/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998 Module Name: pmwmicnt.h Abstract: This file contains the prototypes of the routines to manage and maintain the disk perf counters. Author: Bruce Worthington 26-Oct-1998 Environment: kernel mode only Notes: Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include NTSTATUS PmWmiCounterEnable( IN OUT PVOID* CounterContext ); BOOLEAN PmWmiCounterDisable( IN PVOID* CounterContext, IN BOOLEAN ForceDisable, IN BOOLEAN DeallocateOnZero ); VOID PmWmiCounterIoStart( IN PVOID CounterContext, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp ); VOID PmWmiCounterIoComplete( IN PVOID CounterContext, IN PIRP Irp, IN PLARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp ); VOID PmWmiCounterQuery( IN PVOID CounterContext, IN OUT PDISK_PERFORMANCE CounterBuffer, IN PWCHAR StorageManagerName, IN ULONG StorageDeviceNumber );