//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include #include "..\common\resource.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // REGINST // REGINST REGINST DISCARDABLE "selfreg.inf" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AVI // IDR_AVI_TRAFFIC AVI MOVEABLE PURE "traffic.avi" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_PROPPAGE_VOLQUOTA DIALOGEX 0, 0, 227, 215 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP CAPTION "Quota" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN CONTROL "Animate1",IDC_TRAFFIC_LIGHT,"SysAnimate32",ACS_CENTER | ACS_TRANSPARENT,4,5,24,24 LTEXT "Status:",IDC_TXT_QUOTA_STATUS_LABEL,34,13,24,8 LTEXT "",IDC_TXT_QUOTA_STATUS,60,13,160,8 CONTROL "&Enable quota management",IDC_CBX_ENABLE_QUOTA,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,21,35,199,10 CONTROL "&Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit", IDC_CBX_DENY_LIMIT,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 21,49,199,10 LTEXT "Select the default quota limit for new users on this volume:", IDC_TXT_DEFAULTS,21,67,199,10 CONTROL "D&o not limit disk usage",IDC_RBN_DEF_NOLIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,29,83,181,8 CONTROL "&Limit disk space to",IDC_RBN_DEF_LIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,29,97,74,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_DEF_LIMIT,105,95,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_DEF_LIMIT,154,95,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Set warning level to",IDC_TXT_WARN_LEVEL,37,113,65,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_DEF_THRESHOLD,105,111,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_DEF_THRESHOLD,154,111,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Select the quota logging options for this volume:", IDC_TXT_LOGGING,21,133,199,10 CONTROL "Lo&g event when a user exceeds their quota limit", IDC_CBX_LOG_OVERLIMIT,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,28,149,192,10 CONTROL "Log e&vent when a user exceeds their warning level", IDC_CBX_LOG_OVERWARNING,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,28,163,192,10 PUSHBUTTON "&Quota Entries...",IDC_BTN_DETAILS,154,194,66,14 END IDD_PROPPAGE_USERQUOTA DIALOGEX 0, 0, 212, 188 STYLE DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "General" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON IDI_SINGLE_USER,IDC_ICON_USER,9,7,20,20 LTEXT "User:",IDC_STATIC2,39,14,18,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_USERNAME,61,15,144,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY | NOT WS_BORDER,WS_EX_TRANSPARENT LTEXT "Quota used:",IDC_LBL_SPACEUSED,14,41,60,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "999 XB ( 99% )",IDC_TXT_SPACEUSED,79,41,75,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Quota remaining:",IDC_LBL_SPACEREMAINING,14,53,60,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "999 XB",IDC_TXT_SPACEREMAINING,79,53,75,8,NOT WS_GROUP ICON 124,IDC_ICON_USERSTATUS,164,39,20,20 CONTROL "D&o not limit disk usage",IDC_RBN_USER_NOLIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,14,73,83,8 CONTROL "&Limit disk space to",IDC_RBN_USER_LIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,14,87,74,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_USER_LIMIT,94,84,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_USER_LIMIT,144,84,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Set warning level to",IDC_TXT_WARN_LEVEL,26,103,65,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_USER_THRESHOLD,94,100,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_USER_THRESHOLD,144,100,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP END IDD_FINDUSER DIALOGEX 0, 0, 208, 58 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Find Quota Entry" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN LTEXT "Logon &Name:",IDC_TXT_FINDUSER,7,8,47,10,0,WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_FINDUSER,61,7,139,46,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,96,37,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,150,37,50,14 END IDD_PROGRESS DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 200, 71 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SETFOREGROUND | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Disk Quota" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,143,50,50,14 CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_PROGRESS_BAR,"msctls_progress32", WS_BORDER,7,19,186,10 LTEXT "Description goes here.",IDC_TXT_PROGRESS_DESCRIPTION,7, 7,186,8 CTEXT "File Name",IDC_TXT_PROGRESS_FILENAME,7,33,186,8 END IDD_YNTOALL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 268, 85 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SETFOREGROUND | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Dialog" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Your \ntext \ngoes here.",IDC_TXT_YNTOALL,39,11,219,26 CONTROL "Do this for &all quota entries.",IDC_CBX_YNTOALL,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,39,46,213,10 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Yes",IDYES,103,64,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&No",IDNO,157,64,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,211,64,50,14 ICON 32514,IDC_STATIC,7,7,20,20 END IDD_PROPPAGE_POLICY DIALOGEX 0, 0, 227, 215 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Policy" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN ICON IDI_QUOTA,IDC_STATIC,8,10,20,20 LTEXT "Disk Quota",IDC_STATIC,35,16,163,8 GROUPBOX "",IDC_GRP_ACTIONS,7,38,213,95 CONTROL "&Enable quota management:",IDC_CBX_ENABLE_QUOTA,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,22,38,101,10 CONTROL "&Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit", IDC_CBX_DENY_LIMIT,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 22,52,192,10 GROUPBOX "Default settings for new users:",IDC_GRP_DEFAULTS,15,66, 199,60 CONTROL "D&o not limit disk usage",IDC_RBN_DEF_NOLIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,23,80,181,8 CONTROL "&Limit disk space to",IDC_RBN_DEF_LIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,23,94,74,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_DEF_LIMIT,99,92,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_DEF_LIMIT,148,92,31,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Set warning level to",IDC_TXT_WARN_LEVEL,31,110,65,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_DEF_THRESHOLD,99,108,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_DEF_THRESHOLD,148,108,31,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP GROUPBOX "Apply settings to:",IDC_STATIC,7,141,213,45 CONTROL "&Fixed NTFS volumes only.",IDC_RBN_POLICY_FIXED,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,15,155,199,10 CONTROL "&All NTFS volumes, including removable media.", IDC_RBN_POLICY_REMOVABLE,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,15, 169,199,10 END IDD_OWNERSANDFILES DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 307, 286 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Disk Quota" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Locating files owned by the selected users. Please wait.", IDC_TXT_OWNERDLG_HEADER,36,7,264,24 LTEXT "&List files owned by:",IDC_STATIC,9,38,61,8 COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_OWNERDLG_OWNERS,72,36,228,30,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "List1",IDC_LV_OWNERDLG,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,54,293,101 CONTROL "Sh&ow folders only",IDC_CBX_OWNERDLG_EXCLUDEFILES, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,160,293,10 CONTROL "Sho&w files only",IDC_CBX_OWNERDLG_EXCLUDEDIRS,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,174,293,10 GROUPBOX "Select an option for the selected files: ",IDC_STATIC,7, 190,293,69 LTEXT "Permanently delete files.",IDC_STATIC,15,204,150,8 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete",IDC_BTN_OWNERDLG_DELETE,228,201,65,14, WS_DISABLED LTEXT "Take ownership of files.",IDC_STATIC,15,222,150,8 PUSHBUTTON "&Take Ownership",IDC_BTN_OWNERDLG_TAKE,228,219,65,14, WS_DISABLED LTEXT "Move &files to:",IDC_STATIC,15,240,46,8 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_OWNERDLG_MOVETO,63,237,102,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL PUSHBUTTON "&Move",IDC_BTN_OWNERDLG_MOVETO,228,237,65,14, WS_DISABLED PUSHBUTTON "&Browse...",IDC_BTN_OWNERDLG_BROWSE,170,237,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Close",IDCANCEL,250,265,50,14 ICON IDI_QUOTA,IDC_STATIC,7,7,21,20 END IDD_ADDUSER DIALOGEX 0, 0, 212, 128 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Add New Quota Entry" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON IDI_SINGLE_USER,IDC_ICON_USER,7,7,20,20 LTEXT "User:",IDC_STATIC2,36,14,21,10 LTEXT "Static",IDC_TXT_USERNAME,57,14,148,10 LTEXT "Set the quota limit for the selected user(s):", IDC_TXT_DEFAULTS,14,32,191,10 CONTROL "D&o not limit disk usage",IDC_RBN_USER_NOLIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,21,50,111,10 CONTROL "&Limit disk space to",IDC_RBN_USER_LIMIT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP,21,64,74,10 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_USER_LIMIT,101,64,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_USER_LIMIT,151,64,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Set warning level to",IDC_TXT_WARN_LEVEL,33,81,66,10 EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_USER_THRESHOLD,101,80,45,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL, WS_EX_RIGHT COMBOBOX IDC_CMB_USER_THRESHOLD,151,80,45,60,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,100,107,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,155,107,50,14 END #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include \r\n" "#include ""..\\common\\resource.h""\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""dskquoui.rcv""\r\n" "#include ""..\\common\\common.rc""\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_PROPPAGE_VOLQUOTA, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 4 RIGHTMARGIN, 220 VERTGUIDE, 14 VERTGUIDE, 21 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 208 END IDD_PROPPAGE_USERQUOTA, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 205 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 181 END IDD_FINDUSER, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 200 VERTGUIDE, 104 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 51 END IDD_PROGRESS, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 193 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 64 END IDD_YNTOALL, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 261 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 78 END IDD_PROPPAGE_POLICY, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 220 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 208 END IDD_OWNERSANDFILES, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 300 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 279 END IDD_ADDUSER, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 205 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 121 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // IDM_LISTVIEW_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&Quota" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New Quota Entry...", IDM_QUOTA_NEW MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Import...", IDM_QUOTA_IMPORT MENUITEM "&Export...", IDM_QUOTA_EXPORT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Delete Quota Entry...", IDM_QUOTA_DELETE MENUITEM "P&roperties", IDM_QUOTA_PROPERTIES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Close", IDM_QUOTA_CLOSE END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", IDM_EDIT_UNDO, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", IDM_EDIT_COPY MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Find...\tCtrl+F", IDM_EDIT_FIND MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", IDM_EDIT_SELECTALL MENUITEM "&Invert Selection", IDM_EDIT_INVERTSELECTION END POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Toolbar", IDM_VIEW_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "Status &Bar", IDM_VIEW_STATUSBAR MENUITEM "Containing &Folder", IDM_VIEW_SHOWFOLDER MENUITEM SEPARATOR POPUP "&Arrange Items" BEGIN MENUITEM "by &Folder", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYFOLDER MENUITEM "by User &Name", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYNAME MENUITEM "by &Logon Name", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYLOGONNAME MENUITEM "by &Status", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYSTATUS MENUITEM "by &Amount Used", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYUSED MENUITEM "by &Quota Limit", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYLIMIT MENUITEM "by &Warning Level", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYTHRESHOLD MENUITEM "by &Percent Used", IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYPERCENT END MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Refresh", IDM_VIEW_REFRESH END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Help Topics", IDM_HELP_TOPICS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Windows", IDM_HELP_ABOUT END END IDM_CONTEXT_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Delete", IDM_QUOTA_DELETE MENUITEM "&Export", IDM_QUOTA_EXPORT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", IDM_QUOTA_PROPERTIES END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_QUOTA ICON DISCARDABLE "quota.ico" IDI_MULTI_USER ICON DISCARDABLE "muser.ico" IDI_SINGLE_USER ICON DISCARDABLE "user.ico" IDI_OKBUBBLE ICON DISCARDABLE "okbubble.ico" IDI_WARNERR ICON DISCARDABLE "warnerr.ico" IDI_QUOTA_OPEN ICON DISCARDABLE "quota_op.ico" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Accelerator // IDR_KBDACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", IDM_EDIT_SELECTALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "C", IDM_EDIT_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "D", IDM_EDIT_FIND_LIST, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", IDM_EDIT_FIND, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_DELETE, IDM_QUOTA_DELETE, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F1, IDM_HELP_TOPICS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F11, IDM_CLEAR_CACHE, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_F12, IDM_DEBUG_DUMP, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_F5, IDM_VIEW_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, IDM_QUOTA_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "Z", IDM_EDIT_UNDO, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDM_QUOTA_NEW "Adds a new quota entry." IDM_QUOTA_EDIT "Deletes the selected quota entries." IDM_VIEW_TOOLBAR "Shows or hides the toolbar." IDM_VIEW_STATUSBAR "Shows or hides the status bar." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYNAME "Arranges items by user's name." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYUSED "Arranges items by amount of quota used." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYLIMIT "Arranges items by maximum quota limit." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYTHRESHOLD "Arranges items by quota warning level." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYPERCENT "Arranges items by percentage of quota limit used." IDM_VIEW_REFRESH "Refreshes item information." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDM_QUOTA_PROPERTIES "Displays the properties of the selected quota entries." IDM_QUOTA_CLOSE "Closes the window." IDM_HELP_TOPICS "Opens help." IDM_EDIT_SELECTALL "Selects all quota entries." IDM_EDIT_INVERTSELECTION "Reverses which quota entries are selected and which are not." IDM_VIEW_SHOWFOLDER "Shows or hides the Folder column." IDM_QUOTA_DELETE "Removes entry from the volume's quota information." IDM_HELP_ABOUTNT "Displays program information, version number and copyright." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WINDOWS "Windows" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TOOLBAR_COMBO "Find quota entry (Ctrl+D)" IDS_PROGRESS_IMPORTING "Importing quota settings." IDS_PROGRESS_DELETING "Deleting quota settings." IDS_STATUS_OK "OK" IDS_STATUS_WARNING "Warning" IDS_STATUS_OVERLIMIT "Above Limit" IDS_STATUS_UNKNOWN "State of quota system is unknown" IDS_STATUS_DISABLED "Disk quotas are disabled" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYFOLDER "Arranges items by folder." IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYSTATUS "Arranges items by quota status." IDM_EDIT_UNDO "Reverses the previous modification or deletion." IDM_EDIT_COPY "Copies selected items to clipboard." IDM_EDIT_FIND "Finds a quota entry in the list." IDM_QUOTA_IMPORT "Imports quota settings." IDM_QUOTA_EXPORT "Exports quota settings for selected entries." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STATUS_ACTIVE "Disk quota system is active" IDS_STATUS_REBUILDING "Rebuilding disk quota information" IDS_TITLE_DISK_QUOTA "Disk Quota" IDS_TITLE_COL_FOLDER "In Folder" IDS_TITLE_COL_USERNAME "Name" IDS_TITLE_COL_STATUS "Status" IDS_TITLE_COL_AMTUSED "Amount Used" IDS_TITLE_COL_PCTUSED "Percent Used" IDS_TITLE_COL_LIMIT "Quota Limit" IDS_TITLE_COL_THRESHOLD "Warning Level" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_FOLDER "In Folder" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_USERNAME "Name" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_STATUS "Status" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_AMTUSED "Amount Used (MB)" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_LIMIT "Quota Limit (MB)" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_REPORT_HEADER_THRESHOLD "Warning Level (MB)" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_PCTUSED "Percent Used" IDS_QUOTA_USED_SINGLEUSER "%1 ( %2!d!%% )" IDS_TITLE_MULTIUSER "Number of entries selected: %1!d!" IDS_TITLE_EDIT_USER "Quota Settings for %1" IDS_TITLE_ADD_USER "Quota Settings for New Entry" IDS_NOADD_EXISTING_USER "Quota information cannot be added. There is already a quota entry for this user." IDS_NOADD_UNKNOWN_USER "Quota information cannot be added. The user is unknown." IDS_STATUSBAR_ITEMCOUNT "%1!d! total item(s), %2!d! selected." IDS_STATUSBAR_ITEMCOUNT_STALE "%1!d! total item(s), %2!d! selected. Quotas are disabled. Information might be incorrect." IDS_TITLE_MAINWINDOW "Quota Entries for %1" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_UNAVAILABLE "[Account Information Unavailable]" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_UNRESOLVED "[Retrieving Name]" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN "[Account Unknown]" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_INVALID "[Account Invalid]" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_DELETED "[Account Deleted]" IDS_NOT_APPLICABLE "N/A" IDS_DISABLE_QUOTA_WARNING "You should disable the quota system only if you do not intend to use quotas on this disk volume. When you reenable the quota system, the volume will be rescanned to update disk usage statistics.\n\nPress OK to disable the quota system now." IDS_ENABLE_QUOTA_WARNING "You should enable the quota system only if you intend to use quotas on this disk volume. When you enable the quota system, the volume will be rescanned to update disk usage statistics. This might take several minutes.\n\nPress OK to enable the quota system now." IDS_OUTOFMEMORY "There is not enough memory available to perform this task.\nQuit one or more programs, and then try again." IDS_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION "An unknown error has occurred." IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR "An unknown error has occurred." IDS_NO_WRITE_ACCESS "You do not have sufficient access rights to make the requested changes to this volume's quota information.\nSome or all of the settings were not changed." IDS_WRITE_ERROR "The new settings could not be saved." IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_USER "Disk space is charged to the account of a selected user.\nUsers charged with disk space cannot be deleted." IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_USERS "Disk space is charged to the accounts of %1!d! selected users.\nUsers charged with disk space cannot be deleted." IDS_ERROR_DELETE_USER "An error occurred while deleting the selected entries. One or more selected entries were not deleted." IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND "The file %1 cannot be found." IDS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT "The file %1 is corrupted or invalid." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERROR_DDE_EXECUTE "A DDE error has occurred executing %1." IDS_CONFIRM_DELETE_USER "Are you sure you want to delete these entries?" IDS_APPLY_SETTINGS_ERROR "One or more settings were not changed." IDS_CANT_SET_ADMIN_LIMIT "A quota limit cannot be applied to the 'Administrators' account." IDS_CANT_DELETE_ADMIN_RECORD "Deletion of the quota entry for BUILTIN\\Administrators is not allowed." IDS_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_LISTVIEW "Cannot find the entry for '%1'." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_FAILED "An error occurred while saving the export quota information." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_NOACCESS "Access denied. The export quota information cannot be saved." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_OUTOFMEMORY "Insufficient memory prevents saving the export quota information. Close one or more applications and try again." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_INVALIDNAME "The name supplied for the export file is invalid." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_TOOMANYFILES "There are too many files open on the system. The export quota information cannot be saved. Close some files and try again." IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_FILENAME_TEMPLATE "Disk Quota Settings for Volume '%1'" IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_INVALID_STREAM "The import quota information is corrupted or invalid." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_READ_ERROR "An error occurred while reading the import quota information." IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_NOACCESS "Access denied. The import quota information cannot be read." IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_OUTOFMEMORY "Insufficient memory prevents reading the export quota information. Close one or more applications and try again." IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_INVALIDNAME "The name supplied for the import file is invalid." IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_TOOMANYFILES "There are too many files open on the system. Close some files and try again." IDS_IMPORT_STREAM_FILENOTFOUND "File not found." IDS_IMPORT_REPLACE_RECORD "A quota entry for '%1 (%2)' already exists on this volume. Do you want to replace it?" IDS_TT_QUOTA_NEW "New quota entry" IDS_TT_QUOTA_DELETE "Delete quota entry" IDS_TT_QUOTA_PROPERTIES "Properties" IDS_TT_EDIT_UNDO "Undo" IDS_TT_EDIT_FIND "Find quota entry" IDS_TITLE_EDIT_MULTIUSER "Quota Settings for Selected Entries" IDS_TITLE_GENERAL "General" IDS_TITLE_GETUSER_DIALOG "Find Quota User" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FMT_ERR_ADDUSER "%1%n%nUser: %2" IDS_MULTIPLE "< Multiple >" IDS_PROGRESS_ADDUSER "Adding quota records." IDS_SNAPIN_COLUMN " " IDS_SNAPIN_RESULTNAME "Disk Quota Settings" IDS_SNAPIN_SCOPENAME "Disk Quota Settings" IDS_SNAPIN_NAME "Disk Quota Settings" IDS_VERB_OPEN "Open" IDS_SNAPIN_POLICYDLG_TITLE "Disk Quota Policy Settings" IDS_OWNERDLG_HDR_FILE "File Name" IDS_OWNERDLG_HDR_FOLDER "In Folder" IDS_OWNERDLG_HDR_OWNER "Owner" IDS_FMT_ALLOWNERS "All owners (%1!d! files)" IDS_FMT_OWNER "%1 (%2!d! files)" IDS_FMT_OWNERDLG_HEADER "Files are consuming disk space for %1!d! of the selected quota entries. These entries cannot be deleted until the disk space is freed up." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BROWSEFORFOLDER "Select a destination folder for the selected files." IDS_ERROR_MOVETO_SAMEVOL "Files cannot be moved to a folder on the same volume. Select a folder on another volume as the destination." IDS_FMT_DISPLAY_LOGON_CONTAINER "%1 (%2) in %3" IDS_FMT_LOGON_CONTAINER "%1 in %2" IDS_FMT_DISPLAY_LOGON "%1 (%2)" IDS_TITLE_COL_LOGONNAME "Logon Name" IDS_REPORT_HEADER_LOGONNAME "Logon Name" IDM_VIEW_ARRANGE_BYLOGONNAME "Arranges items by user's logon name." IDS_PROGRESS_SEARCHINGFORFILES "Searching for files owned by selected users." IDS_FMT_ERR_WARNOVERLIMIT "Warning level (%1) exceeds quota limit (%2). Set warning level to %3?" IDS_FMT_MOUNTEDVOL_DISPLAYNAME "%1 (%2)" IDS_EXPORT_STREAM_FILENAME_TEMPLATE_VOLSN "Disk Quota Settings for Unlabeled Volume SN %1!04X!-%2!04X!" IDS_DLGTITLE_IMPORT "Import Quota Settings" IDS_DLGTITLE_EXPORT "Export Quota Settings" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FMT_OWNERDLG_FOLDERNAME "%1 ( folder )" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // #include "dskquoui.rcv" #include "..\common\common.rc" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED