/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: timezone.h Abstract: Declares types, constants and enum interfaces for time zone mapping and migration. Author: Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 10-Jul-1998 Revision History: --*/ #pragma once // common stuff //#include "common.h" #define MAX_TIMEZONE MAX_TCHAR_PATH #define TZFLAG_USE_FORCED_MAPPINGS 0x00000001 #define TZFLAG_ENUM_ALL 0x00000002 typedef struct { PCTSTR CurTimeZone; TCHAR NtTimeZone[MAX_TIMEZONE]; PCTSTR MapIndex; UINT MapCount; DWORD Flags; MEMDB_ENUM Enum; } TIMEZONE_ENUM, *PTIMEZONE_ENUM; BOOL EnumFirstTimeZone ( IN PTIMEZONE_ENUM EnumPtr, IN DWORD Flags ); BOOL EnumNextTimeZone ( IN PTIMEZONE_ENUM EnumPtr ); BOOL ForceTimeZoneMap ( PCTSTR NtTimeZone );