/*============================================================================= ** ** Class: AsmExecute ** ** Purpose: Used to setup the correct hosting environment before executing an assembly ** ** Date: 10/20/2000 ** 5/10/2001 Rev for CLR Beta2 ** ** Copyright (c) Microsoft, 1999-2001 ** =============================================================================*/ using System.Reflection; using System.Configuration.Assemblies; [assembly:AssemblyCultureAttribute("")] [assembly:AssemblyVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:AssemblyKeyFileAttribute(/*"..\..\*/"asmexecKey.snk")] [assembly:AssemblyTitleAttribute("Microsoft Fusion .Net Assembly Execute Host")] [assembly:AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("Microsoft Fusion Network Services CLR Host for executing .Net assemblies")] [assembly:AssemblyProductAttribute("Microsoft Fusion Network Services")] [assembly:AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:AssemblyTrademarkAttribute("Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation")] [assembly:AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Microsoft Corporation")] [assembly:AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1999-2001. All rights reserved.")] //BUGBUG?? [assembly:System.CLSCompliant(true)] //namespace Microsoft { namespace FusionCLRHost { using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Globalization; using System.Security; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // [GuidAttribute("E612D54D-B42A-32B5-B1D7-8490CE09705C")] public interface IAsmExecute { int Execute(string codebase, Int32 flags, Int32 evidenceZone, string evidenceSrcUrl, string stringArg); } [GuidAttribute("7EB9A84D-646E-3764-BBCA-3789CDB3447B")] public class AsmExecute : MarshalByRefObject, IAsmExecute { // this must be the same as defined in the caller... private static readonly int SECURITY_NONE = 0x00; private static readonly int SECURITY_ZONE = 0x01; private static readonly int SECURITY_SITE = 0x02; // Arguments: Codebase, flags, zone, srcurl // If the flags indicate zone then a zone must be provided. // If the flags indicate a site then a srcurl must be provided, codebase must be a filepath public int Execute(string codebase, Int32 flags, Int32 evidenceZone, string evidenceSrcUrl, string stringArg) { string file = codebase; if((file.Length == 0) || (file[0] == '\0')) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid codebase"); Console.WriteLine("Codebase- {0}", file); // Find the appbase of the executable. For now we assume the // form to be http://blah/... with forward slashes. This // need to be update. // Note: aso works with '\' as in file paths string appbase = null; string ConfigurationFile = null; int k = file.LastIndexOf('/'); if(k <= 0) { k = file.LastIndexOf('\\'); if(k == 0) { appbase = file; ConfigurationFile = file; } } if(k != 0) { // if k is still < 0 at this point, appbase should be an empty string appbase = file.Substring(0,k+1); if(k+1 < file.Length) ConfigurationFile = file.Substring(k+1); } // Check 1: disallow non-fully qualified path/codebase if ((appbase.Length == 0) || (appbase[0] == '.')) throw new ArgumentException("Codebase must be fully qualified"); // BUGBUG: should appbase be the source of the code, not local? Console.WriteLine("AppBase- {0}", appbase); // Build up the configuration File name if(ConfigurationFile != null) { StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); bld.Append(ConfigurationFile); bld.Append(".config"); ConfigurationFile = bld.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine("Config- {0}", ConfigurationFile); // Get the flags // 0x1 we have Zone // 0x2 we have a unique id. int dwFlag = flags; Evidence documentSecurity = null; // Check 2: disallow called with no evidence if (dwFlag == SECURITY_NONE) { // BUGBUG?: disallow executing with no evidence throw new ArgumentException("Flag set at no evidence"); } if((dwFlag & SECURITY_SITE) != 0 || (dwFlag & SECURITY_ZONE) != 0) documentSecurity = new Evidence(); // BUGBUG: check other invalid cases for dwFlag if((dwFlag & SECURITY_ZONE) != 0) { int zone = evidenceZone; documentSecurity.AddHost( new Zone((System.Security.SecurityZone)zone) ); Console.WriteLine("Evidence Zone- {0}", zone); } if((dwFlag & SECURITY_SITE) != 0) { if (file.Length<7||String.Compare(file.Substring(0,7),"file://",true)!=0) { documentSecurity.AddHost( System.Security.Policy.Site.CreateFromUrl(evidenceSrcUrl) ); Console.WriteLine("Evidence SiteFromUrl- {0}", evidenceSrcUrl); // if srcUrl is given, assume file/appbase is a local file path StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); bld.Append("file://"); bld.Append(appbase); documentSecurity.AddHost( new ApplicationDirectory(bld.ToString()) ); Console.WriteLine("Evidence AppDir- {0}", bld); } // URLs may be matched exactly or by a wildcard in the final position, // for example: http://www.fourthcoffee.com/process/* StringBuilder bld2 = new StringBuilder(); if (evidenceSrcUrl[evidenceSrcUrl.Length-1] == '/') bld2.Append(evidenceSrcUrl); else { int j = evidenceSrcUrl.LastIndexOf('/'); if(j > 0) { if (j > 7) // evidenceSrcUrl == "http://a/file.exe" bld2.Append(evidenceSrcUrl.Substring(0,j+1)); else { // evidenceSrcUrl == "http://foo.com" -> but why? bld2.Append(evidenceSrcUrl); bld2.Append('/'); } } else throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Url format"); } bld2.Append('*'); documentSecurity.AddHost( new Url(bld2.ToString()) ); Console.WriteLine("Evidence Url- {0}", bld2); } // other evidence: Hash, Publisher, StrongName // Set domain name to site name if possible string friendlyName = null; if((dwFlag & SECURITY_SITE) != 0) friendlyName = GetSiteName(evidenceSrcUrl); else friendlyName = GetSiteName(file); Console.WriteLine("AppDomain friendlyName- {0}", friendlyName); // set up arguments // only allow 1 for now string[] args; if (stringArg != null) { args = new string[1]; args[0] = stringArg; } else args = new string[0]; AppDomainSetup properties = new AppDomainSetup(); properties.ApplicationBase = appbase; properties.PrivateBinPath = "bin"; if(ConfigurationFile != null) properties.ConfigurationFile = ConfigurationFile; AppDomain proxy = AppDomain.CreateDomain(friendlyName, documentSecurity, properties); if(proxy != null) { AssemblyName asmname = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); Console.WriteLine("AsmExecute name- {0}", asmname); try { // Use remoting. Otherwise asm will be loaded both in current and the new AppDomain // ... as explained by URT dev // asmexec.dll must be found on path (CorPath?) or in the GAC for this to work. ObjectHandle handle = proxy.CreateInstance(asmname.FullName, "FusionCLRHost.AsmExecute"); if (handle != null) { AsmExecute execproxy = (AsmExecute)handle.Unwrap(); int retVal = -1; Console.WriteLine("\n========"); if (execproxy != null) retVal = execproxy.ExecuteAsAssembly(file, documentSecurity, args); Console.WriteLine("\n========"); return retVal; } } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("AsmExecute CreateInstance(AsmExecute) failed: {0}", e.Message); throw e; } } else Console.WriteLine("AsmExecute CreateDomain failed"); // BUGBUG: throw Exception? return -1; } // This method must be internal, since it asserts the ControlEvidence permission. // private --> require ReflectionPermission not known how // solution: public but LinkDemand StrongNameIdentity of ours [ComVisible(false)] [StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, PublicKey = "0x002400000480000094000000060200000024000052534131000400000100010013F3CD6C291DF1566D3C6E7269800C35D9212A622FA934492AD0833DAEA2574D12A9AA2A9392FF30A892ECD3F7F9B57211A541CC4712A184450992E143C1BDBC864E31826598B0D90BB2F04C5C50F004771370F9C76444696E8DC18999A3D8448D26EBF3A9E68796CA3A7D2ACC47B491455E462F4E6DDD9DF338171D911D88B2" )] public int ExecuteAsAssembly(string file, Evidence evidence, string[] args) { new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ExecuteAssembly(file, evidence, args); } private static string GetSiteName(string pURL) { // BUGBUG: this does not work w/ UNC or file:// (?) string siteName = null; if(pURL != null) { int j = pURL.IndexOf(':'); // If there is a protocal remove it. In a URL of the form // yyyy://xxxx/zzzz where yyyy is the protocal, xxxx is // the site and zzzz is extra we want to get xxxx. if(j != -1 && j+3 < pURL.Length && pURL[j+1] == '/' && pURL[j+2] == '/') { j+=3; // Remove characters after the // next /. int i = pURL.IndexOf('/',j); if(i > -1) siteName = pURL.Substring(j,i-j); else siteName = pURL.Substring(j); } if(siteName == null) siteName = pURL; } return siteName; } } }