/**************************************************************************************************************** FILENAME: Extents.h COPYRIGHT© 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc. DESCRIPTION: File system extent handling prototypes. ***************************************************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" //Creates the extent buffer. BOOL CreateExtentBuffer( ); //Purges the buffer and then destroys it. BOOL DestroyExtentBuffer( ); //Adds extents to the extent buffer. BOOL AddExtents( BYTE Color ); BOOL AddExtentsStream( BYTE Color, STREAM_EXTENT_HEADER* pStreamExtentHeader ); //Adds one chunk to the extent buffer (Called by AddExtents) BOOL AddExtentChunk( BYTE Color, EXTENT_LIST* pExtentList, LONGLONG ExtentsAdded, LONGLONG lExtentCount ); //Sends all the data in the extent buffer to DiskView and zeroes the buffer out so more extents can be added. BOOL PurgeExtentBuffer( );