#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 #endif #ifndef WIN32 #define WIN32 0x0400 #endif #pragma warning( disable: 4001 4035 4100 4115 4200 4201 4204 4209 4214 4514 4699 ) #include #pragma warning( disable: 4001 4035 4100 4115 4200 4201 4204 4209 4214 4514 4699 ) #include #include "wpatchid.h" #include #include #include #include "patchapi.h" #include "patchprv.h" #include #include typedef struct { HWND hwndProgress; int iPercentLast; } CALLBACK_CONTEXT; void Usage( void ) { MessageBox( NULL, "WPATCH " VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR " Patch Application Utility\n" VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_STR "\n\n" "Usage: WPATCH PatchFile OldFile TargetNewFile", "Patch Application Utility", MB_OK ); } BOOL CALLBACK MyProgressCallback( PVOID CallbackContext, ULONG CurrentPosition, ULONG MaximumPosition ) { int iPercent; MSG msg; CALLBACK_CONTEXT *pContext = CallbackContext; if (pContext->hwndProgress != NULL) { if ( CurrentPosition & 0xFF000000 ) { CurrentPosition >>= 8; MaximumPosition >>= 8; } if ( MaximumPosition != 0 ) { iPercent = ( CurrentPosition * 100 ) / MaximumPosition; if (pContext->iPercentLast != iPercent) { pContext->iPercentLast = iPercent; SendDlgItemMessage(pContext->hwndProgress, IDC_PROGRESS, PBM_SETPOS, iPercent, 0); while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } return TRUE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ProgressWndProc(HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_PROGRESS, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 99)); EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hdlg, FALSE), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED); return TRUE; } return 0; } int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { char *pchCommand; char *argv[50]; int argc; enum { WHITESPACE, UNQUOTED, QUOTED } eState = WHITESPACE; LPSTR OldFileName = NULL; LPSTR PatchFileName = NULL; LPSTR NewFileName = NULL; BOOL Success; LPSTR arg; int i; int rc; CALLBACK_CONTEXT Context; int fWaitOnError = TRUE; SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); #ifndef DEBUG SetErrorMode( SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); #endif Context.hwndProgress = NULL; Context.iPercentLast = -1; pchCommand = _strdup(lpCmdLine); /* work on a copy */ argv[0] = ""; /* no EXE name supplied */ argc = 1; /* that was one */ while (*pchCommand) /* walk the string */ { switch (eState) { case WHITESPACE: if (*pchCommand <= ' ') { /* ignore it */ } else if (*pchCommand == '\"') { argv[argc++] = pchCommand + 1; /* skip quote */ eState = QUOTED; } else { argv[argc++] = pchCommand; eState = UNQUOTED; } break; case UNQUOTED: if (*pchCommand <= ' ') { *pchCommand = '\0'; /* nul-terminate */ eState = WHITESPACE; } else { /* keep moving up */ } break; case QUOTED: if (*pchCommand == '\"') { *pchCommand = '\0'; /* turn quote to a nul */ eState = WHITESPACE; } else { /* keep moving up */ } break; } pchCommand++; } argv[argc] = NULL; /* NULL-terminate the list */ for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { arg = argv[ i ]; if ( strchr( arg, '?' )) { Usage(); rc = 1; goto bail; } if ( lstrcmpi( arg, "-QUIET" ) == 0) { nShowCmd = SW_HIDE; } else if ( lstrcmpi( arg, "-NOWAIT" ) == 0) { fWaitOnError = FALSE; } else if ( PatchFileName == NULL ) { PatchFileName = arg; } else if ( OldFileName == NULL ) { OldFileName = arg; } else if ( NewFileName == NULL ) { NewFileName = arg; } else { Usage(); rc = 1; goto bail; } } if (( OldFileName == NULL ) || ( NewFileName == NULL ) || ( PatchFileName == NULL )) { Usage(); rc = 1; goto bail; } if (nShowCmd != SW_HIDE) { InitCommonControls(); Context.hwndProgress = CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_PROGRESS), NULL, ProgressWndProc); ShowWindow( Context.hwndProgress, nShowCmd ); // might be ignored per spec ShowWindow( Context.hwndProgress, nShowCmd ); // won't be ignored } DeleteFile( NewFileName ); Success = ApplyPatchToFileEx( PatchFileName, OldFileName, NewFileName, 0, MyProgressCallback, &Context ); if (Context.hwndProgress != NULL) { DestroyWindow(Context.hwndProgress); } if ( ! Success ) { if (fWaitOnError) { CHAR ErrorText[ 100 ]; ULONG ErrorCode = GetLastError(); wsprintf( ErrorText, "Failed to create file from patch (%X)", ErrorCode ); MessageBox(NULL, ErrorText, "WPATCH Failed", MB_ICONERROR | MB_SYSTEMMODAL); } rc = 2; goto bail; } rc = 0; bail: return(rc); }