The following File type: Extension: $$Extension$$ Class type: $$ClassType$$ Class Description: $$ClassDescription$$ Will have the following shell extensions created: $$IF(IContextMenu) + Context Menu handler $$IF(IContextMenu3) + Implementing IContextMenu3 $$ENDIF $$IF(DragAndDrop) + Registered as a Drag and Drop Handler $$ENDIF $$ENDIF $$IF(Icon) + Icon Handler $$ENDIF $$IF(PropertySheet) + Property Sheet Handler $$ENDIF $$IF(InfoTip) + InfoTip Handler $$ENDIF You must manually set up these IDL files in the Project|Settings menu: $$ClassType$$.idl: midl /Oicf /h "$$ClassType$$.h" /iid "$$ClassType$$_i.c" "$$ClassType$$.idl" Generates: $$ClassType$$.h $$ClassType$$_i.c shlobj.idl: midl /Oicf /Zp1 /h "shlobj.h" /iid "shlobj.c" "shlobj.idl" Generates: shlobj.h shlobj.c Change shlobj.c properties so that it does not use a Precompiled Header.