/*: @*: This file is organized into two main blocks. The first block contains @*: code (non-string) sections which are specific to languages. Please put @*: the code sections in the correct language. @*: The second block is reserved for [Strings] which localizers will be @*: working with. It is further divided using "#if LANGUAGE ==" for language @*: specific strings. For strings which are common to all languages @*: place outside the #ifs. @*: @*: This file is first precompiled with LANGUAGE_ID @*: set to the language (see inf\win4\inf\makefile.inc for details). @*: For example, for usa builds, the sections under #if LANGUAGE == 0x409 @*: will appear. @*: @*: Important: To support locstudio, this file contains only ONE [Strings] section. @*: @*/ // This section is for non-FE (chs,cht,kor,jpn) builds. So english, german, .... #if LANGUAGE_ID != 0x804 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x404 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x411 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x412 [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. %reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 #endif #if LANGUAGE_ID == 0x409 //USA specific sections [Infs.Always] [OleControlDlls] #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804 //CHS specific sections [Fonts.Upgrade] system.ini,386Enh,,woafont=app936.fon [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] 1,%eudcedit_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%ImageGen_351%,%accessories%,0 1,%mplayer_351%,%accessories%,0 1,%clipbrd_351%,%main%,0 1,%ChsuConv_351%,%accessories%,0 1,%UCharMap_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%CharMap%,%accessories%,0 1,%iexplorer_40%,"",0 1,%Image_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%rasadmin_40%,%admintools%,0 1,%rasadmin_40%,%admintools%,1 1,%rasadmin_40%,%nt4admintools%,1 @s:1,%licmanager_40%,%admintools%,1 @s:1,%licmanager_351%,%netadmintools%,1 @s:1,%ncadmin_351%,%netadmintools%,1 1,"Internet Mail",,0 1,"Internet News",,0 @*: Lines marked with @w: are for workstation only @*: Lines marked with @s: are for server only @*: Lines marked with @@: or nothing are for both [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 [Accessories] %CHAREDIT% = eudcedit.exe,eudcedit.exe,,0,%charedit_infotip% [EarlyOleControlDlls] 11,,Lodctr.exe,,,"/c:prfd0804.dat /h:prfi0804.dat /l:004" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404 //CHT specific sections [Fonts.Upgrade] system.ini,386Enh,,woafont=app950.fon @@:win.ini,Fonts,"灿砰 (TrueType)=" [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] 1,%eudcedit_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%UCharMap_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%CharMap%,%accessories%,0 1,%iexplorer_40%,"",0 1,%cblock_351%,%games%,0 1,"Internet Mail",,0 1,"Internet News",,0 @*: Lines marked with @w: are for workstation only @*: Lines marked with @s: are for server only @*: Lines marked with @@: or nothing are for both [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 [Accessories] %CHAREDIT% = eudcedit.exe,eudcedit.exe,,0,%charedit_infotip% [EarlyOleControlDlls] 11,,Lodctr.exe,,,"/c:prfd0404.dat /h:prfi0404.dat /l:004" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411 //JPN specific sections [Fonts.Install] win.ini,Fonts,,"%small_fonts%=JSMALLE.FON" [Fonts.Upgrade] system.ini,386Enh,,"woafont=app932.fon" win.ini,Fonts,,"%small_fonts%=JSMALLE.FON" win.ini,Fonts,"俵俽 柧挬 (TrueType)=" win.ini,Fonts,"俵俽 僑僔僢僋 (TrueType)=" win.ini,Fonts,"俵俽 僑僔僢僋 & 俵俽 俹僑僔僢僋 (TrueType)=" [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] @@:1,%eudcedit_40%,%accessories%,0 @@:1,%UCharMap_40%,%accessories%,0 @@:1,%UCharMap_351%,%accessories%,0 @@:1,%CharMap%,%accessories%,0 @@:1,%IMAGING_40%,%accessories%,0 @@:1,%iexplorer_40%,"",0 @@:1,%EUDCEDIT_351%,%JPN_INPUT%,0 @@:1,%charmap%,%JPN_INPUT%,0 @@:1,"Internet Mail",,0 @@:1,"Internet News",,0 @s:1,%licmanager_sb%,%netadmintools_sb%,1 @s:1,%netclientadmin_sb%,%netadmintools_sb%,1 @*: PC98 only @@:@n:1,%gaijicnv%,%accessories%,0 @@:@n:1,%imgscan%,%accessories%,0 @@:@n:1,%insdapnt%,%main%,0 @*: PC98 @*: Lines marked with @w: are for workstation only @*: Lines marked with @s: are for server only @*: Lines marked with @@: or nothing are for both [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 [Accessories] %CHAREDIT% = eudcedit.exe,eudcedit.exe,,0,%charedit_infotip% #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412 //KOR specific sections [Fonts.Upgrade] system.ini,386Enh,,woafont=app949.fon win.ini,Fonts,"奔覆眉 (TrueType)=" win.ini,Fonts,"蹈框眉 (TrueType)=" win.ini,Fonts,"官帕眉 (TrueType)=" win.ini,Fonts,"泵辑眉 (TrueType)=" [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] ;@@:1,%eudcedit%,%accessories%,0 1,%UCharMap_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%CharMap%,%accessories%,0 1,%iexplorer_40%,"",0 1,"Internet Mail",,0 1,"Internet News",,0 1,%eventvwr_40%,%admintools%,0 1,%eventvwr_40%,%admintools%,1 1,%Imaging_40%,%accessories%,0 1,%faxviewer_40%,%accessories%,0 @*: Lines marked with @w: are for workstation only @*: Lines marked with @s: are for server only @*: Lines marked with @@: or nothing are for both [Accessibility] %magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22553","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22041 @*: The following line should be removed on all non-US builds. ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22560","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22048 %screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22564","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22052 %utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,"@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22577","%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll",22065 [Accessories] %CHAREDIT% = eudcedit.exe,eudcedit.exe,,0,%charedit_infotip% #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x405 // Czech [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] 1,%devmgmt%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%diskmgmt%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%svcmgmt%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%fsmgmt%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%ntbackup%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%scheduled_tasks%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%perfmon%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%eventvwr%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%winmsd%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%musrmgr%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%rasadmin%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%dcomcnfg%,%czechadmintools%,1 1,%windisk%,%czechadmintools%,1 0,%czechadmintools%,,1 0,%czechadmintools%,,0 #endif // String section below for localizers [Strings] #if LANGUAGE_ID == 0x409 //USA specific sections #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804 //CHS specific sections @*:ref the names in localized NT 4.0 UCharMap_40 = "Unicode 字符映射表" mplayer_351="媒体播放机" licmanager_351="许可证管理器" ncadmin_351="网络客户管理器" ImageGen_351="输入法生成器" clipbrd_351="剪贴簿查看器" ChsuConv_351="转码器" iexplorer_40="Internet Explore" Image_40="图像处理" licmanager_40="许可证管理器" rasadmin_40 = "远程访问管理" eudcedit_40="TrueType 造字程序" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404 //CHT specific sections @*:ref the names in localized NT 4.0 UCharMap_40 = "Unicode Character Map" eudcedit_40="EUDC Editor" iexplorer_40="Internet Explore" cblock_351 = "Cblocks" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411 //JPN specific sections @*: PC98 only @@:@n:gaijicnv = "奜帤僐儞僶乕僞" @@:@n:imgscan = "僀儊乕僕 僗僉儍僫" @@:@n:insdapnt = "DOS AP 僀儞僗僩乕儔" @*: PC98 @*:FE specific @*:ref the names in localized NT 4.0 @*:to JPN LOC team, eudcedit_40 ,SHOULD use the same EUDC name in JPN 4.0 @*: eudcedit_351,SHOULD use the same EUDC name in JPN 3.51 eudcedit_40="EUDC Editor" eudcedit_351="EUDC Editor" UCharMap_40 = "Unicode Character Map" UCharMap_351 = "Unicode Character Map" iexplorer_40="iexplorer_40" JPN_INPUT="JPN_INPUT" @*:keep imaging_40 in English IMAGING_40="Imaging" licmanager_sb="licmanager_sb" netclientadmin_sb="netclientadmin_sb" netadmintools_sb="netadmintools_sb" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412 //KOR specific sections @*:ref the names in localized NT 4.0 UCharMap_40 = "Unicode Character Map" ;eudcedit="EUDC Editor" iexplorer_40="Internet Explore" eventvwr_40 = "eventvwr_40" Imaging_40 = "Imaging" faxviewer_40="faxviewer_40" #elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x405 // Czech // Localizer should verify if Common is needed or not. czechadmintools = "Nastroje administrace (Common)" #endif ; ; Names of program groups ; main = "主群组" games = "游戏" accessories = "附件" accessories_entertainment = "附件\娱乐" accessories_communications = "附件\通讯" prexp_accessories_games = "附件\游戏" accessories_multimedia = "附件\多媒体" accessibility = "附件\辅助工具" systemtools = "附件\系统工具" startup = "启动" admintools = "管理工具" nt4admintools = "NT 4.0 管理工具" @s:netadmintools = "网络系统管理" startmenucommon = "::0x0016::" ; ; Names of program group items ; old_srv_config = "管理工具主页" srv_config = "配置服务器" srvwiz_infotip = "安装和配置网络上的 Windows 服务。" windowsupdate = "Windows Update" windowscatalog = "Windows Catalog" configureprograms = "设定程序访问和默认值" windowstour = "漫游 Windows XP" synchronize = "同步" sync_manager = "同步管理器" winfile = "文件管理器" control = "控制面板" printman = "打印管理器" clipbrd = "剪贴簿查看器" dialer = "电话拨号程序" cmd = "命令提示符" explorer = "Windows NT 资源管理器" setup = "Windows NT 安装程序" pifedit = "PIF 编辑器" intro = "Windows NT 简介" readme = "自述文件" ntbooks = "联机丛书" cmdref = "Windows NT 帮助" windisk = "磁盘管理器" perfmon = "性能监视器" ntbackup = "备份" compatwizard = "程序兼容性向导" @w:@i:migwiz_desc = "文件和设置转移向导" eventvwr = "事件查看器" dcomcnfg = "DCOM 配置" winmsd = "Windows NT 诊断器" musrmgr = "用户管理器" @s:upedit = "用户配置文件编辑器" @s:usrmgr = "域用户管理器" @s:nwconv = "NetWare 迁移工具" @s:srvmgr = "服务器管理器" @s:poledit = "系统策略编辑器" pbrush = "画笔" paint = "画图" winchat = "对话" terminal = "终端" charedit = "TrueType 造字程序" notepad = "记事本" cardfile = "卡片盒" calc = "计算器" clock = "时钟" charmap = "字符映射表" mplayer = "媒体播放机" sndrec32 = "录音机" sndvol32 = "音量控制" sndvol32old = "音量控制" cdplayer = "CD 唱机" cdplayerold = "CD 唱机" write = "书写器" packgr32 = "对象包装程序" hyperterm = "超级终端" sol = "纸牌" winmine = "扫雷" freecell = "空当接龙" hearts = "红心大战" spider = "蜘蛛纸牌" pinball = "桌上弹球" magnifier = "放大镜" @*: These next lines needed only to support XP Beta 2 -> XP RTM upgrades ihearts = "Internet 红心大战" ispades = "Internet 黑桃王" ibackgammon = "Internet 双陆棋" icheckers = "Internet 跳棋" ireversi = "Internet 翻转棋" @*: End of lines needed only to support XP Beta 2 -> XP RTM upgrades reader = "Narrator" screenkeyboard = "屏幕键盘" utilman = "辅助工具管理器" @s:netclientadmin = "网络客户管理器" @s:licmanager = "许可证管理器" @s:licmanager2 = "授权" @s:ntwksvcmgmt = "网络服务管理" certmgr = "证书管理器" rasadmin = "远程访问管理" du_networking = "拨号网络" network_and_dialup = "网络和拨号连接" admin_wiz = "管理向导" compmgmt = "计算机管理" fsmgmt = "文件服务管理" neweventvwr = "事件查看器" devmgmt = "设备管理" svcmgmt = "系统服务管理" sysmon = "性能" @s:dirmgmt = "目录管理" @s:dommgmt = "域树管理" @s:dnsmgmt = "DNS 管理" @s:dssite = "Active Directory 站点和服务管理器" diskmgmt = "磁盘管理" ciadmin = "索引管理器管理" mediasvc = "可移动存储管理" @s:dfsmgr = "分布式文件系统" @e:enterprise_installer = "Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition Installer.cmd" datasrcodbc = "数据源 (ODBC)" @@:@a:datasrcodbcx86 = "数据源 (ODBC) (x86)" scheduled_tasks = "任务计划" maint_wiz = "维护向导" locsecpol = "本地安全策略" @*:msinfo = "System Information" services = "服务" tlntadmn = "Telnet 服务器管理" @@:@i:oobe_desc = "激活 Windows" oldnetcon = "网络和拨号连接" @@:@3:remote_assistance = "远程协助" @*: @*: Infotips @*: @@:@i:oobe_infotip = "向 Microsoft 激活 Windows" charedit_infotip = "使用“TrueType 造字程序”修改字符如何显示在屏幕上。" cmd_infotip = "执行基于字符的(命令行)功能。" compmgmt_infotip = "管理磁盘以及使用其它系统工具来管理本地或远程的计算机。" magnifier_infotip = "放大显示所选的文字和其它屏幕对象以便容易阅读。" neweventvwr_infotip = "显示来自于 Windows 和其它程序的监视与排错消息。" notepad_infotip = "使用基本文本格式创建和编辑文本文件。" ntbackup_infotip = "存档数据以防止意外丢失。" reader_infotip = "读出屏幕上的文字、对话框、菜单以及按钮(如果扬声器或者声音输出设备已安装的话)。" @@:@3:remote_assistance_infotip = "允许您邀请朋友连接到您的计算机,帮助您解决问题。" screenkeyboard_infotip = "显示一个屏幕键盘,可以用鼠标或者交换输入设备来控制。" synchronize_infotip = "更新脱机编辑过资料的网络副本,诸如文档、日历和电子邮件消息。" utilman_infotip = "从统一的窗口启动并且配置辅助工具。" windowsupdate_infotip = "从 Microsoft 以新的 Windows 功能、设备驱动程序以及系统更新来更新您的系统。" sysmon_infotip = "显示系统性能图表以及配置数据日志和警报。" datasrcodbc_infotip = "添加、删除、以及配置 ODBC 数据源和驱动程序。" licmanager_infotip = "管理对服务器产品的客户端访问授权。" dfsmgr_infotip = "创建和管理分布式文件系统以连接来自不同计算机的共享文件夹。" locsecpol_infotip = "查看和修改本地安全策略,诸如用户权限和审计策略。" @*:msinfo_infotip = "System Information infotip" services_infotip = "启动和停止服务。" tlntadmn_infotip = "查看以及修改 Telnet 服务器设置和连接。" compatwizard_infotip = "使旧版程序在 Windows XP 上运行" ProgramF = "Program Files" SharedTools = "Common Files\Microsoft Shared" MShared = "Microsoft Shared" @*: Folder name for IE5 appDir, same as ie.txt MSIE4 = "Internet Explorer" MP2 = "Windows Media Player" DisplayName = "Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)" SRCHASST = "srchasst"