//********************************************************************* //* Microsoft Windows ** //* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993 ** //********************************************************************* #include "admincfg.h" UINT SaveUserData(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName); UINT SaveOneEntry(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase); UINT SavePolicy(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName); UINT SaveSettings(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase); UINT SaveListboxData(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase,BOOL fMarkDeleted); UINT WriteStandardValue(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,DWORD dwData,BOOL fErase,BOOL fWriteZero); UINT WriteCustomValue(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, STATEVALUE * pStateValue,BOOL fErase); UINT WriteCustomValue_W(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, CHAR * pszValue,DWORD dwValue,DWORD dwFlags,BOOL fErase); UINT WriteActionList(HKEY hkeyRoot,ACTIONLIST * pActionList, CHAR *pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase); UINT WriteDropdownValue(TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName,UINT nValue,BOOL fErase); UINT ProcessPolicyActionLists(HKEY hkeyRoot,POLICY * pPolicy, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,UINT uState,BOOL fErase); UINT ProcessCheckboxActionLists(HKEY hkeyRoot,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,DWORD dwVal,BOOL fErase); BOOL GetCloneData(HGLOBAL hClone,UINT uDataIndex,DWORD *pdwData); UINT DeleteSettings(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName); /******************************************************************* NAME: SaveFile SYNOPSIS: Saves the active policy file NOTES: Save is non-destructive; e.g. we don't wipe out the file and write it from scratch, because there may be stuff in the file that we're not aware of. If this is a previously saved file, we look at the clones of users that contain their initial states and tip-toe through writing out the data. ********************************************************************/ BOOL SaveFile(CHAR * pszFilename,HWND hwndApp,HWND hwndList) { HKEY hkeyMain=NULL,hkeyUser=NULL,hkeyWorkstation=NULL,hkeyRoot,hkeyInstance; HKEY hkeyGroup=NULL,hkeyGroupPriority=NULL; UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS,nIndex; HGLOBAL hUser; USERDATA * pUserData; TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry; USERHDR * pUserHdrDeleted; CHAR szMappedName[MAXNAMELEN+1]; HCURSOR hOldCursor; OFSTRUCT of; HFILE hFile; // RegLoadKey returns totally coarse error codes, and will not // return any error if the file is on a read-only share on the network, // so open the file normally first to try to catch errors if ((hFile=OpenFile(pszFilename,&of,OF_READWRITE)) == HFILE_ERROR) { DisplayStandardError(hwndApp,pszFilename,IDS_ErrREGERR_SAVEKEY1, of.nErrCode); return FALSE; } _lclose(hFile); if ((uRet = MyRegLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szTMPDATA,pszFilename)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CHAR szFmt[REGBUFLEN],szMsg[REGBUFLEN+MAX_PATH+1]; LoadSz(IDS_ErrREGERR_LOADKEY,szFmt,sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(szMsg,szFmt,pszFilename,uRet); MsgBoxSz(hwndApp,szMsg,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); return FALSE; } // write the information to the local registry, then use RegSaveKey to // make it into a hive file. if ( (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szTMPDATA,&hkeyMain) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkeyMain,szUSERS,&hkeyUser) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkeyMain,szWORKSTATIONS,&hkeyWorkstation) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkeyMain,szUSERGROUPS,&hkeyGroup) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkeyMain,szUSERGROUPDATA,&hkeyGroupPriority) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if (hkeyWorkstation) RegCloseKey(hkeyWorkstation); if (hkeyUser) RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); if (hkeyMain) RegCloseKey(hkeyMain); if (hkeyGroup) RegCloseKey(hkeyGroup); if (hkeyGroupPriority) RegCloseKey(hkeyGroupPriority); MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrREGERR_CANTSAVE,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); return FALSE; } hOldCursor=SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < (UINT) ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList) && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS);nIndex++) { if (hUser = (HGLOBAL) LongToHandle(ListView_GetItemParm(hwndList,nIndex))) { if (!(pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUser))) { SetCursor(hOldCursor); MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrOUTOFMEMORY,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); uRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if (pUserData->hdr.dwType & UT_USER) { pTableEntry = gClassList.pUserCategoryList; hkeyRoot = (pUserData->hdr.dwType & UF_GROUP ? hkeyGroup : hkeyUser); } else { pTableEntry = gClassList.pMachineCategoryList; hkeyRoot = hkeyWorkstation; } // create a key with user/machine name MapUserName(pUserData->hdr.szName,szMappedName); if ((uRet=RegCreateKey(hkeyRoot,szMappedName, &hkeyInstance)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // build a tree of information to be merged under user/machine // name uRet=SaveUserData(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyInstance,NULL); GlobalUnlock(hUser); // create a clone for this user with last saved state CloneUser(hUser); RegCloseKey(hkeyInstance); } } #ifdef INCL_GROUP_SUPPORT SaveGroupPriorityList(hkeyGroupPriority); #endif // delete any users that have been marked as deleted nIndex=0; while (pUserHdrDeleted = GetDeletedUser(nIndex)) { HKEY hkeyDelRoot=NULL; switch (pUserHdrDeleted->dwType) { case UT_USER: hkeyDelRoot = hkeyUser; break; case UT_MACHINE: hkeyDelRoot = hkeyWorkstation; break; #ifdef INCL_GROUP_SUPPORT case UT_USER | UF_GROUP: hkeyDelRoot = hkeyGroup; break; #endif default: continue; // shouldn't happen, but just in case } // map the user name to map "default user" to ".default", etc. MapUserName(pUserHdrDeleted->szName,szMappedName); MyRegDeleteKey(hkeyDelRoot,szMappedName); nIndex++; } ClearDeletedUserList(); RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); RegCloseKey(hkeyWorkstation); RegCloseKey(hkeyMain); RegCloseKey(hkeyGroup); RegCloseKey(hkeyGroupPriority); MyRegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szTMPDATA); RegFlushKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); SetCursor(hOldCursor); SetFileAttributes(pszFilename,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (uRet == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrOUTOFMEMORY,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); } else { CHAR szFmt[REGBUFLEN],szMsg[REGBUFLEN+MAX_PATH+1]; LoadSz(IDS_ErrREGERR_SAVEKEY,szFmt,sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(szMsg,szFmt,pszFilename,uRet); MsgBoxSz(hwndApp,szMsg,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); } } return (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************* NAME: SaveToRegistry SYNOPSIS: Writes loaded information to the registry ********************************************************************/ BOOL SaveToRegistry(HWND hwndApp,HWND hwndList) { HKEY hkeyUser=NULL,hkeyWorkstation=NULL,hkeyRoot; UINT uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS,nIndex; HGLOBAL hUser; USERDATA * pUserData=NULL; TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry; HCURSOR hOldCursor; if ((RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyVirtHCU,NULL,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hkeyUser) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyVirtHLM,NULL,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hkeyWorkstation) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrCANTOPENREGISTRY,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); if (hkeyUser) RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); if (hkeyWorkstation) RegCloseKey(hkeyWorkstation); return FALSE; } hOldCursor=SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < (UINT) ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList) && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS);nIndex++) { if (hUser = (HGLOBAL) LongToHandle(ListView_GetItemParm(hwndList,nIndex))) { if (!(pUserData = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hUser))) { SetCursor(hOldCursor); MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrOUTOFMEMORY,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); uRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if (pUserData->hdr.dwType & UT_USER) { pTableEntry = gClassList.pUserCategoryList; hkeyRoot = hkeyUser; } else { pTableEntry = gClassList.pMachineCategoryList; hkeyRoot = hkeyWorkstation; } // build a tree of information to be merged under user/machine // name uRet=SaveUserData(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,NULL); GlobalUnlock(hUser); } } RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); RegCloseKey(hkeyWorkstation); SetCursor(hOldCursor); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (uRet == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { MsgBox(hwndApp,IDS_ErrOUTOFMEMORY,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); } else { CHAR szMsg[REGBUFLEN+1]; wsprintf(szMsg,"%d",uRet); MsgBoxParam(hwndApp,IDS_ErrREGERR_SAVE,szMsg,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OK); } } return (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************* NAME: SaveUserData SYNOPSIS: Saves one user to file ********************************************************************/ UINT SaveUserData(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName) { UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; while (pTableEntry && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { uRet = SaveOneEntry(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot, pszCurrentKeyName,FALSE); pTableEntry = pTableEntry->pNext; } return uRet; } /******************************************************************* NAME: SaveOneEntry SYNOPSIS: Saves one entry (category, policy, or part) to file, calls SaveUserData for child entries ********************************************************************/ UINT SaveOneEntry(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase) { UINT uRet; #if 0 wsprintf(szDebugOut,"Saving... %s\r\n",GETNAMEPTR(pTableEntry)); OutputDebugString(szDebugOut); #endif // if there is a key name for this entry, it becomes the "current" // key name-- it will be overridden if child entries specify their // own keys, otherwise it's the default key for children to use if (pTableEntry->uOffsetKeyName) { pszCurrentKeyName = GETKEYNAMEPTR(pTableEntry); } if ((pTableEntry->dwType == ETYPE_CATEGORY || pTableEntry->dwType == ETYPE_ROOT) && (pTableEntry->pChild)) { // if entry is a category, recusively process sub-categories and policies if ((uRet=SaveUserData(pUserData,pTableEntry->pChild, hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return uRet; } } else if (pTableEntry->dwType == ETYPE_POLICY) { if ((uRet = SavePolicy(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot, pszCurrentKeyName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return uRet; } } else if ( (pTableEntry->dwType & ETYPE_MASK) == ETYPE_SETTING && !(pTableEntry->dwType & STYPE_TEXT)) { if ((uRet = SaveSettings(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot, pszCurrentKeyName,fErase)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return uRet; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************* NAME: SavePolicy SYNOPSIS: Saves policy to file ********************************************************************/ UINT SavePolicy(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName) { UINT uState = pUserData->SettingData[((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData; DWORD dwData; UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR * pszValueName = NULL; UINT uCloneState; // get the name of the value to write, if any if (((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValueName) pszValueName = GETVALUENAMEPTR(((POLICY *) pTableEntry)); // if this policy is "on" or "off" write it to registry // (not if it's "indeterminate") if (uState == IMG_CHECKED || uState == IMG_UNCHECKED) { // write the value associated with the policy, if it has one if (pszValueName) { dwData = (uState == IMG_CHECKED ? 1 : 0); // write this key & value if (dwData && ((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValue_On) { uRet= WriteCustomValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, (STATEVALUE *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + ((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValue_On),FALSE); } else if (!dwData && ((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValue_Off) { uRet= WriteCustomValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, (STATEVALUE *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + ((POLICY *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValue_Off),FALSE); } else uRet=WriteStandardValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, pTableEntry,dwData,FALSE,FALSE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } // process settings underneath this policy (if any) if // policy is turned on. if (pTableEntry->pChild) { if (uState == IMG_CHECKED) { if ((uRet=SaveUserData(pUserData,pTableEntry->pChild, hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName)) !=ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } else { DeleteSettings(pUserData,pTableEntry->pChild,hkeyRoot, pszCurrentKeyName); } } // write out each key & value in the action list, if an action // list is specified if (GetCloneData(pUserData->hClone,((POLICY *)pTableEntry)->uDataIndex, &uCloneState)) { // if the clone state (initial state) is different from the // current state, erase action list for the clone's state if (uCloneState != uState) { uRet=ProcessPolicyActionLists(hkeyRoot,(POLICY *) pTableEntry, pszCurrentKeyName,uCloneState,TRUE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } } uRet=ProcessPolicyActionLists(hkeyRoot,(POLICY *) pTableEntry, pszCurrentKeyName,uState,FALSE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } else { // policy is "indeterminate"... which means do no delta. // However, since we save non-destructively, we need to delete // the value for this key if it is currently written in the file. // See if we have a clone for this user (clone will exist if there // is already a saved file that contains this user, clone will // reflect initial state). If the initial state was "checked" // or "unchecked", then erase the value from the file so that // the saved state is "nothing". TABLEENTRY * pTableEntryChild = pTableEntry->pChild; if (pszValueName) { CHAR szNewValueName[MAX_PATH+1]; DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName); // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,szNewValueName); } if (GetCloneData(pUserData->hClone,((POLICY *)pTableEntry)->uDataIndex, &uCloneState)) { // if the clone state (initial state) is different from the // current state, erase action list for the clone's state if (uCloneState != uState) { uRet=ProcessPolicyActionLists(hkeyRoot,(POLICY *) pTableEntry, pszCurrentKeyName,uCloneState,TRUE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } } // erase values for any settings contained in this policy while (pTableEntryChild && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { uRet = SaveOneEntry(pUserData,pTableEntryChild,hkeyRoot, pszCurrentKeyName,TRUE); pTableEntryChild = pTableEntryChild->pNext; } } return uRet; } /******************************************************************* NAME: SaveSettings SYNOPSIS: Saves settings entry to a file NOTES: if fErase is TRUE, settings and action lists are deleted from file ********************************************************************/ UINT SaveSettings(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase) { UINT uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS,uOffset; CHAR * pszValueName = NULL,* pszValue; DWORD dwData,dwCloneData; CHAR * pObjectData = GETOBJECTDATAPTR(((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)); CHAR szNewValueName[MAX_PATH+1]; // nothing to save for static text items if ((((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwType & STYPE_MASK) == STYPE_TEXT) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValueName) { pszValueName = GETVALUENAMEPTR(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)); } else { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // should never happen, but bag out just in case } switch (pTableEntry->dwType & STYPE_MASK) { case STYPE_EDITTEXT: case STYPE_COMBOBOX: uOffset = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uOffsetData; // add prefixes if appropriate PrependValueName(pszValueName,((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags, szNewValueName,sizeof(szNewValueName)); if (!fErase) { if (uOffset) { pszValue = ((STRDATA *) ((CHAR *) pUserData + uOffset)) ->szData; } else { pszValue = (CHAR *) szNull; } uRet=WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, szNewValueName,pszValue, (((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & DF_EXPANDABLETEXT) ? TRUE : FALSE); if ((dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) && !(dwCmdLineFlags & CLF_DIALOGMODE) && !(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & VF_DELETE)) { // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,szNewValueName); } } else { DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,szNewValueName); uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE && !(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & VF_DELETE)) { // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,szNewValueName); } } break; case STYPE_CHECKBOX: dwData = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData; if (dwData && ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData)->uOffsetValue_On) { uRet= WriteCustomValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, (STATEVALUE *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData)->uOffsetValue_On),fErase); } else if (!dwData && ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData)->uOffsetValue_Off) { uRet= WriteCustomValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, (STATEVALUE *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData)->uOffsetValue_Off),fErase); } else uRet=WriteStandardValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, pTableEntry,dwData,fErase,FALSE); if (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // erase old actionlists if changed if (GetCloneData(pUserData->hClone,((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)->uDataIndex, &dwCloneData)) { ProcessCheckboxActionLists(hkeyRoot,pTableEntry, pszCurrentKeyName,dwCloneData,TRUE); } ProcessCheckboxActionLists(hkeyRoot,pTableEntry, pszCurrentKeyName,dwData,fErase); } break; case STYPE_NUMERIC: dwData = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData; uRet=WriteStandardValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, pTableEntry,dwData,fErase,TRUE); break; case STYPE_DROPDOWNLIST: dwData = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData; if (GetCloneData(pUserData->hClone,((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)->uDataIndex, &dwCloneData)) { // erase old value if changed if (dwData != dwCloneData && dwCloneData != NO_DATA_INDEX) uRet=WriteDropdownValue(pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, pszValueName,dwCloneData,TRUE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; } // write new value if (dwData == NO_DATA_INDEX) { if (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE && !(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & VF_DELETE)) { // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,szNewValueName); } uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else uRet=WriteDropdownValue(pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, pszValueName,dwData,fErase); break; case STYPE_LISTBOX: uRet=SaveListboxData(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, fErase,FALSE); break; } #ifdef DEBUG if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { wsprintf(szDebugOut,"ADMINCFG: registry write returned %d\r\n",uRet); OutputDebugString(szDebugOut); } #endif return uRet; } UINT ProcessPolicyActionLists(HKEY hkeyRoot,POLICY * pPolicy, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,UINT uState,BOOL fErase) { if ((uState == IMG_CHECKED) && (pPolicy->uOffsetActionList_On)) { return WriteActionList(hkeyRoot,(ACTIONLIST *) ( (CHAR *) pPolicy + pPolicy->uOffsetActionList_On),pszCurrentKeyName, fErase); } else if ((uState == IMG_UNCHECKED) && pPolicy->uOffsetActionList_Off) { return WriteActionList(hkeyRoot,(ACTIONLIST *) ( (CHAR *) pPolicy + pPolicy->uOffsetActionList_Off), pszCurrentKeyName,fErase); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT ProcessCheckboxActionLists(HKEY hkeyRoot,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,DWORD dwData,BOOL fErase) { CHAR * pObjectData = GETOBJECTDATAPTR(((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)); UINT uOffsetActionList_On,uOffsetActionList_Off,uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; uOffsetActionList_On = ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData) ->uOffsetActionList_On; uOffsetActionList_Off = ((CHECKBOXINFO *) pObjectData) ->uOffsetActionList_Off; if (dwData && uOffsetActionList_On) { uRet = WriteActionList(hkeyRoot,(ACTIONLIST *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + uOffsetActionList_On), pszCurrentKeyName,fErase); } else if (!dwData && uOffsetActionList_Off) { uRet = WriteActionList(hkeyRoot,(ACTIONLIST *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + uOffsetActionList_Off), pszCurrentKeyName,fErase); } return uRet; } UINT WriteCustomValue_W(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, CHAR * pszValue,DWORD dwValue,DWORD dwFlags,BOOL fErase) { UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szNewValueName[MAX_PATH+1]; // first: "clean house" by deleting both the specified value name, // and the value name with the delete (**del.) prefix (if writing to policy // file). Then write the appropriate version back out if need be if (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) { // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName,szNewValueName); } // add prefixes if appropriate PrependValueName(pszValueName,(dwFlags & ~VF_DELETE),szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName,szNewValueName); if (fErase) { // just need to delete value, done above uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (dwFlags & VF_ISNUMERIC) { uRet=WriteRegistryDWordValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,dwValue); } else if (dwFlags & VF_DELETE) { // need to delete value (done above) and mark as deleted if writing // to policy file uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ((dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) && !(dwCmdLineFlags & CLF_DIALOGMODE)) { PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); uRet=WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,(CHAR *) szNOVALUE, FALSE); } } else { uRet = WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,pszValue, (dwFlags & DF_EXPANDABLETEXT) ? TRUE : FALSE); } return uRet; } UINT WriteCustomValue(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, STATEVALUE * pStateValue,BOOL fErase) { // pull info out of STATEVALUE struct and call worker function return WriteCustomValue_W(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName,pszValueName, pStateValue->szValue,pStateValue->dwValue,pStateValue->dwFlags, fErase); } // writes a numeric value given root key, key name and value name. The specified // value is removed if fErase is TRUE. Normally if the data (dwData) is zero // the value will be deleted, but if fWriteZero is TRUE then the value will // be written as zero if the data is zero. UINT WriteStandardValue(HKEY hkeyRoot,CHAR * pszKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName, TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,DWORD dwData,BOOL fErase,BOOL fWriteZero) { UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szNewValueName[MAX_PATH+1]; // first: "clean house" by deleting both the specified value name, // and the value name with the delete (**del.) prefix (if writing to policy // file). Then write the appropriate version back out if need be if (dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) { // delete the "delete" mark for this value, if there is one PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName,szNewValueName); } DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName,pszValueName); if (fErase) { // just need to delete value, done above uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if ( ((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & DF_TXTCONVERT) { // if specified, save value as text CHAR szNum[11]; wsprintf(szNum,"%lu",dwData); PrependValueName(pszValueName,((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)->dwFlags, szNewValueName,sizeof(szNewValueName)); uRet = WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,szNum, FALSE); } else { if (!dwData && !fWriteZero) { // if value is 0, delete the value (done above), and mark // it as deleted if writing to policy file uRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ((dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) && !(dwCmdLineFlags & CLF_DIALOGMODE)) { PrependValueName(pszValueName,VF_DELETE,szNewValueName, sizeof(szNewValueName)); uRet=WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,(CHAR *) szNOVALUE, FALSE); } } else { // save value as binary PrependValueName(pszValueName,((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)->dwFlags, szNewValueName,sizeof(szNewValueName)); uRet=WriteRegistryDWordValue(hkeyRoot,pszKeyName, szNewValueName,dwData); } } return uRet; } /******************************************************************* NAME: WriteDropdownValue SYNOPSIS: Writes (or deletes) the value corresponding to the nValue selection from a drop-down list, and writes (or deletes) the items in associated action list if there is one. NOTES: if fErase is TRUE, deletes value & action list. ********************************************************************/ UINT WriteDropdownValue(TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,CHAR * pszValueName,UINT nValue,BOOL fErase) { DROPDOWNINFO * pddi = (DROPDOWNINFO *) GETOBJECTDATAPTR( ((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)); UINT nIndex = 0,uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; // walk the chain of DROPDOWNINFO structs to find the entry that // we want to write. (for value n, find the nth struct) while (nIndex < nValue) { // selected val is higher than # of structs in chain, // should never happen but check just in case... if (!pddi->uOffsetNextDropdowninfo) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } pddi = (DROPDOWNINFO *) ((CHAR *) pTableEntry + pddi->uOffsetNextDropdowninfo); nIndex++; } uRet=WriteCustomValue_W(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, (CHAR *) pTableEntry+pddi->uOffsetValue,pddi->dwValue,pddi->dwFlags, fErase); if (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS && pddi->uOffsetActionList) { uRet=WriteActionList(hkeyRoot,(ACTIONLIST *) ( (CHAR *) pTableEntry + pddi->uOffsetActionList),pszCurrentKeyName, fErase); } return uRet; } /******************************************************************* NAME: WriteActionList SYNOPSIS: Writes (or deletes) a list of key name\value name\value triplets as specified in an ACTIONLIST struct NOTES: if fErase is TRUE, deletes every value in list ********************************************************************/ UINT WriteActionList(HKEY hkeyRoot,ACTIONLIST * pActionList, CHAR *pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase) { UINT nCount; CHAR * pszValueName; CHAR * pszValue=NULL; UINT uRet; ACTION * pAction = pActionList->Action; for (nCount=0;nCount < pActionList->nActionItems; nCount++) { // not every action in the list has to have a key name. But if one // is specified, use it and it becomes the current key name for the // list until we encounter another one. if (pAction->uOffsetKeyName) { pszCurrentKeyName = (CHAR *) pActionList + pAction->uOffsetKeyName; } // every action must have a value name, enforced at parse time pszValueName = (CHAR *) pActionList + pAction->uOffsetValueName; // string values have a string elsewhere in buffer if (!pAction->dwFlags && pAction->uOffsetValue) { pszValue = (CHAR *) pActionList + pAction->uOffsetValue; } // write the value in list uRet=WriteCustomValue_W(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName, pszValue,pAction->dwValue,pAction->dwFlags,fErase); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; pAction = (ACTION*) ((CHAR *) pActionList + pAction->uOffsetNextAction); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************* NAME: GetCloneData SYNOPSIS: Retrieves the data for a specified setting index from a user's clone (initial state) if one exists. NOTES: returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if no clone exists ********************************************************************/ BOOL GetCloneData(HGLOBAL hClone,UINT uDataIndex,DWORD *pdwData) { USERDATA * pUserDataClone; if (!hClone) return FALSE; pUserDataClone = (USERDATA *) GlobalLock(hClone); if (!pUserDataClone) return FALSE; *pdwData = pUserDataClone->SettingData[uDataIndex].uData; GlobalUnlock(hClone); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************* NAME: DeleteSettings SYNOPSIS: Deletes all settings for a policy; called if the policy is turned off NOTES: In direct-registry mode, deletes the value(s). When operating on a policy file, marks the values to be deleted. DeleteSettings calls worker function DeleteSetting so that hierarchy of key names works correctly (pszCurrentKeyName is preserved in DeleteSettings, but individual settings may override it in DeleteSetting) ********************************************************************/ UINT DeleteSettings(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName) { UINT uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; UINT DeleteSetting(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName); while (pTableEntry && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { uRet = DeleteSetting(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName); pTableEntry = pTableEntry->pNext; } return uRet; } UINT DeleteSetting(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName) { CHAR * pszValueName=NULL; DWORD dwSettingType; UINT uRet; // if this setting has its own key name, use it to override parent's key name if (pTableEntry->uOffsetKeyName) { pszCurrentKeyName = GETKEYNAMEPTR(pTableEntry); } dwSettingType = pTableEntry->dwType & STYPE_MASK; // special handling for listboxes, drop-down listboxes and static text // controls switch (dwSettingType) { case STYPE_LISTBOX: // for listboxes, call SaveListboxData to delete (fErase param set to TRUE) return SaveListboxData(pUserData,pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, TRUE,TRUE); break; case STYPE_DROPDOWNLIST: { DWORD dwData; dwData = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uData; // no data set, nothing to do if (dwData == NO_DATA_INDEX) break; if (((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValueName) { pszValueName = GETVALUENAMEPTR(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)); } else { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // should never happen, but bag out just in case } // erase the dropdown value (and any associated action lists) uRet = WriteDropdownValue(pTableEntry,hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName, pszValueName,dwData,TRUE); if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; // fall through and do processing below } break; case STYPE_TEXT: return ERROR_SUCCESS; // static text w/no reg value, nothing to do break; } // otherwise delete the value if (((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uOffsetValueName) { pszValueName = GETVALUENAMEPTR(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)); } else { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // should never happen, but bag out just in case } // delete the value DeleteRegistryValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName); if ((dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) && !(dwCmdLineFlags & CLF_DIALOGMODE)) { // if writing to a policy file, also mark it as deleted. // WriteCustomValue_W will prepend "**del." to the value name WriteCustomValue_W(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,pszValueName,NULL,0, VF_DELETE | ((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags,FALSE); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT SaveListboxData(USERDATA * pUserData,TABLEENTRY * pTableEntry,HKEY hkeyRoot, CHAR * pszCurrentKeyName,BOOL fErase,BOOL fMarkDeleted) { UINT uOffset,uRet,nItem=1; HKEY hKey; CHAR * pszData,* pszName; CHAR szValueName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cbValueName; LISTBOXINFO * pListboxInfo = (LISTBOXINFO *) GETOBJECTDATAPTR(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)); if ((uRet=RegCreateKey(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,&hKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return uRet; uOffset = pUserData->SettingData[((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->uDataIndex].uOffsetData; // erase all values for this key, first off while (TRUE) { cbValueName=sizeof(szValueName); uRet=RegEnumValue(hKey,0,szValueName,&cbValueName,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL); // stop if we're out of items if (uRet != ERROR_SUCCESS && uRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA) break; RegDeleteValue(hKey,szValueName); } uRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!fErase || fMarkDeleted) { // if in policy file mode, write a control code that will cause // all values under that key to be deleted when client downloads from the file. // Don't do this if listbox is additive (DF_ADDITIVE), in that case whatever // we write here will be dumped in along with existing values if ((dwAppState & AS_POLICYFILE) && !(dwCmdLineFlags & CLF_DIALOGMODE) && !(((SETTINGS *) pTableEntry)->dwFlags & DF_ADDITIVE)) uRet=WriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyRoot,pszCurrentKeyName,(CHAR *) szDELVALS, (CHAR *) szNOVALUE, FALSE); } if (!fErase) { if (uOffset) { pszData = ((STRDATA *) ((CHAR *) pUserData + uOffset))->szData; while (*pszData && (uRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { UINT nLen = lstrlen(pszData)+1; if (((SETTINGS *)pTableEntry)->dwFlags & DF_EXPLICITVALNAME) { // value name specified for each item pszName = pszData; // value name pszData += nLen; // now pszData points to value data nLen = lstrlen(pszData)+1; } else { // value name is either same as the data, or a prefix // with a number if (!pListboxInfo->uOffsetPrefix) { // if no prefix set, then name = data pszName = pszData; } else { // value name is "" where n=1,2,etc. wsprintf(szValueName,"%s%lu",(CHAR *) pTableEntry + pListboxInfo->uOffsetPrefix,nItem); pszName = szValueName; nItem++; } } uRet=RegSetValueEx(hKey,pszName,0,REG_SZ,pszData, nLen); pszData += nLen; } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); return uRet; }