//============================================================================= // FILE: SPParser.cpp // // Description: DirectPlay Service Provider Parser // // // Modification History: // // Michael Milirud 08/Aug/2000 Created //============================================================================= //#define FRAME_NAMES //#define FRAME_DROPS //==================// // Standard headers // //==================// #include <winsock2.h> #include <wsipx.h> #include <tchar.h> //=====================// // Proprietary headers // //=====================// #include "dpaddr.h" // DPNA_DEFAULT_PORT definition // Prototypes #include "SPParser.hpp" namespace DPlaySP { // SP protocol header #include "MessageStructures.h" } // DPlaySP namespace namespace { HPROTOCOL g_hSPProtocol; //=============================// // Return Address Family field //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //=============================// LABELED_BYTE arr_RetAddrFamilyByteLabels[] = { { AF_IPX, "IPX protocol" }, { AF_INET, "IP protocol" } }; SET LabeledRetAddrFamilyByteSet = { sizeof(arr_RetAddrFamilyByteLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BYTE), arr_RetAddrFamilyByteLabels }; //================// // Data Tag field //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //================// LABELED_BYTE arr_CommandByteLabels[] = { { ESCAPED_USER_DATA_KIND, "DPlay v8 Transport data follows" }, { ENUM_DATA_KIND, "Enumeration Query" }, { ENUM_RESPONSE_DATA_KIND, "Response to Enumeration Query" }, { PROXIED_ENUM_DATA_KIND, "Proxied Enumeration Query" } }; SET LabeledCommandByteSet = { sizeof(arr_CommandByteLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BYTE), arr_CommandByteLabels }; //////////////////////////////// // Custom Property Formatters //===================================================================================== //////////////////////////////// // DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Service Provider packet summary // // ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance // // RETURNS: NOTHING // VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_SPSummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) { using namespace DPlaySP; // Check what SP frame we are dealing with PREPEND_BUFFER& rSPFrame = *reinterpret_cast<PREPEND_BUFFER*>(io_pProperyInstance->lpData); // switch ( rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte ) { case ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Query { strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "Enumeration Request"); break; } case ENUM_RESPONSE_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Response { strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "Enumeration Response"); break; } case PROXIED_ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Proxied Query { strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "Proxied Enumeration Request"); break; } case ESCAPED_USER_DATA_KIND: // DPlay v8 Transport protocol frame follows default: { strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "User Data"); break; } } } // FormatPropertyInstance_SPSummary //==================// // Properties table //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //==================// PROPERTYINFO g_arr_SPProperties[] = { // SP packet summary property (SP_SUMMARY) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "", // label "DPlay Service Provider packet", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier NULL, // labeled bit set 512, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance_SPSummary // generic formatter }, // Leading Zero property (SP_LEADZERO) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Leading zero tag", // label "Leading zero tag field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Data Tag property (SP_COMMAND) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Command", // label "Command field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier. &LabeledCommandByteSet, // labeled byte set 512, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Enumeration Key property (SP_ENUMPAYLOAD) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Enum Payload", // label "Enumeration Payload field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Enumeration Key property (SP_ENUMKEY) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Enum Key", // label "Enumeration Key field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Enumeration Response Key property (SP_ENUMRESPKEY) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Enum Response Key", // label "Enumeration Response Key", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Enumeration Response Key property (SP_RTTINDEX) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "RTT Index", // label "RTT Index field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Size of the return address property (SP_RETADDRSIZE) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Return Address's Size", // label "Size of the return address", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Return Address Socket Family property (SP_RETADDRFAMILY) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Socket Family", // label "Socket Family field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier. &LabeledRetAddrFamilyByteSet, // labeled byte set 512, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Return Address Socket Family property (SP_RETADDR_IPX) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "IPX Address", // label "IPX Address field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_IPX_ADDRESS, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Return Address Socket (SP_RETADDRSOCKET_IPX) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Socket", // label "Socket field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Return Address Socket Family property (SP_RETADDR_IP) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "IP Address", // label "IP Address field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // Return Address Socket (SP_RETADDRPORT_IP) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "Port", // label "Port field", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_WORD, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled byte set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter }, // User Data (SP_USERDATA) { 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ) 0, // reserved (MBZ) "User Data", // label "User Data", // status-bar comment PROP_TYPE_RAW_DATA, // data type PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier. NULL, // labeled bit set 64, // description's maximum length FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter } }; enum { nNUM_OF_SP_PROPS = sizeof(g_arr_SPProperties) / sizeof(PROPERTYINFO) }; // Properties' indices enum { SP_SUMMARY = 0, SP_LEADZERO, SP_COMMAND, SP_ENUMPAYLOAD, SP_ENUMKEY, SP_ENUMRESPKEY, SP_RTTINDEX, SP_RETADDRSIZE, SP_RETADDRFAMILY, SP_RETADDR_IPX, SP_RETADDRSOCKET_IPX, SP_RETADDR_IP, SP_RETADDRPORT_IP, SP_USERDATA }; // Platform independent memory accessor of big endian words inline WORD ReadBigEndianWord( BYTE* i_pbData ) { return (*i_pbData << 8) | *(i_pbData+1); } // DESCRIPTION: DPlay packet validation predicate. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - The handle to the frame that contains the data. // i_hPrevProtocol - Handle of the previous protocol. // i_pbMacFrame - The pointer to the first byte of the frame; the pointer provides a way to view // the data that the other parsers recognize. // // RETURNS: DPlay packet = TRUE; NOT a DPlay packet = FALSE // bool IsDPlayPacket( HFRAME i_hFrame, HPROTOCOL i_hPrevProtocol, LPBYTE i_pbMacFrame ) { LPPROTOCOLINFO pPrevProtocolInfo = GetProtocolInfo(i_hPrevProtocol); DWORD dwPrevProtocolOffset = GetProtocolStartOffsetHandle(i_hFrame, i_hPrevProtocol); WORD wSrcPort, wDstPort; if ( strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName), "UDP", sizeof(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName)) == 0 ) { // Extracting the source and destination ports of the packet from its UDP header wSrcPort = ReadBigEndianWord(i_pbMacFrame + dwPrevProtocolOffset); wDstPort = ReadBigEndianWord(i_pbMacFrame + dwPrevProtocolOffset + 2); } else if ( strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName), "IPX", sizeof(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName)) == 0 ) { // Extracting the source and destination ports of the packet from its IPX header wSrcPort = ReadBigEndianWord(i_pbMacFrame + dwPrevProtocolOffset + 16); // source address socket wDstPort = ReadBigEndianWord(i_pbMacFrame + dwPrevProtocolOffset + 28); // destination address socket } else { // Should never happen! return false; } //===========// // Constants // //===========// // static bool bTriedRetrievingUserPorts = false; static bool bRetrievedUserPorts = false; static DWORD dwMinUserPort, dwMaxUserPort; // Retrieval from the registry is attempted only once if ( !bTriedRetrievingUserPorts ) { bTriedRetrievingUserPorts = true; HKEY hKey = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\DirectPlay\\Parsers"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType = NULL; DWORD dwCount = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("MinUserPort"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwMinUserPort, &dwCount) == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("MaxUserPort"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwMaxUserPort, &dwCount) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { bRetrievedUserPorts = true; } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } if ( bRetrievedUserPorts && ((wSrcPort >= dwMinUserPort) && (wSrcPort <= dwMaxUserPort)) && ((wDstPort >= dwMinUserPort) && (wDstPort <= dwMaxUserPort)) ) { // Is a valid DPlay packet return true; } // Make sure both endpoints are using the SP port range [2302, 2400], or the DPNServer port {6073}, or [MinUsePort, MaxUserPort] (if provided by the user) WORD wPort = wSrcPort; for ( int nPorts = 0; nPorts < 2; ++nPorts, wPort = wDstPort ) { if ( ( !bRetrievedUserPorts || (wPort < dwMinUserPort) || (wPort > dwMaxUserPort) ) && ( (wPort < BASE_DPLAY8_PORT) || (wPort > MAX_DPLAY8_PORT) ) && ( wPort != DPNA_DPNSVR_PORT ) ) { // Not a valid DPlay packet return false; } } // Is a valid DPlay packet return true; } // IsDPlayPacket } // anonymous namespace // DESCRIPTION: Creates and fills-in a properties database for the protocol. // Network Monitor uses this database to determine which properties the protocol supports. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hSPProtocol - The handle of the protocol provided by the Network Monitor. // // RETURNS: NOTHING // DPLAYPARSER_API VOID BHAPI SPRegister( HPROTOCOL i_hSPProtocol ) { CreatePropertyDatabase(i_hSPProtocol, nNUM_OF_SP_PROPS); // Add the properties to the database for( int nProp=0; nProp < nNUM_OF_SP_PROPS; ++nProp ) { AddProperty(i_hSPProtocol, &g_arr_SPProperties[nProp]); } } // SPRegister // DESCRIPTION: Frees the resources used to create the protocol property database. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hSPProtocol - The handle of the protocol provided by the Network Monitor. // // RETURNS: NOTHING // DPLAYPARSER_API VOID WINAPI SPDeregister( HPROTOCOL i_hProtocol ) { DestroyPropertyDatabase(i_hProtocol); } // SPDeregister namespace { // DESCRIPTION: Parses the SP frame to find its size (in bytes) NOT including the user data // // ARGUMENTS: i_pbSPFrame - Pointer to the start of the unclaimed data. Typically, the unclaimed data is located // in the middle of a frame because a previous parser has claimed data before this parser. // // RETURNS: Size of the specified SP frame (in bytes) // int SPHeaderSize( LPBYTE i_pbSPFrame ) { using namespace DPlaySP; // Check what SP frame we are dealing with PREPEND_BUFFER& rSPFrame = *reinterpret_cast<PREPEND_BUFFER*>(i_pbSPFrame); // switch ( rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte ) { case ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Query { return sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader); } case ENUM_RESPONSE_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Response { return sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader); } case PROXIED_ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider Proxied Query { return sizeof(rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader); } case ESCAPED_USER_DATA_KIND: // user data starting with zero { return sizeof(rSPFrame.EscapedUserDataHeader); } default: // user data starting with a nonzero byte { return 0; // no header } } } // SPHeaderSize } // Anonymous namespace // DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether a piece of data is recognized as the protocol that the parser detects. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - The handle to the frame that contains the data. // i_pbMacFrame - The pointer to the first byte of the frame; the pointer provides a way to view // the data that the other parsers recognize. // i_pbSPFrame - Pointer to the start of the unclaimed data. Typically, the unclaimed data is located // in the middle of a frame because a previous parser has claimed data before this parser. // i_dwMacType - MAC value of the first protocol in a frame. Typically, the i_dwMacType value is used // when the parser must identify the first protocol in the frame. Can be one of the following: // MAC_TYPE_ETHERNET = 802.3, MAC_TYPE_TOKENRING = 802.5, MAC_TYPE_FDDI ANSI = X3T9.5. // i_dwBytesLeft - The remaining number of bytes from a location in the frame to the end of the frame. // i_hPrevProtocol - Handle of the previous protocol. // i_dwPrevProtOffset - Offset of the previous protocol (from the beginning of the frame). // o_pdwProtocolStatus - Protocol status indicator. Must be one of the following: PROTOCOL_STATUS_RECOGNIZED, // PROTOCOL_STATUS_NOT_RECOGNIZED, PROTOCOL_STATUS_CLAIMED, PROTOCOL_STATUS_NEXT_PROTOCOL. // o_phNextProtocol - Placeholder for the handle of the next protocol. This parameter is set when the parser identifies // the protocol that follows its own protocol. // io_pdwptrInstData - On input, a pointer to the instance data from the previous protocol. // On output, a pointer to the instance data for the current protocol. // // RETURNS: If the function is successful, the return value is a pointer to the first byte after the recognized parser data. // If the parser claims all the remaining data, the return value is NULL. If the function is unsuccessful, the return // value is the initial value of the i_pbSPFrame parameter. // DPLAYPARSER_API LPBYTE BHAPI SPRecognizeFrame( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbSPFrame, DWORD i_dwMacType, DWORD i_dwBytesLeft, HPROTOCOL i_hPrevProtocol, DWORD i_dwPrevProtOffset, LPDWORD o_pdwProtocolStatus, LPHPROTOCOL o_phNextProtocol, PDWORD_PTR io_pdwptrInstData ) { using namespace DPlaySP; // Validate the amount of unclaimed data enum { nMIN_SPHeaderSize = sizeof(PREPEND_BUFFER::_GENERIC_HEADER) }; // Validate the packet as DPlay SP type if ( (i_dwBytesLeft < nMIN_SPHeaderSize) || !IsDPlayPacket(i_hFrame, i_hPrevProtocol, i_upbMacFrame) ) { // Assume the unclaimed data is not recognizable *o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_NOT_RECOGNIZED; return i_upbSPFrame; } //==========================// // Get the DPlay frame size // //==========================// LPPROTOCOLINFO pPrevProtocolInfo = GetProtocolInfo(i_hPrevProtocol); WORD wDPlayFrameSize = 0; if ( strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName), "UDP", sizeof(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName)) == 0 ) { // Extracting the UDP frame size WORD wUDPFrameSize = ReadBigEndianWord(i_upbMacFrame + i_dwPrevProtOffset + 4); enum { nUDP_HEADER_SIZE = 8 }; wDPlayFrameSize = wUDPFrameSize - nUDP_HEADER_SIZE; } else if ( strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName), "IPX", sizeof(pPrevProtocolInfo->ProtocolName)) == 0 ) { // Extracting the IPX frame size WORD wIPXFrameSize = ReadBigEndianWord(i_upbMacFrame + i_dwPrevProtOffset + 2); // source address socket enum { nIPX_HEADER_SIZE = 30 }; wDPlayFrameSize = wIPXFrameSize - nIPX_HEADER_SIZE; } else { ; // TODO: ASSERT HERE } // Pass along the size of the Transport frame DWORD_PTR dwptrTransportFrameSize = wDPlayFrameSize - SPHeaderSize(i_upbSPFrame); *io_pdwptrInstData = dwptrTransportFrameSize; PREPEND_BUFFER& rSPFrame = *reinterpret_cast<PREPEND_BUFFER*>(i_upbSPFrame); if ( rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPLeadByte == SP_HEADER_LEAD_BYTE ) // SP packet { *o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_RECOGNIZED; *o_phNextProtocol = NULL; if ( rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte == ESCAPED_USER_DATA_KIND ) // user data starting with zero (non-DPlay v8 Transport packet) { *o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_RECOGNIZED; return i_upbSPFrame + sizeof(PREPEND_BUFFER::_ESCAPED_USER_DATA_HEADER); } } else // user data (DPlay v8 Transport packet) { // Notify NetMon about the handoff protocol *o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_NEXT_PROTOCOL; *o_phNextProtocol = GetProtocolFromName("DPLAYTRANSPORT"); return i_upbSPFrame; } // Claim the rest of the data return NULL; } // SPRecognizeFrame // DESCRIPTION: Maps the properties that exist in a piece of recognized data to specific locations. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - Handle of the frame that is being parsed. // i_pbMacFram - Pointer to the first byte in the frame. // i_pbSPFrame - Pointer to the start of the recognized data. // i_dwMacType - MAC value of the first protocol in a frame. Typically, the i_dwMacType value is used // when the parser must identify the first protocol in the frame. Can be one of the following: // MAC_TYPE_ETHERNET = 802.3, MAC_TYPE_TOKENRING = 802.5, MAC_TYPE_FDDI ANSI = X3T9.5. // i_dwBytesLeft - The remaining number of bytes in a frame (starting from the beginning of the recognized data). // i_hPrevProtocol - Handle of the previous protocol. // i_dwPrevProtOffset - Offset of the previous protocol (starting from the beginning of the frame). // i_dwptrInstData - Pointer to the instance data that the previous protocol provides. // // RETURNS: Must return NULL // DPLAYPARSER_API LPBYTE BHAPI SPAttachProperties( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbSPFrame, DWORD i_dwMacType, DWORD i_dwBytesLeft, HPROTOCOL i_hPrevProtocol, DWORD i_dwPrevProtOffset, DWORD_PTR i_dwptrInstData ) { using namespace DPlaySP; //===================// // Attach Properties // //===================// // Summary line AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_SUMMARY].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft, i_upbSPFrame, 0, 0, 0); // Protection against NetMon if ( *i_upbSPFrame ) { return NULL; } // Check what SP frame we are dealing with PREPEND_BUFFER& rSPFrame = *reinterpret_cast<PREPEND_BUFFER*>(i_upbSPFrame); // Leading Zero tag field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_LEADZERO].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPLeadByte), &rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPLeadByte, 0, 1, 0); // Command field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_COMMAND].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte), &rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte, 0, 1, 0); switch ( rSPFrame.GenericHeader.bSPCommandByte ) { case ESCAPED_USER_DATA_KIND: // user data starting with zero { break; } case ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider's Enumeration Request { // Enum payload field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_ENUMPAYLOAD].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload), &rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload, 0, 1, 0); // Enum Key field DWORD dwEnumKey = rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload & ~ENUM_RTT_MASK; AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_ENUMKEY].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload), &rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload, sizeof(dwEnumKey), &dwEnumKey, 0, 2, 0); // RTT index field BYTE byRTTIndex = rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload & ENUM_RTT_MASK; AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RTTINDEX].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload), &rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload, sizeof(byRTTIndex), &byRTTIndex, 0, 2, 0); break; } case ENUM_RESPONSE_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider's Enumeration Response { // Enum payload field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_ENUMPAYLOAD].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload), &rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload, 0, 1, 0); // Enum Key field DWORD dwEnumKey = rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload & ~ENUM_RTT_MASK; AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_ENUMRESPKEY].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload), &rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload, sizeof(dwEnumKey), &dwEnumKey, 0, 2, 0); // RTT index field BYTE byRTTIndex = rSPFrame.EnumDataHeader.wEnumPayload & ENUM_RTT_MASK; AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RTTINDEX].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload), &rSPFrame.EnumResponseDataHeader.wEnumResponsePayload, sizeof(byRTTIndex), &byRTTIndex, 0, 2, 0); break; } case PROXIED_ENUM_DATA_KIND: // Service Provider's Proxied Enumeration Query { // Return Address Size field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDRSIZE].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress), &rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress, 0, 1, 0); // Enum Key field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_ENUMKEY].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.wEnumKey), &rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.wEnumKey, 0, 1, 0); // Return Address Socket Address Family field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDRFAMILY].hProperty, sizeof(rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress.sa_family), &rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress.sa_family, 0, 1, 0); switch ( rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress.sa_family ) { case AF_IPX: { SOCKADDR_IPX& rIPXAddress = *reinterpret_cast<SOCKADDR_IPX*>(&rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress); // Return Address field (IPX Network Number + Node Number) AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDR_IPX].hProperty, sizeof(rIPXAddress.sa_netnum) + sizeof(rIPXAddress.sa_nodenum), &rIPXAddress.sa_netnum, 0, 1, 0); // Return Address Socket Address IPX Socket Number field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDRSOCKET_IPX].hProperty, sizeof(rIPXAddress.sa_socket), &rIPXAddress.sa_socket, 0, 1, 0); break; } case AF_INET: { SOCKADDR_IN& rIPAddress = *reinterpret_cast<SOCKADDR_IN*>(&rSPFrame.ProxiedEnumDataHeader.ReturnAddress); // Return Address field (IP Address) AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDR_IP].hProperty, sizeof(rIPAddress.sin_addr), &rIPAddress.sin_addr, 0, 1, 0); // Return Address Port field AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_RETADDRPORT_IP].hProperty, sizeof(rIPAddress.sin_port), &rIPAddress.sin_port, 0, 1, 0); break; } default: { // TODO: DPF(0, "Unknown socket type!"); break; } } break; } } size_t sztSPHeaderSize = SPHeaderSize(i_upbSPFrame); if ( i_dwBytesLeft > sztSPHeaderSize ) { size_t sztUserDataSize = i_dwBytesLeft - sztSPHeaderSize; // User data AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_SPProperties[SP_USERDATA].hProperty, sztUserDataSize, i_upbSPFrame + sztSPHeaderSize, 0, 1, 0); } return NULL; } // SPAttachProperties // DESCRIPTION: Formats the data that is displayed in the details pane of the Network Monitor UI. // // ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - Handle of the frame that is being parsed. // i_pbMacFrame - Pointer to the first byte of a frame. // i_pbCoreFrame - Pointer to the beginning of the protocol data in a frame. // i_dwPropertyInsts - Number of PROPERTYINST structures provided by lpPropInst. // i_pPropInst - Pointer to an array of PROPERTYINST structures. // // RETURNS: If the function is successful, the return value is a pointer to the first byte after the recognized data in a frame, // or NULL if the recognized data is the last piece of data in a frame. If the function is unsuccessful, the return value // is the initial value of i_pbSPFrame. // DPLAYPARSER_API DWORD BHAPI SPFormatProperties( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbSPFrame, DWORD i_dwPropertyInsts, LPPROPERTYINST i_pPropInst ) { // Loop through the property instances... while( i_dwPropertyInsts-- > 0) { // ...and call the formatter for each reinterpret_cast<FORMAT>(i_pPropInst->lpPropertyInfo->InstanceData)(i_pPropInst); ++i_pPropInst; } // TODO: MAKE SURE THIS SHOULD NOT BE TRUE return NMERR_SUCCESS; } // SPFormatProperties // DESCRIPTION: Notifies Network Monitor that DPlay v8 Transport protocol parser exists. // // ARGUMENTS: NONE // // RETURNS: TRUE - success, FALSE - failure // bool CreateSPProtocol( void ) { // The entry points to the export functions that Network Monitor uses to operate the parser ENTRYPOINTS SPEntryPoints = { // SPParser Entry Points SPRegister, SPDeregister, SPRecognizeFrame, SPAttachProperties, SPFormatProperties }; // The first active instance of this parser needs to register with the kernel g_hSPProtocol = CreateProtocol("DPLAYSP", &SPEntryPoints, ENTRYPOINTS_SIZE); return (g_hSPProtocol ? TRUE : FALSE); } // CreateSPProtocol // DESCRIPTION: Removes the DPlay v8 Transport protocol parser from the Network Monitor's database of parsers // // ARGUMENTS: NONE // // RETURNS: NOTHING // void DestroySPProtocol( void ) { DestroyProtocol(g_hSPProtocol); } // DestroySPProtocol