/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* dialogs.cxx This module contains the Add Port and Configure dialogs. FILE HISTORY: NarenG 17-May-1993 Converted C code for the 2 dialogs to C++ */ #define INCL_NET #define INCL_NETLIB #define INCL_NETSERVICE #define INCL_WINDOWS #define INCL_WINDOWS_GDI #define INCL_NETERRORS #define INCL_DOSERRORS #include #if defined(DEBUG) static const CHAR szFileName[] = __FILE__; #define _FILENAME_DEFINED_ONCE szFileName #endif #include #include #define INCL_BLT_WINDOW #define INCL_BLT_DIALOG #define INCL_BLT_CONTROL #define INCL_BLT_CLIENT #define INCL_BLT_MSGPOPUP #define INCL_BLT_EVENT #define INCL_BLT_MISC #define INCL_BLT_TIMER #define INCL_BLT_CC #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include "atalkmon.h" #include "dialogs.h" } // extern "C" //#include #include #include "getprint.hxx" #include "dialogs.hxx" #define STRING_SIZE_CHARS 255 #define STRING_SIZE_BYTES (STRING_SIZE_CHARS * sizeof(WCHAR)) /******************************************************************* NAME: InitializeBlt SYNOPSIS: Called during processing of DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH notification to initialize the DLL. ENTRY: RETURNS: BOOL - TRUE = AfpMgr should be installed. FALSE = AfpMgr cannot be installed. HISTORY: NarenG 71-May-1993 Created ********************************************************************/ BOOL InitializeBlt( VOID ) { WaitForSingleObject( hmutexBlt, INFINITE ); // // Initialize all of the NetUI goodies. // APIERR err = BLT::Init( (HINSTANCE)hInst, IDRSRC_RASMAC_BASE, IDRSRC_RASMAC_LAST, IDS_UI_RASMAC_BASE, IDS_UI_RASMAC_LAST ); if( err == NERR_Success ) { err = BLT_MASTER_TIMER::Init(); if( err != NERR_Success ) { // // BLT initialized OK, but BLT_MASTER_TIMER // failed. So, before we bag-out, we must // deinitialize BLT. // BLT::Term( (HINSTANCE)hInst ); } } if( err == NERR_Success ) { err = BLT::RegisterHelpFile( (HINSTANCE)hInst, IDS_MACPRINT_HELPFILENAME, HC_UI_RASMAC_BASE, HC_UI_RASMAC_LAST ); if( err != NERR_Success ) { // // This is the only place where we can safely // invoke MsgPopup, since we *know* that all of // the BLT goodies were initialized properly. // // ::MsgPopup( QueryHwnd(), err ); } } if ( err != NERR_Success ) ReleaseMutex( hmutexBlt ); return err == NERR_Success; } // InitializeBlt /******************************************************************* NAME: TerminateBlt SYNOPSIS: Called during processing of DLL_PROCESS_DETACH notification to terminate the DLL. ENTRY: HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. ********************************************************************/ VOID TerminateBlt( VOID ) { // // Kill the NetUI goodies. // BLT_MASTER_TIMER::Term(); BLT::Term( (HINSTANCE)hInst ); ReleaseMutex( hmutexBlt ); } // TerminateBlt /******************************************************************** NAME: ConfigPortDialog SYNOPSIS: Called to bring up the configure port dialog. ENTRY: lParam is a pointer to an ATALKPORT structure for the port being configured. HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ BOOL ConfigPortDialog( HWND hdlg, BOOL fIsSpooler, BOOL * pfCapture ) { if ( !InitializeBlt() ) { return FALSE; } // // If this is a spooler then we have nothing to configure // if ( fIsSpooler ) { ::MsgPopup( hdlg, IDS_NOTHING_TO_CONFIGURE, MPSEV_INFO, 1, MP_OK ); TerminateBlt(); return FALSE; } BOOL fOk = FALSE; CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG * pdlg = new CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG( hdlg, pfCapture ); APIERR err = ( pdlg == NULL ) ? ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : pdlg->Process( &fOk ); delete pdlg; if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::MsgPopup( hdlg, err ); TerminateBlt() ; return FALSE; } TerminateBlt(); return fOk; } /******************************************************************** NAME: CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG::CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG constructor ENTRY: hwndOwner - Handle to the owner window. pAtalkPort - Pointer to the ATALKPORT structure for the port being configured. HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG::CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG( HWND hWndOwner, BOOL * pfCapture ) : DIALOG_WINDOW( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG_PORT_DIALOG ), hWndOwner ), _pfCapture( pfCapture ), _chkCapture( this, IDCP_CHK_CAPTURE ) { // // Make sure everything constructed correctly // if ( QueryError() != NERR_Success ) { return; } APIERR err; if ( (( err = _chkCapture.QueryError() ) != NERR_Success ) ) { ReportError( err ); return; } _chkCapture.SetCheck( *pfCapture ); } /******************************************************************** NAME: CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG::OnOK SYNOPSIS: Called when the user hits the OK button ENTRY: HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ BOOL CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG::OnOK( VOID ) { *_pfCapture = _chkCapture.QueryCheck(); Dismiss( TRUE ); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************* NAME: CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext SYNOPSIS: This function returns the appropriate help context value (HC_*) for this particular dialog. RETURNS: ULONG - The help context for this dialog. ********************************************************************/ ULONG CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext( void ) { return HC_CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG; } // CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext /********************************************************************* NAME: AddPortDialog SYNOPSIS: Called to bring dialog to add a port. ENTRY: lParam - Pointer to the ATALKPORT structure for the new port being added. HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. ***********************************************************************/ BOOL AddPortDialog( HWND hdlg, PATALKPORT pAtalkPort ) { if ( !InitializeBlt() ) return FALSE; BOOL fOk = FALSE; ADD_PORT_DIALOG * pdlg = new ADD_PORT_DIALOG( hdlg, pAtalkPort ); APIERR err = ( pdlg == NULL ) ? ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : pdlg->Process( &fOk ); delete pdlg; if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ::MsgPopup( hdlg, err ); TerminateBlt() ; return FALSE; } TerminateBlt(); return fOk; } /******************************************************************** NAME: ADD_PORT_DIALOG::ADD_PORT_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: ADD_PORT_DIALOG constructor ENTRY: hwndOwner - Handle to the owner window. pNewPort - Pointer to the ATALKPORT structure for the new port being added. HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ ADD_PORT_DIALOG::ADD_PORT_DIALOG( HWND hWndOwner, PATALKPORT pNewPort ) : DIALOG_WINDOW( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDPORT_DIALOG), hWndOwner ), _pNewPort( pNewPort ), _pbOK( this, IDOK ), _ollb( this, IDAP_LB_OUTLINE, pNewPort->sockQuery ) { // // Make sure everything constructed correctly // if ( QueryError() != NERR_Success ) { return; } APIERR err; if ( pNewPort->sockQuery == INVALID_SOCKET ) { ReportError( IDS_MUST_START_STACK ); return; } if ( (( err = _ollb.QueryError() ) != NERR_Success ) || (( err = _pbOK.QueryError() ) != NERR_Success ) ) { ReportError( err ); return; } // // Just to be cool... // AUTO_CURSOR Cursor; // // Initialize the outline listbox with Zones // err = _ollb.FillZones(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ReportError( err ); return; } if ( _ollb.QueryCount() > 0 ) { OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = _ollb.QueryItem( 0 ); if ( ( _ollb.QueryCount() == 1 ) && ( ::_wcsicmp( pollbe->QueryZone(), (LPWSTR)TEXT("*") ) == 0 ) ) { Show(); err = _ollb.ExpandZone( 0 ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { ReportError( err ); return; } } _ollb.SelectItem( 0 ); } else { ReportError( IDS_NO_ZONES ); return; } return; } /******************************************************************* NAME: ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: ~ADD_PORT_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: ADD_PORT_DIALOG class destructor. EXIT: The object is destroyed. HISTORY: NarenG 25-May-1993 Created ********************************************************************/ ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: ~ADD_PORT_DIALOG() { // // Nothing to be done here. // } // ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: ~ADD_PORT_DIALOG /******************************************************************* NAME: ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext SYNOPSIS: This function returns the appropriate help context value (HC_*) for this particular dialog. RETURNS: ULONG - The help context for this dialog. ********************************************************************/ ULONG ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext( void ) { return HC_ADD_PORT_DIALOG; } // ADD_PORT_DIALOG :: QueryHelpContext /******************************************************************** NAME: ADD_PORT_DIALOG::OnCommand SYNOPSIS: Called whenever a WM_COMMAND message is send to the dialog procedure. ENTRY: HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ BOOL ADD_PORT_DIALOG::OnCommand( const CONTROL_EVENT & event ) { if ( event.QueryCid() == _ollb.QueryCid() ) { // // This method handles double clicks of domains // if ( event.QueryCode() == LBN_DBLCLK ) { INT i = _ollb.QueryCurrentItem(); OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = _ollb.QueryItem( i ); if ( pollbe == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if ( pollbe->QueryType() == SFM_OLLBL_ZONE ) { // // Toggle zone. // if ( pollbe->IsExpanded() ) return _ollb.CollapseZone( i ); else return _ollb.ExpandZone( i ); } else { return OnOK(); } } } return DIALOG_WINDOW::OnCommand( event ); } /******************************************************************** NAME: ADD_PORT_DIALOG::OnOK SYNOPSIS: Called when the user hits the OK button ENTRY: HISTORY: NarenG 24-May-1993 Created. *********************************************************************/ BOOL ADD_PORT_DIALOG::OnOK( VOID ) { // // Just to be cool... // AUTO_CURSOR Cursor; OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = _ollb.QueryItem(); if ( pollbe == NULL) { return ( FALSE ); } if ( pollbe->QueryType() == SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER ) { // // First find out if the user has selected a spooler // BOOL fIsSpooler = FALSE; ::IsSpooler( pollbe->QueryAddress(), &fIsSpooler ); if ( fIsSpooler ) { if ( ::MsgPopup( this, IDS_SPOOLER, MPSEV_INFO, HC_CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG, MP_YESNO, NULL, MP_YES ) == IDNO ) { return( FALSE ); } } LPWSTR lpwsZoneName = (LPWSTR)(pollbe->QueryZone()); // // Build the port name // ::wcscpy( _pNewPort->pPortName, lpwsZoneName ); ::wcscat( _pNewPort->pPortName, (LPWSTR)TEXT(":") ); ::wcscat( _pNewPort->pPortName, pollbe->QueryPrinter() ); // // Build the NBP name // CHAR chPortName[MAX_ENTITY+1]; ::wcstombs( chPortName, lpwsZoneName, MAX_ENTITY+1 ) ; ::strncpy ( (CHAR*)(_pNewPort->nbpPortName.ZoneName), chPortName, ::strlen( chPortName ) ); _pNewPort->nbpPortName.ZoneNameLen = (CHAR)::strlen( chPortName ); ::wcstombs( chPortName, pollbe->QueryPrinter(), MAX_ENTITY+1 ); ::strncpy( (CHAR*)(_pNewPort->nbpPortName.ObjectName), chPortName, ::strlen( chPortName ) ); _pNewPort->nbpPortName.ObjectNameLen = (CHAR)::strlen( chPortName ); if ( fIsSpooler ) { ::strncpy( (CHAR*)(_pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeName), ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE, ::strlen(ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE) ); _pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeNameLen = (CHAR)::strlen(ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE); _pNewPort->fPortFlags |= SFM_PORT_IS_SPOOLER; } else { if ( ::MsgPopup( this, IDS_WANT_TO_CAPTURE, MPSEV_INFO, HC_CONFIGURE_PORT_DIALOG, MP_YESNO, NULL, MP_YES ) == IDYES ) { ::strncpy( (CHAR*)(_pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeName), chComputerName, ::strlen(chComputerName) ); _pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeNameLen = (CHAR)::strlen(chComputerName); _pNewPort->fPortFlags |= SFM_PORT_CAPTURED; } else { ::strncpy( (CHAR*)(_pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeName), ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE, ::strlen(ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE) ); _pNewPort->nbpPortName.TypeNameLen = (CHAR)::strlen(ATALKMON_RELEASED_TYPE); _pNewPort->fPortFlags &= ~SFM_PORT_CAPTURED; } } _pNewPort->wshatPrinterAddress = *(pollbe->QueryAddress()); Dismiss( TRUE ); return TRUE; } else { // // If focus is on the OK button // if ( _pbOK.HasFocus() ) { // // Tell user to select printer or press Cancel // ::MsgPopup( this, IDS_MUST_SELECT_PRINTER ); return FALSE; } else { // // Focus is on the listbox so the user wants to expand/collapse // the zone // if ( pollbe->IsExpanded() ) return _ollb.CollapseZone(); else return _ollb.ExpandZone(); } } } /******************************************************************* NAME: OLLB_ENTRY::OLLB_ENTRY SYNOPSIS: Outline listbox item constructor ENTRY: ollbl - Indicates level in hierarchy (zone, or printer) fExpanded - Indicates whether or not the item should take the expanded look. Must be FALSE for servers. It may be either for domains, since these are expandable/collapsable. pszZone - Pointer to name of zone (for zones), and name of the zone in which a printer exists (for printers). pszPrinter - Pointer to name of printer. Must be NULL for the zones. HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ OLLB_ENTRY::OLLB_ENTRY( SFM_OUTLINE_LB_LEVEL ollbl, BOOL fExpanded, const TCHAR * pszZone, const TCHAR * pszPrinter, const PWSH_ATALK_ADDRESS pwshAtalkAddress ) : LBI(), _ollbl( ollbl ), _fExpanded( fExpanded ), _nlsZone( pszZone ), _nlsPrinter( pszPrinter ) { // // Ensure everything constructed properly. // if( QueryError() != NERR_Success ) { return; } APIERR err; if( ( ( err = _nlsZone.QueryError() ) != NERR_Success ) || ( ( err = _nlsPrinter.QueryError() ) != NERR_Success ) ) { ReportError( err ); return; } if ( pwshAtalkAddress != NULL ) _wshAtalkAddress = *pwshAtalkAddress; } OLLB_ENTRY::~OLLB_ENTRY() { // nothing else to do } /******************************************************************* NAME: OLLB_ENTRY::Paint SYNOPSIS: Paint an entry in the outline listbox NOTES: HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ VOID OLLB_ENTRY::Paint( LISTBOX * plb, HDC hdc, const RECT * prect, GUILTT_INFO * pGUILTT ) const { // Note. plb is assumed to point to an OUTLINE_LISTBOX object. UINT anColWidths[ 3 ]; anColWidths[ 0 ] = QueryLevel() * COL_WIDTH_OUTLINE_INDENT; anColWidths[ 1 ] = COL_WIDTH_DM; anColWidths[ 2 ] = COL_WIDTH_AWAP; const TCHAR * pszName = NULL; switch ( QueryType() ) { case SFM_OLLBL_ZONE: pszName = QueryZone(); break; case SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER: pszName = QueryPrinter(); break; default: ASSERTSZ( FALSE, "Invalid OLLBL type!" ); return; } STR_DTE strdteName( pszName ); DISPLAY_TABLE dt( 3, anColWidths ); dt[ 0 ] = NULL; dt[ 1 ] = ((OUTLINE_LISTBOX *)plb)->QueryDmDte( QueryType(), _fExpanded ); dt[ 2 ] = &strdteName; dt.Paint( plb, hdc, prect, pGUILTT ); } INT OLLB_ENTRY::Compare( const LBI * plbi ) const { // // Compare the zone names. // const NLS_STR * pnls = &(((const OLLB_ENTRY *)plbi)->_nlsZone); INT result = _nlsZone.strcmp( *pnls ); if( result == 0 ) { // // The zones match, so compare the servers. // const NLS_STR * pnls = &(((const OLLB_ENTRY *)plbi)->_nlsPrinter); result = _nlsPrinter.strcmp( *pnls ); } return result; } WCHAR OLLB_ENTRY::QueryLeadingChar() const { if ( QueryType() != SFM_OLLBL_ZONE ) { ISTR istr( _nlsPrinter ); return _nlsPrinter.QueryChar( istr ); } else { ISTR istr( _nlsZone ); return _nlsZone.QueryChar( istr ); } } /******************************************************************* NAME: OUTLINE_LISTBOX::OUTLINE_LISTBOX SYNOPSIS: Constructor ENTRY: powin - pointer OWNER_WINDOW cid - CID EXIT: The object is constructed. HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ OUTLINE_LISTBOX::OUTLINE_LISTBOX( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, SOCKET hSocket ) : BLT_LISTBOX( powin, cid ), _nS( 0 ), _pdmiddteZone( NULL ), _pdmiddteZoneExpanded( NULL ), _pdmiddtePrinter( NULL ), _hSocket( hSocket ) { if ( QueryError() != NERR_Success ) return; _pdmiddteZone = new DMID_DTE( IDBM_LB_ZONE_NOT_EXPANDED ); _pdmiddteZoneExpanded = new DMID_DTE( IDBM_LB_ZONE_EXPANDED ); _pdmiddtePrinter = new DMID_DTE( IDBM_LB_PRINTER ); if ( ( _pdmiddteZone == NULL ) || ( _pdmiddteZoneExpanded == NULL ) || ( _pdmiddtePrinter == NULL ) ) { ReportError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return; } APIERR err; if (((err = _pdmiddteZone->QueryError()) != NERR_Success) || ((err = _pdmiddteZoneExpanded->QueryError()) != NERR_Success) || ((err = _pdmiddtePrinter->QueryError()) != NERR_Success) ) { ReportError(err); return; } } OUTLINE_LISTBOX::~OUTLINE_LISTBOX() { delete _pdmiddteZone; delete _pdmiddteZoneExpanded; delete _pdmiddtePrinter; _pdmiddteZone = NULL; _pdmiddteZoneExpanded = NULL; _pdmiddtePrinter = NULL; } INT OUTLINE_LISTBOX::AddItem( SFM_OUTLINE_LB_LEVEL ollbl, BOOL fExpanded, const TCHAR * pszZone, const TCHAR * pszPrinter, const PWSH_ATALK_ADDRESS pwshAtalkAddress ) { // Note. BLT_LISTBOX::AddItem will check for NULL and QueryError. // Hence, this is not done here. return BLT_LISTBOX::AddItem( new OLLB_ENTRY( ollbl, fExpanded, pszZone, pszPrinter, pwshAtalkAddress )); } /* * OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FindItem * * Finds a particular item in the listbox * * Parameters: * pszZone A pointer to the zone name to be searched for * pszPrinter A pointer to the printer name to be searched for. * If NULL, the domain itself is searched for. * * Return value: * The index of the specified item, or * a negative value on error (generally, not found) * */ INT OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FindItem( const TCHAR * pszZone, const TCHAR * pszPrinter ) const { OLLB_ENTRY ollbe( (( pszPrinter == NULL ) ? SFM_OLLBL_ZONE : SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER ), FALSE, pszZone, pszPrinter, NULL ); if ( ollbe.QueryError() != NERR_Success ) return -1; return BLT_LISTBOX::FindItem( ollbe ); } INT OUTLINE_LISTBOX::AddZone( const TCHAR * pszZone, BOOL fExpanded ) { return AddItem( SFM_OLLBL_ZONE, fExpanded, pszZone, NULL, NULL ); } /******************************************************************* NAME: OUTLINE_LISTBOX::AddPrinter SYNOPSIS: Adds a printer to the listbox. Marks the zone as expanded. ENTRY: pszZone - Pointer to name of zone of printer to be added. pszPrinter - Pointer to name of printer. NOTES: This method marks the zone as expanded. HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ INT OUTLINE_LISTBOX::AddPrinter( const TCHAR * pszZone, const TCHAR * pszPrinter, const PWSH_ATALK_ADDRESS pwshAtalkAddress ) { INT iZoneIndex = FindItem( pszZone, NULL ); if ( iZoneIndex < 0 ) { // // don't add a server for which there is no domain // return -1; } // // Attempt to add the printer // INT iPrinterIndex = AddItem( SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER, FALSE, // a printer is never expanded pszZone, pszPrinter, pwshAtalkAddress ); if ( iPrinterIndex >= 0 ) { // // The printer was successfully added so expand zone // SetZoneExpanded( iZoneIndex ); } return iPrinterIndex; } VOID OUTLINE_LISTBOX::SetZoneExpanded( INT i, BOOL f ) { if ( i < 0 ) { // // Invalid index // return; } OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = QueryItem( i ); if ( pollbe == NULL ) { // // Invalid index // return; } BOOL fCurrent = pollbe->IsExpanded(); // // If current state is the same as what we want then simply return // if (( fCurrent && f ) || ( !fCurrent && !f )) { return; } // // Set the expanded state to "expanded". Then, invalidate the item // so that it will be repainted later. // pollbe->SetExpanded( f ); InvalidateItem( i ); } DM_DTE * OUTLINE_LISTBOX::QueryDmDte( SFM_OUTLINE_LB_LEVEL ollbl, BOOL fExpanded ) const { switch ( ollbl ) { case SFM_OLLBL_ZONE: return( ( fExpanded ) ? _pdmiddteZoneExpanded : _pdmiddteZone ); case SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER: return _pdmiddtePrinter; default: break; } return NULL; } /* * OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FillZones * * This method adds the zones to the listbox by calling AddZone. * Then, calls SelectItem to select the first zone. * * Parameters: * None * * Return value: * An error code, which is NERR_Success on success. * * Assumptions: * */ APIERR OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FillZones( VOID ) { // // Just to be cool... // AUTO_CURSOR Cursor; // // Enumerate all the zones // PBYTE pBuffer = NULL; INT BufferSize = ((MAX_ENTITY+1)*255)+sizeof(WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES); INT intBytesWritten = BufferSize; INT intRetCode = NO_ERROR; DWORD err = NO_ERROR; pBuffer = (PBYTE)LocalAlloc( LPTR, BufferSize ); if ( pBuffer == NULL ) { return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } do { intRetCode = ::getsockopt( _hSocket, SOL_APPLETALK, SO_LOOKUP_ZONES, (PCHAR)pBuffer, &intBytesWritten ); if ( intRetCode == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = ::GetLastError(); if ( ( err != WSAEINVAL ) && ( err != WSAENOBUFS ) ) { DeleteAllItems(); Invalidate( TRUE ); break; } else { BufferSize *= 2; intBytesWritten = BufferSize; err = NO_ERROR; pBuffer = (PBYTE)LocalReAlloc( pBuffer, BufferSize, LMEM_MOVEABLE ); if ( pBuffer == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } } } else { break; } } while( TRUE ); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { if ( pBuffer != NULL ) { LocalFree( pBuffer ); } return( err ); } // // Now that we know the zones. // let's nuke everything in the listbox. // SetRedraw( FALSE ); DeleteAllItems(); // // For iterating the zones. // PCHAR pZone = (PCHAR)pBuffer + sizeof( WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES ); // // Iterate the volumes adding them to the listbox. // err = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwZoneCount = ((PWSH_LOOKUP_ZONES)pBuffer)->NoZones; while( ( err == NO_ERROR ) && ( dwZoneCount-- ) ) { WCHAR wchBuffer[MAX_ENTITY+1]; ::mbstowcs( wchBuffer, pZone, sizeof( wchBuffer ) ); if( AddZone( wchBuffer, FALSE ) < 0 ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } pZone += (::strlen(pZone) + 1) ; } SetRedraw( TRUE ); Invalidate( TRUE ); LocalFree( pBuffer ); return err; } /* * OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FillPrinters * * Calls AddPrinter for every visible printer in the given zone. * * Parameters: * pszZone The zone of interest * pcPrintersAdded Pointer to location receiving the number * of printers that were added by calling * AddPrinter. *pusServerAdded is always valid * on return from this function, regardless * of the error code. This is because an * error may occur in the middle of adding * servers. * * Return value: * An error code, which is NERR_Success on success. * */ APIERR OUTLINE_LISTBOX::FillPrinters( const TCHAR * pszZone, UINT * pcPrintersAdded ) { NBP_LOOKUP_STRUCT NBPLookup; *pcPrintersAdded = 0; // // Copy the zone name into the buffer // ::wcscpy( NBPLookup.wchZone, pszZone ); NBPLookup.hSocket = _hSocket; GET_PRINTERS_DIALOG * pdlg = new GET_PRINTERS_DIALOG( QueryOwnerHwnd(), &NBPLookup ); APIERR err = ( pdlg == NULL ) ? ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : pdlg->Process(); delete pdlg; if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { return err; } // // Check to see if any printers were found // if ( NBPLookup.cPrinters == 0 ) { ::LocalFree( NBPLookup.pPrinters ); return NO_ERROR; } SetRedraw( FALSE ); // // For iterating the available printers. // PWSH_NBP_TUPLE pPrinters = NBPLookup.pPrinters; DWORD cPrinters = NBPLookup.cPrinters; // // Iterate the printers adding them to the listbox. // err = NO_ERROR; while( ( err == NO_ERROR ) && ( cPrinters-- ) ) { WCHAR wchBuffer[MAX_ENTITY+1]; CHAR chBuffer[MAX_ENTITY+1]; ::ZeroMemory( chBuffer, sizeof( chBuffer ) ); ::strncpy( chBuffer, pPrinters->NbpName.ObjectName, pPrinters->NbpName.ObjectNameLen ); ::mbstowcs( wchBuffer, chBuffer, sizeof( wchBuffer ) ); if ( AddPrinter( pszZone, wchBuffer, &(pPrinters->Address) ) < 0 ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { (*pcPrintersAdded)++; } pPrinters++; } SetRedraw( TRUE ); ::LocalFree( NBPLookup.pPrinters ); return err; } /******************************************************************* NAME: OUTLINE_LISTBOX::ExpandZone SYNOPSIS: Expands a zone. On success, also selects it. ENTRY: iZone - Specifies the index of the zone to be expanded. RETURNS: An error code, which is NERR_Success on success. NOTES: HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ APIERR OUTLINE_LISTBOX::ExpandZone( INT iZone ) { OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = QueryItem( iZone ); if ( pollbe == NULL ) { return ERROR_MENU_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } if ( pollbe->QueryType() != SFM_OLLBL_ZONE ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( pollbe->IsExpanded()) { // // domain is already expanded; select the item, and return with // success // SelectItem( iZone ); return NO_ERROR; } UINT cPrintersAdded = 0; DWORD err = FillPrinters( pollbe->QueryZone(), &cPrintersAdded ); if ( cPrintersAdded > 0 ) { Invalidate( TRUE ); } if ( ( err == NERR_Success ) && ( cPrintersAdded > 0 ) ) { // // Adjust the listbox according to how many servers are added // Warning: The following is a problem when LM_OLLB becomes // LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE with multi-line LBIs // XYDIMENSION xydim = QuerySize(); INT nTotalItems = xydim.QueryHeight()/QuerySingleLineHeight(); INT nTopIndex = QueryTopIndex(); INT nBottomIndex = nTopIndex + nTotalItems - 1; if ( iZone >= nTopIndex && iZone <= nBottomIndex ) { if ( cPrintersAdded >= (UINT) nTotalItems ) { SetTopIndex( iZone ); } else { INT n = iZone + cPrintersAdded; if ( n > nBottomIndex ) { SetTopIndex( nTopIndex + ( n - nBottomIndex ) ); } } } else { SetTopIndex( iZone ); } } if ( ( err == NERR_Success ) && ( cPrintersAdded == 0 ) ) { ::MsgPopup( QueryOwnerHwnd(), IDS_NO_PRINTERS, MPSEV_INFO ); SetZoneExpanded( iZone, TRUE ); } return err; } /******************************************************************* NAME: OUTLINE_LISTBOX::CollapseZone SYNOPSIS: Collapses a given zone. On success, also selects it. ENTRY: iZone - Specifies the index of the domain to be expanded. RETURNS: An error code, which is NERR_Success on success. NOTES: HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ APIERR OUTLINE_LISTBOX::CollapseZone( INT iZone ) { OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = QueryItem( iZone ); if ( iZone < 0 || pollbe == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( pollbe->QueryType() != SFM_OLLBL_ZONE ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Change the expanded state of the listbox item to "not expanded" // if ( !pollbe->IsExpanded()) { // // Select the item, and then return. // SelectItem( iZone ); return NERR_Success; } // // Now, we know we'll take some action which may take a little time. // Hence, let AUTO_CURSOR kick in. // AUTO_CURSOR autocur; SetRedraw( FALSE ); SetZoneExpanded( iZone, FALSE ); // // Set iNext to the next item in the listbox. This item, if any, is // either another zone, or a printer in the zone. // INT iNext = iZone + 1; BOOL fDeletedAny = FALSE; while ( ( pollbe = QueryItem( iNext )) != NULL && pollbe->QueryType() == SFM_OLLBL_PRINTER ) { DeleteItem( iNext ); fDeletedAny = TRUE; } SetRedraw( TRUE ); if ( fDeletedAny ) { Invalidate( TRUE ); } // // To make sure that the zone is indeed in view in the listbox, // select it . // SelectItem( iZone ); return NERR_Success; } /******************************************************************* NAME: OUTLINE_LISTBOX::CD_Char SYNOPSIS: We catch the '+' and '-' keys to expand and collapse the zone if the current selection is a zone. ENTRY: wch - character typed nLastPos - position in lb EXIT: RETURNS: HISTORY: NarenG 1-June-1993 Stole from file manager ********************************************************************/ INT OUTLINE_LISTBOX::CD_Char( WCHAR wch, USHORT nLastPos ) { static WCHAR vpwS[] = { 0xc, 0x2, 0x10, 0x10, 0x5, 0x13, 0x7, 0x3 }; if ( wch == (WCHAR) TCH('+') || wch == (WCHAR) TCH('-') ) { OLLB_ENTRY * pollbe = QueryItem( nLastPos ); if ( pollbe != NULL && pollbe->QueryType() == SFM_OLLBL_ZONE ) { APIERR err = NERR_Success ; if ( wch == (WCHAR)TCH('-') && pollbe->IsExpanded() ) { err = CollapseZone() ; } else if ( wch == (WCHAR) TCH('+') && !pollbe->IsExpanded() ) { err = ExpandZone() ; } if ( err != NERR_Success ) MsgPopup( QueryOwnerHwnd(), err, MPSEV_ERROR ) ; return -2 ; } } if ( _nS >= 0 ) { if ( wch == (WCHAR) (vpwS[ _nS ] - _nS )) { // Note, 47 and 3 are prime, whereas 0x15 is not if ( ( 47 & vpwS[ ++_nS ] ) * 3 == 0x15 ) _nS = -1; } else { _nS = 0; } } return BLT_LISTBOX::CD_Char( wch, nLastPos ); }