#include #include #include #include #include #include #include _cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { DWORD Status = NO_ERROR; PDNS_RECORD pDNSRecord = NULL; WCHAR usName[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR lpTemp = NULL, lpAddress = NULL; BYTE Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4; LONG cch; if ( argc != 3 ) { printf( "\nUsage: dnsrep \n" ); printf( "\nWhere:\n" ); printf( " DNS Name - Server_X.dbsd-test.microsoft.com\n" ); printf( " IP Address -\n" ); printf( " - or -\n" ); printf( " IP Address - to nuke entry\n" ); return(-1); } cch = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0L, argv[1], -1, usName, MAX_PATH ); if (!cch) { return (GetLastError()); } lpAddress = argv[2]; lpTemp = strtok( lpAddress, "." ); Part1 = (BYTE) atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part2 = (BYTE) atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part3 = (BYTE) atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part4 = (BYTE) atoi( lpTemp ); printf( "\nReplacing all DNS records with:\n" ); printf( "Name: %S\n", usName ); printf( "Address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4 ); pDNSRecord = (PDNS_RECORD) LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof( DNS_RECORD ) ); if ( !pDNSRecord ) { printf( "LocalAlloc( sizeof( DNS_RECORD ) ) call failed.\n" ); return(-1); } // // Prepare a DNS RRSet with a new A record to replace with ... // pDNSRecord->pNext = NULL; pDNSRecord->nameOwner = (DNS_NAME) usName; pDNSRecord->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; if ( Part1 || Part2 || Part3 || Part4 ) { pDNSRecord->wDataLength = sizeof( DNS_A_DATA ); // pDNSRecord->wReserved = 0; // pDNSRecord->Flags.W = 0; pDNSRecord->dwTtl = 240; ((BYTE *) &pDNSRecord->Data.A.ipAddress)[0] = Part1; ((BYTE *) &pDNSRecord->Data.A.ipAddress)[1] = Part2; ((BYTE *) &pDNSRecord->Data.A.ipAddress)[2] = Part3; ((BYTE *) &pDNSRecord->Data.A.ipAddress)[3] = Part4; } else { pDNSRecord->wDataLength = 0; } printf( "DnsReplaceRRSet( pDNSRecord ) ...\n" ); Status = DnsReplaceRRSet( pDNSRecord, NULL ); LocalFree( pDNSRecord ); if ( Status ) { printf( "DnsReplaceRRSet call failed with error: 0x%.8X\n", Status ); return(-1); } printf( "DnsReplaceRRSet call succeeded!\n" ); return(0); }