AdminManager->Application - Perform tests of 'Application' objects that are children of 'AdminManager' objects AdminManager->Application - 'Admin Manager generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) DupHandle GoSub AdminManager->Application - 'Gen object test' AzApplicationCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzApplicationEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationCreate 'Name2' AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzApplicationCreate 'Name3' AzApplicationDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzApplicationCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzApplicationDelete 'Name2' AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzApplicationCreate 'Name4' AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzApplicationSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzApplicationSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzApplicationGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Open test' AzApplicationOpen 'Name1' AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Application - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'Name1' AzApplicationCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - Perform tests of 'Group' objects that are children of 'AdminManager' objects AdminManager->Group - 'Admin Manager generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) DupHandle GoSub AdminManager->Group - 'Gen object test' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzGroupDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzGroupDelete 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzGroupCreate 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzGroupSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzGroupSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Open test' AzGroupOpen 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Group objects that are children of an admin manager' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) DupHandle GoSub AdminManager->Group - 'Group object specific tests' AzGroupCreate 'Group A' AdminManager->Group - 'Create some groups to link the group to' AzGroupCreate 'Group 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 3' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group - 'Add membership to a group with no grouptype' [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty 'Group 1' (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupGetProperty: invalid grouptype 8 AzGroupSetProperty '8' (400) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) AdminManager->Group - 'Reference ourself' AzGroupGetProperty (401) AzGroupGetProperty (404) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AdminManager->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) AdminManager->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '404'. AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' AdminManager->Group - 'Same as above, but for the non-members attribute' AzGroupGetProperty (402) AzGroupGetProperty (405) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AdminManager->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) AdminManager->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) AdminManager->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '405'. AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) AdminManager->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' AdminManager->Group - 'Set LdapQuery string' AzGroupGetProperty (403) '' [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '1' (400) AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) AzGroupGetProperty (403) 'TheQuery' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '' (403) AdminManager->Group - 'Test loops' AzGroupCreate 'Group B' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (401) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - Perform tests of 'Operation' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->Operation - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Operation - 'Gen object test' AzOperationCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzOperationEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Name2' AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzOperationCreate 'Name3' AzOperationDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzOperationCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzOperationDelete 'Name2' AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzOperationCreate 'Name4' AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzOperationSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzOperationSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzOperationGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzOperationGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzOperationGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Open test' AzOperationOpen 'Name1' AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzOperationCreate 'Name1' AzOperationCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Operation - 'Operation object specific tests' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzOperationCreate 'Oper 1' AzOperationGetProperty (200) '0' AzOperationSetProperty '8' (200) AzOperationGetProperty (200) '8' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - Perform tests of 'Task' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->Task - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Task - 'Gen object test' AzTaskCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzTaskEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzTaskEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzTaskCreate 'Name2' AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzTaskCreate 'Name3' AzTaskDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzTaskCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzTaskDelete 'Name2' AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzTaskCreate 'Name4' AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzTaskSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzTaskSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzTaskGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzTaskGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzTaskGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Open test' AzTaskOpen 'Name1' AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzTaskOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzTaskCreate 'Name1' AzTaskCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Task - 'Task object specific tests' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzTaskCreate 'Task 1' AzTaskGetProperty (301) '' AzTaskSetProperty 'Rule1' (301) AzTaskGetProperty (301) 'Rule1' Application->Task - 'Try an invalid language' AzTaskGetProperty (302) '' [INVPARM] AzTaskSetProperty: invalid language LANG1 AzTaskSetProperty 'LANG1' (302) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzTaskGetProperty (302) '' Application->Task - 'Try the valid languages' AzTaskSetProperty 'VBScript' (302) AzTaskGetProperty (302) 'VBScript' AzTaskSetProperty 'Jscript' (302) AzTaskGetProperty (302) 'Jscript' Application->Task->Operation - Test linking 'Operation' objects to the object named 'Task 1' using propid '300'. Application->Task->Operation - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzOperationCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Task->Operation - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzTaskGetProperty (300) [INVPARM] AzTaskSetProperty: invalid prop id 300 AzTaskSetProperty (300) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzTaskAddProperty 'random' (300) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Task->Operation - 'Add and remove several objects' AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 2' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 2' AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 3' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 1' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzTaskRemProperty 'Object 1' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzTaskRemProperty 'Object 2' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 3' Application->Task->Operation - 'Add an item that already exists' AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 3' (300) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 3' AzTaskRemProperty 'Object 3' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) Application->Task->Operation - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzOperationCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 1' (300) AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 4' (300) AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 2' (300) AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 5' (300) AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 3' (300) AzTaskAddProperty 'Object 6' (300) AzTaskGetProperty (300) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzOperationDelete 'Object 1' (300) AzOperationDelete 'Object 4' (300) AzOperationDelete 'Object 2' (300) AzOperationDelete 'Object 5' (300) AzOperationDelete 'Object 3' (300) AzOperationDelete 'Object 6' (300) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - Perform tests of 'Scope' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->Scope - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Scope - 'Gen object test' AzScopeCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzScopeEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzScopeEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Name2' AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzScopeCreate 'Name3' AzScopeDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzScopeCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzScopeDelete 'Name2' AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzScopeCreate 'Name4' AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzScopeSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzScopeSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzScopeGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzScopeEnum 1: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzScopeGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzScopeGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Open test' AzScopeOpen 'Name1' AzScopeGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzScopeOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Scope - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzScopeCreate 'Name1' AzScopeCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - Perform tests of 'Group' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->Group - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Group - 'Gen object test' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzGroupDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzGroupDelete 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzGroupCreate 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzGroupSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzGroupSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Open test' AzGroupOpen 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Group objects that are children of an application' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Group - 'Group object specific tests' AzGroupCreate 'Group A' Application->Group - 'Create some groups to link the group to' AzGroupCreate 'Group 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Add membership to a group with no grouptype' [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty 'Group 1' (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupGetProperty: invalid grouptype 8 AzGroupSetProperty '8' (400) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) Application->Group - 'Reference ourself' AzGroupGetProperty (401) AzGroupGetProperty (404) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) Application->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. Application->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' Application->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) Application->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) Application->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '404'. Application->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' Application->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) Application->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Application->Group - 'Same as above, but for the non-members attribute' AzGroupGetProperty (402) AzGroupGetProperty (405) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) Application->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. Application->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' Application->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) Application->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) Application->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '405'. Application->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' Application->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) Application->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Application->Group - 'Set LdapQuery string' AzGroupGetProperty (403) '' [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '1' (400) AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) AzGroupGetProperty (403) 'TheQuery' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '' (403) Application->Group - 'Test loops' AzGroupCreate 'Group B' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (401) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Group - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same admin manager as this group.' AzGroupOpen 'Group A' Application->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. Application->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' Application->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) Application->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) Application->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. Application->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' Application->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) Application->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - Perform tests of 'Role' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->Role - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->Role - 'Gen object test' AzRoleCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzRoleEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzRoleCreate 'Name2' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzRoleCreate 'Name3' AzRoleDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzRoleCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzRoleDelete 'Name2' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzRoleCreate 'Name4' AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzRoleSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzRoleSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Open test' AzRoleOpen 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzRoleOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleCreate 'Name1' AzRoleCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->Role - 'Role objects that are children of an application' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzRoleCreate 'Role A' Application->Role - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same admin manager as the role object.' Application->Role->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '500'. Application->Role->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Role->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (500) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (500) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (500) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Role->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' Application->Role->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) Application->Role->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (500) Application->Role - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same application as the role object.' Application->Role->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '500'. Application->Role->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Role->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (500) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (500) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (500) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Role->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' Application->Role->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) Application->Role->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (500) Application->Role - 'Test linking to SIDs.' Application->Role->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '501'. Application->Role->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-3' Application->Role->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) Application->Role->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Application->Role->Operation - Test linking 'Operation' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '502'. Application->Role->Operation - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzOperationCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Role->Operation - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (502) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (502) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (502) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Role->Operation - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 3' Application->Role->Operation - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) Application->Role->Operation - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzOperationCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzOperationDelete 'Object 1' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 4' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 2' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 5' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 3' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 6' (502) Application->Role->Scope - Test linking 'Scope' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '503'. Application->Role->Scope - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzScopeCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Application->Role->Scope - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (503) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (503) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (503) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Application->Role->Scope - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 3' Application->Role->Scope - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) Application->Role->Scope - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzScopeCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzScopeDelete 'Object 1' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 4' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 2' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 5' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 3' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 6' (503) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - Perform tests of 'JunctionPoint' objects that are children of 'Application' objects Application->JunctionPoint - 'Application generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle GoSub Application->JunctionPoint - 'Gen object test' AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzJunctionPointEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzJunctionPointEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name2' AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name3' AzJunctionPointDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzJunctionPointDelete 'Name2' AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name4' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzJunctionPointEnum 1: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Open test' AzJunctionPointOpen 'Name1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzJunctionPointOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Test closing the same handle twice' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' DupHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name1' AzJunctionPointCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Application->JunctionPoint - 'JunctionPoint object specific tests' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'App 1' AzApplicationCreate 'App 3' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationCreate 'App 2' AzJunctionPointCreate 'JunctionPoint 1' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (600) '' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 2' (600) AzJunctionPointGetProperty (600) 'App 2' Application->JunctionPoint - 'Ensure setting the attribute really changes it' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 3' (600) AzJunctionPointGetProperty (600) 'App 3' Application->JunctionPoint - 'Ensure deleting the app deletes the reference' AzApplicationDelete 'App 3' AzJunctionPointGetProperty (600) '' Application->JunctionPoint - 'Link a junction point to its own app' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 1' (600) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) Application->JunctionPoint - 'Detect a more complex cycle' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 2' (600) AzJunctionPointCreate 'JunctionPoint A' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 1' (600) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzJunctionPointCreate 'JunctionPoint B' AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 1' (600) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzJunctionPointSetProperty 'App 1' (600) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - Perform tests of 'Group' objects that are children of 'Scope' objects Scope->Group - 'Scope generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' DupHandle GoSub Scope->Group - 'Gen object test' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzGroupDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzGroupCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzGroupDelete 'Name2' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzGroupCreate 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzGroupSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzGroupSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzGroupEnum 1: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzGroupGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzGroupGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Open test' AzGroupOpen 'Name1' AzGroupGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' AzGroupCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Group objects that are children of an application' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' DupHandle GoSub Scope->Group - 'Group object specific tests' AzGroupCreate 'Group A' Scope->Group - 'Create some groups to link the group to' AzGroupCreate 'Group 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Add membership to a group with no grouptype' [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty 'Group 1' (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupAddPropertyItem: invalid group type 0 AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) [INVPARM] AzpGroupGetProperty: invalid grouptype 8 AzGroupSetProperty '8' (400) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) Scope->Group - 'Reference ourself' AzGroupGetProperty (401) AzGroupGetProperty (404) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) Scope->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '404'. Scope->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' Scope->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) Scope->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupAddProperty '' (404) AzGroupGetProperty (404) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Scope->Group - 'Same as above, but for the non-members attribute' AzGroupGetProperty (402) AzGroupGetProperty (405) [INVPARM] Reference to self AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) Scope->Group->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '405'. Scope->Group->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' Scope->Group->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-3' AzGroupRemProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) Scope->Group->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupAddProperty '' (405) AzGroupGetProperty (405) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Scope->Group - 'Set LdapQuery string' AzGroupGetProperty (403) '' [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '1' (400) AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) AzGroupGetProperty (403) 'TheQuery' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: can't set ldap query before group type AzGroupSetProperty 'TheQuery' (403) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupSetProperty '' (403) Scope->Group - 'Test loops' AzGroupCreate 'Group B' AzGroupSetProperty '2' (400) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (401) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Group A' (402) (ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (402) AzGroupRemProperty 'Group B' (401) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same admin manager as this group.' AzGroupOpen 'Group A' Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) AzCloseHandle Scope->Group - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same application as this group.' AzGroupOpen 'Group A' Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '401'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (401) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 401 AzGroupSetProperty (401) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (401) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (401) AzGroupGetProperty (401) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (401) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (401) Scope->Group->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Group A' using propid '402'. Scope->Group->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Group->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzGroupGetProperty (402) [INVPARM] AzpGroupSetProperty: invalid propid 402 AzGroupSetProperty (402) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzGroupAddProperty 'random' (402) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Group->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' Scope->Group->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 3' AzGroupRemProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) Scope->Group->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupAddProperty 'Object 6' (402) AzGroupGetProperty (402) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (402) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (402) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - Perform tests of 'Role' objects that are children of 'Scope' objects Scope->Role - 'Scope generic Child object test' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' DupHandle GoSub Scope->Role - 'Gen object test' AzRoleCreate 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzRoleEnum 1: DupHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzCloseHandle (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzRoleCreate 'Name2' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Delete an object and make sure it doesn't get enumerated' AzRoleCreate 'Name3' AzRoleDelete 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Create an object whose name equals that of a deleted object' AzRoleCreate 'Name3' AzCloseHandle AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 2: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name2' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Delete an object that isn't on the tail end of the enum list' AzRoleDelete 'Name2' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Basic get/set property tests' AzRoleCreate 'Name4' AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzRoleSetProperty 'WasName4' (1) AzRoleSetProperty 'Nam4 Desc' (2) AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzRoleEnum 1: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 4: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name3' AzRoleGetProperty (2) '' AzCloseHandle 5: AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'WasName4' AzRoleGetProperty (2) 'Nam4 Desc' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Open test' AzRoleOpen 'Name1' AzRoleGetProperty (1) 'Name1' AzCloseHandle AzRoleOpen 'NameBad' (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Test creating two objects with the same name' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' AzRoleCreate 'Name1' AzRoleCreate 'Name1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Scope->Role - 'Role objects that are children of an application' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' AzRoleCreate 'Role A' Scope->Role - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same scope object as the role object.' Scope->Role->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '500'. Scope->Role->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (500) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (500) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (500) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Role->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' Scope->Role->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) Scope->Role->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (500) Scope->Role - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same application as the role object.' Scope->Role->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '500'. Scope->Role->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (500) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (500) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (500) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Role->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' Scope->Role->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) Scope->Role->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (500) Scope->Role - 'Test linking to SIDs.' Scope->Role->Sid - Test linking 'Sid' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '501'. Scope->Role->Sid - 'Add and remove several links to sids' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-3' Scope->Role->Sid - 'Add a link that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-3' AzRoleRemProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) Scope->Role->Sid - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleAddProperty '' (501) AzRoleGetProperty (501) 'S-1-1000-1' 'S-1-1000-2' 'S-1-1000-3' 'S-1-1000-4' 'S-1-1000-5' 'S-1-1000-6' Scope->Role - 'Test linking to groups that are children of the same admin manager as the role object.' Scope->Role->Group - Test linking 'Group' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '500'. Scope->Role->Group - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzGroupCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role->Group - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (500) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (500) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (500) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Role->Group - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' Scope->Role->Group - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) Scope->Role->Group - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzGroupCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (500) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (500) AzRoleGetProperty (500) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzGroupDelete 'Object 1' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 4' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 2' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 5' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 3' (500) AzGroupDelete 'Object 6' (500) Scope->Role->Operation - Test linking 'Operation' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '502'. Scope->Role->Operation - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzOperationCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role->Operation - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (502) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (502) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (502) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Role->Operation - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 3' Scope->Role->Operation - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) Scope->Role->Operation - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzOperationCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (502) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (502) AzRoleGetProperty (502) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzOperationDelete 'Object 1' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 4' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 2' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 5' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 3' (502) AzOperationDelete 'Object 6' (502) Scope->Role->Scope - Test linking 'Scope' objects to the object named 'Role A' using propid '503'. Scope->Role->Scope - 'Create some objects to link the object to' AzScopeCreate 'Object 1' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 2' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 3' AzCloseHandle Scope->Role->Scope - 'Reference an object that doesn't exist' AzRoleGetProperty (503) [INVPARM] ObCommonSetProperty: non set property routine AzRoleSetProperty (503) (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) AzRoleAddProperty 'random' (503) (ERROR_NOT_FOUND) Scope->Role->Scope - 'Add and remove several objects' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 2' 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 3' Scope->Role->Scope - 'Add an item that already exists' AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 3' AzRoleRemProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) Scope->Role->Scope - 'Try more than 4 since reference buckets come in multiples of 4' AzScopeCreate 'Object 4' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 5' AzCloseHandle AzScopeCreate 'Object 6' AzCloseHandle AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 1' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 4' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 2' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 5' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 3' (503) AzRoleAddProperty 'Object 6' (503) AzRoleGetProperty (503) 'Object 1' 'Object 2' 'Object 3' 'Object 4' 'Object 5' 'Object 6' AzScopeDelete 'Object 1' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 4' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 2' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 5' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 3' (503) AzScopeDelete 'Object 6' (503) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle NameShare - 'Certain objects can't share names' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' NameShare - 'Create some tasks and ops as a starting point' AzTaskCreate 'Task 1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationCreate 'Op 1' AzCloseHandle NameShare - 'Task and operations can't share names' AzTaskCreate 'Op 1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzOperationCreate 'Task 1' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) NameShare - 'Create some groups as a starting point' AzGroupCreate 'Group Adm' AzCloseHandle AzGroupCreate 'Group App' AzCloseHandle NameShare - 'Create an app group that conflicts with an adm group, etc' AzGroupCreate 'Group Adm' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupCreate 'Group App' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) NameShare - 'Create a scope group' AzScopeCreate 'Scope 1' AzGroupCreate 'Group Scp' AzCloseHandle NameShare - 'Create a scope group that conflicts with an adm group, etc' AzGroupCreate 'Group Adm' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupCreate 'Group App' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) NameShare - 'Create an app/adm group that conflicts with a scope group' AzGroupCreate 'Group Scp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzGroupCreate 'Group Scp' (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Persist - 'Ensure objects persist across a close' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' (1) AzApplicationCreate 'MyApp' AzTaskCreate 'Task 1' AzOperationCreate 'Op 1' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Persist - 'See if they're still there' AzInitialize '.\TestFile' AzApplicationEnum 1: AzApplicationGetProperty (1) 'MyApp' AzCloseHandle AzApplicationOpen 'MyApp' AzTaskEnum 1: AzTaskGetProperty (1) 'Task 1' AzCloseHandle AzTaskOpen 'Task 1' AzOperationEnum 1: AzOperationGetProperty (1) 'Op 1' AzCloseHandle AzOperationOpen 'Op 1' AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle AzCloseHandle Tests completed successfully!