// iopExc.h -- IOP EXCeption class definition // (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created // 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary // Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All // use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized // in writing. All Rights Reserved. #if !defined(IOP_EXC_H) #define IOP_EXC_H #include #include "DllSymDefn.h" namespace iop { enum CauseCode { ccAclNotSupported, ccAclNotTranslatable, ccAlgorithmIdNotSupported, ccBadFileCategory, ccBadFilePath, ccBadInstanceFile, ccBadLockReferenceCount, ccCannotInterpretGetResponse, ccCyclicRecordSizeTooLarge, ccDirectoryNotEmpty, ccFail, ccFileIdNotHex, ccFileIdTooLarge, ccFilePathTooLong, ccFileTypeUnknown, ccFileTypeInvalid, ccInvalidChecksum, ccInvalidChv, ccInvalidParameter, ccLockCorrupted, ccMutexHandleChanged, ccNoFileSelected, // TO DO: Delete? ccNoResponseAvailable, ccNotImplemented, ccResourceManagerDisabled, ccSelectedFileNotDirectory, ccSynchronizationObjectNameTooLong, ccUnknownCard, ccUnsupportedCommand, ccBadATR, ccBufferTooSmall, }; typedef scu::ExcTemplate Exception; /////////////////////////// HELPERS ///////////////////////////////// char const * Description(Exception const &rExc); } // namespace iop inline char const * iop::Exception::Description() const { return iop::Description(*this); } #endif // IOP_EXC_H