var PAGE_DIAL_READY = 40; var PAGE_DIAL_UP = 41; var gNextChkPt = 0; var APP_OOBE_MODE = 0; var APP_REG_MODE = 2; var APP_ACT_MODE = 5; var REMIND_REG = 0; var REMIND_ISP = 1; var APP_MSN_MODE = 4; // Localization strings var L_REGSRV_Text = "Your computer is connecting to the registration server."; var L_ACTSRV_Text = "Your computer is connecting to the activation server."; var L_ACT_REG_SRV_Text = "Your computer is connecting to the activation and registration server."; var L_REGCOM_Text = "Registering Windows... "; var L_REGCOM2_Text = "Registering your computer... "; var L_ACTCOM_Text = "Activating Windows... "; var L_ACTREGCOM_Text = "Activating and registering Windows... "; var g_CustomPhoneBook = null; var g_CustomDialingPage = null; function SetCustomDialing(PhoneBook, DialingPage) { g_CustomDialingPage = DialingPage; g_CustomPhoneBook = PhoneBook; } // // This function indicates whether we are in a mode that reminds the user to activate // and/or register. For dialmgr.js, activation mode should be handled the same way // as registration. // function InActivation_AppMode() { return (APP_ACT_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode()); } function InReminderMode() { return (APP_REG_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode() || APP_ACT_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode() ); } function ShowAregDial() { Navigate("actsetup\\aregdial.htm"); SetTimerShowIFrame(500); } function GoToDialingPage() { if ( APP_REG_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode() ) { Navigate("regsetup\\rregdial.htm"); } else if ( APP_ACT_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode() ) { ShowIFrame('False'); window.setTimeout("ShowAregDial();",500); } else { DisableAllButtons(); switch (g_CurrentCKPT) { case CKPT_MIGDIAL: //alert("CKPT_MIGDIAL"); Navigate("setup\\migdial.htm"); break; case CKPT_REFDIAL: //alert("CKPT_REFDIAL"); // already downloaded offer if (true == StatusObj.get_Status(REFERALDLCOMPLETED)) { GoNavigate(CKPT_MIGLIST); } else { Navigate("setup\\refdial.htm"); } break; case CKPT_REGDIAL: //alert("CKPT_REGDIAL"); Navigate("setup\\regdial.htm"); break; case CKPT_ISPDIAL: //alert("CKPT_ISPDIAL"); if (g_CustomDialingPage) { Navigate(g_CustomDialingPage); } else { Navigate("setup\\dialup.htm"); } break; default: //alert("CKPT_REGDIAL ?"); break; } } } function DialRdy_OutsideLineClicked( ) { try { if (null == g.event) return; } catch(e) { return; } DialRdy_SetOutsideLine( ); } function DialRdy_SetOutsideLine( ) { if (true == g.radioOutsideLineYes.checked && "visible" == { = "visible"; = "visible"; g.edtOutsideLineNumber.value = TapiObj.get_DialOut; if (0 == g.edtOutsideLineNumber.value.length) { g.edtOutsideLineNumber.value = "9"; } } else { g.edtOutsideLineNumber.value = ""; = "hidden"; = "hidden"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Next Button Handler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Dial_NextBtnHandler() { switch (gCurrPage) { case PAGE_DIAL_READY: { if ("visible") { TapiObj.set_AreaCode = g.edtAreaCode.value; TapiObj.set_CountryIndex = g.selCountry.selectedIndex; // If Touch tone is checked if ( != "hidden") { if (g.radioTouchToneYes.checked) TapiObj.set_PhoneSystem = 1; else TapiObj.set_PhoneSystem = 0; } } if ("visible" == && true == g.radioOutsideLineYes.checked && "visible" == ) { TapiObj.set_DialOut = g.edtOutsideLineNumber.value; } if (window.external.CheckPhoneBook( (g_CustomPhoneBook == null) ? "msobe.isp" : g_CustomPhoneBook )) { GoToDialingPage(); } else { if (InReminderMode()) { Navigate("regerror\\rpberr.htm"); } else { if (g_CurrentCKPT == CKPT_ISPDIAL) { Navigate("isperror\\isppberr.htm"); } else { Navigate("error\\pberr.htm"); } } } break; } case PAGE_DIAL_UP: { break; } } } var g_IgnoreDialErr = true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Back Button Handler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Dial_BackBtnHandler() { switch (gCurrPage) { case PAGE_DIAL_READY: { break; } case PAGE_DIAL_UP: { g_IgnoreDialErr = true; ResetDialing(); GoBack(); break; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Skip Button Handler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Dial_SkipBtnHandler() { PopCKPT(CKPT_ISPDIAL); // Pop all possible dial ready checkpoint PopCKPT(CKPT_REGDIAL); switch (gCurrPage) { case PAGE_DIAL_READY: { GoCancel(); break; } case PAGE_DIAL_UP: { ResetDialing(); GoCancel(); break; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dial Ready page for OEM, ISP, MSN dialing. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function DialRdy_LoadMe() { if (InActivation_AppMode()) ShowIFrame(); gCurrPage = PAGE_DIAL_READY; InitFrameRef(); if (InActivation_AppMode()) CheckContrastMode(); if (g != null) { g_FirstFocusElement = g.btnNext; if (InActivation_AppMode()) window.setTimeout("DoFocus();",1000); else g_FirstFocusElement.focus(); } InitButtons(); var fTapi = TapiObj.IsTAPIConfigured; if (!fTapi && !g_bTapiDone) {"visible"; if(g_CountryIdx < 0) { g_CountryIdx = TapiObj.get_CountryIndex; } g.edtAreaCode.value = TapiObj.get_AreaCode; g.selCountry.selectedIndex = g_CountryIdx; if(1 == TapiObj.get_PhoneSystem) g.radioTouchToneYes.checked = true; //touch tone else g.radioTouchToneNo.checked = true; //rotary } if (true == ApiObj.get_OOBEDebugMode) { = "visible"; } DialRdy_SetOutsideLine( ); g.btnNext.onclick = Dial_NextBtnHandler; g.btnSkip.onclick = Dial_SkipBtnHandler; if ((APP_MSN_MODE == window.external.Directions.get_AppMode()) && window.external.CalledFromMsn()) { = "hidden"; = "hidden"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dial Ready page for OEM, ISP, MSN dialing. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var L_PostToOEMandMS_Text = "We'll now dial a telephone number to register your new computer with Microsoft and %1. "; var L_PostToMS_Text = "We'll now dial a telephone number to register your new computer with Microsoft. "; var L_PostToOEM_Text = "We'll now dial a telephone number to register your new computer with %1. "; var L_PrepToActRegOnline_Text = "Preparing to activate and register Online"; var L_PrepToActReg_Text = "Windows will now dial a telephone number to activate and register Windows with Microsoft."; var L_PrepToActReg2_Text = "Windows will now dial a telephone number to activate Windows with Microsoft and register with %1. "; var L_PrepToActReg3_Text = "Windows will now dial a telephone number to activate and register Windows with Microsoft and register with %1. "; var L_PrepToAct_Text = "Windows will now dial a telephone number to activate Windows with Microsoft."; var OemNameStr = window.external.Signup.get_OEMName(); function RegDialRdy_LoadMe() { DialRdy_LoadMe(); if (InActivation_AppMode()) { if (g_PostToMS) { g.Title_Text.innerText = L_PrepToActRegOnline_Text; g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = L_PrepToActReg_Text; } // Change "Skip" to "Remind me later". var L_RemindMeLater01_Text = " Remind me later "; var AccesskeyRemind_M = "M"; g.btnSkip.innerHTML = L_RemindMeLater01_Text; g.btnSkip.accessKey = AccesskeyRemind_M; } if (!InReminderMode()) { if (g_DoActivation) { if (g_PostToMS && !g_PostToOEM) g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = L_PrepToActReg_Text; else if (!g_PostToMS && g_PostToOEM) g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PrepToActReg2_Text, OemNameStr); else if (g_PostToMS && g_PostToOEM) g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PrepToActReg3_Text, OemNameStr); else if (!g_PostToMS && !g_PostToOEM) g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = L_PrepToAct_Text; } else { if (g_PostToMS && g_PostToOEM) { g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PostToOEMandMS_Text, OemNameStr); } else if (g_PostToMS) { g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = L_PostToMS_Text; } else // this must be the g_PostToOEM case { g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PostToOEM_Text, OemNameStr); } } } else { GetPageTitle(); if (1 == RegisterObj.get_PostToOEM) { if (g_PostToOEM) { if (g_PostToMS) { g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PostToOEMandMS_Text, OemNameStr); } else { g.RegDialReadyIntro.innerText = ApiObj.FormatMessage(L_PostToOEM_Text, OemNameStr); } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regdial.htm - Dialing into registration server ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var L_ConnectToOnlineAct_Text = "Connecting to online activation"; var L_ConnectToOnlineActReg_Text = "Connecting to online activation and registration"; var L_ConnectToOnlineReg_Text = "Connecting to online registration"; function RegDial_LoadMe() { gCurrPage = PAGE_DIAL_UP; InitFrameRef(); if (InActivation_AppMode()) CheckContrastMode(); g.btnNext.disabled = true; if (g != null) { g_FirstFocusElement = g.btnBack; } if (InActivation_AppMode()) { /* We'll just use the default title in the page for now, which is "Connecting..." if (g_PostToMS) g.Title_Text.innerText = L_ConnectToOnlineActReg_Text; else g.Title_Text.innerText = L_ConnectToOnlineAct_Text; */ GetPageTitle(); } if (!InReminderMode()) { if (g_DoActivation) { if (g_PostToMS || g_PostToOEM) g.regdial_title.innerText = L_ConnectToOnlineActReg_Text; else g.regdial_title.innerText = L_ConnectToOnlineAct_Text; } else { g.regdial_title.innerText = L_ConnectToOnlineReg_Text; } } InitButtons(); setTimeout("DoRegistrationDial()" , 40); g.btnNext.onclick = Dial_NextBtnHandler; g.btnBack.onclick = Dial_BackBtnHandler; g.btnSkip.onclick = Dial_SkipBtnHandler; } function DoRegistrationDial() { g_IgnoreDialErr = false; window.external.DialEx(CONNECTED_REGISTRATION, "reg.isp"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dialup.htm ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Dialup_LoadMe() { gCurrPage = PAGE_DIAL_UP; InitFrameRef(); g.btnNext.disabled = true; if (g != null) { g_FirstFocusElement = g.btnBack; } InitButtons(); setTimeout("DoDialExternal()" , 40); g.btnNext.onclick = Dial_NextBtnHandler; g.btnBack.onclick = Dial_BackBtnHandler; g.btnSkip.onclick = Dial_SkipBtnHandler; } function ResetDialing() { g_bRedial = false; g_LineProblem = 0; g_bFirstServerError = true; g_strISPFile = ""; g_IgnoreDialErr = true; window.external.Hangup(); } function SetDialing(strISPFile) { g_strISPFile = strISPFile; g_DialCKPT = g_CurrentCKPT; g_ModalDialogUp = false; } function DoDialExternal() { SetDialing((g_CustomPhoneBook == null) ? "msobe.isp" : g_CustomPhoneBook); DoDial(); } function DoDial() { g_IgnoreDialErr = false; if (g_bRedial) { window.external.ReDialEx(CONNECTED_ISP_SIGNUP, g_strISPFile); } else { window.external.DialEx(CONNECTED_ISP_SIGNUP, g_strISPFile); } } function Redial() { DoDial(); } function OnDialing() { // Called when dial with CONNECTED_REGISTRATION switch (g_CurrentCKPT) { case CKPT_REGDIAL: if (g != null && g.spnISPName != null) { if (InActivation_AppMode()) { if (g_PostToMS) g.spnISPName.innerText = L_ACT_REG_SRV_Text; else g.spnISPName.innerText = L_ACTSRV_Text; } else if (!InReminderMode()) { if (g_DoActivation) { if (g_PostToMS || g_PostToOEM) g.spnISPName.innerText = L_ACT_REG_SRV_Text; else g.spnISPName.innerText = L_ACTSRV_Text; } else { g.spnISPName.innerText = L_REGSRV_Text; } } else { g.spnISPName.innerText = L_REGSRV_Text; } } if (g != null && g.spnDialing != null) { g.spnDialing.innerText = window.external.get_DialNumber; } break; } } function OnConnecting() { // Called when dial with CONNECTED_REGISTRATION switch (g_CurrentCKPT) { case CKPT_REGDIAL: if (g != null && g.spnRegDialStatus != null) { if (InActivation_AppMode()) { if (g_PostToMS) g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_ACTREGCOM_Text; else g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_ACTCOM_Text; g_AfterConnectionDone = true; } else if (!InReminderMode()) { if (g_DoActivation) { if (g_PostToMS || g_PostToOEM) g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_ACTREGCOM_Text; else g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_ACTCOM_Text; } else { g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_REGCOM2_Text; } } else { g.spnRegDialStatus.innerText = L_REGCOM_Text; } } break; } } function OnConnected() { // Called when dial with CONNECTED_REGISTRATION g_bTapiDone = true; switch (g_CurrentCKPT) { case CKPT_REGDIAL: if ( g_DoActivation ) { window.external.AsyncActivate( g_PostToMS ); return; } else if (g_PostToMS) { window.external.PostRegData(POST_TO_MS); StatusObj.set_Status(MS_REGISTRATION, true); } ActivationComplete( ); break; } } function OnDownloading() { } function OnDisconnect() { } function OnDialingError(derr) { window.external.Hangup(); if (g_IgnoreDialErr) return; // Called when dial with CONNECTED_REGISTRATION if (InReminderMode()) { g_AfterConnectionDone = false; switch (derr) { case DERR_PORT_OR_DEVICE: case DERR_PORT_ALREADY_OPEN: case DERR_HARDWARE_FAILURE: case DERR_DIALTONE: Navigate("regerror\\rdtone.htm"); break; case DERR_BUSY: Navigate("regerror\\rtoobusy.htm"); break; case DERR_VOICEANSWER: case DERR_PPP_TIMEOUT: Navigate("regerror\\rhndshk.htm"); break; case DERR_NO_CARRIER: Navigate("regerror\\rpulse.htm"); break; case DERR_REMOTE_DISCONNECT: Navigate("regerror\\rcnterr.htm"); break; case DERR_NOANSWER: Navigate("regerror\\rnoansw.htm"); break; default: Navigate("regerror\\rhndshk.htm"); break; } } else { switch (derr) { case DERR_PORT_OR_DEVICE: case DERR_PORT_ALREADY_OPEN: case DERR_HARDWARE_FAILURE: case DERR_DIALTONE: Navigate("error\\dialtone.htm"); break; case DERR_BUSY: Navigate("error\\toobusy.htm"); break; case DERR_VOICEANSWER: case DERR_PPP_TIMEOUT: Navigate("error\\hndshake.htm"); break; case DERR_NO_CARRIER: Navigate("error\\pulse.htm"); break; case DERR_REMOTE_DISCONNECT: Navigate("error\\cnncterr.htm"); break; case DERR_NOANSWER: Navigate("error\\noanswer.htm"); break; default: Navigate("error\\hndshake.htm"); break; } } } function OnServerError(derr) { window.external.Hangup(); if (g_IgnoreDialErr) return; Navigate("error\\isp2busy.htm"); }