#ifndef _SETUPKEY_H_ #define _SETUPKEY_H_ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation // // Module: setupkey.h // // Author: Dan Elliott // // Abstract: Declaration of the CSetupKey object. This object provides methods // for accessing values under HKLM\System\Setup. // // Environment: // Neptune // // Revision History: // 00/08/08 dane Created. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #define REGSTR_PATH_SETUPKEY REGSTR_PATH_SETUP REGSTR_KEY_SETUP #define REGSTR_PATH_SYSTEMSETUPKEY L"System\\Setup" #define REGSTR_VALUE_CMDLINE L"CmdLine" #define REGSTR_VALUE_SETUPTYPE L"SetupType" #define REGSTR_VALUE_MINISETUPINPROGRESS L"MiniSetupInProgress" #define REGSTR_VALUE_SHUTDOWNREQUIRED L"SetupShutdownRequired" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSetupKey // class CSetupKey { public: // operations CSetupKey( ); ~CSetupKey( ); LRESULT set_CommandLine(LPCWSTR szCmdLine); LRESULT get_CommandLine(LPWSTR szCmdLine, DWORD cchCmdLine); LRESULT set_SetupType(DWORD dwSetupType); LRESULT get_SetupType(DWORD* pdwSetupType); LRESULT set_MiniSetupInProgress(BOOL fInProgress); LRESULT get_MiniSetupInProgress(BOOL* pfInProgress); LRESULT set_OobeInProgress(BOOL fInProgress); LRESULT get_OobeInProgress(BOOL* pfInProgress); LRESULT set_ShutdownAction(OOBE_SHUTDOWN_ACTION OobeShutdownAction); LRESULT get_ShutdownAction(OOBE_SHUTDOWN_ACTION* pOobeShutdownAction); BOOL IsValid( ) const { return (NULL != m_hkey); } // IsValid protected: // operations protected: // data private: // operations // Explicitly disallow copy constructor and assignment operator. // CSetupKey( const CSetupKey& rhs ); CSetupKey& operator=( const CSetupKey& rhs ); private: // data // Handle to HKLM\System\Setup // HKEY m_hkey; }; // class CSetupKey #endif // _SETUPKEY_H_ // ///// End of file: setupkey.h ////////////////////////////////////////////////