/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* errmap.hxx ERRMAP class declaration FILE HISTORY: thomaspa 02-Mar-1992 Created */ #ifndef _ERRMAP_HXX_ #define _ERRMAP_HXX_ /************************************************************************* NAME: ERRMAP WORKBOOK: SYNOPSIS: a static class used to map NTSTATUS codes to APIERR codes INTERFACE: MapNTStatus() - map an NTSTATUS to an APIERR PARENT: HISTORY: thomaspa 2-Mar-92 Created **************************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS ERRMAP { public: static APIERR MapNTStatus( NTSTATUS ntstatus, BOOL *pfMapped = NULL, APIERR apierrDefReturn = 0); }; #endif // _ERRMAP_HXX_