[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
This kernel mode driver is the system supplied SMBus Smart Battery Subsystem Miniport driver. This driver serves as an example of both a battery miniclass driver, and as an example of a driver to access a SMBus device.
To build the driver, type build in the \\Ntddk\Src\Wdm\Acpi\Smbbatt directory. A successful build produces Smbbatt.sys. The necessary Inf file is battery.inf and is located in the %WINDIR%\inf directory.
File DescriptionSmbbattp.h Header file for smbbatt.c Pnppower.c Plug and play and power management IRP dispatch routines Smbbatt.c Main module for driver entry, IOCTL handler, etc. Smbmisc.c SMBus handler functions Smbwmi.c WMI functions Smbbatt.rc Resource file for smbbatt.sys driver Makefile Indirects to the real makefile Sources Dependency information for compiling Smbbatt.htm The documentation for this sample (this file)
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