//-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Rgn.cpp - Bitmap-to-Region transforms // // History: // 01/31/2000 scotthan created //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "stdafx.h" #include "rgn.h" #include "tmutils.h" //------------// // Helpers: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define CX_USEDEFAULT -1 #define CY_USEDEFAULT -1 #define _ABS( val1, val2 ) ((val1)>(val2) ? (val1)-(val2) : (val2)-(val1)) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline BOOL IsColorMatch( COLORREF rgb1, COLORREF rgb2, int nTolerance = 0 ) { if( nTolerance == 0 ) return (rgb1 << 8) == (rgb2 << 8); return _ABS(GetRValue(rgb1),GetRValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance && _ABS(GetGValue(rgb1),GetGValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance && _ABS(GetBValue(rgb1),GetBValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline BOOL _IsNormalRect( IN LPCRECT prc ) { return (prc->right >= prc->left) && (prc->bottom >= prc->top); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline BOOL _IsOnScreenRect( IN LPCRECT prc ) { return prc->left >= 0 && prc->top >= 0 && prc->right >= 0 && prc->bottom >= 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline void _InPlaceUnionRect( IN OUT LPRECT prcDest, IN LPCRECT prcSrc ) { ASSERT(prcDest); ASSERT(prcSrc); ASSERT(_IsNormalRect(prcSrc)); if( prcDest->left == -1 || prcDest->left > prcSrc ->left ) prcDest->left = prcSrc ->left; if( prcDest->right == -1 || prcDest->right < prcSrc ->right ) prcDest->right = prcSrc ->right; if( prcDest->top == -1 || prcDest->top > prcSrc ->top ) prcDest->top = prcSrc ->top; if( prcDest->bottom == -1 || prcDest->bottom < prcSrc ->bottom ) prcDest->bottom = prcSrc ->bottom; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Walks the pixels and computes the region HRGN WINAPI _PixelsToRgn( DWORD *pdwBits, int cxImageOffset, // image cell horz offset int cyImageOffset, // image cell vert offset int cxImage, // image cell width int cyImage, // image cell height int cxSrc, // src bitmap width int cySrc, // src bitmap height BOOL fAlphaChannel, int iAlphaThreshold, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance ) { // Establish a series of rectangles, each corresponding to a scan line (row) // in the bitmap, that will comprise the region. const UINT RECTBLOCK = 512; UINT nAllocRects = 0; HRGN hrgnRet = NULL; HGLOBAL hrgnData = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * (nAllocRects + RECTBLOCK)) ); if( hrgnData ) { nAllocRects += RECTBLOCK; RGNDATA* prgnData = (RGNDATA*)GlobalLock( hrgnData ); LPRECT prgrc = (LPRECT)prgnData->Buffer; ZeroMemory( prgnData, sizeof(prgnData->rdh) ); prgnData->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(prgnData->rdh); prgnData->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; SetRect( &prgnData->rdh.rcBound, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); // invert offset in y dimension since bits are arrayed bottom to top int cyRow0 = cySrc - (cyImage + cyImageOffset); int cyRowN = (cyRow0 + cyImage) - 1 ; // index of the last row // Compute a transparency mask if not specified. if( -1 == rgbMask ) rgbMask = pdwBits[cxImageOffset + (cyRowN * cxSrc)]; //---- pixels in pdwBits[] have RBG's reversed ---- //---- reverse our mask to match ---- rgbMask = REVERSE3(rgbMask); //---- rows in pdwBits[] are reversed (bottom to top) ---- for( int y = cyRow0; y <= cyRowN; y++ ) // working bottom-to-top { //---- Scanning pixels left to right ---- DWORD *pdwFirst = &pdwBits[cxImageOffset + (y * cxSrc)]; DWORD *pdwLast = pdwFirst + cxImage - 1; DWORD *pdwPixel = pdwFirst; while (pdwPixel <= pdwLast) { //---- skip TRANSPARENT pixels to find next OPAQUE (on this row) ---- if (fAlphaChannel) { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (ALPHACHANNEL(*pdwPixel) < iAlphaThreshold)) pdwPixel++; } else { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (IsColorMatch(*pdwPixel, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance))) pdwPixel++; } if (pdwPixel > pdwLast) // too far; try next row break; DWORD *pdw0 = pdwPixel; pdwPixel++; // skip over current opaque pixel //---- skip OPAQUE pixels to find next TRANSPARENT (on this row) ---- if (fAlphaChannel) { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (ALPHACHANNEL(*pdwPixel) >= iAlphaThreshold)) pdwPixel++; } else { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (! IsColorMatch(*pdwPixel, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance))) pdwPixel++; } //---- got a stream of 1 or more opaque pixels on this row ---- // allocate more region rects if necessary (a particularly complex line) if( prgnData->rdh.nCount >= nAllocRects ) { GlobalUnlock( hrgnData ); prgnData = NULL; HGLOBAL hNew = GlobalReAlloc( hrgnData, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * (nAllocRects + RECTBLOCK)), GMEM_MOVEABLE ); if( hNew ) { hrgnData = hNew; nAllocRects += RECTBLOCK; prgnData = (RGNDATA*)GlobalLock( hrgnData ); prgrc = (LPRECT)prgnData->Buffer; ASSERT(prgnData); } else goto exit; // out of memory } // assign region rectangle int x0 = (int)(pdw0 - pdwFirst); int x = (int)(pdwPixel - pdwFirst); int y0 = cyRowN - y; SetRect( prgrc + prgnData->rdh.nCount, x0, y0, x, y0+1 /* each rectangle is always 1 pixel high */ ); // merge into bounding box _InPlaceUnionRect( &prgnData->rdh.rcBound, prgrc + prgnData->rdh.nCount ); prgnData->rdh.nCount++; } // while () } // for(y) if( prgnData->rdh.nCount && _IsOnScreenRect(&prgnData->rdh.rcBound) ) { // Create the region representing the scan line. hrgnRet = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * nAllocRects), prgnData ); } exit: // Free region def block. GlobalUnlock( hrgnData ); GlobalFree( hrgnData ); } return hrgnRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Creates a region based on a text string in the indicated font. HRGN WINAPI CreateTextRgn( HFONT hf, LPCTSTR pszText ) { HRGN hrgnRet = NULL; if( pszText && *pszText ) { int cchText = lstrlen( pszText ); // Create a composite DC for assembling the region. HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL ); SetBkMode( hdcMem, TRANSPARENT ); SetTextAlign( hdcMem, TA_TOP|TA_LEFT ); HFONT hfOld = (HFONT)SelectObject( hdcMem, hf ); // Derive a region from a path. BeginPath( hdcMem ); TextOut( hdcMem, 0, 0, pszText, cchText ); EndPath( hdcMem ); hrgnRet = PathToRegion( hdcMem ); // Clean up composite DC SelectObject( hdcMem, hfOld ); DeleteDC( hdcMem ); } return hrgnRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Creates a region based on an arbitrary bitmap, transparency-keyed on a // RGB value within a specified tolerance. The key value is optional // (-1 == use the value of the first pixel as the key). // HRESULT WINAPI CreateBitmapRgn( HBITMAP hbm, int cxOffset, int cyOffset, int cx, int cy, BOOL fAlphaChannel, int iAlphaThreshold, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance, OUT HRGN *phrgn) { CBitmapPixels BitmapPixels; DWORD *prgdwPixels; int cwidth, cheight; HRESULT hr = BitmapPixels.OpenBitmap(NULL, hbm, TRUE, &prgdwPixels, &cwidth, &cheight); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (cx <= 0) cx = cwidth; if (cy <= 0) cy = cheight; HRGN hrgn = _PixelsToRgn(prgdwPixels, cxOffset, cyOffset, cx, cy, cwidth, cheight, fAlphaChannel, iAlphaThreshold, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance); if (! hrgn) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown reason for failure *phrgn = hrgn; return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Creates a region based on an arbitrary bitmap, transparency-keyed on a // RGB value within a specified tolerance. The key value is optional (-1 == // use the value of the first pixel as the key). // HRGN WINAPI CreateScaledBitmapRgn( HBITMAP hbm, int cx, int cy, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance ) { HRGN hrgnRet = NULL; BITMAP bm; if( hbm && GetObject( hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm ) ) { // Create a memory DC to do the pixel walk HDC hdcMem = NULL; if( (hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)) != NULL ) { if( CX_USEDEFAULT == cx ) cx = bm.bmWidth; if( CY_USEDEFAULT == cy ) cy = bm.bmHeight; // Create a 32-bit empty bitmap for the walk BITMAPINFO bmi; ZeroMemory( &bmi, sizeof(bmi) ); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = cy; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // uncompressed. VOID* pvBits = NULL; HBITMAP hbmMem = CreateDIBSection( hdcMem, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, NULL ); BITMAP bmMem; if( hbmMem ) { // Transfer the image to our 32-bit format for the pixel walk. HBITMAP hbmMemOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hdcMem, hbmMem ); HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( hdcMem ); HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hdc, hbm ); StretchBlt( hdcMem, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( hdc, hbmOld ); DeleteDC( hdc ); GetObject( hbmMem, sizeof(bmMem), &bmMem ); ASSERT(bmMem.bmBitsPixel == 32); ASSERT(bmMem.bmWidthBytes/bmMem.bmWidth == sizeof(DWORD)); LPDWORD pdwBits = (LPDWORD)bmMem.bmBits; ASSERT(pdwBits != NULL); hrgnRet = _PixelsToRgn(pdwBits, 0, 0, cx, cy, cx, cy, FALSE, 0, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance); // Delete 32-bit memory bitmap SelectObject( hdcMem, hbmMemOld ); DeleteObject( hbmMem ); } // Delete memory DC DeleteDC(hdcMem); } } return hrgnRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// int WINAPI AddToCompositeRgn( IN OUT HRGN* phrgnComposite, IN OUT HRGN hrgnSrc, IN int cxOffset, IN int cyOffset ) { int nRet = ERROR; if( NULL != phrgnComposite && NULL != hrgnSrc ) { nRet = OffsetRgn( hrgnSrc, cxOffset, cyOffset ); if( nRet != ERROR ) { int nMode = RGN_OR; if( NULL == *phrgnComposite ) { *phrgnComposite = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); if( NULL == *phrgnComposite ) return ERROR; nMode = RGN_COPY; } nRet = CombineRgn( *phrgnComposite, hrgnSrc, *phrgnComposite, nMode ); } } return nRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// int WINAPI RemoveFromCompositeRgn( HRGN hrgnDest, LPCRECT prcRemove ) { ASSERT(hrgnDest); ASSERT(prcRemove); ASSERT(!IsRectEmpty(prcRemove)); int nRet = ERROR; RECT rc = *prcRemove; HRGN hrgn; if( (hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rc )) != NULL ) { nRet = CombineRgn( hrgnDest, hrgnDest, hrgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( hrgn ); } return nRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// HRGN WINAPI CreateTiledRectRgn( IN HRGN hrgnSrc, IN int cxSrc, IN int cySrc, IN int cxDest, IN int cyDest ) { HRGN hrgnBound = NULL; // return value HRGN hrgnTile = _DupRgn( hrgnSrc ); if( hrgnTile ) { // Build up an unplaced, unclipped composite HRGN hrgnTmp = NULL; for( int y = 0; y < cyDest; y += cySrc ) { for( int x = 0; x < cxDest; x += cxSrc ) { AddToCompositeRgn( &hrgnTmp, hrgnTile, (x ? cxSrc : 0), (y ? cySrc : 0) ); } } if( NULL != hrgnTmp ) { // Clip the composite to the specified rectangle hrgnBound = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, cxDest, cyDest ); if( hrgnBound ) { if( ERROR == CombineRgn( hrgnBound, hrgnTmp, hrgnBound, RGN_AND ) ) { DeleteObject( hrgnBound ); hrgnBound = NULL; } } DeleteObject( hrgnTmp ); } DeleteObject( hrgnTile ); } return hrgnBound; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// HRGN WINAPI _DupRgn( HRGN hrgnSrc ) { if( hrgnSrc ) { HRGN hrgnDest = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); if (hrgnDest) { if (CombineRgn( hrgnDest, hrgnSrc, NULL, RGN_COPY ) ) return hrgnDest; DeleteObject(hrgnDest); } } return NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// void FixMarginOverlaps(int szDest, int *pm1, int *pm2) { int szSrc = (*pm1 + *pm2); if ((szSrc > szDest) && (szSrc > 0)) { //---- reduce each but maintain ratio ---- *pm1 = int(.5 + float(*pm1 * szDest)/float(szSrc)); *pm2 = szDest - *pm1; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// HRESULT _ScaleRectsAndCreateRegion( RGNDATA *prd, const RECT *prc, MARGINS *pMargins, SIZE *pszSrcImage, HRGN *phrgn) { //---- note: "prd" is region data with the 2 points in each ---- //---- rectangle made relative to its grid. Also, after the points, ---- //---- there is a BYTE for each point signifying the grid id (0-8) ---- //---- that each point lies within. the grid is determined using ---- //---- the original region with the background "margins". This is ---- //---- done to make scaling the points as fast as possible. ---- if (! prd) // required return MakeError32(E_POINTER); //---- easy access variables ---- int lw = pMargins->cxLeftWidth; int rw = pMargins->cxRightWidth; int th = pMargins->cyTopHeight; int bh = pMargins->cyBottomHeight; int iDestW = WIDTH(*prc); int iDestH = HEIGHT(*prc); //---- prevent left/right dest margins from overlapping ---- FixMarginOverlaps(iDestW, &lw, &rw); //---- prevent top/bottom dest margins from overlapping ---- FixMarginOverlaps(iDestH, &th, &bh); int lwFrom = lw; int rwFrom = pszSrcImage->cx - rw; int thFrom = th; int bhFrom = pszSrcImage->cy - bh; int lwTo = prc->left + lw; int rwTo = prc->right - rw; int thTo = prc->top + th; int bhTo = prc->bottom - bh; //---- compute offsets & factors ---- int iLeftXOffset = prc->left; int iMiddleXOffset = lwTo; int iRightXOffset = rwTo; int iTopYOffset = prc->top; int iMiddleYOffset = thTo; int iBottomYOffset = bhTo; int iToMiddleWidth = rwTo - lwTo; int iFromMiddleWidth = rwFrom - lwFrom; int iToMiddleHeight = bhTo - thTo; int iFromMiddleHeight = bhFrom - thFrom; if (! iFromMiddleWidth) // avoid divide by zero { //--- map point to x=0 ---- iToMiddleWidth = 0; iFromMiddleWidth = 1; } if (! iFromMiddleHeight) // avoid divide by zero { //--- map point to y=0 ---- iToMiddleHeight = 0; iFromMiddleHeight = 1; } //---- clipping values for adjusted lw/rw/th/bh ---- int lwMaxVal = __max(lw - 1, 0); int rwMinVal = __min(pMargins->cxRightWidth - rw, __max(pMargins->cxRightWidth-1, 0)); int thMaxVal = __max(th - 1, 0); int bhMinVal = __min(pMargins->cyBottomHeight - bh, __max(pMargins->cyBottomHeight-1, 0)); //---- allocte a buffer for the new points (rects) ---- int newlen = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + prd->rdh.nRgnSize; // same # of rects BYTE *newData = (BYTE *)new BYTE[newlen]; RGNDATA *prdNew = (RGNDATA *)newData; if (! prdNew) return MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ZeroMemory(prdNew, sizeof(prd->rdh)); prdNew->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(prdNew->rdh); prdNew->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; int cRects = prd->rdh.nCount; prdNew->rdh.nCount = cRects; SetRect(&prdNew->rdh.rcBound, -1, -1, -1, -1); //---- step thru our custom data (POINT + BYTE combos) ---- POINT *pt = (POINT *)prd->Buffer; BYTE *pByte = (BYTE *)prd->Buffer + prd->rdh.nRgnSize; int cPoints = 2 * cRects; POINT *ptNew = (POINT *)prdNew->Buffer; for (int i=0; i < cPoints; i++, pt++, pByte++, ptNew++) // transform each "point" { switch (*pByte) { //---- in the "don't scale" areas, we clip the translated values ---- //---- for the case where the destination areas are too small ---- //---- using the below "__min()" and "__max()" calls ---- //---- remember: each point has been made 0-relative to its grid ---- case GN_LEFTTOP: // left top ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break; case GN_MIDDLETOP: // middle top ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break; case GN_RIGHTTOP: // right top ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break; case GN_LEFTMIDDLE: // left middle ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break; case GN_MIDDLEMIDDLE: // middle middle ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break; case GN_RIGHTMIDDLE: // right middle ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break; case GN_LEFTBOTTOM: // left bottom ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break; case GN_MIDDLEBOTTOM: // middle bottom ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break; case GN_RIGHTBOTTOM: // right bottom ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break; } } //---- compute bounding box of new region ---- RECT *pRect = (RECT *)prdNew->Buffer; RECT newBox = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; for (i=0; i < cRects; i++, pRect++) _InPlaceUnionRect(&newBox, pRect); //---- create the new region ---- prdNew->rdh.rcBound = newBox; HRGN hrgn = ExtCreateRegion(NULL, newlen, prdNew); delete [] newData; // free prdNew (aka newdata) if (! hrgn) return MakeErrorLast(); *phrgn = hrgn; return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifdef _DEBUG void RegionDebug( HRGN hrgn) { DWORD len = GetRegionData(hrgn, 0, NULL); // get required length ATLASSERT(len); RGNDATA *pRgnData = (RGNDATA *) new BYTE[len + sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)]; DWORD len2 = GetRegionData(hrgn, len, pRgnData); ATLASSERT(len == len2); } #endif