#####hardware.inf all [LanguageVars] ; This section is included here so that the language lcid can ; be set to the right value. there are no localizable strings ; in this section LanguageHardwareDetected = "" LanguageSystemSet = "00000409" LanguageDefault = "00000409" LanguageOurINFOptions = {} LanguageOemINFOptions = {} LanguageMergedOptions = {} LanguageSpecialOption = {} LanguageCurrentOption = {} LanguageOptionList = {} LanguageOptionTextList = {} LanguageOption = {} LanguageINF = "" LanguageInstall = "NO" LanguageSrcDir = "" LanguageDstDir = "" ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; OEM DISKETTE NAMES TO BE USED BEFORE GETTING ACTUAL STRINGS BACK ;----------------------------------------------------------------- [OemOptionDiskettesENG] ; VideoDisketteSrc = "A:\" LayoutDisketteSrc = "A:\" LanguageDisketteSrc = "A:\" [StringsENG] Other = "Other (Requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)" Error1 = "Failed to initialize hardware options." Error2 = "Failed to initialize hardware option variables." Error3 = "Failed to obtain new options. Ignoring the error." Error4 = "Internal Setup error: failed to merge Microsoft options with the OEM options." Error5 = "" Error6 = "Please wait while Setup examines your hardware configuration..." Error7 = "Setup was unable to locate or load an INF file." ;----------------------------------------------- ; f) SYSTEM INFORMATION DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [SystemDlgENG] Caption = "Language (Locale)" DlgText = "Setup will install the language (locale) listed below."+ " The language (locale) determines how date, currency,"+ " and time values are displayed, and controls other"+ " international settings. Click on the down arrow for"+ " other choices. When the language (locale) is correct,"+ " choose continue or press ENTER." Continue = "Continue" ComboHeader = "" Combo1Label = "&Language:" Combo1Footer = "(Locale)" ; no translation needed for dlg type DlgType = "MultiCombo" DlgTemplate = "SYSTEM" Help = "&Help" Exit = "E&xit Setup" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_SYSTEM_INS) Combo1List = $(LanguageOptionTextList) Combo1Out = *($(Combo1List), ~($(LanguageOptionList), $(LanguageOption))) ComboListItemsIn = { Combo1List } ComboListItemsOut = { Combo1Out } NotifyFields = {YES}