// WDM video capture // Constants // PhilF-: Ultimately, after wdm.h has been fixed to work on both // Win98 and NT5, get the following value from wdm.h instead. #define FILE_DEVICE_KS 0x0000002f // Functions BOOL WDMGetDevices(void); BOOL WDMOpenDevice(DWORD dwDeviceID); DWORD WDMGetVideoFormatSize(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMGetVideoFormat(DWORD dwDeviceID, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmih); BOOL WDMSetVideoFormat(DWORD dwDeviceID, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmih); BOOL WDMGetVideoPalette(DWORD dwDeviceID, CAPTUREPALETTE* lpcp, DWORD dwcbSize); BOOL WDMCloseDevice(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMUnInitializeVideoStream(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMInitializeVideoStream(HCAPDEV hcd, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame); BOOL WDMVideoStreamReset(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMVideoStreamAddBuffer(DWORD dwDeviceID, PVOID pBuff); BOOL WDMVideoStreamStart(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMVideoStreamStop(DWORD dwDeviceID); BOOL WDMGetFrame(DWORD dwDeviceID, PVOID pBuff); BOOL WDMShowSettingsDialog(DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hWndParent);