/* TZTool - Thermal Zone Information Tool tztool.c This the MAIN TZTool - C file. Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: TZTool - TZTool.c Abstract: TZTool - Thermal Zone Information Tool Author: Vincent Geglia (VincentG) Notes: Revision History: 1.2 - (VincentG) Port to Win64 1.1 - (JVert) add Kelvin to Farenheit conversion. Add throttling gauge. 1.0 - Original version */ // Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "wmium.h" // Definitions #define THERMAL_ZONE_GUID {0xa1bc18c0, 0xa7c8, 0x11d1, {0xbf, 0x3c, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x6, 0x29, 0x10} } #define COOLING_PASSIVE 0 #define COOLING_ACTIVE 1 #define COOLING_UPDATE_TZONE 2 #define TIMER_ID 1 #define TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL 500 #define MAX_ACTIVE_COOLING_LEVELS 10 #define MAX_THERMAL_ZONES 10 #define K_TO_F(_deg_) (((_deg_) - 2731) * 9 / 5 + 320) GUID ThermalZoneGuid = THERMAL_ZONE_GUID; // Structures typedef struct _THERMAL_INFORMATION { ULONG ThermalStamp; ULONG ThermalConstant1; ULONG ThermalConstant2; KAFFINITY Processors; ULONG SamplingPeriod; ULONG CurrentTemperature; ULONG PassiveTripPoint; ULONG CriticalTripPoint; UCHAR ActiveTripPointCount; ULONG ActiveTripPoint[MAX_ACTIVE_COOLING_LEVELS]; } THERMAL_INFORMATION, *PTHERMAL_INFORMATION; typedef struct _TZONE_INFO { THERMAL_INFORMATION ThermalInfo; ULONG64 TimeStamp; ULONG TZoneIndex; UCHAR TZoneName[100]; } TZONE_INFO, *PTZONE_INFO; // Global variables PTZONE_INFO g_TZonePtr = 0; WMIHANDLE g_WmiHandle; INT g_PollTz = 0; BOOL g_Fahrenheit = FALSE; // Function declarations WINAPI WinMain ( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, IN PSTR CmdLine, IN INT CmdShow ); INT_PTR CALLBACK TZoneDlgProc ( IN HWND wnd, IN UINT Msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ); ULONG UpdateTZoneData ( IN OUT PTZONE_INFO ReturnedTZoneInfo, IN WMIHANDLE *Handle ); ULONG64 SystemTimeToUlong ( IN LPSYSTEMTIME SysTime ); VOID SetCoolingMode ( IN UCHAR Mode ); VOID UpgradePrivileges ( VOID ); VOID UpdateTZoneListBox ( IN HANDLE wnd ); VOID UpdateTZoneDetails ( IN HANDLE wnd ); VOID UpdateTZoneGauge ( IN HANDLE wnd ); VOID UpdateCPUGauge( IN HWND hwnd ); VOID UpdateCoolingMode ( IN HWND hwnd ); /*++ Routine Description: Windows application Entry Point Arguments: Return Value: 0 if successful, otherwise error status --*/ WINAPI WinMain ( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, IN PSTR CmdLine, IN INT CmdShow ) { UCHAR text [200]; INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX CommonCtl; TZONE_INFO TZones [MAX_THERMAL_ZONES]; ULONG status = 0; INT64 RetVal = 0; // Initialize TZ structures ZeroMemory (&TZones, sizeof (TZones)); g_TZonePtr = (PTZONE_INFO) &TZones; // Initialize Common Controls DLL for gauge control CommonCtl.dwSize = sizeof (CommonCtl); CommonCtl.dwICC = ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS; InitCommonControlsEx (&CommonCtl); // Open WMI data source for the TZs status = WmiOpenBlock ((LPGUID) &ThermalZoneGuid, GENERIC_READ, &g_WmiHandle); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { sprintf (text, "Unable to open thermal zone GUIDs. This computer may not be equipped with thermal zones, or may not be in ACPI mode.\nError: %d", status); MessageBox (NULL, text, "Fatal Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return status; } // In order to change the policies, we need greater access privileges UpgradePrivileges (); // Show the main dialog box DialogBox (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDD_TZDLG), NULL, TZoneDlgProc); return 0; } /*++ Routine Description: Standard Windows Dialog Message Loop Arguments: Return Value: FALSE if message not handled, TRUE if message handled --*/ INT_PTR CALLBACK TZoneDlgProc ( IN HWND wnd, IN UINT Msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { ULONG Count = 0; INT_PTR RetVal = 0; switch (Msg) { case WM_TIMER: if (g_PollTz) { SetCoolingMode (COOLING_UPDATE_TZONE); } if (UpdateTZoneData (g_TZonePtr, g_WmiHandle)) { UpdateCoolingMode (wnd); UpdateTZoneDetails (wnd); UpdateTZoneGauge (wnd); } UpdateCPUGauge(wnd); return TRUE; case WM_INITDIALOG: // Fill TZ structure with initial values UpdateTZoneData (g_TZonePtr, g_WmiHandle); // Initialize all controls UpdateTZoneListBox (wnd); UpdateTZoneDetails (wnd); UpdateTZoneGauge (wnd); UpdateCPUGauge(wnd); UpdateCoolingMode(wnd); // Initialize polling timer SetTimer (wnd, TIMER_ID, TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL, NULL); // Set gauge colors SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZTEMP1, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM) (COLORREF) (0x0000FF)); SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZTEMP1, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM) (COLORREF) (0x000000)); SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_THROTTLE, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM) (COLORREF) (0x0000FF)); SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_THROTTLE, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM) (COLORREF) (0x000000)); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { // Cleanup and exit case IDOK: KillTimer (wnd, TIMER_ID); EndDialog (wnd, 0); return TRUE; // Check to see if user selected a new TZ case IDC_TZSELECT: if (HIWORD (wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { UpdateTZoneDetails (wnd); UpdateTZoneGauge (wnd); return TRUE; } break; case IDC_POLLTZ: // Check to see if user changed the TZ Polling setting if (HIWORD (wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { RetVal = SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_POLLTZ, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (!g_PollTz && RetVal == BST_CHECKED) { g_PollTz = TRUE; } if (g_PollTz && RetVal == BST_UNCHECKED) { g_PollTz = FALSE; } } break; case IDC_FAHR: // Check to see if user changed the Fahrenheit setting if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { RetVal = SendDlgItemMessage(wnd, IDC_FAHR, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (!g_Fahrenheit && RetVal == BST_CHECKED) { g_Fahrenheit = TRUE; SetDlgItemText(wnd, IDC_MINTEMP, "37F"); UpdateTZoneDetails(wnd); UpdateTZoneGauge(wnd); } else if (g_Fahrenheit && RetVal == BST_UNCHECKED) { g_Fahrenheit = FALSE; SetDlgItemText(wnd, IDC_MINTEMP, "276K"); UpdateTZoneDetails(wnd); UpdateTZoneGauge(wnd); } } break; default: break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: KillTimer (wnd, TIMER_ID); EndDialog (wnd, 0); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: break; } return 0; } /*++ Routine Description: Issue WMI call to update TZ structures Arguments: ReturnedTZoneInfo - Pointer to array of TZ structures Handle - Handle to WMI Return Value: FALSE if no TZs were updated, TRUE if one or more TZs have an update --*/ ULONG UpdateTZoneData ( IN OUT PTZONE_INFO ReturnedTZoneInfo, IN WMIHANDLE *Handle ) { ULONG status = 0; ULONG BufferSize = 0; PWNODE_ALL_DATA WmiAllData; PTHERMAL_INFORMATION ThermalInfo; ULONG Offset = 0; UCHAR *AllDataBuffer = 0; UCHAR *AllDataBufferSave = 0; UCHAR *OrigDataBuffer = 0; UCHAR *InstanceName = 0; ULONG TZCount = 0; ULONG Temp = 0; SYSTEMTIME SysTime; BOOL Updated = FALSE; status = WmiQueryAllData (Handle, &BufferSize, 0); if (status != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { return FALSE; } AllDataBuffer = malloc (BufferSize); if (!AllDataBuffer) { return FALSE; } // // Save original pointer to use with free() // OrigDataBuffer = AllDataBuffer; status = WmiQueryAllData (Handle, &BufferSize, AllDataBuffer); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free (AllDataBuffer); return FALSE; } // BUG BUG Assuming Thermal GUID only has one instance // Save away the buffer pointer as it wll get moved in the following while loop AllDataBufferSave = AllDataBuffer; while (TZCount < MAX_THERMAL_ZONES) { WmiAllData = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA) AllDataBuffer; if (WmiAllData->WnodeHeader.Flags & WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE) { ThermalInfo = (PTHERMAL_INFORMATION) &AllDataBuffer[WmiAllData->DataBlockOffset]; } else { ThermalInfo = (PTHERMAL_INFORMATION) &AllDataBuffer[WmiAllData->OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[0].OffsetInstanceData]; } Offset = (ULONG) AllDataBuffer[WmiAllData->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets]; InstanceName = (UCHAR *) &AllDataBuffer[Offset + 2]; // Update TZone structure if timestamp has changed if (!ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].TZoneIndex || (ThermalInfo->ThermalStamp != ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].ThermalInfo.ThermalStamp)) { strcpy (ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].TZoneName, InstanceName); GetSystemTime (&SysTime); ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].TimeStamp = SystemTimeToUlong (&SysTime); ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].TZoneIndex = TZCount + 1; memcpy (&ReturnedTZoneInfo[TZCount].ThermalInfo, ThermalInfo, sizeof (THERMAL_INFORMATION)); Updated = TRUE; } if (!WmiAllData->WnodeHeader.Linkage) { break; } AllDataBuffer += WmiAllData->WnodeHeader.Linkage; TZCount ++; } // Restore the buffer pointer to the orginal location AllDataBuffer = AllDataBufferSave; free (OrigDataBuffer); return Updated; } /*++ Routine Description: Convert a system time structure to a 64bit ULONG Arguments: SysTime - Pointer to system time structure to compare against current time Return Value: Number of elapsed seconds between SysTime and current time --*/ ULONG64 SystemTimeToUlong ( IN LPSYSTEMTIME SysTime ) { ULONG64 TimeCount = 0; // BUG BUG Doesn't account for leap year TimeCount += SysTime->wYear * 31536000; TimeCount += SysTime->wMonth * 2628000; TimeCount += SysTime->wDay * 86400; TimeCount += SysTime->wHour * 3600; TimeCount += SysTime->wMinute * 60; TimeCount += SysTime->wSecond; return TimeCount; } /*++ Routine Description: Sets the cooling mode to ACTIVE, PASSIVE, or UPDATE ONLY. This is accomplished by changing the FanThrottleTolerance value in the power policy. Setting it to maxthrottle effectively puts the system into PASSIVE cooling mode. Setting it to 100% will put the system in ACTIVE cooling mode UNLESS the current temperature exceeds the passive cooling trip points. Arguments: Mode - Value to select the new cooling mode Return Value: None --*/ VOID SetCoolingMode ( IN UCHAR Mode ) { SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY SysPolicy; ULONG Status = 0; UCHAR TempFanThrottleTolerance = 0; // BUG BUG - This mechanism will currently only for while the machine is on AC. Status = NtPowerInformation( SystemPowerPolicyAc, 0, 0, &SysPolicy, sizeof (SysPolicy) ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } switch (Mode) { case COOLING_PASSIVE: SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance = SysPolicy.MinThrottle; break; case COOLING_ACTIVE: SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance = 100; break; case COOLING_UPDATE_TZONE: TempFanThrottleTolerance = SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance; SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance = SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance != SysPolicy.MinThrottle ? SysPolicy.MinThrottle : 100; break; default: return; } Status = NtPowerInformation( SystemPowerPolicyAc, &SysPolicy, sizeof (SysPolicy), &SysPolicy, sizeof (SysPolicy) ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } if (Mode == COOLING_UPDATE_TZONE) { SysPolicy.FanThrottleTolerance = TempFanThrottleTolerance; Status = NtPowerInformation( SystemPowerPolicyAc, &SysPolicy, sizeof (SysPolicy), &SysPolicy, sizeof (SysPolicy) ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } } } /*++ Routine Description: Upgrades the process's access permission to change system power policy Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ VOID UpgradePrivileges ( VOID ) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; HANDLE hToken; OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken); LookupPrivilegeValue (NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges (hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, NULL, 0); } /*++ Routine Description: Updates the entries presented in the TZ selection combo box Arguments: wnd - A handle to the control's window Return Value: None --*/ VOID UpdateTZoneListBox ( IN HANDLE wnd ) { ULONG Count = 0; // Reset the contents SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZSELECT, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); while (Count < MAX_THERMAL_ZONES) { if (g_TZonePtr[Count].TZoneIndex) { SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZSELECT, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) g_TZonePtr[Count].TZoneName); } else { break; } Count ++; } // Automatically select first TZone SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZSELECT, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } /*++ Routine Description: Updates the details for the currently selected TZ Arguments: wnd - A handle to the control's window Return Value: None --*/ VOID UpdateTZoneDetails ( IN HANDLE wnd ) { UCHAR text[1000], texttmp [1000]; UCHAR CurrentTZone = 0; INT_PTR RetVal = 0; UCHAR Count = 0; ULONG Fahrenheit; RetVal = SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZSELECT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (RetVal == CB_ERR) { return; } if (g_Fahrenheit) { Fahrenheit = K_TO_F(g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.PassiveTripPoint); sprintf (text, "Passive Trip Point:\t%d.%dF\nThermal Constant 1:\t%d\nThermal Constant 2:\t%d", Fahrenheit / 10, Fahrenheit % 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ThermalConstant1, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ThermalConstant2); } else { sprintf (text, "Passive Trip Point:\t%d.%dK\nThermal Constant 1:\t%d\nThermal Constant 2:\t%d", g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.PassiveTripPoint / 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.PassiveTripPoint % 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ThermalConstant1, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ThermalConstant2); } SetDlgItemText (wnd, IDC_PSVDETAILS, text); ZeroMemory (&text, sizeof (text)); while (Count < g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ActiveTripPointCount) { if (g_Fahrenheit) { Fahrenheit = K_TO_F(g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ActiveTripPoint[Count]); sprintf (texttmp, "Active Trip Point #%d:\t%d.%dF\n", Count, Fahrenheit / 10, Fahrenheit % 10); } else { sprintf (texttmp, "Active Trip Point #%d:\t%d.%dK\n", Count, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ActiveTripPoint[Count] / 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.ActiveTripPoint[Count] % 10); } strcat (text, texttmp); Count ++; } SetDlgItemText (wnd, IDC_ACXDETAILS, text); } /*++ Routine Description: Updates the progress bar control (temp gauge) for the currently selected TZ Arguments: wnd - A handle to the control's window Return Value: None --*/ VOID UpdateTZoneGauge ( IN HANDLE wnd ) { UCHAR CurrentTZone = 0; INT_PTR RetVal = 0; UCHAR text[20]; ULONG Fahrenheit; RetVal = SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZSELECT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (RetVal == CB_ERR) { return; } if (g_Fahrenheit) { Fahrenheit = K_TO_F(g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CriticalTripPoint); sprintf (text, "%d.%dF", Fahrenheit / 10, Fahrenheit % 10); } else { sprintf (text, "%d.%dK", g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CriticalTripPoint / 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CriticalTripPoint % 10); } SetDlgItemText (wnd, IDC_CRTTEMP, text); if (g_Fahrenheit) { Fahrenheit = K_TO_F(g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CurrentTemperature); sprintf (text, "Current: %d.%dF", Fahrenheit / 10, Fahrenheit % 10); } else { sprintf (text, "Current: %d.%dK", g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CurrentTemperature / 10, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CurrentTemperature % 10); } SetDlgItemText (wnd, IDC_CURTEMP, text); SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZTEMP1, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(2760, g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CriticalTripPoint)); SendDlgItemMessage (wnd, IDC_TZTEMP1, PBM_SETPOS, (INT) g_TZonePtr[RetVal].ThermalInfo.CurrentTemperature, 0); return; } VOID UpdateCPUGauge( IN HWND hwnd ) /*++ Routine Description: Updates the current CPU throttling gauge Arguments: hwnd - Supplies the parent dialog hwnd Return Value: None --*/ { PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION ProcInfo; NTSTATUS Status; UCHAR text[40]; Status = NtPowerInformation(ProcessorInformation, NULL, 0, &ProcInfo, sizeof(ProcInfo)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { sprintf(text, "%d MHz", ProcInfo.MaxMhz); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_MAXTHROTTLE, text); sprintf(text, "Current %d MHz (%d %%)", ProcInfo.CurrentMhz, ProcInfo.CurrentMhz*100/ProcInfo.MaxMhz); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_CURTHROTTLE, text); // // update throttle gauge // SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_THROTTLE, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, ProcInfo.MaxMhz)); SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_THROTTLE, PBM_SETPOS, (INT) ProcInfo.CurrentMhz, 0); // // update idle information // sprintf(text, "C%d", ProcInfo.MaxIdleState); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_MAXIDLE, text); // // BUGBUG John Vert (jvert) 9/16/1999 // the current idle state reporting ranges from 0-2 // the max idle state reporting ranges from 1-3 // probably current is wrong and should be 0-3 representing C0-C3 // for now add one and don't run this on an MP machine! // sprintf(text, "C%d", ProcInfo.CurrentIdleState + 1); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_CURIDLE, text); } } VOID UpdateCoolingMode ( IN HWND hwnd ) { SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION SystemInformation; UCHAR uCoolingMode; UCHAR text[50]; NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtPowerInformation(SystemPowerInformation, NULL, 0, &SystemInformation, sizeof(SystemInformation)); uCoolingMode = SystemInformation.CoolingMode; // 0 = Active Mode // 1 = Passive Mode switch (uCoolingMode) { case 0: SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_COOLINGMODE, "Active"); break; case 1: SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_COOLINGMODE, "Passive"); break; default: SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_COOLINGMODE, "Error!"); } }