How to add a new thunk table for a new 16-bit thunk DLL: - modify wow16\kernel31\kernel.def and add an export similar to __MOD_KERNEL rebuild the 16-bit libraries (nmake in mvdm\wow16\lib) - modify the Thunk macro in inc\wow.h and add another externA update the MOD_ constants in wow.h, the profiling code still uses them. regenerate - update kernel31\kdata.asm and add another MOD_ variable - declare and make public a new __MOD_ value for exporting (ldboot.asm) - create the table (.h file) for inclusion into wowtbl.c - wowtbl.h - add a field to the tableoffsets structure - wowtbl.c - #include the table into aw32WOW and update apszModNames, InitThunkTableOffsets, ModFromCallID, and TableOffsetFromName - update with the new dependency