Building the setup binaries and the dsclient.exe cabinet file: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BUILDING THE SETUP BINARIES: The source files for setup.exe and dscsetup.dll are also available in the dsclientNT4\setup directory. To build them start up a normal razzle window and from %sdxroot%\admin\dsclientNT4 type buildsetup.cmd. The binaries will be built and copied to the binaries\usa directory. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GENERATING THE CABINET FILES: The makedsclient.cmd works as follows (where = usa, jpn, cht, etc.): All binaries that will be packaged must be in a loc directory under dsclientNT4\binaries\ All help files must be in dsclientNT4\help\ All cab generation files (sed, inf, EULA.txt) must be in dsclientNT4\package\ Makedsclient (if is not specified it defaults to usa) will create a directory called dsclientNT4\release\ and copy all binaries, help, and package files. It then runs iexpress to generate the adsix86.exe and dsclient.exe cabs. The final deliverable will be found at %sdxroot%\admin\dsclientNT4\release\\dsclient.exe /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////