/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dssetup.idl Abstract: Author: Mac McLain (MacM) 09-April-1997 Environment: User Mode Revision History: --*/ [ uuid(3919286a-b10c-11d0-9ba8-00c04fd92ef5), version(0.0), pointer_default(unique) ] interface dssetup { import "dssetimp.idl" ; #include #include typedef [handle] LPWSTR PDSROLE_SERVER_NAME, *PPDSROLE_SERVER_NAME; typedef [context_handle] PVOID DSROLER_HANDLE; typedef DSROLER_HANDLE *PDSROLER_HANDLE; typedef struct _DSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC { DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE MachineRole; ULONG Flags; [ unique, string ] LPWSTR DomainNameFlat; [ unique, string ] LPWSTR DomainNameDns; [ unique, string ] LPWSTR DomainForestName; GUID DomainGuid; } DSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC, *PDSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC; typedef [switch_type(DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL)] union _DSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION { [case(DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic)] DSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC DomainInfoBasic; [case(DsRoleUpgradeStatus)] DSROLE_UPGRADE_STATUS_INFO UpgradStatusInfo; [case(DsRoleOperationState)] DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE_INFO OperationStateInfo; } DSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION, *PDSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION; typedef struct _DSROLER_SERVEROP_STATUS { [ unique, string ] LPWSTR CurrentOperationDisplayString; ULONG OperationStatus; ULONG CurrentOperationDisplayStringIndex; } DSROLER_SERVEROP_STATUS, *PDSROLER_SERVEROP_STATUS; typedef struct _DSROLER_SERVEROP_RESULTS { ULONG OperationStatus; [ unique, string ] LPWSTR OperationStatusDisplayString; [ unique, string ] LPWSTR ServerInstalledSite; ULONG OperationResultsFlags; } DSROLER_SERVEROP_RESULTS, *PDSROLER_SERVEROP_RESULTS; // // Structure to pass an encrypted password over the wire. The Length is the // length of the password, which should be placed at the end of the buffer. // typedef struct _DSROLEPR_USER_PASSWORD { UCHAR Obfuscator[DSROLE_OBFUSCATOR_LENGTH]; WCHAR Buffer[DSROLE_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; ULONG Length; } DSROLEPR_USER_PASSWORD, *PDSROLEPR_USER_PASSWORD; // // Buffer - contains random fill with the password filling up the end // of the buffer (the last Length bytes). // Length - Length, in bytes, of the password. // // // This is the encrypted version of the above structure, and is passed // on the wire. // typedef struct _DSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD { UCHAR Buffer[ DSROLE_OBFUSCATOR_LENGTH + (DSROLE_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(ULONG) ]; } DSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD, *PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD; DWORD DsRolerGetPrimaryDomainInformation( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL InfoLevel, [out, switch_is( InfoLevel )] PDSROLER_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION *DomainInfo ); DWORD DsRolerDnsNameToFlatName( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDnsName, [out, string] LPWSTR *lpFlatName, [out] PDWORD lpStatusFlag ); DWORD DsRolerDcAsDc( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDnsDomainName, [in, string] LPWSTR lpFlatDomainName, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD DomainAdminPassword, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpSiteName, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsDatabasePath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsLogPath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpSystemVolumeRootPath, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpParentDnsDomainName, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpParentServer, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpAccount, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD Password, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD DsRepairPassword, [in] ULONG Options, [out] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle ); DWORD DsRolerDcAsReplica( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDnsDomainName, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpReplicaServer, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpSiteName, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsDatabasePath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsLogPath, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpRestorePath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpSystemVolumeRootPath, [in, unique] PUNICODE_STRING lpBootkey, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpAccount, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD Password, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD DsRepairPassword, [in] ULONG Options, [out] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle ); DWORD DsRolerDemoteDc( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpDnsDomainName, [in] DSROLE_SERVEROP_DEMOTE_ROLE ServerRole, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpAccount, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD Password, [in] ULONG Options, [in] BOOL fLastDcInDomain, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD AdminPassword, [out] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle ); DWORD DsRolerGetDcOperationProgress( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle, [out] PDSROLER_SERVEROP_STATUS *ServerOperationStatus ); DWORD DsRolerGetDcOperationResults( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle, [out] PDSROLER_SERVEROP_RESULTS *ServerOperationResults ); DWORD DsRolerCancel( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle ); DWORD DsRolerServerSaveStateForUpgrade( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR AnswerFile ); DWORD DsRolerUpgradeDownlevelServer( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDnsDomainName, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpSiteName, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsDatabasePath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpDsLogPath, [in, string] LPWSTR lpSystemVolumeRootPath, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpParentDnsDomainName, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpParentServer, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpAccount, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD Password, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD DsRepairPassword, [in] ULONG Options, [out] PDSROLER_HANDLE DsOperationHandle ); DWORD DsRolerAbortDownlevelServerUpgrade( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, unique, string] LPWSTR lpAccount, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD Password, [in, unique] PDSROLEPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD AdminPassword, [in] ULONG Options ); DWORD DsRolerGetDatabaseFacts( [in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string] LPWSTR RestorePath, [out, string] LPWSTR *ppDNSDomainName, [out] PULONG State ); }