MAJORCOMP=ApplicationManager MINORCOMP=AppManDLL # # The build environment sets the FREEBUILD macro to 1 when it is a free build # so you can change the name of the built binary to be different in that case. # side effects: # need 2 entries in placefil.txt (one for each name) # if a lib is published it will be called the new name; depending on your # viewpoint this could be a good thing or not # TARGETNAME=AppMan # Append a 'D' to AppMan if we are doing a debug (checked) build. !if !$(FREEBUILD) !ifdef DIRECTX_REDIST TARGETNAME=$(TARGETNAME)d !endif !endif TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK TARGETEXT=dll TARGETPATH=Obj UMTYPE=windows # 4/09/2000(RichGr): Specify the DX SDK PlaceFil.txt instead of the Win2K one. BINPLACE_PLACEFILE=$(DXROOT)\public\sdk\lib\placefil.txt DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup # 4/12/2000(RichGr): USE_LIBCMT causes libcmt(d).lib to be selected for the link. USE_LIBCMT=1 # 4/08/2000(RichGr): Instead of adding /GX to the command-line options, specify USE_NATIVE_EH (Exception Handling). USE_NATIVE_EH=1 !IF "$(NTDEBUG)" == "ntsd" || "$(NTDEBUG)" == "cvp" || "$(NTDEBUG)" == "sym" USE_MAPSYM = 1 RC_DEFINES=$(RC_DEFINES) -DDEBUG=1 C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) /D"WIN32" /D"_DEBUG" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"MBCS" /D"_USERDLL" # 4/12/2000(RichGr): DEBUG_CRTS causes 'd' to be appended to libcmt, etc. # Note: DEBUG_CRTS defines _DEBUG (if it's not already defined). DEBUG_CRTS=1 !ELSE C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) /D"WIN32" /D"NDEBUG" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"MBCS" /D"_USERDLL" !ENDIF # 04/10/2000 - allows for addition of BoundsChecker, etc # libs specified in the OS environment # # 4/12/2000(RichGr): Remove msvcrtd.lib from the debug list of libs - most machines don't have msvcrtd.dll installed. # TARGETLIBS=$(TARGETLIBS) \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\kernel32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\user32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\gdi32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\winspool.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\comdlg32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\advapi32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\shell32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\ole32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\oleaut32.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\uuid.lib \ $(_NTDRIVE)\$(_NTROOT)\public\sdk\lib\*\shlwapi.lib INCLUDES=$(DXROOT)\Inc; \ $(DXROOT)\ApplicationManager\Include; \ $(SDXROOT)\public\sdk\inc\mfc42; SOURCES= \ ..\AppMan.rc \ ..\ApplicationEntry.cpp \ ..\ApplicationManager.cpp \ ..\ApplicationManagerAdmin.cpp \ ..\ApplicationManagerRoot.cpp \ ..\AppManDebug.cpp \ ..\AppPropertyRules.cpp \ ..\CriticalSection.cpp \ ..\EmptyVolumeCache.cpp \ ..\ExceptionHandler.cpp \ ..\FApplicationManager.cpp \ ..\Global.cpp \ ..\Guids.cpp \ ..\InformationManager.cpp \ ..\Lock.cpp \ ..\RegistryKey.cpp \ ..\Win32API.cpp