#include #include #include #include #include "windows.h" void __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[]) { HANDLE hFile; COMMPROP mp; DWORD testbaud; char *MyPort = "COM1"; if (argc > 1) { MyPort = argv[1]; } printf("Using port %s\n",MyPort); if ((hFile = CreateFile( MyPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL )) != ((HANDLE)-1)) { printf("We successfully opened the %s port.\n",MyPort); // // Get the state of the comm port and then // adjust the values to our liking. // if (!GetCommProperties( hFile, &mp )) { printf("Couldn't get comm properties: %d\n",GetLastError()); exit(1); } else { printf("PacketLength: %d\n",mp.wPacketLength); if (mp.wPacketLength != sizeof(COMMPROP)) { printf("Packet length is not sizeof(COMMPROP))\n",sizeof(COMMPROP)); } printf("PacketVersion: %d\n",mp.wPacketVersion); if (mp.dwServiceMask != SP_SERIALCOMM) { printf("Bad Service mask: %x\n",mp.dwServiceMask); } printf("MaxTxQueue: %d\n",mp.dwMaxTxQueue); printf("MaxRxQueue: %d\n",mp.dwMaxRxQueue); printf("MaxBaud: %d\n",mp.dwMaxBaud); if (mp.dwProvSubType != PST_RS232) { printf("Bad subtype: %x\n",mp.dwProvSubType); } if (mp.dwProvCapabilities != (PCF_DTRDSR | PCF_RTSCTS | PCF_RLSD | PCF_PARITY_CHECK | PCF_XONXOFF | PCF_SETXCHAR | PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS | PCF_INTTIMEOUTS )) { printf("Bad capabilities: %x\n",mp.dwProvCapabilities); } if (mp.dwSettableParams != (SP_PARITY | SP_BAUD | SP_DATABITS | SP_STOPBITS | SP_HANDSHAKING | SP_PARITY_CHECK | SP_RLSD)) { printf("Bad settable parameters: %x\n",mp.dwSettableParams); } testbaud = BAUD_075 | BAUD_110 | BAUD_134_5 | BAUD_150 | BAUD_300 | BAUD_600 | BAUD_1200 | BAUD_1800 | BAUD_2400 | BAUD_4800 | BAUD_7200 | BAUD_9600 | BAUD_14400 | BAUD_19200; if (mp.dwMaxBaud == BAUD_38400) { testbaud |= BAUD_38400; } else if (mp.dwMaxBaud == BAUD_56K) { testbaud |= (BAUD_38400 | BAUD_56K); } else if (mp.dwMaxBaud == BAUD_128K) { testbaud |= (BAUD_56K | BAUD_38400 | BAUD_128K); } if (testbaud != mp.dwSettableBaud) { printf("Bad Settable baud rate: %x\n",mp.dwSettableBaud); } if (mp.wSettableData != (DATABITS_5 | DATABITS_6 | DATABITS_7 | DATABITS_8)) { printf("Bad settable data bits: %x\n",mp.wSettableData); } if (mp.wSettableStopParity != (STOPBITS_10 | STOPBITS_15 | STOPBITS_20 | PARITY_NONE | PARITY_ODD | PARITY_EVEN | PARITY_MARK | PARITY_SPACE)) { printf("Bad settable stop/parity: %x\n",mp.wSettableStopParity); } printf("Current TX queue: %d\n",mp.dwCurrentTxQueue); printf("Current RX queue: %d\n",mp.dwCurrentRxQueue); printf("ProvSepc1: %x\n",mp.dwProvSpec1); printf("ProvSepc2: %x\n",mp.dwProvSpec2); printf("ProvChar[1]: %x\n",mp.wcProvChar[1]); } } else { DWORD LastError; LastError = GetLastError(); printf("Couldn't open the %s device.\n",MyPort); printf("Status of failed open is: %d\n",LastError); } }