/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 SCM Microsystems, Inc. Module Name: common.h Abstract: Constants, structures, macro etc.. for STC USB WDM Revision History: PP 01/20/1999 Initial Version --*/ #if !defined( __COMMON_H__ ) #define __COMMON_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DRIVER_NAME "STCUSB" #include "SMCLIB.h" #include "WINSMCRD.h" // // Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #define SMARTCARD_POOL_TAG '4SCS' #define STCUSB_VENDOR_NAME "SCM Microsystems" #define STCUSB_PRODUCT_NAME "STCUSB" #define MAX_READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_SIZE 18 #define STCUSB_MAX_DEVICE 16 #define USB_WRITE_RETRIES 2 #define IOCTL_WRITE_STC_REGISTER SCARD_CTL_CODE(0x800) #define IOCTL_READ_STC_REGISTER SCARD_CTL_CODE(0x801) #define IOCTL_WRITE_STC_DATA SCARD_CTL_CODE(0x802) #define IOCTL_READ_STC_DATA SCARD_CTL_CODE(0x803) #define POLLING_PERIOD 500 #define CLA_IDX 0 #define INS_IDX 1 #define P1_IDX 2 #define P2_IDX 3 #define P3_IDX 4 #define ISO_OUT TRUE #define ISO_IN !ISO_OUT #define NAD_IDX 0x00 #define PCB_IDX 0x01 #define LEN_IDX 0x02 #define DATA_IDX 0x03 #define PROLOGUE_LEN 0x03 #define EPILOGUE_LEN 0x01 #define OSC 16000 #define FREQ 3580 #define CYC_TO_MS( cyc ) ((ULONG)( cyc / FREQ )) // register addresses #define ADR_ETULENGTH15 0x00 #define ADR_ETULENGTH7 0x01 #define ADR_CGT8 0x02 #define ADR_CGT7 0x03 #define ADR_CWT31 0x04 #define ADR_CWT23 0x05 #define ADR_CWT15 0x06 #define ADR_CWT7 0x07 #define ADR_BGT8 0x08 #define ADR_BGT7 0x09 #define ADR_BWT31 0x0A #define ADR_BWT23 0x0B #define ADR_BWT15 0x0C #define ADR_BWT7 0x0D #define ADR_TCON 0x0E #define ADR_UART_CONTROL 0x0F #define ADR_FIFO_CONFIG 0x10 #define ADR_INT_CONTROL 0x11 #define ADR_INT_STATUS 0x12 #define ADR_DATA 0x13 #define ADR_IO_CONFIG 0x14 #define ADR_SC_CONTROL 0x15 #define ADR_CLOCK_CONTROL 0x16 // clock control register #define M_CKE 0x01 #define M_OEN 0x02 // ETU length register #define M_ETU_RST 0x80 #define M_DIV 0x30 #define M_DIV1 0x20 #define M_DIV0 0x10 #define M_ETUH 0x0F #define M_ETUL 0xFF // CGT length register #define M_CGTH 0x01 #define M_CGTL 0XFF // BGT length register #define M_BGTH 0x01 #define M_BGTL 0xFF // CWT register #define M_CWT4 0xFF #define M_CWT3 0xFF #define M_CWT2 0xFF #define M_CWT1 0xFF // TCON register #define M_MGT 0x80 #define M_MWT 0x40 #define M_WTR 0x04 #define M_GT 0x02 #define M_WT 0x01 // UART control register #define M_UEN 0x40 #define M_UART_RST 0x20 #define M_CONV 0x10 #define M_TS 0x08 #define M_PE 0x04 #define M_R 0x03 // FIFO config register #define M_RFP 0x80 #define M_LD 0x0F // INT control register #define M_SSL 0x20 #define M_DRM 0x10 #define M_DSM 0x08 #define M_WTE 0x04 #define M_SIM 0x02 #define M_MEM 0x01 #define M_DRM_MEM 0x11 // INT status register #define M_FNE 0x80 #define M_FE 0x40 #define M_OE 0x20 #define M_DR 0x10 #define M_TRE 0x08 #define M_WTOVF 0x04 #define M_SENSE 0x02 #define M_MOV 0x01 // SMART card interface #define M_ALT1 0x20 #define M_ALT2 0x10 #define M_ALT0 0x08 #define M_SDE 0x04 #define M_SL 0x02 #define M_SD 0x01 // SMART card control register #define M_IO 0x80 #define M_VCE 0x40 #define M_SC_RST 0x20 #define M_SCE 0x10 #define M_SCK 0x08 #define M_C8 0x04 #define M_C4 0x02 #define M_VPE 0x01 // Nad #define HOST_TO_STC1 0x12 #define HOST_TO_STC2 0x52 #define HOST_TO_ICC1 0x02 #define HOST_TO_ICC2 0x42 #define STC1_TO_HOST 0x21 #define STC2_TO_HOST 0x25 #define ICC1_TO_HOST 0x20 #define ICC2_TO_HOST 0x24 // PCB #define PCB 0x00 #define CLA_READ_REGISTER 0x00 #define INS_READ_REGISTER 0xB0 #define CLA_WRITE_REGISTER 0x00 #define INS_WRITE_REGISTER 0xD0 #define CLA_READ_FIRMWARE_REVISION 0x00 #define INS_READ_FIRMWARE_REVISION 0xB1 #define PCB_DEFAULT 0x00 #define TLV_BUFFER_SIZE 0x20 #define ATR_SIZE 0x40 // TS + 32 + SW + PROLOGUE + EPILOGUE... #define MAX_T1_BLOCK_SIZE 270 // ATR interface byte coding in TS #define TAx 0x01 #define TBx 0x02 #define TCx 0x04 #define TDx 0x08 #define FREQ_DIV 1 // 3,58 MHz XTAL -> SC Clock = 3.58MHz //#define FREQ_DIV 0x08 /* 30MHz XTAL -> SC Clock = 3.75MHz */ #define PROTOCOL_TO 0 #define PROTOCOL_T1 1 #define PROTOCOL_T14 14 #define PROTOCOL_T15 15 #define STC_READ_TIMEOUT 1000 // max. of communication errors while polling the device #define ERROR_COUNTER_TRESHOLD 5 // // Macros -------------------------------------------------------------------- // #define SysCompareMemory( p1, p2, Len ) ( RtlCompareMemory( p1,p2, Len ) != Len ) #define SysCopyMemory( pDest, pSrc, Len ) RtlCopyMemory( pDest, pSrc, Len ) #define SysFillMemory( pDest, Value, Len ) RtlFillMemory( pDest, Len, Value ) // // Structures ---------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION { // The PDO that we are attached to PDEVICE_OBJECT AttachedPDO; // Our PnP device name UNICODE_STRING DeviceName; // Current number of io-requests LONG IoCount; // Used to access IoCount; KSPIN_LOCK SpinLock; // Used to signal that the device has been removed //KEVENT ReaderRemoved; // Used to signal that the reader is able to process reqeusts KEVENT ReaderStarted; // Used to signal the the reader has been closed LONG ReaderOpen; // Used to synchonize the polling thread KMUTEX hMutex; // Used to keep track of the current power state the reader is in LONG PowerState; // configuration handle for the configuration the device is currently in use USBD_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle; // ptr to the USB device descriptor for this device PUSB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR DeviceDescriptor; // we support up to one interface PUSBD_INTERFACE_INFORMATION Interface; // poll thread relevant data KEVENT FinishPollThread; KEVENT PollThreadStopped; PIO_WORKITEM PollWorkItem; SMARTCARD_EXTENSION SmartcardExtension; } DEVICE_EXTENSION, *PDEVICE_EXTENSION; typedef enum _READER_POWER_STATE { PowerReaderUnspecified = 0, PowerReaderWorking, PowerReaderOff } READER_POWER_STATE, *PREADER_POWER_STATE; typedef struct _READER_EXTENSION { UCHAR Device; // Software revision ID of the firmware. UCHAR FirmwareMajor, FirmwareMinor; BOOLEAN CardPresent; // Current reader power state. READER_POWER_STATE ReaderPowerState; // read timeout in ms ULONG ReadTimeout; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; UCHAR ucReadBuffer[MIN_BUFFER_SIZE]; ULONG ulReadBufferLen; // counter for communication errors while polling the reader ULONG ErrorCounter; } READER_EXTENSION, *PREADER_EXTENSION; #define SIZEOF_READER_EXTENSION ( sizeof( READER_EXTENSION )) typedef struct _STC_REGISTER { UCHAR Register; UCHAR Size; ULONG Value; } STC_REGISTER, *PSTC_REGISTER; // // wrapper ------------------------------------------------------------------ // #define IFReadSTCRegister UsbReadSTCRegister #define IFReadSTCData UsbReadSTCData #define IFWriteSTCRegister UsbWriteSTCRegister #define IFWriteSTCData UsbWriteSTCData #endif // __COMMON_H__ // ------------------------------- END OF FILE -------------------------------