[strings] ;localized strings MSFT = "Microsoft" StdMfg = "(התקני מערכת סטנדרטיים)" HID.ClassName = "Human Input Devices ‏(HID)" HidGame.SvcDesc = "Microsoft Hid to Joystick Port Enabler" HIDGame.GenericDesc = "התקן יציאת משחקים כללי" HidGame.Generic2A2B = "2-axis, 2-button joystick" HidGame.Generic2A4B = "2-axis, 4-button joystick" HidGame.Gamepad2B = "2-button gamepad" HidGame.FlightYoke2B = "2-button flight yoke" HidGame.FlightYokeThrottle2B = "2-button flight yoke w/throttle" HidGame.Generic3A2B = "3-axis, 2-button joystick" HidGame.Generic3A4B = "3-axis, 4-button joystick" HidGame.Gamepad4B = "4-button gamepad" HidGame.FlightYoke4B = "4-button flight yoke" HidGame.FlightYokeThrottle4B = "4-button flight yoke w/throttle" HidGame.YConnectTwo2A2B = "Two 2-axis, 2-button joysticks on Y-connector" HidGame.Dev0 = "Steering wheel w/rudder axis pedals" HidGame.Dev1 = "4-button joystick w/POV" HidGame.Dev2 = "4-button joystick w/POV and throttle" HidGame.Dev3 = "6-button joystick w/POV" HidGame.Dev4 = "6-button joystick w/POV and throttle" HidGame.Dev5 = "6-button joystick w/two POVs" HidGame.Dev6 = "6-button joystick w/two POVs and throttle" HidGame.Dev7 = "6-button flight yoke w/two POVs" HidGame.Dev8 = "6-button flight yoke w/two POVs and throttle" HidGame.Dev9 = "6-button gamepad" HidGame.DevA = "5-button gamepad w/throttle" HidGame.DevB = "6-button joystick" HidGame.DevC = "5-button joystick w/throttle" HidGame.DevD = "5-button joystick w/POV" WgmExtrmDgtlAuto.Name = "Logitech WingMan Digital Devices(Auto-Detect)" ; ; non localized strings KEY_OEM="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM" SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE= 0x00000002 SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 3 SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = 0