/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: clussprt.c Abstract: Public interfaces for managing clusters. Author: Sunita Shrivastava (sunitas) 15-Jan-1997 Revision History: --*/ #include "clusprtp.h" // // General Cluster Support Routines for base components // /**** @doc EXTERNAL INTERFACES CLUSSVC CLUSSPRT EVTLOG ****/ /**** @func HANDLE WINAPI | BindToClusterSvc| This returns a handle via which you can talk to the cluster service. @parm IN LPWSTR | lpszClusterName | A pointer to the cluster name. If NULL, this connects to the local cluster service. @rdesc Returns a handle to the binding if successful, else returns NULL. Error can be obtained by calling GetLastError(). @comm The handle obtained from this must be passed on to other apis exported by this module. It must be freed eventually by calling UnbindFromClusterSvc(). @xref ****/ HANDLE WINAPI BindToClusterSvc(IN LPWSTR lpszClusterName) { WCHAR *pBinding = NULL; PCLUSTER_SPRT pCluster; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; pCluster = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(CLUSTER_SPRT)); if (pCluster == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; SetLastError( Status ); return NULL; } pCluster->dwSignature = CLUSTER_SPRT_SIGNATURE; if ((lpszClusterName == NULL) || (lpszClusterName[0] == '\0')) { Status = RpcStringBindingComposeW(L"b97db8b2-4c63-11cf-bff6-08002be23f2f", L"ncalrpc", NULL, L"clusapi", NULL, &pBinding); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { goto FnExit; } } else { // // Try to connect directly to the cluster. // Status = RpcStringBindingComposeW(L"b97db8b2-4c63-11cf-bff6-08002be23f2f", L"ncacn_np", (LPWSTR)lpszClusterName, L"\\pipe\\clusapi", NULL, &pBinding); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { goto FnExit; } } //bind to the cluster svc and save the binding handle Status = RpcBindingFromStringBindingW(pBinding, &pCluster->RpcBinding); RpcStringFreeW(&pBinding); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { goto FnExit; } Status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW(pCluster->RpcBinding, L"CLUSAPI", RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME); FnExit: if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); if (pCluster->RpcBinding) RpcBindingFree(&(pCluster->RpcBinding)); LocalFree(pCluster); pCluster=NULL; } return((HANDLE)pCluster); } /**** @func DWORD | UnbindFromClusterSvc| This initializes the cluster wide eventlog replicating services. @parm IN HANDLE | hCluster | A handle to the binding context obtained via BindToClusterSvc(). @rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success. @comm Frees the context related with this binding. @xref ****/ DWORD WINAPI UnbindFromClusterSvc(IN HANDLE hCluster) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PCLUSTER_SPRT pCluster = (PCLUSTER_SPRT)hCluster; if (!pCluster || (pCluster->dwSignature != CLUSTER_SPRT_SIGNATURE) || !(pCluster->RpcBinding)) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto FnExit; } RpcBindingFree(&(pCluster->RpcBinding)); LocalFree(pCluster); FnExit: return(Status); } /**** @func DWORD | PropagateEvents| This eventlog service calls the local cluster service via this api to propagate events within a cluster. @parm IN HANDLE | hCluster | handle to a cluster binding context returned by BindToClusterSvc(). @parm IN DWORD | dwEventInfoSize | Size of the event info structure that contains the events to be propagated. @parm IN PPACKEDEVENTINFO| pPackedEventInfo | A pointer to the packed event information structure. @rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success. @comm This calls ApiEvPropEvents() in the cluster via lrpc. @xref ****/ DWORD WINAPI PropagateEvents( IN HANDLE hCluster, IN DWORD dwEventInfoSize, IN PPACKEDEVENTINFO pPackedEventInfo) { DWORD Status=ERROR_SUCCESS; PCLUSTER_SPRT pCluster=(PCLUSTER_SPRT)hCluster; if (!pCluster || (pCluster->dwSignature != CLUSTER_SPRT_SIGNATURE) || !(pCluster->RpcBinding)) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto FnExit; } RpcTryExcept { //call the cluster service ApiEvPropEvents(pCluster->RpcBinding, dwEventInfoSize, (UCHAR *)pPackedEventInfo); } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { //SS: dont do anything - } RpcEndExcept FnExit: return(Status); }