@echo off REM clear vars so we have a known good starting point set INSTALLTYPE= set IISDEBUG= set Win95= rem set defaults set IISDEBUG=fre set INSTALLSERVER=\\iasbuild\k2 set SYSTEMDIR=%windir%\system32 set INETPUBDIR=%SystemDrive%\inetpub set SCRIPTDIR=%INETPUBDIR%\scripts if (%OS%) == () set OS=WIN95 if (%OS%) == (WIN95) set SYSTEMDIR=%windir%\system REM if the user has chosen something like c:\os\windows to install win95 in, this will fail if (%OS%) == (WIN95) set INETPUBDIR=%winbootdir%\..\inetpub if (%OS%) == (WIN95) set SCRIPTDIR=%INETPUBDIR%\scripts if (%OS%) == (WIN95) set Win95=1 REM Delete old copy of iisprobe.dll if it's there if exist %SYSTEMDIR%\iisprobe.dll del %SYSTEMDIR%\iisprobe.dll if exist %WINDIR%\iisprobe.dll del %WINDIR%\iisprobe.dll if (%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%) == () set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 if (%1) == (wks) set INSTALLTYPE=wks if (%1) == (WKS) set INSTALLTYPE=wks if (%1) == (srv) set INSTALLTYPE=srv if (%1) == (SRV) set INSTALLTYPE=srv if (%Win95%) == (1) set INSTALLTYPE=wks if (%INSTALLTYPE%) == () goto usage if (%3) == (fre) set IISDEBUG=fre if (%3) == (FRE) set IISDEBUG=fre if (%3) == (chk) set IISDEBUG=chk if (%3) == (CHK) set IISDEBUG=chk set UNATTENDED= if (%2) == () goto usage if (%4) == () goto Attended if NOT exist %4 goto FileNotThere set UNATTENDED=/u:%4 :Attended goto %IISDEBUG% :chk if (%Win95%) == (1) goto Win95chk if NOT exist %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%chk\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe goto baddir goto pathOK :Win95chk if NOT exist %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%chk\Win.95\setup.exe goto baddir goto Win95pathOK :fre if (%Win95%) == (1) goto Win95fre if NOT exist %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\CDSetup\NTOPTPAK\En\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe goto baddir goto pathOK :Win95fre if NOT exist %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\CDSetup\NTOPTPAK\En\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Win.95\setup.exe goto baddir goto Win95pathOK :pathOK md %INETPUBDIR% >NUL 2>>&1 md %SCRIPTDIR% >NUL 2>>&1 md %windir%\symbols > NUL 2>>&1 %DBGPRINT% start "Copying K2 DBG Symbols" /min xcopy /verifd %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\symbols\*.dbg %windir%\symbols %DBGPRINT% start "Copying K2 PDB Symbols" /min xcopy /verifd %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\symbols\*.pdb %windir%\symbols echo updating inetdbg.dll and iisprobe.dll and mdutil.exe ... %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\Dump\inetdbg.dll %SYSTEMDIR% %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\Dump\iisprobe.dll %SCRIPTDIR% %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\inetsrv\mdutil.exe %SYSTEMDIR% goto %IISDEBUG%OK :Win95pathOK md %INETPUBDIR% md %SCRIPTDIR% md %windir%\symbols %DBGPRINT% xcopy /e /r /i /f /d %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\symbols\*.dbg %windir%\symbols %DBGPRINT% xcopy /e /r /i /f /d %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\symbols\*.pdb %windir%\symbols %DBGPRINT% xcopy /e /r /i /f /d %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\symbols\sym\*.sym %windir%\symbols echo updating inetdbg.dll and iisprobe.dll and mdutil.exe ... %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\Dump\inetdbg.dll %SYSTEMDIR% %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\Dump\iisprobe.dll %SCRIPTDIR% %DBGPRINT% copy %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%%IISDEBUG%\inetsrv\mdutil.exe %SYSTEMDIR% if (%IISDEBUG%) == (fre) goto fre95OK if (%IISDEBUG%) == (chk) goto chk95OK :chkOK %DBGPRINT% start %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%CHK\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe %UNATTENDED% goto end :freOK %DBGPRINT% start %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\CDSetup\NTOPTPAK\En\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe %UNATTENDED% goto end :fre95OK %DBGPRINT% start %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\CDSetup\NTOPTPAK\En\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Win.95\setup.exe %UNATTENDED% goto end :chk95OK %DBGPRINT% start %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%CHK\Win.95\setup.exe %UNATTENDED% goto end :baddir echo. if (%IISDEBUG%) == (fre) echo. Could not find %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\CDSetup\NTOPTPAK\En\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe! if (%IISDEBUG%) == (chk) echo. Could not find %INSTALLSERVER%\%2\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%chk\Winnt.%INSTALLTYPE%\setup.exe! echo. goto usage :FileNotThere echo. echo You specified an unattended setup file (%4) that does not exist. echo. :usage echo. echo usage: %0 [wks,srv] buildnum [fre,chk] [unattend.txt file] echo. echo example (installs fre build): %0 srv 0480 echo example (installs chk build): %0 srv 0480 chk echo example (installs fre build unattended): %0 srv 0480 fre c:\temp\unattend.txt echo example (installs chk build unattended): %0 srv 0480 chk c:\temp\unattend.txt echo. echo if you would like to see what %0 is going to do, echo run 'set DBGPRINT=echo' before you run %0. echo if you choose to do this, you will then have to run echo 'set DBGPRINT=' for %0 to actually echo install K2. echo. :end set INSTALLTYPE= set IISDEBUG= set INSTALLSERVER= set Win95=