#include #include #include "debug.h" #include "idlist.h" #include "common.h" #ifdef DEBUG // Dugging aids for making sure we dont use free pidls #define VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl) Assert((pidl)->mkid.cb != 0xC5C5) #else #define VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl) #endif // BUGBUG: should call shell alocator #define SHAlloc(cb) (void *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb) #define SHFree(p) LocalFree((HLOCAL)p) #define SHGetSize(p) LocalSize((HLOCAL)p) #define SHRealloc(p, cb) (void *)LocalReAlloc((HLOCAL)p, cb, LMEM_MOVEABLE | LMEM_ZEROINIT) LPITEMIDLIST ILGetNext(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { if (pidl && pidl->mkid.cb) { VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl); return _ILNext(pidl); } return NULL; } UINT ILGetSize(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { UINT cbTotal = 0; if (pidl) { VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl); cbTotal += sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb); // Null terminator while (pidl->mkid.cb) { cbTotal += pidl->mkid.cb; pidl = _ILNext(pidl); } } return cbTotal; } #define CBIDL_MIN 256 #define CBIDL_INCL 256 LPITEMIDLIST _ILCreate(UINT cbSize) { return (LPITEMIDLIST)SHAlloc(cbSize); } LPITEMIDLIST ILCreate() { return (LPITEMIDLIST)SHAlloc(CBIDL_MIN); } /* ** _ILResize * * PARAMETERS: * cbExtra is the amount to add to cbRequired if the block needs to grow, * or it is 0 if we want to resize to the exact size * * DESCRIPTION: * * RETURNS: * */ LPITEMIDLIST _ILResize(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT cbRequired, UINT cbExtra) { if (pidl==NULL) { pidl = _ILCreate(cbRequired+cbExtra); } else if (!cbExtra || SHGetSize(pidl) < cbRequired) { pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST)SHRealloc(pidl, cbRequired+cbExtra); } return pidl; } LPITEMIDLIST ILFindLastID(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast = pidl; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNext = pidl; VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl); if (pidl == NULL) return NULL; // Find the last one while (pidlNext->mkid.cb) { pidlLast = pidlNext; pidlNext = _ILNext(pidlLast); } return (LPITEMIDLIST)pidlLast; } BOOL ILRemoveLastID(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { BOOL fRemoved = FALSE; if (pidl == NULL) return(FALSE); if (pidl->mkid.cb) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlLast = (LPITEMIDLIST)ILFindLastID(pidl); Assert(pidlLast->mkid.cb); Assert(_ILNext(pidlLast)->mkid.cb==0); // Remove the last one pidlLast->mkid.cb = 0; // null-terminator fRemoved = TRUE; } return fRemoved; } LPITEMIDLIST ILClone(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { UINT cb = ILGetSize(pidl); LPITEMIDLIST pidlRet = (LPITEMIDLIST)SHAlloc(cb); if (pidlRet) { // Notes: no need to zero-init. CopyMemory(pidlRet, pidl, cb); } return pidlRet; } LPITEMIDLIST ILCloneFirst(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { UINT cb = pidl->mkid.cb+sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb); LPITEMIDLIST pidlRet = (LPITEMIDLIST)SHAlloc(cb); if (pidlRet) { // Notes: no need to zero-init. CopyMemory(pidlRet, pidl, pidl->mkid.cb); _ILNext(pidlRet)->mkid.cb = 0; } return pidlRet; } BOOL ILIsEqual(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { IShellFolder *psfDesktop; if (FAILED(SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop))) return FALSE; VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl1); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl2); return psfDesktop->lpVtbl->CompareIDs(psfDesktop, 0, pidl1, pidl2) == 0; } // test if // pidl1 is a parent of pidl2 BOOL ILIsParent(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2, BOOL fImmediate) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl2Prefix; UINT cb; LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1T; LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2T; VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl1); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl2); if (!pidl1 || !pidl2) return FALSE; for (pidl1T = pidl1, pidl2T = pidl2; !ILIsEmpty(pidl1T); pidl1T = _ILNext(pidl1T), pidl2T = _ILNext(pidl2T)) { // if pidl2 is shorter than pidl1, pidl1 can't be its parent. if (ILIsEmpty(pidl2T)) return FALSE; } if (fImmediate) { // If fImmediate is TRUE, pidl2T should contain exactly one ID. if (ILIsEmpty(pidl2T) || !ILIsEmpty(_ILNext(pidl2T))) return FALSE; } // // Create a new IDList from a portion of pidl2, which contains the // same number of IDs as pidl1. // cb = (UINT)pidl2T - (UINT)pidl2; pidl2Prefix = _ILCreate(cb + sizeof(pidl2->mkid.cb)); if (pidl2Prefix) { BOOL fRet; CopyMemory(pidl2Prefix, pidl2, cb); Assert(ILGetSize(pidl2Prefix) == cb + sizeof(pidl2->mkid.cb)); fRet = ILIsEqual(pidl1, pidl2Prefix); ILFree(pidl2Prefix); return fRet; } return FALSE; } // this returns a pointer to the child id ie: // given pidlParent = \chicago\desktop // pidlChild = \chicago\desktop\foo\bar // the return will point to the ID that represents \foo\bar // NULL is returned if pidlParent is not a parent of pidlChild LPITEMIDLIST ILFindChild(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlParent, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlChild) { if (ILIsParent(pidlParent, pidlChild, FALSE)) { while (!ILIsEmpty(pidlParent)) { pidlChild = _ILNext(pidlChild); pidlParent = _ILNext(pidlParent); } return (LPITEMIDLIST)pidlChild; } return NULL; } LPITEMIDLIST ILCombine(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew; UINT cb1 = ILGetSize(pidl1) - sizeof(pidl1->mkid.cb); UINT cb2 = ILGetSize(pidl2); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl1); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl2); pidlNew = _ILCreate(cb1 + cb2); if (pidlNew) { CopyMemory(pidlNew, pidl1, cb1); CopyMemory(((LPSTR)pidlNew) + cb1, pidl2, cb2); Assert(ILGetSize(pidlNew) == cb1+cb2); } return pidlNew; } void ILFree(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { if (pidl) { #ifdef DEBUG UINT cbSize = SHGetSize(pidl); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl); // Fill the memory with some bad value... _memset(pidl, 0xE5, cbSize); // If large enough try to save the call return address of who // freed us in the 3-6 byte of the structure. if (cbSize >= 6) *((UINT*)((LPSTR)pidl + 2)) = *(((UINT*)&pidl) - 1); #endif SHFree(pidl); } } LPITEMIDLIST ILCreateFromPath(LPCSTR pszPath) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; IShellFolder *psfDesktop; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop))) { ULONG cchEaten; WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; StrToOleStrN(wszPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath), pszPath, -1); psfDesktop->lpVtbl->ParseDisplayName(psfDesktop, NULL, NULL, wszPath, &cchEaten, &pidl, NULL); } return pidl; } //=========================================================================== // IDLIST: Stream access // BUGBUG: check bytes read on Read calls? //=========================================================================== HRESULT ILLoadFromStream(LPSTREAM pstm, LPITEMIDLIST * ppidl) { HRESULT hres; ULONG cb; Assert(ppidl); // Delete the old one if any. if (*ppidl) { ILFree(*ppidl); *ppidl = NULL; } // Read the size of the IDLIST cb = 0; // WARNING: We need to fill its HIWORD! hres = pstm->lpVtbl->Read(pstm, &cb, sizeof(USHORT), NULL); // Yes, USHORT if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && cb) { // Create a IDLIST LPITEMIDLIST pidl = _ILCreate(cb); if (pidl) { // Read its contents hres = pstm->lpVtbl->Read(pstm, pidl, cb, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { *ppidl = pidl; } else { ILFree(pidl); } } else { hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return hres; } // BUGBUG: check bytes written on Write calls? HRESULT ILSaveToStream(LPSTREAM pstm, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { HRESULT hres; ULONG cb = ILGetSize(pidl); Assert(HIWORD(cb) == 0); hres = pstm->lpVtbl->Write(pstm, &cb, sizeof(USHORT), NULL); // Yes, USHORT if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && cb) { if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = pstm->lpVtbl->Write(pstm, pidl, cb, NULL); } } return hres; } #ifdef _HIDA //=========================================================================== // IDLARRAY stuff //=========================================================================== #define HIDA_GetPIDLFolder(pida) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[0]) #define HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida, i) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[i+1]) HIDA HIDA_Create(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder, UINT cidl, LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl) { HIDA hida; UINT i; UINT offset = sizeof(CIDA) + sizeof(UINT)*cidl; UINT cbTotal = offset + ILGetSize(pidlFolder); for (i=0; icidl = cidl; for (i=0, pidlNext=pidlFolder; ; pidlNext=apidl[i++]) { UINT cbSize = ILGetSize(pidlNext); pida->aoffset[i] = offset; CopyMemory(((LPBYTE)pida)+offset, pidlNext, cbSize); offset += cbSize; Assert(ILGetSize(HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida,i-1)) == cbSize); if (i==cidl) break; } Assert(offset == cbTotal); } return hida; } HIDA HIDA_Create2(LPVOID pida, UINT cb) { HIDA hida = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cb); if (hida) { CopyMemory((LPIDA)hida, pida, cb); // no need to lock } return hida; } HIDA HIDA_Clone(HIDA hida) { UINT cbTotal = GlobalSize(hida); HIDA hidaCopy = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbTotal); if (hidaCopy) { LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(hida); CopyMemory((LPIDA)hidaCopy, pida, cbTotal); // no need to lock GlobalUnlock(hida); } return hidaCopy; } UINT HIDA_GetCount(HIDA hida) { UINT count = 0; LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(hida); if (pida) { count = pida->cidl; GlobalUnlock(hida); } return count; } UINT HIDA_GetIDList(HIDA hida, UINT i, LPITEMIDLIST pidlOut, UINT cbMax) { LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(hida); if (pida) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = HIDA_GetPIDLFolder(pida); LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem = HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida, i); UINT cbFolder = ILGetSize(pidlFolder)-sizeof(USHORT); UINT cbItem = ILGetSize(pidlItem); if (cbMax < cbFolder+cbItem) { if (pidlOut) { pidlOut->mkid.cb = 0; } } else { CopyMemory(pidlOut, pidlFolder, cbFolder); CopyMemory(((LPBYTE)pidlOut)+cbFolder, pidlItem, cbItem); } GlobalUnlock(hida); return (cbFolder+cbItem); } return 0; } // // This one reallocated pidl if necessary. NULL is valid to pass in as pidl. // LPITEMIDLIST HIDA_FillIDList(HIDA hida, UINT i, LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { UINT cbRequired = HIDA_GetIDList(hida, i, NULL, 0); pidl = _ILResize(pidl, cbRequired, 32); // extra 32-byte if we realloc if (pidl) { HIDA_GetIDList(hida, i, pidl, cbRequired); } return pidl; } LPCITEMIDLIST IDA_GetIDListPtr(LPIDA pida, UINT i) { if (i == (UINT)-1 || i < pida->cidl) { return HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida, i); } return NULL; } LPITEMIDLIST IDA_ILClone(LPIDA pida, UINT i) { if (i < pida->cidl) return ILCombine(HIDA_GetPIDLFolder(pida), HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida, i)); return NULL; } LPITEMIDLIST HIDA_ILClone(HIDA hida, UINT i) { LPIDA pida = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(hida); if (pida) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = IDA_ILClone(pida, i); GlobalUnlock(hida); return pidl; } return NULL; } void HIDA_ReleaseStgMedium(LPIDA pida, STGMEDIUM *pmedium) { if (pmedium->hGlobal && (pmedium->tymed==TYMED_HGLOBAL)) { #ifdef DEBUG if (pida) { LPIDA pidaT = (LPIDA)GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal); Assert(pidaT == pida); GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } #endif GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } else { Assert(0); } SHReleaseStgMedium(pmedium); } #endif // _HIDA BOOL StrRetToStrN(LPSTR szOut, UINT uszOut, LPSTRRET pStrRet, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { switch (pStrRet->uType) { case STRRET_WSTR: OleStrToStrN(szOut, uszOut, pStrRet->pOleStr, -1); SHFree(pStrRet->pOleStr); break; case STRRET_CSTR: lstrcpyn(szOut, pStrRet->cStr, uszOut); break; case STRRET_OFFSET: if (pidl) { lstrcpyn(szOut, ((LPCSTR)&pidl->mkid)+pStrRet->uOffset, uszOut); break; } // Fall through default: if (uszOut) *szOut = '\0'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #if 0 // // This is a helper function to be called from within IShellFolder::CompareIDs. // When the first IDs of pidl1 and pidl2 are the (logically) same. // // Required: // psf && pidl1 && pidl2 && !ILEmpty(pidl1) && !ILEmpty(pidl2) // HRESULT ILCompareRelIDs(IShellFolder *psfParent, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { HRESULT hres; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRel1 = _ILNext(pidl1); LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRel2 = _ILNext(pidl2); if (ILIsEmpty(pidlRel1)) { if (ILIsEmpty(pidlRel2)) { hres = 0; } else { hres = (HRESULT)-1; } } else { if (ILIsEmpty(pidlRel2)) { hres = 1; } else { // // Neither pidlRel1 nor pidlRel2 is empty. // (1) Bind to the next level of the IShellFolder // (2) Call its CompareIDs to let it compare the rest of IDs. // // Notes: We should create pidlNext not from pidl2 but from pidl1 // because fstreex.c may pass simple pidl2. // LPITEMIDLIST pidlNext = ILClone(pidl1); if (pidlNext) { IShellFolder *psfNext; _ILNext(pidlNext)->mkid.cb = 0; hres = psfParent->lpVtbl->BindToObject(psfParent, pidlNext, NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, &psfNext); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = psfNext->lpVtbl->CompareIDs(psfNext, 0, pidlRel1, pidlRel2); psfNext->lpVtbl->Release(psfNext); } ILFree(pidlNext); } else { hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } return hres; } void StrRetFormat(LPSTRRET pStrRet, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRel, LPCSTR pszTemplate, LPCSTR pszAppend) { LPSTR pszRet; char szT[MAX_PATH]; StrRetToStrN(szT, sizeof(szT), pStrRet, pidlRel); pszRet = ShellConstructMessageString(HINST_THISDLL, pszTemplate, pszAppend, szT); if (pszRet) { pStrRet->uType = STRRET_CSTR; lstrcpyn(pStrRet->cStr, pszRet, sizeof(pStrRet->cStr)); Free(pszRet); } } // // Notes: This one passes SHGDN_FORMARSING to ISF::GetDisplayNameOf. // HRESULT ILGetRelDisplayName(IShellFolder *psf, LPSTRRET pStrRet, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRel, LPCSTR pszName, LPCSTR pszTemplate) { HRESULT hres; LPITEMIDLIST pidlLeft = ILCloneFirst(pidlRel); if (pidlLeft) { IShellFolder *psfNext; hres = psf->lpVtbl->BindToObject(psf, pidlLeft, NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, &psfNext); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRight = _ILNext(pidlRel); hres = psfNext->lpVtbl->GetDisplayNameOf(psfNext, pidlRight, SHGDN_INFOLDER|SHGDN_FORPARSING, pStrRet); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { if (pszTemplate) { StrRetFormat(pStrRet, pidlRight, pszTemplate, pszName); } else { hres = StrRetCatLeft(pszName, pStrRet, pidlRight); } } psfNext->lpVtbl->Release(psfNext); } ILFree(pidlLeft); } else { hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hres; } LPITEMIDLIST ILAppendID(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCSHITEMID pmkid, BOOL fAppend) { UINT cbUsed, cbRequired; // Create the ID list, if it is not given. if (!pidl) { pidl = ILCreate(); if (!pidl) return NULL; // memory overflow } cbUsed = ILGetSize(pidl); cbRequired = cbUsed + pmkid->cb; pidl = _ILResize(pidl, cbRequired, CBIDL_INCL); if (!pidl) return NULL; // memory overflow if (fAppend) { // Append it. CopyMemory(_ILSkip(pidl, cbUsed-sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb)), pmkid, pmkid->cb); } else { // Put it at the top MoveMemory(_ILSkip(pidl, pmkid->cb), pidl, cbUsed); CopyMemory(pidl, pmkid, pmkid->cb); Assert(ILGetSize(_ILNext(pidl))==cbUsed); } // We must put zero-terminator because of LMEM_ZEROINIT. _ILSkip(pidl, cbRequired-sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb))->mkid.cb = 0; Assert(ILGetSize(pidl) == cbRequired); return pidl; } BOOL ILGetDisplayName(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPSTR pszPath) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; // assume error STRRET srName; IShellFolder *psfDesktop; SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop); VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl); if (SUCCEEDED(psfDesktop->lpVtbl->GetDisplayNameOf(psfDesktop, pidl, SHGDN_FORPARSING, &srName))) { StrRetToStrN(pszPath, MAX_PATH, &srName, pidl); fSuccess = TRUE; } return fSuccess; } #endif // not used