MessageId=1 SymbolicName=MSG_TRYING_TO_INSTALL Language=English Trying to install %1 ... . MessageId=2 SymbolicName=MSG_COPY_NOTIFICATION Language=English ...%1 was copied to %2. . MessageId=3 SymbolicName=MSG_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION Language=English Trying to uninstall %1 ... . MessageId=4 SymbolicName=MSG_NOT_INSTALLED_NOTIFICATION Language=English ... %1 is not installed. . MessageId=5 SymbolicName=MSG_MACHINE_REBOOT_REQUIRED Language=English *** You need to reboot your computer for this change to take effect *** . MessageId=6 SymbolicName=MSG_FAILURE_NOTIFICATION Language=English ..failed. Error code: 0x%1!%lx!. . MessageId=7 SymbolicName=MSG_DONE Language=English ...done. . MessageId=8 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPONENT_INSTALLED Language=English '%1' is installed. . MessageId=9 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPONENT_NOT_INSTALLED Language=English '%1' is not installed. . MessageId=10 SymbolicName=MSG_INSTALLATION_NOT_CONFIRMED Language=English Could not find if '%1' is installed. error code: 0x%2!x!. . MessageId=11 SymbolicName=MSG_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION Language=English Instance ID Description --------------------------- . MessageId=12 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION Language=English %1 %2 . MessageId=13 SymbolicName=MSG_DISPLAY_NAME Language=English %1!-26s! %2 . MessageId=14 SymbolicName=MSG_CLASS_NAME Language=English %1!-26s! %2 . MessageId=15 SymbolicName=MSG_NET_COMPONENTS Language=English %1 ----------------- . MessageId=16 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPONENT_ID Language=English %1%0 . MessageId=17 SymbolicName=MSG_LOWER_COMPONENTS Language=English -> %1 . MessageId=18 SymbolicName=MSG_BINDING_PATHS_START Language=English Binding paths starting with '%1' . MessageId=19 SymbolicName=MSG_BINDING_PATHS_END Language=English Binding paths ending with '%1' . MessageId=20 SymbolicName=MSG_NETCFG_ALREADY_LOCKED Language=English Could not lock INetcfg, it is already locked by '%1' . MessageId=21 SymbolicName=MSG_PGM_USAGE Language=English netcfg [-v] [-winpe] [-l ] -c -i -winpe installs TCP/IP, NetBIOS and Microsoft Client for Windows preinstallation envrionment -l provides the location of INF -c provides the class of the component to be installed (p == Protocol, s == Service, c == Client) -i provides the component ID The arguments must be passed in the order shown. Examples: netcfg -l c:\oemdir\foo.inf -c p -i foo ...installs protocol 'foo' using c:\\oemdir\\foo.inf netcfg -c s -i MS_Server ...installs service 'MS_Server' OR netcfg [-v] -winpe Examples: netcfg -v -winpe ...Installs TCP/IP, NetBIOS and Microsoft Client for Windows preinstallation environment OR netcfg [-v] -q Example: netcfg -q MS_IPX ...displays if component 'MS_IPX' is installed OR netcfg [-v] -u Example: netcfg -u MS_IPX ...uninstalls component 'MS_IPX' OR netcfg [-v] -s where, -s\tprovides the type of components to show \ta == adapters, n == net components Examples: netcfg -s n ...shows all installed net components OR netcfg [-v] -b Examples: netcfg -b ms_tcpip ...shows binding paths containing 'MS_TCPIP' General Notes:\n" -v Run in verbose (detailed) mode -? Displays this help information .