!ifndef ROOT ROOT=$(MAKEDIR:\as\dd=) !endif !ifndef DEVROOT DEVROOT=$(ROOT)\dev !endif ############################################################################## # # # DC-Groupware Display Driver include File # # # # Copyright(c) Microsoft 1996-1997 # # # ############################################################################## # # # Change History: # # # # 27Nov96 NFC Created Millennium codebase. # # 04Dec96 MD BuildChk Added !UNDEF USE_MSVCRT. # # 17Dec96 PAB SFR0646 Use only DLL_DISP to identify the display driver # # 20Dec96 LB CLEANUP Drop REMOTEDD into \NT subdirectory # # 01Jan97 JPB SFR1201 Replaced BND files with BA files # # 03Jan97 NFC SFR1176 Move duplicated files to common directory # # 09Jan97 NC SFR1248 Implement new bounds scheme # # 14Jan97 NC SFR1248 BA files no longer duplicated # # 16Jan97 MD MNM2730 Track child processes. # # # ############################################################################## #A bug in vc6 compiler spews a warning if -NOWIN98 is specified # this is fixed in vc6.1, so when it ships, this can be removed NO_NOWIN98=1 !include ..\ascom.inc MAJORCOMP=as MINORCOMP=dd TARGETNAME=mnmdd TARGETPATH=$(_OBJ_DIR) TARGETTYPE=GDI_DRIVER DLLDEF=disp.def DLLENTRY = DrvEnableDriver !if "$(BUILD_PRODUCT)" != "NT" ALT_PROJECT_TARGET = NT !endif GDI_DRIVER_LIBS=$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\libcntpr.lib C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DDLL_DISP -DWINNT #C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DINIT_TRACE !if "$(BUILD_PRODUCT)" == "NT" INCLUDES=$(INCLUDES);$(DDK_INC_PATH) !endif USE_LIBCNTPR=1 !UNDEF USE_LIBCMT !UNDEF USE_MFC !UNDEF USE_MSVCRT 386_STDCALL=1 !UNDEF CHICAGO_PRODUCT !UNDEF CHICAGO_PROJECT !UNDEF WIN32_DEFINE !UNDEF NOT_LEAN_AND_MEAN !UNDEF CBSTRING !UNDEF NTPROFILEINPUT SOURCES=\ disp.rc \ ba.c \ cm.c \ com.c \ globals.c \ het.c \ oa.c \ oe.c \ osi.c \ sbc.c \ shm.c \ ssi.c \ trc.c PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = precomp.h PRECOMPILED_PCH = precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ = precomp.obj