//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001 - 2001 // // File: vercat.cpp // // Contents: Minimal Cryptographic functions to verify hashes in the // system catalogs. // // Functions: MinCryptVerifyHashInSystemCatalogs // // History: 23-Jan-01 philh created //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "global.hxx" #include #include // #define szOID_CTL "" const BYTE rgbOID_CTL[] = {0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0x37, 0x0A, 0x01}; // #define SPC_INDIRECT_DATA_OBJID "" static const BYTE rgbSPC_INDIRECT_DATA_OBJID[] = {0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0x37, 0x02, 0x01, 0x04}; const CRYPT_DER_BLOB IndirectDataEncodedOIDBlob = { sizeof(rgbSPC_INDIRECT_DATA_OBJID), (BYTE *) rgbSPC_INDIRECT_DATA_OBJID }; #define MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT 10 #define MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT 10 #define MAX_CAT_EXT_CNT 10 typedef struct _MAP_CAT_INFO { LONG lErr; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB FileBlob; CRYPT_DER_BLOB CTLSubjectsValueBlob; CRYPT_DER_BLOB CTLExtsValueBlob; CRYPT_DER_BLOB SignerAuthAttrsValueBlob; } MAP_CAT_INFO, *PMAP_CAT_INFO; #define MAP_CAT_IDX_MASK 0x0000FFFF #define MAP_CAT_MULTIPLE_FLAG 0x00010000 LONG WINAPI I_GetAndMapSystemCatalogs( IN ALG_ID HashAlgId, IN DWORD cHash, IN CRYPT_HASH_BLOB rgHashBlob[], OUT LONG rglHashMapCatIdx[], OUT DWORD *pcMapCatInfo, OUT MAP_CAT_INFO rgMapCatInfo[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT] ) { LONG lErr; HCATADMIN hCatAdmin = NULL; const GUID guidCatRoot = DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY; DWORD cMapCatInfo = 0; DWORD cCatInfo = 0; CATALOG_INFO rgCatInfo[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT]; LONG rglMapCatIdx[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT]; DWORD iHash; if (!(CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &guidCatRoot, 0))) goto CryptCATAdminAcquireContextError; for (iHash = 0; iHash < cHash; iHash++) { HCATINFO hCatInfo = NULL; // Set index to indicate no catalog file rglHashMapCatIdx[iHash] = -1; while (hCatInfo = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash(hCatAdmin, rgHashBlob[iHash].pbData, rgHashBlob[iHash].cbData, 0, &hCatInfo)) { CATALOG_INFO CatInfo; LONG lMapCatIdx; DWORD iCatInfo; memset(&CatInfo, 0, sizeof(CATALOG_INFO)); CatInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(CATALOG_INFO); if (!(CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext(hCatInfo, &CatInfo, 0))) continue; // Ensure we have a NULL terminated string CatInfo.wszCatalogFile[ sizeof(CatInfo.wszCatalogFile)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0'; // Check if we already encountered this catalog file for (iCatInfo = 0; iCatInfo < cCatInfo; iCatInfo++) { if (0 == _wcsicmp(CatInfo.wszCatalogFile, rgCatInfo[iCatInfo].wszCatalogFile)) break; } if (iCatInfo >= cCatInfo) { // Attempt to map this new catalog file if (cCatInfo >= MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT) continue; wcscpy(rgCatInfo[cCatInfo].wszCatalogFile, CatInfo.wszCatalogFile); memset(&rgMapCatInfo[cMapCatInfo], 0, sizeof(MAP_CAT_INFO)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == I_MinCryptMapFile( MINCRYPT_FILE_NAME, (const VOID *) CatInfo.wszCatalogFile, &rgMapCatInfo[cMapCatInfo].FileBlob )) rglMapCatIdx[cCatInfo] = cMapCatInfo++; else rglMapCatIdx[cCatInfo] = -1; cCatInfo++; assert(iCatInfo < cCatInfo); } lMapCatIdx = rglMapCatIdx[iCatInfo]; if (0 > rglHashMapCatIdx[iHash]) rglHashMapCatIdx[iHash] = lMapCatIdx; else if (0 <= lMapCatIdx) rglHashMapCatIdx[iHash] |= MAP_CAT_MULTIPLE_FLAG; } } lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CommonReturn: *pcMapCatInfo = cMapCatInfo; if (hCatAdmin) CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin, 0); return lErr; CryptCATAdminAcquireContextError: lErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr) lErr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto CommonReturn; } VOID WINAPI I_VerifyMappedCatalog( IN OUT PMAP_CAT_INFO pMapCatInfo ) { LONG lErr; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgVerSignedDataBlob[MINCRYPT_VER_SIGNED_DATA_BLOB_CNT]; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgCTLBlob[MINASN1_CTL_BLOB_CNT]; __try { lErr = MinCryptVerifySignedData( pMapCatInfo->FileBlob.pbData, pMapCatInfo->FileBlob.cbData, rgVerSignedDataBlob ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) goto ErrorReturn; // The data content should be a CTL if (sizeof(rgbOID_CTL) != rgVerSignedDataBlob[ MINCRYPT_VER_SIGNED_DATA_CONTENT_OID_IDX].cbData || 0 != memcmp(rgbOID_CTL, rgVerSignedDataBlob[ MINCRYPT_VER_SIGNED_DATA_CONTENT_OID_IDX].pbData, sizeof(rgbOID_CTL))) goto NotCTLOID; if (0 >= MinAsn1ParseCTL( &rgVerSignedDataBlob[MINCRYPT_VER_SIGNED_DATA_CONTENT_DATA_IDX], rgCTLBlob )) goto ParseCTLError; pMapCatInfo->CTLSubjectsValueBlob = rgCTLBlob[MINASN1_CTL_SUBJECTS_IDX]; pMapCatInfo->CTLExtsValueBlob = rgCTLBlob[MINASN1_CTL_EXTS_IDX]; pMapCatInfo->SignerAuthAttrsValueBlob = rgVerSignedDataBlob[MINCRYPT_VER_SIGNED_DATA_AUTH_ATTRS_IDX]; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { lErr = GetExceptionCode(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr) lErr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto ErrorReturn; } lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CommonReturn: pMapCatInfo->lErr = lErr; return; ErrorReturn: goto CommonReturn; NotCTLOID: ParseCTLError: lErr = CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG; goto ErrorReturn; } VOID WINAPI I_VerifyMappedSystemCatalogs( IN DWORD cMapCatInfo, IN OUT MAP_CAT_INFO rgMapCatInfo[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT] ) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < cMapCatInfo; i++) I_VerifyMappedCatalog(&rgMapCatInfo[i]); } LONG WINAPI I_FindHashInCTLSubjects( IN ALG_ID HashAlgId, IN PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pHashBlob, IN PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pCTLSubjectsValueBlob, OUT PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob ) { DWORD cbEncoded; const BYTE *pbEncoded; // Advance past the outer tag and length if (0 >= MinAsn1ExtractContent( pCTLSubjectsValueBlob->pbData, pCTLSubjectsValueBlob->cbData, &cbEncoded, &pbEncoded )) goto NoOrInvalidSubjects; while (cbEncoded) { // Loop through the encoded subjects until we have a hash match // with the digest octets in the IndirectData attribute. LONG cbSubject; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgCTLSubjectBlob[MINASN1_CTL_SUBJECT_BLOB_CNT]; DWORD cAttr; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgAttrBlob[MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT][MINASN1_ATTR_BLOB_CNT]; cbSubject = MinAsn1ParseCTLSubject( pbEncoded, cbEncoded, rgCTLSubjectBlob ); if (0 >= cbSubject) goto InvalidSubject; cAttr = MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT; if (0 < MinAsn1ParseAttributes( &rgCTLSubjectBlob[MINASN1_CTL_SUBJECT_ATTRS_IDX], &cAttr, rgrgAttrBlob )) { PCRYPT_DER_BLOB rgIndirectDataAttrBlob; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgIndirectDataBlob[MINASN1_INDIRECT_DATA_BLOB_CNT]; rgIndirectDataAttrBlob = MinAsn1FindAttribute( (PCRYPT_DER_BLOB) &IndirectDataEncodedOIDBlob, cAttr, rgrgAttrBlob ); if (rgIndirectDataAttrBlob && 0 < MinAsn1ParseIndirectData( &rgIndirectDataAttrBlob[MINASN1_ATTR_VALUE_IDX], rgIndirectDataBlob)) { if (pHashBlob->cbData == rgIndirectDataBlob[ MINASN1_INDIRECT_DATA_DIGEST_IDX].cbData && 0 == memcmp(pHashBlob->pbData, rgIndirectDataBlob[ MINASN1_INDIRECT_DATA_DIGEST_IDX].pbData, pHashBlob->cbData)) { *pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob = rgCTLSubjectBlob[MINASN1_CTL_SUBJECT_ATTRS_IDX]; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } pbEncoded += cbSubject; cbEncoded -= cbSubject; } NoOrInvalidSubjects: InvalidSubject: pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob->pbData = NULL; pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob->cbData = 0; return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } LONG WINAPI I_FindHashInMappedSystemCatalogs( IN ALG_ID HashAlgId, IN PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pHashBlob, IN DWORD cMapCatInfo, IN MAP_CAT_INFO rgMapCatInfo[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT], IN OUT LONG *plMapCatIdx, OUT PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob ) { LONG lErr; LONG lMapCatIdx = *plMapCatIdx; BOOL fMultiple = FALSE; if (0 > lMapCatIdx) goto NotInCatalog; if (lMapCatIdx & MAP_CAT_MULTIPLE_FLAG) fMultiple = TRUE; else fMultiple = FALSE; lMapCatIdx &= MAP_CAT_IDX_MASK; assert((DWORD) lMapCatIdx < cMapCatInfo); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == rgMapCatInfo[lMapCatIdx].lErr && ERROR_SUCCESS == I_FindHashInCTLSubjects( HashAlgId, pHashBlob, &rgMapCatInfo[lMapCatIdx].CTLSubjectsValueBlob, pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob )) goto SuccessReturn; if (fMultiple) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < cMapCatInfo; i++) { if ((DWORD) lMapCatIdx == i) continue; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == rgMapCatInfo[i].lErr && ERROR_SUCCESS == I_FindHashInCTLSubjects( HashAlgId, pHashBlob, &rgMapCatInfo[i].CTLSubjectsValueBlob, pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob )) { lMapCatIdx = i; goto SuccessReturn; } } } NotInCatalog: lErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; lMapCatIdx = -1; pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob->pbData = NULL; pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob->cbData = 0; goto CommonReturn; SuccessReturn: lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CommonReturn: *plMapCatIdx = lMapCatIdx; return lErr; } VOID WINAPI I_GetHashAttributes( IN OPTIONAL DWORD cAttrOID, IN OPTIONAL CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob[], IN PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob, IN PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pCTLExtsValueBlob, IN PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pSignerAuthAttrsValueBlob, IN OUT OPTIONAL CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgAttrValueBlob[], IN OUT LONG *plRemainExtra, IN OUT BYTE **ppbExtra ) { DWORD cSubjectAttr; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgSubjectAttrBlob[MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT][MINASN1_ATTR_BLOB_CNT]; DWORD cExt; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgExtBlob[MAX_CAT_EXT_CNT][MINASN1_EXT_BLOB_CNT]; DWORD cSignerAttr; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgSignerAttrBlob[MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT][MINASN1_ATTR_BLOB_CNT]; DWORD i; LONG lRemainExtra = *plRemainExtra; BYTE *pbExtra = *ppbExtra; // Parse the attributes and extensions cSubjectAttr = MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT; if (0 >= MinAsn1ParseAttributes( pCTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob, &cSubjectAttr, rgrgSubjectAttrBlob)) cSubjectAttr = 0; cExt = MAX_CAT_EXT_CNT; if (0 >= MinAsn1ParseExtensions( pCTLExtsValueBlob, &cExt, rgrgExtBlob)) cExt = 0; cSignerAttr = MAX_CAT_ATTR_CNT; if (0 >= MinAsn1ParseAttributes( pSignerAuthAttrsValueBlob, &cSignerAttr, rgrgSignerAttrBlob)) cSignerAttr = 0; for (i = 0; i < cAttrOID; i++) { PCRYPT_DER_BLOB rgFindAttrBlob; PCRYPT_DER_BLOB rgFindExtBlob; PCRYPT_DER_BLOB pFindAttrValue; if (rgFindAttrBlob = MinAsn1FindAttribute( &rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob[i], cSubjectAttr, rgrgSubjectAttrBlob )) pFindAttrValue = &rgFindAttrBlob[MINASN1_ATTR_VALUE_IDX]; else if (rgFindExtBlob = MinAsn1FindExtension( &rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob[i], cExt, rgrgExtBlob )) pFindAttrValue = &rgFindExtBlob[MINASN1_EXT_VALUE_IDX]; else if (rgFindAttrBlob = MinAsn1FindAttribute( &rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob[i], cSignerAttr, rgrgSignerAttrBlob )) pFindAttrValue = &rgFindAttrBlob[MINASN1_ATTR_VALUE_IDX]; else pFindAttrValue = NULL; if (pFindAttrValue && 0 != pFindAttrValue->cbData) { const BYTE *pbFindValue = pFindAttrValue->pbData; DWORD cbFindValue = pFindAttrValue->cbData; lRemainExtra -= cbFindValue; if (0 <= lRemainExtra) { rgAttrValueBlob[i].pbData = pbExtra; rgAttrValueBlob[i].cbData = cbFindValue; memcpy(pbExtra, pbFindValue, cbFindValue); pbExtra += cbFindValue; } } } *plRemainExtra = lRemainExtra; *ppbExtra = pbExtra; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Verifies the hashes in the system catalogs. // // Iterates through the hashes and attempts to find the system catalog // containing it. If found, the system catalog file is verified as a // PKCS #7 Signed Data message with its signer cert verified up to a baked // in root. // // The following mscat32.dll APIs are called to find the system catalog file: // CryptCATAdminAcquireContext // CryptCATAdminReleaseContext // CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash // CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext // CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext // // If the hash was successfully verified, rglErr[] is set to ERROR_SUCCESS. // Otherwise, rglErr[] is set to a nonzero error code. // // The caller can request one or more catalog subject attribute, // extension or signer authenticated attribute values to be returned for // each hash. The still encoded values are returned in the // caller allocated memory. The beginning of this returned memory will // be set to a 2 dimensional array of attribute value blobs pointing to these // encoded values (CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgAttrValueBlob[cHash][cAttrOID]). // The caller should make every attempt to allow for a // single pass call. The necessary memory size is: // (cHash * cAttrOID * sizeof(CRYPT_DER_BLOB)) + // total length of encoded attribute values. // // *pcbAttr will be updated with the number of bytes required to contain // the attribute blobs and values. If the input memory is insufficient, // ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned if no other error. // // For a multi-valued attribute, only the first value is returned. // // If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. This may // be returned for unsuccessful rglErr[] values. Otherwise, // a nonzero error code is returned. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG WINAPI MinCryptVerifyHashInSystemCatalogs( IN ALG_ID HashAlgId, IN DWORD cHash, IN CRYPT_HASH_BLOB rgHashBlob[], OUT LONG rglErr[], IN OPTIONAL DWORD cAttrOID, IN OPTIONAL CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob[], // CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgrgAttrValueBlob[cHash][cAttrOID] header is at beginning // with the bytes pointed to immediately following OUT OPTIONAL CRYPT_DER_BLOB *rgrgAttrValueBlob, IN OUT OPTIONAL DWORD *pcbAttr ) { LONG lErr; DWORD cMapCatInfo = 0; MAP_CAT_INFO rgMapCatInfo[MAX_CAT_FILE_CNT]; DWORD iMapCat; //********************************************************************** // WARNING!!!! // // The following function calls into other DLLs such as, kernel32.dll // and wintrust.dll to find and map the system catalog files. The input // array of hashes must be protected!! // // After returning we won't be calling into other DLLs until // UnmapViewOfFile is called in CommonReturn. // //********************************************************************** // Note, rglErr[] is overloaded and also used to contain the indices // into rgMapCatInfo for each corresponding hash. lErr = I_GetAndMapSystemCatalogs( HashAlgId, cHash, rgHashBlob, rglErr, &cMapCatInfo, rgMapCatInfo ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) goto ErrorReturn; __try { DWORD cbAttr = 0; LONG lRemainExtra = 0; BYTE *pbExtra = NULL; DWORD iHash; if (0 != cAttrOID && 0 != cHash) { if (rgrgAttrValueBlob) cbAttr = *pcbAttr; lRemainExtra = cbAttr - sizeof(CRYPT_DER_BLOB) * cAttrOID * cHash; if (0 <= lRemainExtra) { memset(rgrgAttrValueBlob, 0, sizeof(CRYPT_DER_BLOB) * cAttrOID * cHash); pbExtra = (BYTE *) &rgrgAttrValueBlob[cAttrOID * cHash]; } } I_VerifyMappedSystemCatalogs( cMapCatInfo, rgMapCatInfo ); for (iHash = 0; iHash < cHash; iHash++) { LONG lMapCatIdx = rglErr[iHash]; CRYPT_DER_BLOB CTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob; rglErr[iHash] = I_FindHashInMappedSystemCatalogs( HashAlgId, &rgHashBlob[iHash], cMapCatInfo, rgMapCatInfo, &lMapCatIdx, &CTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob ); if (0 != cAttrOID && ERROR_SUCCESS == rglErr[iHash]) { assert(0 <= lMapCatIdx && (DWORD) lMapCatIdx < cMapCatInfo); I_GetHashAttributes( cAttrOID, rgAttrEncodedOIDBlob, &CTLSubjectAttrsValueBlob, &rgMapCatInfo[lMapCatIdx].CTLExtsValueBlob, &rgMapCatInfo[lMapCatIdx].SignerAuthAttrsValueBlob, 0 <= lRemainExtra ? &rgrgAttrValueBlob[cAttrOID * iHash] : NULL, &lRemainExtra, &pbExtra ); } } if (0 != cAttrOID && 0 != cHash) { if (0 <= lRemainExtra) *pcbAttr = cbAttr - (DWORD) lRemainExtra; else { *pcbAttr = cbAttr + (DWORD) -lRemainExtra; goto InsufficientBuffer; } } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { lErr = GetExceptionCode(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr) lErr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto ErrorReturn; } lErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CommonReturn: //********************************************************************** // WARNING!!!! // // UnmapViewOfFile is in another DLL, kernel32.dll. // lErr and the return error for each hash in rglErr[] must be protected. // //********************************************************************** for (iMapCat = 0; iMapCat < cMapCatInfo; iMapCat++) UnmapViewOfFile(rgMapCatInfo[iMapCat].FileBlob.pbData); return lErr; ErrorReturn: assert(ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == lErr) // This error can only be set when we determine that the attribute // buffer isn't big enough. lErr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto CommonReturn; InsufficientBuffer: lErr = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; // Don't goto ErrorReturn. It explicitly checks that noone else can // set this error goto CommonReturn; }