/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* bltsslt.hxx Header file for the SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR class. The SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR class is similar to SLT class. However, it can only live inside a SPIN_GROUP and it CANNOT use outside a SPIN_GROUP . FILE HISTORY: terryk 08-May-91 Creation terryk 20-Jun-91 code review changed. Attend: beng terryk 05-Jul-91 second code review changed. Attend: beng chuckc rustanl annmc terryk */ #ifndef _BLTSSLT_HXX_ #define _BLTSSLT_HXX_ #include "bltctrl.hxx" #include "bltedit.hxx" /**********************************************************\ NAME: SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR WORKBOOK: core\dd\cc.doc SYNOPSIS: Similar to SLT but it can be only used within a SPIN_GROUP INTERFACE: Here is a list of public functions: SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR() - constructor PARENT: SLT, STATIC_SPIN_ITEM USES: OWNER_WINDOW CAVEATS: This can be only used within a SPIN_GROUP . It has the same function as SLT. However, it is directly interact with the SPIN_GROUP control. For example, in the case of "date control" object as: 4 / 16 / 91 Each of the number item inside the SPIN BUTTON will be a SPIN_SLE_NUM object. And the "/" will be a SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR object. The different between a SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR and a normal SLT object is that the SPIN_GROUP will look at the first character of the SPIN_SLE object and perform the jumping from one field to another within the spin button. For instance, we are current focus to the SPIN_SLE_NUM object with the value 4 as above. Then we hit the "/" key. The spin button knows that "/" is not a valid key within the SPIN_SLE_NUM field. Then it will ask whether the next field needs to process the "/" key. Since "/" is the first character of the SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR object in the example, the SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR object will get the control of the spin button and perform the proper action according to the specify method. In this case, it will jump to the next field, i.e., jump to the next SPIN_SLE_NUM object with the value 16. Also, SPIN-SLT-SEPARATOR redefines the OnCtlColor method to change its default background color. NOTES: HISTORY: terryk 08-May-91 creation jonn 05-Sep-95 OnCtlColor \**********************************************************/ DLL_CLASS SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR: public SLT, public STATIC_SPIN_ITEM { private: APIERR Initialize(); static const TCHAR * _pszClassName; protected: virtual APIERR GetAccKey( NLS_STR * pnlsAccKey ); public: SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid ); SPIN_SLT_SEPARATOR( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, const TCHAR * pszText, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle = SS_CENTER | WS_CHILD ); virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColor( HDC hdc, HWND hwnd, UINT * pmsgid ); }; #endif // _BLTSSLT_HXX_