<% ' General depository for frequently used javascript functions ******* %> <% ' ******* Any localizable strings needed for these functions will appear in iijsfuncs.str ******* %> <% ' ******* Pops open a new dialog of specified height, with or without an ok/cancel/help toolbar ******* %> <% ' ******* hideTools is optional ******* %> function popBox(title, width, height, filename, hideTools){ thefile=(filename + ".asp"); thefile="iipop.asp?pg="+thefile; if (hideTools) { thefile += "&tools=no"; } //Store the window object in our Global variables, so it may be refered to from the parent window... top.title.Global.popwindow=window.open(thefile,title,"toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,directories=no,menubar=no,width="+width+",height="+height); //pop it into a local var for reference here... popbox = top.title.Global.popwindow; //corrects for bug in ie where the window opener property wasn't being set. if(popbox !=null){ if (popbox.opener==null){ popbox.opener=self; } } //corrects for a bug where if the window is opened, and then re-opened, it stays in the back. //however, this errors in IE3, so we are special casing it. IE3 will have the less desirable //behavior of remaining in the background. <% if Session("isIE") and Session("browserver") < 4 then %> <% ' no focus... browser doesn't suppor it %> <% else %> popbox.focus(); <% end if %> } <% ' ******* Basic Crop function based on string length ******* %> function crop(thestring,size){ sLen = thestring.length if (sLen > size) { thestring = thestring.substring(0,size) + "..."; } else{ for (var i = sLen ; i < size; i++) { thestring = thestring + " " } } return thestring; } <% ' ******* Quick function to provide alternate text if there is no value to the main display string. ******* %> function displayVal(dispstr, altstr){ if (dispstr == ""){ dispstr = altstr; } return dispstr; } <% ' ******* Basic Numeric checker that displays a dialog. Strings are located in iijsfunc.str ******* %> function isNum(txtcntrl,min,max) { str=txtcntrl.value; minval = min-1; maxval = max+1; for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) { num = parseInt(str.substring(i,i+1)); if (isNaN(num)){ alert("<%= L_ENTERINT %>"); txtcntrl.value = txtcntrl.defaultValue; return false; } } num = str; if (min != ""){ if (num < min) { alert('<%= L_GREATERTHAN %>'); txtcntrl.value = txtcntrl.defaultValue; return false; } } if (max != ""){ if (num > max) { alert('<%= L_LESSTHAN %>'); txtcntrl.value = txtcntrl.defaultValue; return false; } } return true; } <% ' ******* Disables controls if the browser is DHTML compatible ******* %> function setCntrlState(mState,mControl){ <% if Session("hasDHTML") then %> mControl.disabled = ! mState; <% end if %> } <% ' ******* Search for a string in a string ******* %> <% ' ******* I just don't like jscripts substring method... **** %> function bAnyInStr(sToSearch, sToFind) { for (i=0;i < sToFind.length;i++) { if (sToSearch.indexOf(sToFind.substring(i,i+1)) > -1) { return true; } } return false; }