ActiveVRML Index

o (function composition) :: (list constructor) , (pairing constructor) = (equality test, lists) + (addition) * (multiplication) * (2-D vector scaling) * (3-D vector scaling) - (subtraction) / (division) / (2-D scalar division) / (3-D scalar division) - (negative prefix) - (positive prefix) < (less than) <= (less than or equal to) > (greather than) >= (greather than or equal to) ^ (raised to the power of) [ ] (expression list constructor) | (alternate event) | (handler event) - (create vector from two points) + (2-D vector addition) - (2-D vector subtraction) + (3-D vector addition) - (3-D vector subtraction) o (combine two transformations) & (combine strings)

A abs acos ActiveVRML Grammar and Lexical Conventions ActiveVRML Models and World Wide Web Browsing Adding Sound ambientColor ambientLight andEvent Appendix A: An Extended Example asin atan (arctangent in radians) atan (arctangent)

B Basic Types Behaviors black blue blueComponent bold boolean

C camera ceiling char chr colorHsl colorRgb Compositional Specification Constructor Expressions cos crop cross cubicBSpline cyan

D Declarations defaultCamera defaultMicrophone degreesToRadians Differentiation and Integration diffuseColor directionalLight distance (2-dimensional) distance (3-dimensional) distanceSquared (2-dimensional) distanceSquared (3-dimensional) Distribution done dot (2-dimensional) dot (3-dimensional)

E Embracing Existing Formats emissiveColor empty emptyGeometry emptyImage emptyMontage end exp explode expression Expressions Constructor



F false first floor Footnotes function pattern

G gain geometry green greenComponent

H head hueComponent

I identityTransform2 identityTransform3 image imageMontage implode import geometry (supports inline expression of VRML 1.0) import geometry import image import sound Integration, Differentiation, and Interpolation inverse 2-dimensional transform inverse 3-dimensional transform isSingular 2-dimensional transform isSingular 3-dimensional transform italic


K keyDown keyState keyUp

L Language Integration for ActiveVRML leftButtonDown leftButtonState leftButtonUp length list length 2-dimensional vector length 3-dimensional vector lengthSquared lengthSquared lightAttenuation lightColor lightnessComponent Literal Expressions ln log10 lookAtFrom

M magenta map microphone mod Modeling Types monospaced montage mousePosition

N normal 2-dimensional vector normal 3-dimensional vector not nth number-literal number numberToString nurb

O opacity2 opacity3 Optimizations and Regulation ord origin2 origin3 Overview of Supported Media Types

P Parameterization Pattern Matching phiComponent 2-dimensional point phiComponent 3-dimensional point phiComponent 3-dimensional vector pi Picking Images and Geometry point2 point2Polar point2Xy point3 point3Spherical point3Xyz pointLight predicate prefix + prefix -


R radiansToDegrees random Reactive Behaviors Reactivity red redComponent reduce renderedImage geometry renderedImage montage renderedImage text renderedSound repeat rhoComponent 3-dimensional point rhoComponent 2-dimensional vector rhoComponent 3-dimensional vector rightButtonDown rightButtonState rightButtonUp rotate2 rotate round

S sansSerifProportional saturationComponent scale2 scale3 scale 3-dimensions (point) scale 2-dimensions (point) scale 2-dimensions (vector) scale 3-dimensionas (vector) Scoped Naming second seededRandom serifProportional shear2 silence simpleText sin Single User Interactivity snapshot sound soundSource3 specularColor specularExponent spotLight sqrt string suchThat

T tail tan text textColor textFamily texture thetaComponent 2-dimensions (point) thetaComponent 3-dimensions (point) thetaComponent 2-dimensions (vector) thetaComponent 3-dimensioons (vector) tile time timeTransform Time Transforms transform2 transform3 transform3x2 transform4x4 transformCamera transformGeometry transformImage transformMicrophone transformPoint2 transformPoint3 transformVector2 transformVector3 translate 3-dimensions (point) translate 2-dimensions (point) translate 2-dimensions (vector) translate 3-dimensions (vector) true type * type type -> type

U unit User Interaction

V Variable Expressions vector2 vector2Polar vector2Xy vector3 vector3Spherical vector3Xyz Viewer Conventions and Information

W white

X xComponent 2-dimensions (point) xComponent 3-dimensions (point) xComponent 2-dimensions (vector) xComponent 3-dimensions (vector) xVector2 xVector3 xyShear

Y yComponent 2-dimensions (point) yComponent 3-dimensions (point) yComponent 2-dimensions (vector) yComponent 3-dimensions (vector) yellow yVector2 yVector3 yzShear

Z zComponent zComponent zeroVector2 zeroVector3 zVector3 zxShear