page ,132 ;Thunk Compiler Version 1.8 Dec 14 1994 14:53:05 ;File Compiled Thu Apr 01 11:42:56 1999 ;Command Line: d:\projects\cayman\dev\bin\misc\i386\thunk -t thk -o i386\asthkls.asm ..\thk\asthkls.thk TITLE $i386\asthkls.asm .386 OPTION READONLY OPTION OLDSTRUCTS IFNDEF IS_16 IFNDEF IS_32 %out command line error: specify one of -DIS_16, -DIS_32 .err ENDIF ;IS_32 ENDIF ;IS_16 IFDEF IS_32 IFDEF IS_16 %out command line error: you can't specify both -DIS_16 and -DIS_32 .err ENDIF ;IS_16 ;************************* START OF 32-BIT CODE ************************* .model FLAT,STDCALL ;-- Import common flat thunk routines (in k32) externDef AllocMappedBuffer :near32 externDef FreeMappedBuffer :near32 externDef MapHInstLS :near32 externDef MapHInstLS_PN :near32 externDef MapHInstSL :near32 externDef MapHInstSL_PN :near32 externDef FT_PrologPrime :near32 externDef FT_Prolog :near32 externDef FT_Thunk :near32 externDef QT_Thunk :near32 externDef QT_ThunkPrime :near32 externDef FT_Exit0 :near32 externDef FT_Exit4 :near32 externDef FT_Exit8 :near32 externDef FT_Exit12 :near32 externDef FT_Exit16 :near32 externDef FT_Exit20 :near32 externDef FT_Exit24 :near32 externDef FT_Exit28 :near32 externDef FT_Exit32 :near32 externDef FT_Exit36 :near32 externDef FT_Exit40 :near32 externDef FT_Exit44 :near32 externDef FT_Exit48 :near32 externDef FT_Exit52 :near32 externDef FT_Exit56 :near32 externDef SMapLS :near32 externDef SUnMapLS :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_8 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_12 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_16 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_16 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_20 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_20 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_24 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_24 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_28 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_28 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_32 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_36 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_36 :near32 externDef SMapLS_IP_EBP_40 :near32 externDef SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_40 :near32 MapLS PROTO NEAR STDCALL :DWORD UnMapLS PROTO NEAR STDCALL :DWORD MapSL PROTO NEAR STDCALL p32:DWORD ;***************** START OF KERNEL32-ONLY SECTION ****************** ; Hacks for kernel32 initialization. IFDEF FT_DEFINEFTCOMMONROUTINES .data public FT_thkTargetTable ;Flat address of target table in 16-bit module. public FT_thkChecksum32 FT_thkChecksum32 dd 016bddh ENDIF ;FT_DEFINEFTCOMMONROUTINES ;***************** END OF KERNEL32-ONLY SECTION ****************** .code ;************************* COMMON PER-MODULE ROUTINES ************************* .data ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;Flat address of target table in 16-bit module name. ;Filled in by the initial handshaking routine: FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer ;--------------------------------------------------------------- FT_thkTargetTable dd 0 ;Flat address of target table in 16-bit module. .code FT_thkDynaName db 'FT_thkThkConnectionData',0 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer:; ; The 32-bit dll must call this routine once at initialization ; time. It will load the 16-bit library and fetch the pointers ; needed to make the flat thunk run. ; ; Calling sequence: ; ; FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer proto near stdcall, dll16:dword, dll32:dword ; ; Name16 db 'mumble16.dll',0 ;Name of 16-bit library ; Name32 db 'mumble32.dll',0 ;Name of 32-bit library ; ; invoke FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer offset Name16, offset Name32 ; or eax,eax ; jz failed ; ;success ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ public FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer@8 FT_thkConnectToFlatThkPeer@8: extern ThunkInitLSF@20:near32 pop edx ;Pop return address push offset 016bddh ;Checksum push offset FT_thkDynaName ;Symbol exported from peer. push offset FT_thkTargetTable ;Address of destination. push edx jmp ThunkInitLSF@20 pfnQT_Thunk_thk dd offset QT_Thunk_thk pfnFT_Prolog_thk dd offset FT_Prolog_thk .data QT_Thunk_thk db 0ebh, 30 db 30 dup(0cch) ;Patch space. db 0e8h,0,0,0,0 ;CALL NEAR32 $ db 58h ;POP EAX db 2dh,32+5,0,0,0 ;SUB EAX, IMM32 db 0bah ;MOV EDX, IMM32 dd offset FT_thkTargetTable - offset QT_Thunk_thk db 068h ;PUSH IMM32 dd offset QT_ThunkPrime db 0c3h ;RETN FT_Prolog_thk db 0ebh, 30 db 30 dup(0cch) ;Patch space. db 0e8h,0,0,0,0 ;CALL NEAR32 $ db 5ah ;POP EDX db 81h,0eah, 32+5,0,0,0 ;SUB EDX, IMM32 db 52h ;PUSH EDX db 068h ;PUSH IMM32 dd offset FT_thkTargetTable - offset FT_Prolog_thk db 068h ;PUSH IMM32 dd offset FT_PrologPrime db 0c3h ;RETN .code ebp_top equ <[ebp + 8]> ;First api parameter ebp_retval equ <[ebp + -64]> ;Api return value FT_ESPFIXUP macro dwSpOffset or dword ptr [ebp + -20], 1 SHL ((dwSpOffset) SHR 1) endm ebp_qttop equ <[ebp + 8]> include ;Support definitions include ;************************ START OF THUNK BODIES************************ ; public OSILoad16@4 OSILoad16@4: FAPILOG16 270 mov cl,11 ; OSILoad16(16) = OSILoad16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: phInstance ; public IIOSILoad16@4 IIOSILoad16@4: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 call SMapLS_IP_EBP_8 push eax call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8 leave retn 4 ; public OSIInit16@36 OSIInit16@36: FAPILOG16 256 mov cl,10 ; OSIInit16(16) = OSIInit16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: version ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: hwnd ; dword ptr [ebp+16]: atom ; dword ptr [ebp+20]: ppShared ; dword ptr [ebp+24]: ppoaShared ; dword ptr [ebp+28]: pimShared ; dword ptr [ebp+32]: psbcEnabled ; dword ptr [ebp+36]: psbcShunt ; dword ptr [ebp+40]: pBitmasks ; public IIOSIInit16@36 IIOSIInit16@36: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push dword ptr [ebp+8] ;version: dword->dword push word ptr [ebp+12] ;hwnd: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+16] ;atom: dword->word call SMapLS_IP_EBP_20 push eax call SMapLS_IP_EBP_24 push eax call SMapLS_IP_EBP_28 push eax call SMapLS_IP_EBP_32 push eax call SMapLS_IP_EBP_36 push eax call SMapLS_IP_EBP_40 push eax call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_20 call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_24 call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_28 call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_36 call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_40 leave retn 36 ; public OSITerm16@4 OSITerm16@4: FAPILOG16 242 mov cl,9 ; OSITerm16(16) = OSITerm16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: fUnloading ; public IIOSITerm16@4 IIOSITerm16@4: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;fUnloading: dword->word call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] leave retn 4 ; public OSIFunctionRequest16@12 OSIFunctionRequest16@12: FAPILOG16 217 mov cl,8 ; OSIFunctionRequest16(16) = OSIFunctionRequest16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: escape ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: lpvEsc ; dword ptr [ebp+16]: cbEsc ; public IIOSIFunctionRequest16@12 IIOSIFunctionRequest16@12: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push dword ptr [ebp+8] ;escape: dword->dword call SMapLS_IP_EBP_12 push eax push dword ptr [ebp+16] ;cbEsc: dword->dword call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde call SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 leave retn 12 ; public OSIStartWindowTracking16@0 OSIStartWindowTracking16@0: FAPILOG16 188 mov cl,7 ; OSIStartWindowTracking16(16) = OSIStartWindowTracking16(32) {} ; ; public IIOSIStartWindowTracking16@0 IIOSIStartWindowTracking16@0: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde leave retn ; public OSIStopWindowTracking16@0 OSIStopWindowTracking16@0: FAPILOG16 160 mov cl,6 ; OSIStopWindowTracking16(16) = OSIStopWindowTracking16(32) {} ; ; public IIOSIStopWindowTracking16@0 IIOSIStopWindowTracking16@0: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] leave retn ; public OSIShareWindow16@16 OSIShareWindow16@16: FAPILOG16 139 mov cl,5 ; OSIShareWindow16(16) = OSIShareWindow16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: hwnd ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: uType ; dword ptr [ebp+16]: fRedraw ; dword ptr [ebp+20]: fUpdate ; public IIOSIShareWindow16@16 IIOSIShareWindow16@16: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;hwnd: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+12] ;uType: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+16] ;fRedraw: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+20] ;fUpdate: dword->word call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde leave retn 16 ; public OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16@4 OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16@4: FAPILOG16 87 mov cl,3 ; OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16(16) = OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: hwnd ; public IIOSIIsWindowScreenSaver16@4 IIOSIIsWindowScreenSaver16@4: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;hwnd: dword->word call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde leave retn 4 ; public OSIInstallControlledHooks16@8 OSIInstallControlledHooks16@8: FAPILOG16 55 mov cl,2 jmp IIOSIInstallControlledHooks16@8 public OSIUnshareWindow16@8 OSIUnshareWindow16@8: FAPILOG16 116 mov cl,4 ; OSIInstallControlledHooks16(16) = OSIInstallControlledHooks16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: fInstall ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: fDesktop ; public IIOSIInstallControlledHooks16@8 IIOSIInstallControlledHooks16@8: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;fInstall: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+12] ;fDesktop: dword->word call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] cwde leave retn 8 ; public OSIInjectMouseEvent16@20 OSIInjectMouseEvent16@20: FAPILOG16 29 mov cl,1 ; OSIInjectMouseEvent16(16) = OSIInjectMouseEvent16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: param1 ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: param2 ; dword ptr [ebp+16]: param3 ; dword ptr [ebp+20]: param4 ; dword ptr [ebp+24]: param5 ; public IIOSIInjectMouseEvent16@20 IIOSIInjectMouseEvent16@20: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;param1: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+12] ;param2: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+16] ;param3: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+20] ;param4: dword->word push dword ptr [ebp+24] ;param5: dword->dword call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] leave retn 20 ; public OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16@16 OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16@16: FAPILOG16 0 mov cl,0 ; OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16(16) = OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16(32) {} ; ; dword ptr [ebp+8]: param1 ; dword ptr [ebp+12]: param2 ; dword ptr [ebp+16]: param3 ; dword ptr [ebp+20]: param4 ; public IIOSIInjectKeyboardEvent16@16 IIOSIInjectKeyboardEvent16@16: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ecx sub esp,60 push word ptr [ebp+8] ;param1: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+12] ;param2: dword->word push word ptr [ebp+16] ;param3: dword->word push dword ptr [ebp+20] ;param4: dword->dword call dword ptr [pfnQT_Thunk_thk] leave retn 16 ;----------------------------------------------------------- ifdef DEBUG FT_ThunkLogNames label byte db '[F] OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16',0 db '[F] OSIInjectMouseEvent16',0 db '[F] OSIInstallControlledHooks16',0 db '[F] OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16',0 db '[F] OSIUnshareWindow16',0 db '[F] OSIShareWindow16',0 db '[F] OSIStopWindowTracking16',0 db '[F] OSIStartWindowTracking16',0 db '[F] OSIFunctionRequest16',0 db '[F] OSITerm16',0 db '[F] OSIInit16',0 db '[F] OSILoad16',0 endif ;DEBUG ;----------------------------------------------------------- ELSE ;************************* START OF 16-BIT CODE ************************* OPTION SEGMENT:USE16 .model LARGE,PASCAL .code externDef OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16:far16 externDef OSIInjectMouseEvent16:far16 externDef OSIInstallControlledHooks16:far16 externDef OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16:far16 externDef OSIUnshareWindow16:far16 externDef OSIShareWindow16:far16 externDef OSIStopWindowTracking16:far16 externDef OSIStartWindowTracking16:far16 externDef OSIFunctionRequest16:far16 externDef OSITerm16:far16 externDef OSIInit16:far16 externDef OSILoad16:far16 FT_thkTargetTable label word dw offset OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16 dw seg OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16 dw offset OSIInjectMouseEvent16 dw seg OSIInjectMouseEvent16 dw offset OSIInstallControlledHooks16 dw seg OSIInstallControlledHooks16 dw offset OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16 dw seg OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16 dw offset OSIUnshareWindow16 dw seg OSIUnshareWindow16 dw offset OSIShareWindow16 dw seg OSIShareWindow16 dw offset OSIStopWindowTracking16 dw seg OSIStopWindowTracking16 dw offset OSIStartWindowTracking16 dw seg OSIStartWindowTracking16 dw offset OSIFunctionRequest16 dw seg OSIFunctionRequest16 dw offset OSITerm16 dw seg OSITerm16 dw offset OSIInit16 dw seg OSIInit16 dw offset OSILoad16 dw seg OSILoad16 ; The following symbol must be exported in the .def file. public FT_thkThkConnectionData FT_thkThkConnectionData label dword dd 016bddh ;Checksum dw offset FT_thkTargetTable dw seg FT_thkTargetTable ENDIF END