@echo off @rem @rem SMBCHK - SMBIOS Check @rem @rem Compares two SMBIOS dump files. One file is created @rem by a DOS app and the other is create with WMI query. @rem rem rem Delete the data files first rem del smbios.dat del wmiquery.dat :get_dos_data rem rem See if there's a machine specific SMBIOS.DAT rem if exist c:\smbchk.dat goto copy_from_c if exist %computername%.dat goto copy_machine_data :dump_data rem rem Create the DOS dump file, file is named SMBIOS.DAT rem smbdos -v -d goto end_get_dos_data :copy_from_c rem rem Machine specific file exists as c:\smbios.dat rem attrib -r -h -s c:\smbchk.dat copy c:\smbchk.dat smbios.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\smbchk.dat goto end_get_dos_data :copy_machine_data rem rem Machine specific file exists, copy it rem copy %computername%.dat smbios.dat goto end_get_dos_data :end_get_dos_data :get_wmi_data rem rem Create the WMI query dump file, named WMIQUERY.DAT rem smbquery WMIQUERY.DAT :end_get_wmi_data :compare rem rem Compare the dump files rem echo n | comp SMBIOS.DAT WMIQUERY.DAT smbcmp SMBIOS.DAT WMIQUERY.DAT -break if errorlevel 1 goto error echo VAR+PASS compare ok echo VAR+PASS compare ok > smbchk.log goto :eof :error echo VAR+SEV2 compare failed echo VAR+SEV2 compare failed > smbchk.log :end_compare goto :eof