE, 84 HORZGUIDE, 98 HORZGUIDE, 181 END IDD_CHOOSE_STI_APPLICATION, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 227 VERTGUIDE, 27 VERTGUIDE, 34 VERTGUIDE, 173 VERTGUIDE, 177 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 139 HORZGUIDE, 27 HORZGUIDE, 34 HORZGUIDE, 42 HORZGUIDE, 45 HORZGUIDE, 119 HORZGUIDE, 126 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_SCANNER_WATERMARK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "scanwiz.bmp" IDB_SCANNER_HEADER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "scanhead.bmp" IDB_CAMERA_WATERMARK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "camwiz.bmp" IDB_CAMERA_HEADER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "camhead.bmp" IDB_VIDEO_HEADER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "vidhead.bmp" IDB_VIDEO_WATERMARK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "vidwiz.bmp" IDB_DEFAULT_SCANNER_BITMAP BITMAP DISCARDABLE "defprev.bmp" IDB_CAMSEL_TOOLBAR BITMAP DISCARDABLE "camtb.bmp" IDB_SCANSEL_TOOLBAR BITMAP DISCARDABLE "scantb.bmp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Toolbar // IDB_CAMSEL_TOOLBAR TOOLBAR DISCARDABLE 16, 16 BEGIN BUTTON 65535 BUTTON 65535 BUTTON 65535 BUTTON 65535 END IDB_SCANSEL_TOOLBAR TOOLBAR DISCARDABLE 16, 16 BEGIN BUTTON 65535 BUTTON 65535 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Accelerator // IDR_CAMERASELECTIONACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", IDC_CAMSEL_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "L", IDC_CAMSEL_ROTATE_LEFT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", IDC_CAMSEL_CLEAR_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", IDC_CAMSEL_ROTATE_RIGHT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "T", IDC_CAMSEL_TAKE_PICTURE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, IDC_CAMSEL_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROJNAME "Uploading Pictures" IDS_DOWNLOADMANAGER_NAME "Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DESC "Download pictures from a camera or scanner" IDS_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ICON "wiaacmgr.exe,-2" IDS_CAMERA_SELECT_NUMSEL "%d picture(s) selected of %d" IDS_UNABLE_OPEN_EXPLORER "The camera cannot be opened. Please try again later." IDS_CAMERA_SELECT_TITLE "Choose Pictures to Copy" IDS_CAMERA_SELECT_SUBTITLE "Pictures with check marks will be copied. To rotate a picture or view its properties, click it, and then click the appropriate button." IDS_CAMERA_DOWNLOAD_TITLE "Copying Pictures" IDS_CAMERA_DOWNLOAD_SUBTITLE "The pictures you selected are being copied to the destination you selected. To cancel, click the Cancel button." IDS_CAMERA_TRANSFER_TITLE "Picture Name and Destination" IDS_CAMERA_TRANSFER_SUBTITLE "Select a name and destination for your pictures." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STI_EVENT_ERROR_NO_EXPLANATION "An error occurred while attempting to launch ""%s.""" IDS_STI_EVENT_ERROR_APP_NAME "[Unknown Application]" IDS_FINISH_TO_CLOSE_TITLE "&Close" IDS_FINISH_PROMPT_FAILURE_DISCONNECT "To close the wizard, click Close." IDS_DOWNLOADMANAGER_AUTOPLAY "Copy pictures to a folder on my computer" IDS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND "The Scanner and Camera Wizard cannot operate on this device because some of its files and folders may be secured by Windows. To work with pictures on this device, click Start, click My Computer, and then double-click the device." IDS_MULTIPAGE_PAPER_PROBLEM "The scanner had a problem feeding paper. Do you want to save the pages that were successfully scanned?" IDS_MULTIPAGE_FATAL_ERROR "An error has occurred. Please reload the feeder and try scanning again." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SCANNER_TRANSFER_TITLE "Picture Name and Destination" IDS_SCANNER_TRANSFER_SUBTITLE "Select a name and destination for your pictures." IDS_SCANNER_SELECT_TITLE "Choose Scanning Preferences" IDS_SCANNER_SELECT_SUBTITLE "Choose your scanning preferences, and then click Preview to see how your preferences affect the picture." IDS_DOWNLOADINGTHUMBNAIL "Downloading..." IDS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_TITLE "Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_CAMSEL_CLEAR_ALL "Clear All" IDS_DEFAULT_BASE_NAME "Picture" IDS_INVALIDFILENAME """%s"" is not a valid filename.\n\nFilenames cannot contain the following characters: \\ / * ? : "" < > |" IDS_ERROR_TITLE "Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_EMPTYFILENAME "Please type or select a file name for your pictures." IDS_BROWSE_TITLE "Select a destination folder" IDS_NUMBER_MASK "%03d" IDS_CAMSEL_SELECT_ALL "Select All" IDS_CAMSEL_TAKE_PICTURE "Take Picture" IDS_FILEN_OF_M "Currently copying picture %d of %d:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PERCENT_COMPLETE_COPYING "Picture progress: %d%% complete" IDS_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED "The wizard did not successfully complete copying your pictures because the camera or scanner has been disconnected. Make sure the device is turned on and connected to your computer." IDS_SCANSEL_COLORPHOTO "&Color picture" IDS_SCANSEL_BW "&Grayscale picture" IDS_SCANSEL_TEXT "Black and &white picture or text" IDS_SCANSEL_CUSTOM "Custo&m" IDS_COMTRANS_BAD_DIRECTORY "The directory ""%s"" does not exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?" IDS_COMTRANS_BAD_DIRECTORY_2ND_TRY """%s"" is not a valid directory.\n\nPlease select a different directory." IDS_CONNECTED_TO "Connected to:\n%s" IDS_PERCENT_COMPLETE_SCANNING "Picture progress: %d%% complete" IDS_CANCELWIZARDCONFIRM "Are you sure you want to exit the Scanner and Camera Wizard?" IDS_SCANNER_DOWNLOAD_TITLE "Scanning Picture" IDS_SCANNER_DOWNLOAD_SUBTITLE "The area you selected is being scanned to the destination you selected. To cancel, click the Stop button." IDS_ADVANCEDPROPERTIES "Properties" IDS_UNABLETOCREATE "The computer cannot detect the scanner or camera. Please make sure the device is turned on and is properly connected to the computer." IDS_TRANSFER_ERROR_OCCURRED "An unspecified error occurred while your pictures were being copied (0x%08X)." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INVALIDFILENAME_SHORT """%s"" is an invalid filename" IDS_UNABLETOROTATE "This picture cannot be rotated in the Wizard." IDS_GETTINGSTARTED "Getting Started\n%s" IDS_WAIT "Wait..." IDS_CAMERA_NO_IMAGES "There are currently no pictures on your camera." IDS_DELETINGPICTURE "Deleting Pictures" IDS_DELETING "Deleting:" IDS_DEVICE_OFFLINE "The device has been disconnected or the power is turned off." IDS_NO_DEVICE_TEXT "The computer cannot detect the scanner or camera.\n\nPlease make sure the device is turned on and is properly connected to the computer. If the computer still cannot detect the device, open Control Panel, click Scanners and Cameras, and then click Add Device." IDS_FILETYPE "%s (%s)" IDS_REPLACE_REMOVEABLE_MEDIA "%s cannot be opened.\n\nPlease insert a disk into this drive." IDS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_FILE "The file %s cannot be created." IDS_UNABLE_TO_ROTATE_FILE "The file %s cannot be rotated." IDS_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_FILE "The file %s cannot be created." IDS_TRANSFER_ERROR "The following problem occurred while copying pictures:\n\n" IDS_ITEM_WAS_DELETED "The picture you are trying to copy has been deleted from the camera." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DEVICE_BUSY "The scanner or camera is in use.\n\nPlease try again later." IDS_BLANKFILETYPENAME "%s image" IDS_MINIMALTRANSFER_NAME "Automatic Download" IDS_MINIMALTRANSFER_DESC "Automatic picture download" IDS_MINIMALTRANSFER_ICON "wiaacmgr.exe,-2" IDS_DATEFORMAT "yyyy-MM-dd" IDS_UNABLETOTRANSFER "The wizard cannot copy your pictures because the server is not responding." IDS_DISKFULL "The disk is full.\n\nPlease choose a different location or delete some files from the disk." IDS_PREVIEWSCAN_ERROR "An error occurred during preview. If the scanner is being used, please wait for it to complete the task, and then click Preview." IDS_PATH_TOO_LONG "The path you've chosen is too long. Please select a shorter destination directory or file name." IDS_MINTRANS_FOLDERPATH_CAPTION "Select a folder in which to save your pictures." IDS_MINTRANS_DOCREATE_CAPTION "Confirm folder creation" IDS_MINTRANS_DOCREATE_FOLDER "The requested folder for your pictures does not exist. Would you like to create it and continue the picture download?\n" IDS_HANDLERERR_CAPTION "Unable to Load Application" IDS_HANDLERERR "The application you selected failed to respond. Please choose another application, or Cancel." IDS_SCANSEL_SCANNINGPREVIEW "Scanning preview..." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CONFIRM_DELETE "Your pictures have been successfully transferred to your computer. Do you wish to delete them from the device? If you clicked Cancel during the transfer, please choose No." IDS_CONFIRM_DELETE_CAPTION "Camera download complete" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SCANNER_NO_IMAGES "The scanner is currently unavailable." IDS_NO_IMAGES_SELECTED "There are currently no pictures selected for copying. Please select some pictures before continuing." IDS_ERROR_SETTING_PROPS "An error occurred while setting scanner preferences. If the scanner is being used, please wait for it complete the task, and then try again." IDS_UPLOADINGPICTURE "Uploading Pictures" IDS_UPLOADING "Uploading:" IDS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLUGIN "Unable to create and run upload plugin. Please select a different destination." IDS_PERCENT_COMPLETE_UPLOADING "Uploading picture (%d%% complete):" IDS_UPLOADED_STRING "Uploaded on %s" IDS_PROGDLG_MESSAGE "Reading picture information" IDS_TRANSFER_GENERICFAILURE "The current picture could not be copied.\n\nTo copy this picture, click ""Try Again."" To skip this picture and copy the rest of the pictures, click ""Skip."" To stop copying, click ""Cancel."" " IDS_TRANSFER_DEVICEBUSY "The current picture could not be copied because the scanner or camera is in use.\n\nDo you want try to again?" IDS_FINISH_SCANNER "Completed the Scanner Wizard" IDS_FINISH_CAMERA "Completed the Camera Wizard" IDS_FINISH_VIDEO "Completed the Video Camera Wizard" IDS_SUCCESSFUL_DOWNLOAD "%d picture(s) were copied." IDS_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD "You have successfully transferred %d picture(s)." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SCANSEL_FLATBED "Flatbed" IDS_SCANSEL_ADF "Document Feeder" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CAMERA_PROGRESS_TITLE "Copying Pictures" IDS_CAMERA_PROGRESS_SUBTITLE "Please wait while the wizard copies your pictures." IDS_UPLOADTOWEBITEMNAME "Upload your pictures to the Web" IDS_ELLIPSIS "..." IDS_DATEANDTOPIC "%s, %s" IDS_SKIPPED_IMAGES "%d pictures were not saved." IDS_STOP_BUTTON "&Stop" IDS_USER_CANCELLED "The wizard did not successfully complete copying your pictures because the process was cancelled.\n" IDS_FIRST_PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS_CAMERA "To continue, click Next." IDS_FIRST_PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS_SCANNER "To continue, click Next." IDS_FIRST_PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS_VIDEO "To continue, click Next." IDS_VIDEO_NO_IMAGES "There are currently no pictures on your camera." IDS_DUPLICATE_FILE_WARNING "This picture already exists in this location. Would you like to save a copy?" IDS_TRANSFER_GENERICFAILURE_NO_CONTINUE "The current picture could not be copied. To copy this picture, click ""Try Again."" To stop copying, click ""Cancel."" " IDS_VIDEOPREVIEWUNAVAILABLE "Creation of the video preview failed.\nPlease check the device\nconnection and make sure\nthat the device is not being used\nby another application or user." IDS_PREVIEWOUTOFPAPER "There is no paper in the document feeder." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT "The target device is write protected" IDS_TRANSFER_PAPEREMPTY "There is no paper in the document feeder." IDS_COMMON_UPLOAD_TITLE "Other Options" IDS_COMMON_UPLOAD_SUBTITLE "You can choose to keep working with your pictures." IDS_CONFIRM_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD "You are currently copying pictures to the chosen location. Do you want to stop copying them?\n\nAny pictures you have already copied will be deleted from the destination." IDS_CONFIRM_CANCEL_UPLOAD "You are currently copying pictures to the Web. Do you want to stop copying them now?\n\nAny files you have already uploaded will not be removed from the upload destination." IDS_CONFIRM_SAVE_DOWNLOADED "Do you want to save the pictures that have already been copied?" IDS_SCANSEL_INITIALIZING_SCANNER "Waiting on scanner..." IDS_CONFIRM_CANCEL_DELETE "You are currently deleting pictures from your device. Do you want to stop deleting them?" IDS_COMMON_DELETE_TITLE "Deleting Pictures" IDS_COMMON_DELETE_SUBTITLE "Please wait while the wizard deletes the pictures from your device." IDS_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE "The Scanner and Camera Wizard cannot be used with this device." IDS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED "You do not have permission to copy pictures to this folder. Please choose a different location." IDS_SCROLLFED_SELECT_SUBTITLE "Press Next to scan picture" IDS_SCROLLFED_SELECT_TITLE "Scanner Properties" IDS_ENUMERATIONCOUNT "Found %d picture(s)" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CONFIRMDELETE "Are you sure you want to delete these items?" IDS_SOUNDS_APPLICATION_NAME "Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_SOUNDS_CONNECT_SOUND "Utopia Exclamation.wav" IDS_SOUNDS_DISCONNECT_SOUND "chord.wav" IDS_SOUNDS_CONNECT_LABEL "Device Connect" IDS_SOUNDS_DISCONNECT_LABEL "Device Disconnect" IDS_DUPLICATE_FILENAME_MASK "-%d" IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_UPLOAD_WIZARD "Unable to upload picture(s)." IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_ROTATE_RIGHT "Rotate clockwise (Ctrl+R)" IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_ROTATE_LEFT "Rotate counterclockwise (Ctrl+L)" IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_PROPERTIES "Properties (Alt+Enter)" IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_TAKE_PICTURE "Take a picture (Ctrl+T)" IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_CLEAR_ALL "Clear all (Ctrl+N)" IDS_CAMSEL_TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL "Select all (Ctrl+A)" IDS_SCANSEL_SHOW_SELECTION "Enlarges the selection to fill the preview pane." IDS_SCANSEL_SHOW_BED "Shows the entire image." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_VIDEO_SELECT_TITLE "Take and Select Pictures to Copy" IDS_VIDEO_SELECT_SUBTITLE "To take a picture, click Take Picture. Pictures with check marks will be copied. To rotate a picture, click it, and then click the appropriate button." IDS_SCANNER_SELECT_SUBTITLE_NO_PREVIEW "Select the type of picture you want to scan, or create custom settings." IDS_SCANNER_PROGRESS_TITLE "Scanning Picture" IDS_SCANNER_PROGRESS_SUBTITLE "Please wait while the wizard scans your picture." IDS_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS "%d%% complete" IDS_OVERALL_UPLOAD_PROGRESS "Overall progress: %d%% complete" IDS_DELETING_FILEN_OF_M "Currently deleting picture %d of %d:" IDS_FINISH_SHOW_ME_MY_PICTURES "Show me my pictures" IDS_FINISH_IN_A_FOLDER " - in %s" IDS_FINISH_ON_A_SITE " - on %s" IDS_FINISH_SUCCESS_TITLE "Completing the Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_FINISH_FAILURE_TITLE "Cannot Complete the Scanner and Camera Wizard" IDS_PROPERTY_SHEET_ERROR "Unable to display properties." IDS_FINISH_ERROR_MESSAGE "The wizard did not successfully complete copying your pictures because an error occurred.\n\nSee detailed error information." IDS_UNABLE_TO_PUBLISH "An error occurred while trying to publish to the Web." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_UPLOAD_ERROR "The following problem occurred while publishing your pictures to the Web:\n\n" IDS_FINISH_UPLOAD_FAILED "Your pictures were not copied to the Web because the connection to the Internet was lost or the Web site is unavailable.\n" IDS_FINISH_UPLOAD_CANCELLED "Your pictures were not successfully copied to the Web because the process was cancelled.\n" IDS_FINISH_UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED "Your pictures were also successfully copied to the Web." IDS_FINISH_PROMPT_FAILURE "To close the wizard, click Finish." IDS_TAKING_PICTURE "Please wait while the camera takes a picture..." IDS_TRANSFER_SCANNEDITEMMAYBETOOLARGE "There is not enough storage available to scan this picture at the selected resolution.\n\nTry reducing the scanner resolution or the area to be scanned." IDS_UNABLE_TO_TAKE_PICTURE "Unable to take picture." IDS_SELECTED_NO_IMAGES_SELECTED "There are no pictures selected." IDS_SELECTED_NO_PICTURES "There are currently no pictures available." IDS_FINISH_LOCAL_LINK_PROMPT "To see your pictures on your computer or network, click the location below:" IDS_FINISH_REMOTE_LINK_PROMPT "To see your pictures on the Web site, click the location below:" IDS_DELETION_FAILED "Note: Not all pictures were deleted from your device." IDS_FINISH_PROMPT_SUCCESS "To close this wizard and see your pictures, click Finish." IDS_STI_EVENT_ERROR_TITLE "Windows Image Acquisition Service Error" IDS_STI_EVENT_ERROR_WITH_EXPLANATION "The following error occurred while attempting to launch ""%s"":\n\n%s" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // 1 TYPELIB "wiaacmgr.tlb" #include "errors.h" #include "errors.rc" #include "wiaacmgr.rcv" #include "mboxex.rc" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED