include .286 .model medium,pascal _DATA segment word public 'DATA' Old2fHandler dd ? Old73Handler dd ? VddHandle dw -1 DllName db "VWIPXSPX.DLL",0 InitFunc db "VwInitialize",0 DispFunc db "VwDispatcher",0 _DATA ends INIT_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:INIT_TEXT GrabInterrupts proc far pusha push ds push es push _DATA pop ds assume ds:_DATA push ds pop es mov si,offset DllName ; ds:si = library name mov di,offset InitFunc ; es:di = init function name mov bx,offset DispFunc ; ds:bx = dispatcher function name RegisterModule ; returns carry if problem jc @f mov VddHandle,ax mov ax,352fh int 21h mov word ptr Old2fHandler,bx mov word ptr Old2fHandler+2,es ifdef NEC_98 mov ax,3513h else ; NEC_98 mov ax,3573h endif ; NEC_98 int 21h mov word ptr Old73Handler,bx mov word ptr Old73Handler+2,es push seg PmIpx2fHandler pop ds assume ds:nothing mov dx,offset PmIpx2fHandler mov ax,252fh int 21h mov dx,offset PmIpx73Handler ifdef NEC_98 mov ax,2513h else ; NEC_98 mov ax,2573h endif ; NEC_98 int 21h @@: pop es pop ds popa ret GrabInterrupts endp INIT_TEXT ends _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:_TEXT public PmIpx2fHandler PmIpx2fHandler proc cmp ax,1684h jne @f cmp bx,200h jne @f push cs pop es mov di,offset PmIpxEntryPoint iret @@: push bp mov bp,sp push ax push ds mov ax,_DATA mov ds,ax assume ds:_DATA push word ptr Old2fHandler+2 push word ptr Old2fHandler mov ds,[bp-4] mov ax,[bp-2] mov bp,[bp] retf 6 PmIpx2fHandler endp public PmIpx73Handler PmIpx73Handler proc push ds push es pusha mov bx,_DATA mov ds,bx assume ds:_DATA mov ax,VddHandle mov bx,-2 DispatchCall ; get ECB jc @f call dword ptr es:[si][4] ; branch to the ESR mov al,20h ifdef NEC_98 out 08h,al ; clear slave pic out 00h,al ; " master " else ; NEC_98 out 0a0h,al ; clear slave pic out 20h,al ; " master " endif ; NEC_98 popa pop es pop ds assume ds:nothing iret @@: popa pop es push bp mov bp,sp push _DATA pop ds assume ds:_DATA push word ptr Old73Handler+2 push word ptr Old73Handler mov ds,[bp+2] assume ds:nothing mov bp,[bp] retf 4 PmIpx73Handler endp public PmIpxEntryPoint PmIpxEntryPoint proc push bp push ds push _DATA pop ds assume ds:_DATA mov bp,ax mov ax,VddHandle pop ds assume ds:nothing DispatchCall pop bp ret PmIpxEntryPoint endp _TEXT ends end