#include #include "IcsMgr.h" #include #include #include #include #include "msobcomm.h" // #include "appdefs.h" typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFNDLL_ISICSAVAILABLE) (); static const DWORD ICSLAP_DIAL_STATE = 15; // As per ICS Specification static const DWORD ICSLAP_GENERAL_STATUS = 21; static CIcsMgr *ptrIcsMgr = NULL; static BOOL bIsWinsockInitialized = FALSE; static const WCHAR cszIcsHostIpAddress[] = L""; extern CObCommunicationManager* gpCommMgr; // based on ICS beacon protocol typedef struct _ICS_DIAL_STATE_CB { ICS_DIAL_STATE state; DWORD options; } ICS_DIAL_STATE_CB; // used for IsIcsAvailable() const static WCHAR cszIcsKey[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OOBE\\Ics"; const static WCHAR cszIcsStatusValueName[] = L"IsIcsAvailable"; // used for winsock operations static WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD ( 2, 2 ); static WSADATA SocketData; CIcsMgr::CIcsMgr() : m_hBotThread(0), m_dwBotThreadId(0), m_hDialThread(0), m_dwDialThreadId(0), m_pfnIcsConn(OnIcsConnectionStatus) { ptrIcsMgr = this; if ( !bIsWinsockInitialized ) { if ( !WSAStartup ( wVersionRequested, &SocketData ) ) { bIsWinsockInitialized = TRUE; } } return; } CIcsMgr::~CIcsMgr() { if ( m_hDialThread ) CloseHandle (m_hDialThread); if ( bIsWinsockInitialized ) { //WSACleanup (); bIsWinsockInitialized = FALSE; } ptrIcsMgr = NULL; TriggerIcsCallback ( FALSE ); return; } BOOL CIcsMgr::IsCallbackUsed () { return !bReducedCallback; } // A server error during ICS is trapped by the ICS manager, instead // of the OOBE MSOBMAIN body. This gives the manager a larger sphere // of control. VOID CIcsMgr::NotifyIcsMgr(UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (msg) { case WM_OBCOMM_ONSERVERERROR: { // on server error! is the host still available ? if ( ! IsDestinationReachable ( cszIcsHostIpAddress, NULL ) ) { // fire event that Home Network is unavailable. OnIcsConnectionStatus ( ICS_HOMENET_UNAVAILABLE ); } else { // this will be considered a timeout error. OnIcsConnectionStatus ( ICS_TIMEOUT ); } } break; default: break; } return; } // PACKET READER ------------------ // Note: Please refer to the ICS Specifications for the packet format. You can // consult RLamb@microsoft.com for the documentation. // // Description: This function listens for UDP packets arriving at the ICS // broadcast port. The ICS host sends notifications to the Home Network // whenever the Connection status changes at the Shared Connection. The func // reads the packet and notifies OOBE by firing a callback function (*lpParam) // which notifies OOBE via PostMessage(). A script routine can eventually be // executed to handle the notification. // // An ICS broadcast packet has the following format: // |resp:0,bcast:1,id:2-31|cbData:0-31|data(cbData - 8 bytes)| // |<---------32 bits---->|<-32 bits->|<---total_length - 8 ------>| // |||………..……|| // // Each information element (IE) has the following format: // | opcode 0-31 | cbIE 0=64 |data(cbIE - 12 bytes)| // |<-- 32 bits -->|<-- 64 bits -->|<-- cbIE - 12 bytes | // DWORD WINAPI IcsDialStatusProc(LPVOID lpParam) { INT n = 0; u_short usPort = 2869; struct sockaddr_in saddr, caddr; INT caddr_len = sizeof ( caddr ); BYTE rgbBuf[300]; DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof ( rgbBuf ); LPDWORD pdw = 0; BYTE *lpbie = 0; BYTE *lpbBound = 0; ICS_DIAL_STATE_CB *ptrDial = 0; SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET; PFN_ICS_CONN_CALLBACK pfn_IcsCallback = NULL; DWORD dwError = NULL; bIsDialThreadAlive = TRUE; if ( !lpParam ) { bIsDialThreadAlive = FALSE; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( !bIsWinsockInitialized ) { bIsDialThreadAlive = FALSE; return 0; } if ( (s = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 )) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { bIsDialThreadAlive = FALSE; return E_FAIL; // for want of a better return value *BUGBUG* // TRACE ( L"SOCKET Error.\t:%d:\n", WSAGetLastError() ); } else { __try { memset ( &saddr, 0, sizeof (saddr) ); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY ); saddr.sin_port = htons ( usPort ); if ( bind( s, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, sizeof(saddr) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { // TRACE ( L"Bind error.\n" ); dwError = WSAGetLastError(); } else { if (ptrIcsMgr) ptrIcsMgr->RefreshIcsDialStatus(); for ( ; ; ) { if ( (n = recvfrom ( s, (CHAR*)rgbBuf, dwBufSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &caddr, &caddr_len )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { // TRACE ( L"Socket Error.\n" ); break; } lpbBound = rgbBuf+n; // this protects us from illegal packet configurations. // TRACE ( L" Something received! Size = %d\n" , n ); // checking for BROADCAST packets // if ( *(pdw = (LPDWORD) rgbBuf) & 0xC0000000 ) { // This is a broadcast packet! We can parse the packet. } else { // non-broadcast packets are ignored. continue; } lpbie = rgbBuf+8; while ( lpbie && ( (lpbie+8) <= lpbBound) ) { if ( *(pdw = ((PDWORD)lpbie)) == ICSLAP_DIAL_STATE ) { // TRACE (L"Dial State Engine. The Datasize is %d\n", pdw[2]-12); if ( (lpbie+12+sizeof(ICS_DIAL_STATE_CB)) <= lpbBound ) { ptrDial = (ICS_DIAL_STATE_CB*)(lpbie+12); pfn_IcsCallback = *((PFN_ICS_CONN_CALLBACK*)lpParam); if ( pfn_IcsCallback ) { pfn_IcsCallback ( ptrDial->state ); } // TRACE (L"Dial State = %d\n", ptrDial->state); lpbie = 0; } else { // packet has illegal data. break; } } else { // not the correct ie. if ( (lpbie += pdw[2]) >= lpbBound ) { // we traversed the packet without finding the correct ie. // TRACE (L"Done.\n"); lpbie = 0; } // else we continue the loop. } } } } } __finally { // graceful shutdown of the socket. shutdown ( s, SD_BOTH ); closesocket ( s ); } } bIsDialThreadAlive = FALSE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // this is the callback routine that reports ICS connection state information. // it relies on both the Beacon protocol and Internet Explorer's error handling // (see ONSERVERERROR for details.) VOID CALLBACK OnIcsConnectionStatus(ICS_DIAL_STATE dwIcsConnectionStatus) { eIcsDialState = dwIcsConnectionStatus; if ( !gpCommMgr ) return; TRACE1(L"ICS Connection Status %d", dwIcsConnectionStatus); // we are not interested in the modem scenario. only ics-broadband is supported. if ( (dwIcsConnectionStatus == ICSLAP_CONNECTING) || (dwIcsConnectionStatus == ICSLAP_CONNECTED) || (dwIcsConnectionStatus == ICSLAP_DISCONNECTING) || (dwIcsConnectionStatus == ICSLAP_DISCONNECTED) ) { bIsBroadbandIcsAvailable = FALSE; return; } // indication of ics-broadband if (dwIcsConnectionStatus == ICSLAP_PERMANENT) bIsBroadbandIcsAvailable = TRUE; // none of the other states will change the bIsBroadbandIcsAvailable value. // if the callback mechanism has been turned off, we will not report // connection status to the upper application layer(s). if ( bReducedCallback ) { return; } PostMessage ( gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONICSCONN_STATUS, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)dwIcsConnectionStatus); } // by turning this ON or OFF ( TRUE / FALSE respectively ), we can control // whether or not to inform OOBE of ICS-connection status changes. VOID CIcsMgr::TriggerIcsCallback(BOOL bStatus) { bReducedCallback = !bStatus; // if we want to un-trigger the callback, we go to "sleep" state. if ( bStatus ) { RefreshIcsDialStatus(); } } // Obsolete, but retained in case the beacon protocol becomes // functional. This function used to call an ICS API to check if ICS was available. // this is no longer useful for 2 reasons: // 1. We ONLY want one type of ICS (broadband, as opposed to Dial-up) // 2. The function does not report ICS availability if the machine it is called in // is the ICS HOST itself. DWORD IcsEngine(LPVOID lpParam) { // lpParam is ignored. HINSTANCE hIcsDll = NULL; LPFNDLL_ISICSAVAILABLE lpfndll_IsIcsAvailable = NULL; BOOL bIsIcsAvailable = FALSE; HKEY hIcsRegKey = 0; LONG lRetVal = 0; ICSSTATUS dwIcsStatus = ICS_ENGINE_NOT_COMPLETE; DWORD nRet = 0; DWORD dwStatus = 0; nRet = RegCreateKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszIcsKey, 0, L"", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hIcsRegKey, &dwStatus ); if (nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Registry APIs refuse to create key. No point continuing farther. return (nRet = GetLastError()); } __try { if ( !(hIcsDll = LoadLibrary(L"ICSAPI32.DLL")) ) { nRet = GetLastError(); dwIcsStatus = ICS_ENGINE_FAILED; __leave; } if ( !(lpfndll_IsIcsAvailable = (LPFNDLL_ISICSAVAILABLE) GetProcAddress (hIcsDll, "IsIcsAvailable"))) { // We record in the registry that the engine was not initializable. nRet = GetLastError(); dwIcsStatus = ICS_ENGINE_FAILED; FreeLibrary ( hIcsDll ); __leave; } dwIcsStatus = ICS_ENGINE_NOT_COMPLETE; if ((nRet = RegSetValueEx(hIcsRegKey, cszIcsStatusValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwIcsStatus, sizeof(DWORD))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { nRet = GetLastError(); dwIcsStatus = ICS_ENGINE_FAILED; __leave; } else { __try { if (bIsIcsAvailable = lpfndll_IsIcsAvailable()) { // ICS is available dwIcsStatus = ICS_IS_AVAILABLE; nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwIcsStatus = ICS_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE; nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // exception-handlign is used to prevent IsIcsAvailable from // killing OOBE by generating an Invalid Page Fault. __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwIcsStatus = ICS_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE; nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } __finally { // perform registry update of the status. if ((nRet = RegSetValueEx (hIcsRegKey, cszIcsStatusValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwIcsStatus, sizeof(DWORD))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { nRet = GetLastError(); } RegCloseKey (hIcsRegKey); // unload library if (hIcsDll) FreeLibrary (hIcsDll); } return nRet; } // not used. see remarks for IcsEngine() above. DWORD CIcsMgr::CreateIcsBot() { LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpfn_ThreadProc = (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) IcsEngine; m_hBotThread = CreateThread (NULL, NULL, lpfn_ThreadProc, 0, 0, &m_dwBotThreadId); if (!m_hBotThread) { // Thread was not created m_dwBotThreadId = 0; m_hBotThread = 0; return ICSMGR_ICSBOT_CREATION_FAILED; } else { return ICSMGR_ICSBOT_CREATED; } } // this function spawns a thread that listens for ICS connectivity changes on the Host machine. // the function will ALSO work on the Host machine itself. // this uses UDP sockets. See the Ics beacon protocol [bjohnson] for details. DWORD CIcsMgr::CreateIcsDialMgr() { LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpfn_ThreadProc = (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) IcsDialStatusProc; if ( bIsDialThreadAlive || m_hDialThread || m_dwDialThreadId) { return ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING; } m_hDialThread = CreateThread (NULL, NULL, lpfn_ThreadProc, (LPVOID)(&m_pfnIcsConn), 0, &m_dwDialThreadId); if (!m_hDialThread) { // Thread was not created m_hDialThread = 0; m_dwDialThreadId = 0; return GetLastError(); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // this now relies BOOL CIcsMgr::IsIcsAvailable() { return bIsBroadbandIcsAvailable; } BOOL CIcsMgr::IsIcsHostReachable() { return IsDestinationReachable ( cszIcsHostIpAddress, 0 ); } DWORD CIcsMgr::RefreshIcsDialStatus() { INT n = 0; u_short usServerPort = 2869; struct sockaddr_in saddr; INT saddr_len = sizeof ( saddr ); BYTE lpbRequestBuf[100]; DWORD dwRequestBufSize = sizeof ( lpbRequestBuf ); LPDWORD pdw = 0; WCHAR *lpbie = 0; WCHAR *lpbBound = 0; SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET; DWORD nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( !bIsWinsockInitialized ) { return WSANOTINITIALISED; } if ( (s = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 )) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return E_FAIL; // for want of a better return value *BUGBUG* // TRACE ( L"SOCKET Error.\t:%d:\n", WSAGetLastError() ); } else { __try { USES_CONVERSION; memset ( &saddr, 0, sizeof (saddr) ); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr (W2A(cszIcsHostIpAddress)); saddr.sin_port = htons ( usServerPort ); // set up request packet: memset ( lpbRequestBuf, 0, sizeof( lpbRequestBuf ) ); // setting up the request buffer. pdw = (PDWORD) lpbRequestBuf; pdw[0] = 125152 & ~(0xC0000000); // random ID pdw[1] = 20; pdw[2] = ICSLAP_GENERAL_STATUS & ~(0x80000000); pdw[3] = 0; pdw[4] = 12; if ( (n = sendto ( s, (CHAR*)lpbRequestBuf, 20, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddr_len )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { nRet = WSAGetLastError(); __leave; } else { nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; __leave; } } __finally { // graceful shutdown of the socket. shutdown ( s, SD_BOTH ); closesocket ( s ); } } return nRet; }