README.txt Author: Murali R. Krishnan (MuraliK) Created: Nov 5, 1996 Revisions: Date By Comments ----------------- -------- ------------------------------------------- Summary : This file describes the files in the directory iis\svcs\w3\cisa and details related to COM ISAPI prototypes and implementation. File Description README.txt This file. dirs Directories file for NT Build ATL\ Advanced Template Libraries - that eases C++/COM development Directories associated with Prototypes 1 & 2 cisatest\ ComISAPI test module ecb\ Extension Control Block object - as Context Property (cpECB) comisapi\ COM ISAPI compliant test application which loaded ISAPI app. Directories associated with Prototypes 3 hreq\ HTTP Request object ecb\ Extension Control Block object - as Context Property (cpECB) comisapi\ COM ISAPI compliant test application which loaded ISAPI app. Directories associated with Implementation sobj\ Server objects for ComISAPI - IsaRequest, IsaResponse, etc. isat1\ Test ComISAPI application using the new server objects tisat1\ Test legacy ISAPI app (for time-being) to test isat1 & sobj Implementation Details < To be filled in when time permits. See individual files for comments section > Contents: 1. Class Identifiers 2. Objects 1. Class Identifiers ISAT1 Test Object InetServerApp/CInetServerAppObject IID {c0cbd3a0-36a6-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} LIBID {c0cbd3a1-36a6-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} CLSID {c0cbd3a2-36a6-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} SOBJ Server Objects LIBID {8eb033a0-3670-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} IsaRequest/CIsaRequest IID {8eb03380-3670-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} CLSID {8eb03391-3670-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} IsaResponse/CIsaReseponse IID {8eb03381-3670-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e} CLSID {8eb03392-3670-11d0-9797-00a0c922e73e}