!include master.env # # Libs to link together a FW image # EFI_LIBS = \ output\lib\lib.lib # # We sometimes link the shell's tools into this build, so include # libs for all the tools and the shell. # # (Note this is for debugging, and a real build should remove # this as to be sure it's not mistakenly including any parts of # the shell) # # # This is a makefile that can be included by the build makefile's that # adds the shell & the shell tools to the libs that are to be linked # with. This allows the build to include all the shell tools in it's # image if it wants. # !IF "$(EFI_BOOTSHELL)" == "YES" EFI_LIBS = $(EFI_LIBS) \ output\shell\newshell\newshell.lib \ output\shell\shellenv\shellenv.lib \ output\shell\lib\lib.lib \ output\shell\rm\rm.lib \ output\shell\mkdir\mkdir.lib \ output\shell\ls\ls.lib \ output\shell\mode\mode.lib \ output\shell\cp\cp.lib \ output\shell\memmap\memmap.lib \ output\shell\type\type.lib \ output\shell\load\load.lib \ output\shell\dmpstore\dmpstore.lib \ output\shell\ver\ver.lib \ output\shell\attrib\attrib.lib \ output\shell\mv\mv.lib \ output\shell\date\date.lib \ output\shell\time\time.lib \ output\shell\stall\stall.lib \ output\shell\reset\reset.lib \ output\shell\debug\debug.lib \ output\shell\iomod\iomod.lib \ output\shell\mem\mem.lib \ output\shell\pci\pci.lib \ output\shell\err\err.lib \ output\shell\vol\vol.lib \ output\shell\comp\comp.lib \ output\shell\cls\cls.lib \ output\shell\bcfg\bcfg.lib \ output\shell\edit\edit.lib \ !ENDIF # # # TARGET_BASENAME=Bios32 OUTPUTS=bin\$(TARGET_BASENAME).exe all: makemaker $(OUTPUTS): $(EFI_LIBS) $(LINK) $(L_FLAGS) $(NT_LIBS) $(EFI_LIBS) /entry:MainEntry /out:$@ /pdb:$*.pdb # #? Everything to build # banner: -type $(EFI_SOURCE)\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\Bios32\banner.c > $(EFI_SOURCE)\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\Bios32\banner.xxx -del $(EFI_SOURCE)\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\Bios32\banner.c -rename $(EFI_SOURCE)\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\Bios32\banner.xxx banner.c makemaker: $(BUILD_TOOL)\genmake !IF "$(EFI_BOOTSHELL)" == "YES" $(MAKE) -f output\shell\lib\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\shellenv\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\newshell\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\ls\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\mode\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\mkdir\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\rm\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\cp\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\comp\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\type\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\memmap\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\dmpstore\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\load\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\getmtc\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\debug\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\pci\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\mem\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\iomod\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\ver\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\date\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\time\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\reset\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\stall\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\attrib\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\setsize\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\touch\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\mv\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\err\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\vol\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\bcfg\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\cls\makefile all $(MAKE) -f output\shell\edit\makefile all !ENDIF bsc: - dir /s /b *.sbr > temp.rm $(BSCMAKE) /n /o bin\$(TARGET_BASENAME).bsc "@temp.rm" - del temp.rm clean: - rd /s /q output - rd /s /q bin - del VC?0.* - del $(TARGET_BASENAME).* floppy: bin\efildr bin\bootsect.com - copy bin\efildr a:\efildr bin\efildr.dll: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\efildr.obj output\lib\lib.lib link /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 /subsystem:console /NODEFAULTLIB /INCREMENTAL:NO /MAP /FIXED /BASE:0x00400000 /ENTRY:EfiLoader output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\efildr.obj output\lib\lib.lib /OUT:bin\efildr.dll bin\efildr.efi: bin\efildr.dll $(FWIMAGE) app bin\efildr.dll bin\efildr.efi bin\Bios32.efi: bin\Bios32.exe $(FWIMAGE) app bin\Bios32.exe bin\Bios32.efi bin\efildr32: bin\efildr.efi bin\Bios32.efi $(BUILD_TOOL)\efildrimage bin\efildr32 bin\efildr.efi bin\Bios32.efi bin\bootsect.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\bootsect.obj $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\bootsect.obj,bin\bootsect.com,bin\bootsect.map,,, bin\start.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\start.obj $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\start.obj,bin\start.com,bin\start.map,,, bin\efi32.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\efi32.obj $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\efi32.obj,bin\efi32.com,bin\efi32.map,,, bin\efi32.com2: bin\efi32.com $(BUILD_TOOL)\splitfile bin\efi32.com 135168 bin\efildr: bin\start.com bin\efi32.com2 bin\efildr32 copy /b bin\start.com+bin\efi32.com2+bin\efildr32 bin\efildr createfloppy: - $(BUILD_TOOL)\dskimage $(BUILD_TOOL)\efiboot.img a: /f1.44 floppytools: - copy bin\attrib.efi a: - copy bin\comp.efi a: - copy bin\cp.efi a: - copy bin\date.efi a: - copy bin\load.efi a: - copy bin\ls.efi a: - copy bin\memmap.efi a: - copy bin\mkdir.efi a: - copy bin\mode.efi a: - copy bin\mv.efi a: - copy bin\nshell.efi a: - copy bin\shellenv.efi a: - copy bin\reset.efi a: - copy bin\rm.efi a: - copy bin\time.efi a: - copy bin\type.efi a: - copy bin\ver.efi a: - copy bin\vol.efi a: