/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* slestrip.hxx Header file for the sle class with stripping leading and trailing characters.. FILE HISTORY: Yi-HsinS 11-Oct-1991 Created thomaspa 20-Jan-1992 added nametype to SLE_STRIP() thomaspa 13-Feb-1992 Now inherits from ICANON_SLE */ #ifndef _SLESTRIP_HXX_ #define _SLESTRIP_HXX_ #include "sleican.hxx" #define WHITE_SPACE SLE_STRIP::QueryWhiteSpace() APIERR TrimLeading( NLS_STR *pnls, const TCHAR *pszBefore); APIERR TrimTrailing( NLS_STR *pnls, const TCHAR *pszAfter); /************************************************************************* NAME: SLE_STRIP SYNOPSIS: Class definition for SLE with function of stripping leading and trailing unwanted characters. INTERFACE: QueryText - query the text in the SLE. If pszBefore or pszAfter is not given, this class is exactly the same as SLE. PARENT: ICANON_SLE USES: NOTES: Constructor is exactly the same as SLE. The only difference is the redefinition of QueryText. HISTORY: Yi-HsinS 11-Oct-1991 Created thomaspa 13-Feb-1992 Now inherits from ICANON_SLE **************************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS SLE_STRIP: public ICANON_SLE { public: static const TCHAR * QueryWhiteSpace() ; SLE_STRIP( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, UINT usMaxLen = 0, INT nNameType = 0 ); SLE_STRIP( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT, UINT usMaxLen = 0, INT nNameType = 0 ); APIERR QueryText( TCHAR * pszBuffer, UINT cbBufSize, const TCHAR * pszBefore = WHITE_SPACE, const TCHAR * pszAfter = WHITE_SPACE ) const; APIERR QueryText( NLS_STR * pnls, const TCHAR * pszBefore = WHITE_SPACE, const TCHAR * pszAfter = WHITE_SPACE ) const; }; #endif