// DvdCheck.cpp : Determine if DVD exists on a system. Differentiate between MCI and DirectShow Solutions // // Modified 3/31/99 by Steve Rowe (strowe) // Modified 2000/10/11 by Glenn Evans (glenne) to hunt down version & company names & MCI solutions // #include #include #include #include #include "DvdDetect.h" #include "crc32.h" DVDResult::DVDResult() : m_pName( NULL ) , m_pCompanyName( NULL ) , m_Version( 0 ) , m_fFound( false ) , m_dwCRC( 0 ) { SetName( TEXT("") ); SetCompanyName( TEXT("") ); } DVDResult::~DVDResult() { delete [] m_pName; delete [] m_pCompanyName; } static TCHAR* CloneString( const TCHAR* pStr ) { if( pStr ) { TCHAR* pNew = new TCHAR[ lstrlen( pStr ) +1 ]; if( pNew ) { lstrcpy( pNew, pStr ); return pNew; } } return NULL; } void DVDResult::SetVersion( UINT64 version) { m_Version = version; } void DVDResult::SetCRC( DWORD CRC) { m_dwCRC = CRC; } void DVDResult::SetFound( bool fFound) { m_fFound = fFound; } void DVDResult::SetName( const TCHAR* pName ) { delete [] m_pName; m_pName = CloneString( pName ); } void DVDResult::SetCompanyName( const TCHAR* pName ) { delete [] m_pCompanyName; m_pCompanyName = CloneString( pName ); } // NOTE: strmiids.lib is necessary for this to compile. // This is the KSProxy GUID. DEFINE_GUID(DVD_KSPROXY, 0x17CCA71BL, 0xECD7, 0x11D0, 0xB9, 0x08, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96); // // More or less lifted from the w2k SFP code // struct LANGANDCODEPAGE { WORD wLanguage; WORD wCodePage; }; static HRESULT GetFileVersion (const TCHAR* pszFile, // file DVDResult& result ) { DWORD dwSize, dwHandle; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pFixedVersionInfo; DWORD dwVersionInfoSize; DWORD dwReturnCode; dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize( const_cast(pszFile), &dwHandle); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // .txt and .inf, etc files might not have versions if( dwSize == 0 ) { dwReturnCode = GetLastError(); hr = E_FAIL; } else { LPVOID pVersionInfo= new BYTE [dwSize]; if( NULL == pVersionInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { if( !GetFileVersionInfo( const_cast(pszFile), dwHandle, dwSize, pVersionInfo ) ) { dwReturnCode = GetLastError(); DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Error in GetFileVersionInfo for %s. ec=%d"), pszFile, dwReturnCode)); hr = E_FAIL; } else { if( !VerQueryValue( pVersionInfo, TEXT("\\"), // we need the root block (LPVOID *) &pFixedVersionInfo, (PUINT) &dwVersionInfoSize ) ) { dwReturnCode = GetLastError(); hr = E_FAIL; } else { result.SetVersion( ((UINT64(pFixedVersionInfo->dwFileVersionMS))<<32) + pFixedVersionInfo->dwFileVersionLS); } // Structure used to store enumerated languages and code pages. // Read the list of languages and code pages. LANGANDCODEPAGE *lpTranslate; UINT cbTranslate; if( VerQueryValue(pVersionInfo, TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"), (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate, &cbTranslate) ) { // Read the file description for each language and code page. for( DWORD i=0; i < (cbTranslate/sizeof(struct LANGANDCODEPAGE)); i++ ) { TCHAR SubBlock[512]; // Retrieve file description for language and code page "i". TCHAR* lpBuffer; UINT dwBytes; wsprintf( SubBlock, TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\CompanyName"), lpTranslate[i].wLanguage, lpTranslate[i].wCodePage); if( VerQueryValue(pVersionInfo, SubBlock, (VOID **)&lpBuffer, &dwBytes) ) { result.SetCompanyName( lpBuffer ); } } } } delete [] pVersionInfo; } } return hr; } static bool EndsIn( const TCHAR* pStr, const TCHAR* pExtension ) { int iExtLen = lstrlen( pExtension ); int iStrLen = lstrlen( pStr ); if( iStrLen >= iExtLen ) { return lstrcmp( &pStr[iStrLen - iExtLen], pExtension ) == 0; } else { return false; } } #define MAKE_VER_NUM( v1, v2, v3, v4 ) (((UINT64(v1) << 16 | (v2) )<<16 | (v3) ) << 16 | (v4) ) static void StrCpy( TCHAR* pDest, WCHAR* pSrc, int iDestSize ) { #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpyn(pDest, pSrc, iDestSize ); #else WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, // flags pSrc, // src -1, // cch pDest, // dest iDestSize, // cb 0, // lpDefaultChar 0); // lpUsedDefaultChar #endif } static HRESULT GetFilenameFromCLSID( const VARIANT& varFilterClsid, TCHAR szFilename[ MAX_PATH ] ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szKey[512]; TCHAR szQuery[512]; // Convert BSTR to string and free variant storage StrCpy( szQuery, varFilterClsid.bstrVal, sizeof( szQuery )/ sizeof( szQuery[0]) ); SysFreeString(varFilterClsid.bstrVal); // Create key name for reading filename registry wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\%s\\InprocServer32\0"), szQuery); // Variables needed for registry query HKEY hkeyFilter=0; DWORD dwSize=MAX_PATH; int rc=0; // Open the CLSID key that contains information about the filter rc = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, &hkeyFilter); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyFilter, NULL, // Read (Default) value NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)szFilename, &dwSize); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_OK; } rc = RegCloseKey(hkeyFilter); } return hr; } static const TCHAR* FilenameFromPathname( const TCHAR* pStr ) { const TCHAR* pSlash=0; const TCHAR* pOrig = pStr; while( *pStr ) { if( *pStr == TEXT('\\') ) { pSlash = pStr; } pStr++; } if( pSlash ) { return pSlash +1; } else { return pOrig; } } static bool GetFileLength( const TCHAR* pszPathname, ULONGLONG* pullFileSize ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wInfo; HANDLE hInfo = FindFirstFile( pszPathname, &wInfo ); FindClose(hInfo); if (hInfo!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if( pullFileSize ) { *pullFileSize = (ULONGLONG(wInfo.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | wInfo.nFileSizeLow; } return true; } else { if( pullFileSize ) { *pullFileSize = 0; } return false; } } static DWORD CRCFromFile( const TCHAR* pFile ) { ULONGLONG length; DWORD dwCRC = 0; if( GetFileLength( pFile, &length )) { BYTE* pBuffer = new BYTE[ULONG(length)]; if( pBuffer ) { HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile( pFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwActual; if( ReadFile( hFile, pBuffer, ULONG(length), &dwActual, NULL ) ) { dwCRC=CRC32( pBuffer, ULONG(length)); } CloseHandle( hFile ); } delete [] pBuffer; } } return dwCRC; } static HRESULT AddSWFilter( IMoniker* pMon, DVDResult& result ) { IPropertyBag *pPropBag; HRESULT hr = pMon->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void**)&pPropBag); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CLSID filterCLSID; HRESULT hrGotFilename=E_FAIL; TCHAR szFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; // open clsid/{filter-clsid} key VARIANT varbstrClsid; varbstrClsid.vt = VT_BSTR; varbstrClsid.bstrVal = 0; hr = pPropBag->Read(L"CLSID", &varbstrClsid, 0); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(varbstrClsid.vt == VT_BSTR); WCHAR *strFilter = varbstrClsid.bstrVal; if (CLSIDFromString(varbstrClsid.bstrVal, &filterCLSID) == S_OK) { } hrGotFilename = GetFilenameFromCLSID( varbstrClsid, szFilename ); SysFreeString(varbstrClsid.bstrVal); } pPropBag->Release(); if ( DVD_KSPROXY == filterCLSID || CLSID_AVIDec == filterCLSID ) { ; // ignore this filter if it is the AVI Decompressor or KSProxy } else { if( S_OK == hrGotFilename ) { HRESULT hres = GetFileVersion( szFilename, result ); if( S_OK == hres ) { result.SetName( FilenameFromPathname( szFilename )); result.SetFound( true ); result.SetCRC( CRCFromFile( szFilename )); } } } } else { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("ERROR: WARNING: BindToStorage failed"))) ; return E_UNEXPECTED; } return S_OK; } static HRESULT AddHWFilter( IMoniker* pMon, DVDResult& result ) { IPropertyBag *pPropBag; HRESULT hr = pMon->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void**)&pPropBag); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { result.SetFound( true ); VARIANT var ; var.vt = VT_EMPTY ; hr = pPropBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, 0) ; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 5, TEXT("FriendlyName: %S"), var.bstrVal)) ; // // We have got a device under the required category. The proxy // for it is already instantiated. So add to the list of HW // decoders to be used for building the graph. // TCHAR szName[512]; // Convert BSTR to string and free variant storage StrCpy( szName, var.bstrVal, sizeof( szName )/ sizeof( szName[0]) ); result.SetName( szName ); VariantClear(&var) ; } else { ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)) ; // so that we know result.SetName( TEXT("generic HW") ); } pPropBag->Release(); } else { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("ERROR: WARNING: BindToStorage failed"))) ; return E_UNEXPECTED; } return S_OK; } // Check if there are any SW DVD Decoders static HRESULT SWCheck(DVDResult& result) { HRESULT hres = S_OK; // result for the function HRESULT hr; // temporary result... // Create filter mapper to find software decoders IFilterMapper2 * pMapper ; // filter mapper object pointer hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterMapper2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IFilterMapper2, (LPVOID *)&pMapper) ; if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pMapper) { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("ERROR: Couldn't create class FilterMapper for DVD SW Dec category (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ; ASSERT( !"Can't create filtermapper" ); return E_UNEXPECTED; } const UINT NUM_TYPES = 3; // the number of type/subtype pairs GUID types[NUM_TYPES * 2]; types[0] = MEDIATYPE_MPEG2_PES; types[1] = MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO; types[2] = MEDIATYPE_DVD_ENCRYPTED_PACK; types[3] = MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO; types[4] = MEDIATYPE_Video; types[5] = MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO; IEnumMoniker *pEnumMon = NULL ; hr = pMapper->EnumMatchingFilters(&pEnumMon, 0, TRUE, MERIT_DO_NOT_USE+1, TRUE, NUM_TYPES, types, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pEnumMon) { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("ERROR: No matching filter enum found (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ; pMapper->Release(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // now we check if we have a solution. // we ignore the AVI decompressor and KSProxy CLSID's. ULONG ul ; IMoniker *pMon = NULL; while ( S_OK == pEnumMon->Next(1, &pMon, &ul) && 1 == ul) { hres = AddSWFilter( pMon, result ); } // clean up after ourselves if (NULL != pEnumMon) { pEnumMon->Release(); } if (NULL != pMapper) { pMapper->Release(); } if( hres == S_OK && !result.Found()==false ) { return S_FALSE; } else { return hres; } } // end of SWCheck static TCHAR CharUpper( TCHAR c ) { // see the docs on CharUpper, single char if upper address WORD is NULL return (TCHAR) CharUpper( (LPTSTR)c ); } static void Truncate( TCHAR* pStr, const TCHAR* pTruncateAt ) { int iTruncLen = lstrlen( pTruncateAt ); int iStrLen = lstrlen( pStr ); for( int i=0; i < iStrLen - iTruncLen; i++ ) { for( int j=0; j < iTruncLen; j++ ) { if( CharUpper( pStr[i+j] ) != pTruncateAt[j] ) { goto NextLoop; } } pStr[i+iTruncLen]=TEXT('\0'); break; NextLoop: ; } } // Determine if there are any MCI DVD devices present static HRESULT MCICheck( DVDResult& result) { TCHAR lpRetString[255]; LPCTSTR lpDefault = TEXT("*!*"); GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT("mci"), TEXT("DVDVideo"), lpDefault, lpRetString, 255, TEXT("system.ini") ); if (lstrcmp(lpRetString, lpDefault)) {// if they are not the same // truncate ret string to *.drv Truncate( lpRetString, TEXT(".DRV") ); result.SetName( lpRetString ); result.SetFound( true ); // try to hunt down version info // // File is in system // // Create key name for reading filename registry TCHAR szPathname[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory( szPathname, sizeof(szPathname)/sizeof(szPathname[0])); lstrcat( szPathname, TEXT("\\") ); lstrcat( szPathname, lpRetString ); HRESULT hres = GetFileVersion( szPathname, result ); if( S_OK == hres ) { result.SetCRC( CRCFromFile( szPathname )); } else { GetWindowsDirectory( szPathname, sizeof(szPathname)/sizeof(szPathname[0])); lstrcat( szPathname, TEXT("\\") ); lstrcat( szPathname, lpRetString ); hres = GetFileVersion( szPathname, result ); if( S_OK == hres ) { result.SetCRC( CRCFromFile( szPathname )); } else { ASSERT(!"Can't find DVD MCI filename"); return S_FALSE; } } return hres; } else { return S_FALSE; // can't really fail this check } } // end of MCICheck // Check if there are any HW DVD Decoders // we use DevEnum to check for DVDHWDecodersCategory static HRESULT HWCheck(DVDResult& result) { ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum ; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum) ; if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pCreateDevEnum) { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create system dev enum (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ; // need to put some better error handling in here return E_UNEXPECTED; } IEnumMoniker *pEnumMon ; hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_DVDHWDecodersCategory, &pEnumMon, 0) ; pCreateDevEnum->Release() ; if (S_FALSE == hr ) { // should indicate that we have no enumerator but not an error because // this means there are no such devices. DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("WARNING: Couldn't create class enum for DVD HW Dec category (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ; return S_FALSE; } if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pEnumMon) { DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 0, TEXT("ERROR: Couldn't create class enum for DVD HW Dec category (Error 0x%lx)"), hr)) ; return E_UNEXPECTED; } hr = pEnumMon->Reset() ; ULONG ul ; IMoniker *pMon ; if (S_OK == pEnumMon->Next(1, &pMon, &ul) && 1 == ul) { // Always comes back as WDM generic Filter Proxy (ksproxy.ax) hr = AddHWFilter( pMon, result ); } if (NULL != pEnumMon) { pEnumMon->Release(); } return result.Found() ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } // end of HWCheck HRESULT DVDDetect( DVDResult& mci, DVDResult& sw, DVDResult& hw ) // Primary entry point - will determine if any DVD is present { HRESULT hres = CoInitialize(NULL); if( SUCCEEDED( hres )) { // // DSHOW HARDWARE CHECK // hres = HWCheck(hw); if( SUCCEEDED( hres)) { // // DSHOW SOFTWARE CHECK // hres = SWCheck(sw); if( SUCCEEDED( hres)) { // // MCI CHECK // hres = MCICheck(mci); } } CoUninitialize(); } else { ASSERT( !"Can't CoInit" ); } return hres; } // Decoder exe CompanyName version crc // // Ravisent 2000 "QIDVDF.AX" "RAVISENT Technologies Inc." 0x786cd58f // Ravisent (ATIPlayer) "QIDVDF.AX" "Quadrant International, Inc." 0x41a24b10 // Intervideo 1.31 (WinDVD) "IVIVIDEO.AX" " InterVideo Inc." 0xadf3b652 Will have to get version through registry // Intervideo 2.111 (WinDVD) "IVIVIDEO.AX" " InterVideo Inc." 0x42b020f8 // Mediamatics "DVD Express AV Decoder.dll" "Mediamatics, Inc." // // // // 0xdf2fa5df // // // MGI (SoftDVDMax) "ZVIDFLT.AX" "MGI Software Corp." 0x4d91884f // // MGI Build 00089 "DVDVideo.ax" "MGI Software Corp." 0x6bc2c0d4 can't find setup.ddl in Win2k, causes error in Whistler // MGI Build 33959 "zvidflt.ax" "MGI Software Corp." 0x0482b35b works fine in both win2k and whistler // MGI karaoke "zvidflt.ax" "MGI Software Corp." 0x4d91884f no disk in drive error on whistler, no windows 2000 compatible decoder on win2k // MGI 4.00.0001 "zvidflt.ax" "MGI Software Corp." 0xd6a7abc3 works fin in both Win2k and Whistler // MGI 5.0DH "zvidflt.ax" "MGI Software Corp." 0xd66f9452 works fine in both win2k and whistler // // Zoran 3.07.01 "Softpeg.drv" "" 0x0 Win2k cant install, whistler says software ot configured to run on your machine // Zoran 3.25.02 "zvidflt.ax" "Zoran/CompCore Corp." 0x1e44e3d6 DVD Authentication error in whistler, no video or error in win2k // Zoran 3.25.03 "Softpeg.drv" "" 0x0 drive not ready or no disk in drive on both win2k and whistler // Cyberlink PowerDVD 2.50 "clvsd.ax" "CyberLink Corp." 0x964ef3b9 Generates errors in all dshow players in both Win2k and Whistler // Cyberlink PowerDVD 2.5.5 "clvsd.ax "CyberLink Corp." 0x964ef3b9 Works fine in Whistler, Win2k there's no video #define MAKE_VER_NUM( v1, v2, v3, v4 ) (((UINT64(v1) << 16 | (v2) )<<16 | (v3) ) << 16 | (v4) ) static bool AreEquivalent( const char* pStr1, const char* pStr2 ) { return lstrcmpiA( pStr1, pStr2 ) ==0; } static bool AreEquivalent( const WCHAR* pStr1, const WCHAR* pStr2 ) { return lstrcmpiW( pStr1, pStr2 ) ==0; } DecoderVendor DVDResult::GetVendor() const { const TCHAR* pName = GetCompanyName(); //TBD: vendor_NEC if( AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("Mediamatics, Inc.") )) { return vendor_MediaMatics; } else if( AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT(" InterVideo Inc.")) ) { return vendor_Intervideo; } else if( AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("RAVISENT Technologies Inc.")) || AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("Quadrant International, Inc.")) ) { return vendor_Ravisent; } else if( AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("CyberLink Corp.")) ) { return vendor_CyberLink; } else if( AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("MGI Software Corp.")) || AreEquivalent( pName, TEXT("Zoran/CompCore Corp.")) ) { return vendor_MGI; } else { return vendor_Unknown; } } #if 0 // // only valid AFTER GUI setup and at first boot // static bool IsWin9xUpgrade() { // The answer file has the answer (system32\$winnt$.inf) // [data] // win9xupgrade=yes TCHAR dir[MAX_PATH]; UINT uiResult = GetWindowsDirectory( dir, sizeof(dir)/sizeof(dir[0]) ); if( uiResult > 0 ) { lstrcat( dir, TEXT("\\system32\\$winnt$.inf") ); TCHAR buffer[100]; buffer[0]=0; DWORD dwResult = GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT("data"), // section name TEXT("win9xupgrade"), // key name TEXT(""), // default string buffer, // destination buffer sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(buffer[0]), // size of destination buffer in TCHARS dir );// initialization file name bool fResult = ( dwResult > 0 ) && AreEquivalent( buffer, TEXT("yes") ); return fResult; } else { return true; } } #endif static bool DoesAspi32Exist( bool fWillBe9xUpgrade ) { if( fWillBe9xUpgrade ) { return false; } else { TCHAR szPathname[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectory( szPathname, sizeof(szPathname)/sizeof(szPathname[0])); // // NOTE: this will fail under Win9x (since its system\drivers) implying there isn't going // to be an aspi32 under Whislter (blocked & deleted). So under 9x, we return true // and under Whistler their apps only survive if its around. // lstrcat( szPathname, TEXT("\\system32\\drivers\\aspi32.sys") ); ULONGLONG ullLength; return GetFileLength( szPathname, &ullLength ); } } bool DVDResult::ShouldUpgrade( bool fWillBe9xUpgrade ) const { switch( GetVendor() ) { case vendor_MediaMatics: return GetVersion() <= MAKE_VER_NUM( 5,1,0,5 ); // TBD: arbitrary right now for debugging purposes // return GetVersion() <= MAKE_VER_NUM( 5,0,0,15 ); case vendor_Intervideo: { // so far all versions require aspi32 if( GetVersion() <= MAKE_VER_NUM(1,0,0,1 )) { bool fAspiExists = DoesAspi32Exist(fWillBe9xUpgrade); if( !fAspiExists ) { return true; } } // all unknown versions are // We correct the known ones to numbers above that switch( GetCRC()) { case 0xadf3b652: // return false; case 0x42b020f8: // return false; default: return true; } } default: return false; } } DVDResult* DVDDetectBuffer::Detect() { if(SUCCEEDED(DVDDetect( mci, sw, hw ))) { const DVDResult* pResult; if( sw.Found()) { return &sw; } else if( mci.Found()) { return &mci; } else { // hardware, so we don't care about the decoder OR the app for now return NULL; } } return NULL; } HRESULT DVDDetectBuffer::DetectAll() { return DVDDetect( mci, sw, hw ); } #define RUN_KEY TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run") static bool RegSetRunValue( const TCHAR* pString, const TCHAR* pValue ) { HKEY hRunKey; LONG lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RUN_KEY, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hRunKey) ; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { lRet = RegSetValueEx(hRunKey, pString, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)pValue, sizeof(pValue[0])*(lstrlen(pValue)+1) ); RegCloseKey( hRunKey ); return ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet); } return false; } static bool RegRunDeleteValue( const TCHAR* pString ) { HKEY hRunKey; LONG lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RUN_KEY, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hRunKey) ; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { lRet = RegDeleteValue( hRunKey, pString ) ; // either we nuked it or it didn't exist in the first place, either way its gone bool fWorked = ( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS || lRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); ASSERT( fWorked ) ; RegCloseKey( hRunKey ); return fWorked; } return false; } #define DVDUPGRADE_NAME TEXT("DVDUpgrade") bool DVDDetectSetupRun::Remove() { bool fOk = RegRunDeleteValue( DVDUPGRADE_NAME ); ASSERT(fOk); return fOk; } bool DVDDetectSetupRun::Add() { bool fOk; fOk = RegSetRunValue( DVDUPGRADE_NAME, TEXT("DVDUpgrd.exe /upgrade")); ASSERT(fOk); return fOk; } extern "C" BOOL IsDvdPresent ( VOID ) { DVDDetectBuffer buffer; const DVDResult* pResult = buffer.Detect(); if( pResult ) { const DVDResult& result = *pResult; // at this point the $winnt$.inf doesn't exist, so we must assume // that we're bing called from the win95upg const bool fInWin9xUpgrade = true; return result.ShouldUpgrade(fInWin9xUpgrade); } return false; }