# # created: 11/26/99, a-jbilas # modified: if (!$__SPGBVTPM ) { use spg::bvt; } sub RunBVT { # we're overriding many of the SetLocalGlobalsAndBegin() list settings because BeginBVT is not a build @lDefaultArgs = ("ALLCOMP"); @lAllowedLanguages = (); @lAllowedBuilds = ("RELEASE"); @lAllowedComponents = (); @lAllowedModifiers = ("__BUILDNUMBER", "NOCOPY", "LOCAL", "QUIET", "ALLCOMP", "ALL", "FAILMAIL"); @lAllowedArgs = (); $sLogDropDir = "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\sapi5\\Web.Files\\logs\\".$sShortBuildName; local($sSLMServerRoot) = "\\\\iitdev\\spgslm\\src\\sapi5"; # READ ONLY (DO NOT WRITE TO THIS DIR!) local($sBVTResultsFile) = "bvtresults.txt"; local($sShOS) = "w2"; local (%hBVTPass) = 0; local (%hBVTTotal) = 0; local (%hBVTFailed) = (); local (%hBVTKilled) = (); local (%hBVTAborted) = (); local (%hBVTSkipped) = (); local (%hMailText) = (); # Start own build msg (don't use buildall's if subbuild) local ($strBuildMsg) = ""; %hOptionDescription = ( %hOptionDescription, # <----------------------------- SCREEN WIDTH -------------------------------------> (accel) ("TTS" => " include Text to Speech"), #TTS ("SR" => " include Speech Recognition"), #SR ("LEX" => " include Lexicon Manager"), #LEX ("RM" => " include Resource Manager"), #RM ("GramComp" => "include Grammar Compiler"), #GC ("CfgEng" => " include Config Engine"), #CE ("SREng" => " include Speech Recognition Engine"), #SRE ("SDK" => " include Speech Development Kit"), #SDK ("FailMail" => "send BVT failure mail"), #FM ); EchoedUnlink($sBVTResultsFile); return(DoBVTs(@_)); } 1;