__foldwin32sstuff __foldwin32sstuff; //foldstyleinitialization = true; enablemapdirect3216 = true; flatthunks = true; #include "..\types.thk" // // thunks for 32 -> 16 calls // // these calls are implemented in shell.dll (16) and are // exported or called from shell32.dll (32) // // 1st function is the 16 bit name // 2nd is the 32 bit name // DWORD CallCPLEntry16(UINT hinst, DWORD lpfnEntry, HWND hwndCPL, UINT msg, DWORD lParam1, DWORD lParam2) { body = special; } // // The next 2 thunks are used by Copy.c // // This actually returns an HMODULE UINT GetModuleHandle16(LPSTR szName) { } INT GetModuleFileName16(UINT hinst, LPSTR szFileName, INT cbMax) { } BOOL RegisterShellHook(HWND hwnd, BOOL fInstall) { } BOOL CheckResourcesBeforeExec() { } typedef LPSTR LPPAGEARRAY; VOID CallAddPropSheetPages16(DWORD lpfn16, LPVOID hdrop, LPPAGEARRAY papg) { } typedef HANDLE HDRVR; HDRVR ShellGetNextDriverName(HDRVR hdrv, LPSTR pszName, int cbName) { } BOOL SHRestartWindows(DWORD dwReturn) { } VOID SHGetAboutInformation(LPWORD puSysResource, LPDWORD plMem) { } DWORD SHFormatDrive(HWND hwnd, UINT drive, UINT fmtID, UINT options) { } // // PIFMGR thunks // int PifMgr_OpenProperties(LPSTR lpszApp, LPSTR lpszPIF, int hInf, int flOpt) { } int PifMgr_GetProperties(int hProps, LPSTR lpszGroup, LPVOID lpProps, int cbProps, int flOpt) { } int PifMgr_SetProperties(int hProps, LPSTR lpszGroup, LPVOID lpProps, int cbProps, int flOpt) { } int PifMgr_CloseProperties(int hProps, int flOpt) { } // // Special DDE thunk just for WinFax Pro. // void SHGlobalDefect(DWORD dwHnd32) { } // // Thunk for RunDll32 // typedef hinstance HINSTANCE; void RunDll_CallEntry16(DWORD pfn, HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR pszParam, int nCmdShow) { }