#include "pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "adapter.h" #include "diag.h" #include "inetcfg.h" #include "lanamap.h" #include "ncreg.h" #include "ncsetup.h" #include "netcfg.h" #include "persist.h" #include "util.h" #include // _kbhit //move to classinst.cpp HRESULT HrCiDoCompleteSectionInstall( HINF hinfFile, HKEY hkeyRelative, PCWSTR szSection, HWND hwndParent, BOOL fEnumerated); class CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic { public: static VOID DoCreateReleaseDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, BOOL fPrime); static VOID DoEnumAllDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions); static VOID DoSaveLoadDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig); static VOID DoWriteLockDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig); static VOID CmdFullDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig); }; VOID PromptForLeakCheck ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN PCSTR psz) { if (pOptions->fLeakCheck) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, psz); while (!_kbhit()) { Sleep (50); } _getch (); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n"); } } HRESULT HrCreateINetCfg ( IN BOOL fAcquireWriteLock, OUT CImplINetCfg** ppINetCfg) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; hr = CComCreator >::CreateInstance( NULL, IID_INetCfg, (VOID**)&pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { if (fAcquireWriteLock) { hr = pINetCfg->AcquireWriteLock (100, L"ncdiag", NULL); if (S_FALSE == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "The write lock could not be acquired.\n"); } else if (NETCFG_E_NEED_REBOOT == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "A reboot is required before any futher " "changes can be made.\n"); } } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pINetCfg->Initialize (NULL); if (S_OK == hr) { *ppINetCfg = pINetCfg; } } if (S_OK != hr) { ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } } return hr; } HRESULT HrFindBindPath ( IN CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg, IN PCWSTR pszPathToken, OUT INetCfgBindingPath** ppIPath, OUT INetCfgComponentBindings** ppIOwner) { HRESULT hr; const WCHAR szDelim[] = L"->"; WCHAR szBindPath [_MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR pszInfId; PWSTR pszNext; INetCfgComponent* pIComp; *ppIPath = NULL; if (ppIOwner) { *ppIOwner = NULL; } wcscpy (szBindPath, pszPathToken); pszInfId = GetNextStringToken (szBindPath, szDelim, &pszNext); hr = pINetCfg->FindComponent (pszInfId, &pIComp); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgComponentBindings* pIBind; hr = pIComp->QueryInterface (IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (VOID**)&pIBind); if (S_OK == hr) { IEnumNetCfgBindingPath* pIEnumPath; hr = pIBind->EnumBindingPaths (EBP_BELOW, &pIEnumPath); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgBindingPath* rgIPath [256]; ULONG cIPath; hr = pIEnumPath->Next (celems(rgIPath), rgIPath, &cIPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cIPath) { for (ULONG iPath = 0; (iPath < cIPath) && !(*ppIPath); iPath++) { PWSTR pszToken; hr = rgIPath[iPath]->GetPathToken (&pszToken); if (S_OK == hr) { if (0 == wcscmp (pszPathToken, pszToken)) { AddRefObj (rgIPath[iPath]); *ppIPath = rgIPath[iPath]; if (ppIOwner) { INetCfgComponent* pICompOwner; hr = rgIPath[0]->GetOwner(&pICompOwner); Assert (S_OK == hr); pICompOwner->QueryInterface ( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (VOID**)ppIOwner); ReleaseObj (pICompOwner); } } CoTaskMemFree (pszToken); } } ReleaseIUnknownArray(cIPath, (IUnknown**)rgIPath); hr = S_OK; } ReleaseObj (pIEnumPath); } ReleaseObj (pIBind); } ReleaseObj (pIComp); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } // This test ensures proper circular reference behavior between CNetConfig // and CImplINetCfg. // The following is performed: // create a CNetConfig and have it create its INetCfg for the notify objects. // AddRef its INetCfg // destroy the CNetConfig // Try to Uninitialize the INetCfg which should fail because it never // owned its internal CNetConfig pointer. // Release the INetCfg and ensure that nothing is leaked. // VOID CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::DoCreateReleaseDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN BOOL fPrime) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg = NULL; if (!fPrime) { PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Create/Release diagnostic...(dump heap)"); } // Scoping brackets so that NetConfig will be created and destroyed // in this scope. // { CNetConfig NetConfig; hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry (KEY_READ, &NetConfig); if (S_OK == hr) { // Shouldn't have internal INetCfg created yet. // Assert (!NetConfig.Notify.m_pINetCfg); hr = NetConfig.Notify.HrEnsureNotifyObjectsInitialized (); if (S_OK == hr) { // Should now have internal INetCfg created. // Assert (NetConfig.Notify.m_pINetCfg); pINetCfg = NetConfig.Notify.m_pINetCfg; // INetCfg should be pointing back to our CNetConfig object. // Assert (&NetConfig == pINetCfg->m_pNetConfig); // Let's hang on to it and see what happens after we let // the parent CNetConfig be destroyed. // pINetCfg = NetConfig.Notify.m_pINetCfg; AddRefObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } } } if ((S_OK == hr) && pINetCfg) { // Now that CNetConfig is destroyed, it should not be pointing to // any CNetConfig object. // Assert (!pINetCfg->m_pNetConfig); hr = pINetCfg->Uninitialize(); Assert (NETCFG_E_NOT_INITIALIZED == hr); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } if (NETCFG_E_NOT_INITIALIZED == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Passed Create/Release diagnostic.\n"); } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Create/Release diagnostic.\n"); } if (!fPrime) { PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Create/Release diagnostic...(dump heap and compare)"); } } VOID CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::DoEnumAllDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Enumerate All diagnostic...(dump heap)"); hr = HrCreateINetCfg (FALSE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { IEnumNetCfgComponent* pIEnum; hr = pINetCfg->EnumComponents (NULL, &pIEnum); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgComponent* rgIComp[128]; ULONG cIComp; hr = pIEnum->Next (celems(rgIComp), rgIComp, &cIComp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cIComp) { INetCfgComponentBindings* pIBind; IEnumNetCfgBindingPath* pIEnumPath; INetCfgBindingPath* rgIPath[256]; PWSTR pszInfId; ULONG cIPath; ULONG cIPathTotal = 0; ULONG cIIntTotal = 0; for (ULONG iComp = 0; iComp < cIComp; iComp++) { hr = rgIComp[iComp]->GetId (&pszInfId); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = (*pszInfId) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; if (S_OK != hr) { break; } hr = rgIComp[iComp]->QueryInterface (IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (VOID**)&pIBind); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pIBind->EnumBindingPaths (EBP_BELOW, &pIEnumPath); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pIEnumPath->Next (celems(rgIPath), rgIPath, &cIPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (ULONG iPath = 0; iPath < cIPath; iPath++) { ULONG ulDepth; hr = rgIPath[iPath]->GetDepth(&ulDepth); if (S_OK == hr) { IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface* pIEnumInt; INetCfgBindingInterface* rgIInt[128]; ULONG cIInt; hr = rgIPath[iPath]->EnumBindingInterfaces (&pIEnumInt); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pIEnumInt->Next (celems(rgIInt), rgIInt, &cIInt); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { cIIntTotal += cIInt; ReleaseIUnknownArray(cIInt, (IUnknown**)rgIInt); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } ReleaseObj (pIEnumInt); } } } cIPathTotal += cIPath; ReleaseIUnknownArray(cIPath, (IUnknown**)rgIPath); hr = S_OK; } ReleaseObj (pIEnumPath); } ReleaseObj (pIBind); } CoTaskMemFree (pszInfId); } if (S_OK != hr) { break; } } ReleaseIUnknownArray(cIComp, (IUnknown**)rgIComp); // Note: Total bindpaths are not total unique bindpaths. // (A component's bindpaths which end in ms_ipx have // ms_ipx's lower bindings added. These additional // bindings are counted for every component which has // bindpaths that end in ms_ipx.) // g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Passed Enumerate All diagnostic. (%d components, %d (non-unique) bindpaths, %d interfaces)\n", cIComp, cIPathTotal, cIIntTotal); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } ReleaseObj (pIEnum); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Enumerate All diagnostic.\n"); } PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Enumerate All diagnostic...(dump heap and compare)"); } VOID CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::DoSaveLoadDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fClearDisabledBindings = FALSE; CBindingSet BindingSet; CComponentList::iterator iter; CComponent* pComponent; // Generate a full set of bindings so we test persisting them as // disabled bindings, but only if we don't already have disabled // bindings. // if (0 == pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.CountBindPaths()) { fClearDisabledBindings = TRUE; for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent); hr = pNetConfig->Core.HrGetComponentBindings ( pComponent, GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET, &pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings); if (S_OK != hr) return; } } PBYTE pbBuf; ULONG cbBuf; hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBufferWithAlloc ( pNetConfig, &pbBuf, &cbBuf); if (S_OK == hr) { CNetConfig NetConfigCopy; hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromBuffer ( pbBuf, cbBuf, &NetConfigCopy); if (S_OK == hr) { PBYTE pbBufCopy; ULONG cbBufCopy; hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBufferWithAlloc ( &NetConfigCopy, &pbBufCopy, &cbBufCopy); if (S_OK == hr) { if ((cbBufCopy == cbBuf) && (0 == memcmp(pbBufCopy, pbBuf, cbBuf))) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Passed Save/Load diagnostic. (%d bytes)\n", cbBuf); } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED compare for Save/Load diagnostic.\n"); } MemFree (pbBufCopy); } } MemFree (pbBuf); } // Leave the disabled bindings as we found them. // if (fClearDisabledBindings) { pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.Clear(); } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Save/Load diagnostic.\n"); } } VOID CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::DoWriteLockDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; BOOL fFailed = FALSE; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "WriteLock diagnostic...(dump heap)"); hr = CComCreator >::CreateInstance( NULL, IID_INetCfg, (VOID**)&pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { PWSTR psz; hr = pINetCfg->IsWriteLocked (&psz); if (S_FALSE != hr) fFailed = TRUE; if (psz) fFailed = TRUE; hr = pINetCfg->AcquireWriteLock (100, L"ncdiag", &psz); if (S_OK != hr) fFailed = TRUE; if (psz) fFailed = TRUE; if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pINetCfg->IsWriteLocked (&psz); if (S_OK != hr) fFailed = TRUE; if (!psz) fFailed = TRUE; if (S_OK == hr) { if (0 != wcscmp(L"ncdiag", psz)) { fFailed = TRUE; } } CoTaskMemFree (psz); hr = pINetCfg->ReleaseWriteLock (); if (S_OK != hr) fFailed = TRUE; hr = pINetCfg->IsWriteLocked (&psz); if (S_FALSE != hr) fFailed = TRUE; if (psz) fFailed = TRUE; } ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } if (!fFailed) { PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "WriteLock diagnostic...(dump heap and compare)"); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Passed WriteLock diagnostic.\n"); } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED WriteLock diagnostic.\n"); } } VOID CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::CmdFullDiagnostic ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { DoCreateReleaseDiagnostic (pOptions, TRUE); if (pOptions->fLeakCheck) { DoCreateReleaseDiagnostic (pOptions, FALSE); } DoEnumAllDiagnostic (pOptions); DoSaveLoadDiagnostic (pOptions, pNetConfig); DoWriteLockDiagnostic (pOptions, pNetConfig); } VOID CmdAddComponent ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Add component...(dump heap)"); hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgClassSetup* pSetup; hr = pINetCfg->QueryNetCfgClass ( &pOptions->ClassGuid, IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (VOID**)&pSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { OBO_TOKEN OboToken; INetCfgComponent* pIComp; ZeroMemory (&OboToken, sizeof(OboToken)); OboToken.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pSetup->Install ( pOptions->pszInfId, &OboToken, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &pIComp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ReleaseObj (pIComp); } if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was installed, but a reboot is required.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "The INF file for %S could not be found.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } ReleaseObj (pSetup); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Add component.\n"); } PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Add component...(dump heap and compare)"); } VOID CmdAddRemoveStress ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; NETCLASS Class; PCWSTR pszInfId; PRODUCT_FLAVOR Flavor; BOOL fPrompted; static const struct { NETCLASS Class; PCWSTR pszInfId; BOOL fServerOnly; } aPassInfo [] = { { NC_NETCLIENT, L"ms_msclient", FALSE }, { NC_NETCLIENT, L"ms_nwclient", FALSE }, // { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_fpnw", FALSE }, // requries copy files { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_netbios", FALSE }, { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_nwsapagent", FALSE }, { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_psched", FALSE }, { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_rsvp", FALSE }, { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_server", FALSE }, // { NC_NETSERVICE, L"ms_wlbs", FALSE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_appletalk", FALSE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_atmarps", TRUE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_atmlane", FALSE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_atmuni", FALSE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_irda", FALSE }, // { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_isotpsys", FALSE }, { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_rawwan", FALSE }, // { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_streams", FALSE }, // { NC_NETTRANS, L"ms_tcpip", FALSE }, }; GetProductFlavor (NULL, &Flavor); fPrompted = FALSE; g_pDiagCtx->SetFlags ( DF_SHOW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT | DF_DONT_START_SERVICES | DF_DONT_DO_PNP_BINDS | DF_SUPRESS_E_NEED_REBOOT); hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { UINT cSkip = 0; for (BOOL fInstall = TRUE; !_kbhit() && (S_OK == hr); fInstall = !fInstall) { for (UINT i = cSkip; (i < celems(aPassInfo)) && (S_OK == hr); i += (1 + cSkip)) { INetCfgClassSetup* pSetup; INetCfgComponent* pIComp; if (aPassInfo[i].fServerOnly && (PF_WORKSTATION == Flavor)) { continue; } Class = aPassInfo[i].Class; pszInfId = aPassInfo[i].pszInfId; if (fInstall) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "--------------------\n" "Installing %S\n", pszInfId); hr = pINetCfg->QueryNetCfgClass ( MAP_NETCLASS_TO_GUID[Class], IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (VOID**)&pSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { OBO_TOKEN OboToken; ZeroMemory (&OboToken, sizeof(OboToken)); OboToken.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pSetup->Install ( pszInfId, &OboToken, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &pIComp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ReleaseObj (pIComp); } if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was installed, but a reboot is required.\n", pszInfId); } ReleaseObj (pSetup); } } else { hr = pINetCfg->FindComponent (pszInfId, &pIComp); if (S_OK == hr) { GUID ClassGuid; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "--------------------\n" "Removing %S\n", pszInfId); hr = pIComp->GetClassGuid (&ClassGuid); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pINetCfg->QueryNetCfgClass ( &ClassGuid, IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (VOID**)&pSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { OBO_TOKEN OboToken; ZeroMemory (&OboToken, sizeof(OboToken)); OboToken.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pSetup->DeInstall ( pIComp, &OboToken, NULL); if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was removed, but a reboot is required.\n", pszInfId); } if (NETCFG_S_STILL_REFERENCED == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S is still referenced\n", pszInfId); } if (E_INVALIDARG == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S is installed, but not on behalf of " "the user, so we can't remove it. (Proceeding.)\n", pszInfId); } ReleaseObj (pSetup); } } ReleaseObj (pIComp); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } } } cSkip++; if (cSkip >= celems(aPassInfo)) { cSkip = 0; } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n"); if (!fPrompted) { PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Add/Remove stress...(dump heap)"); fPrompted = TRUE; } } if (S_OK == hr) { _getch (); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Add/Remove stress component.\n"); } if (fPrompted) { PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Add/Remove stress...(dump heap and compare)"); } } VOID CmdCleanup ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; NETCLASS Class; PCWSTR pszSubtree; HKEY hkeySubtree; DWORD dwIndex; HKEY hkeyInstance; GUID InstanceGuid; BOOL fDeleteKey; WCHAR szInfPath [_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szInfSection [_MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData; static const struct { NETCLASS Class; PCWSTR pszSubtree; } aPassInfo [] = { { NC_NET, NULL }, { NC_INFRARED, NULL }, { NC_NETTRANS, NULL }, { NC_NETCLIENT, NULL }, { NC_NETSERVICE, NULL }, { NC_NET, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}" }, }; for (UINT i = 0; i < celems(aPassInfo); i++) { Class = aPassInfo[i].Class; pszSubtree = aPassInfo[i].pszSubtree; Assert (FIsValidNetClass(Class)); if (!pszSubtree) { pszSubtree = MAP_NETCLASS_TO_NETWORK_SUBTREE[Class]; } // Play it safe and assume we don't be deleting anything. // fDeleteKey = FALSE; if (!FIsEnumerated (Class)) { hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszSubtree, KEY_READ, &hkeySubtree); if (S_OK == hr) { DWORD cchGuid; WCHAR szInstanceGuid [c_cchGuidWithTerm]; FILETIME ftLastWrite; for (dwIndex = 0; S_OK == hr; dwIndex++) { fDeleteKey = FALSE; cchGuid = celems(szInstanceGuid); hr = HrRegEnumKeyEx ( hkeySubtree, dwIndex, szInstanceGuid, &cchGuid, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWrite); if ((S_OK == hr) && ((c_cchGuidWithTerm-1) == cchGuid)) { hr = IIDFromString (szInstanceGuid, &InstanceGuid); if (S_OK == hr) { if (!pNetConfig->Core.Components.PFindComponentByInstanceGuid(&InstanceGuid)) { fDeleteKey = TRUE; hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx ( hkeySubtree, szInstanceGuid, KEY_READ, &hkeyInstance); if (S_OK == hr) { *szInfPath = 0; *szInfSection = 0; cbData = sizeof(szInfPath); HrRegQuerySzBuffer (hkeyInstance, REGSTR_VAL_INFPATH, szInfPath, &cbData); cbData = sizeof(szInfSection) - sizeof(L".Remove"); HrRegQuerySzBuffer (hkeyInstance, REGSTR_VAL_INFSECTION, szInfSection, &cbData); if (*szInfPath && *szInfSection) { HINF hinf; hr = HrSetupOpenInfFile ( szInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, &hinf); if (S_OK == hr) { wcscat (szInfSection, L".Remove"); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Running %S...\n", szInfSection); hr = HrCiDoCompleteSectionInstall( hinf, hkeyInstance, szInfSection, NULL, FIsEnumerated(Class)); SetupCloseInfFile (hinf); } } RegCloseKey (hkeyInstance); } } } if (fDeleteKey) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Deleting tree %S...\n", szInstanceGuid); (VOID) HrRegDeleteKeyTree (hkeySubtree, szInstanceGuid); fDeleteKey = FALSE; // Back the index up by one since we just // delete the current element. // dwIndex--; } } } if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) == hr) { hr = S_OK; } RegCloseKey (hkeySubtree); } } else { HDEVINFO hdi; hr = HrSetupDiGetClassDevs (MAP_NETCLASS_TO_GUID[Class], NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PROFILE, &hdi); if (S_OK == hr) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA deid; WCHAR szPnpId [2 * _MAX_PATH]; BOOL fr; for (dwIndex = 0; S_OK == hr; dwIndex++) { hr = HrSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hdi, dwIndex, &deid); if (S_OK == hr) { fr = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId ( hdi, &deid, szPnpId, celems(szPnpId), NULL); if (fr) { if (!pNetConfig->Core.Components.PFindComponentByPnpId(szPnpId)) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Removing %S...\n", szPnpId); ADAPTER_REMOVE_PARAMS arp = {0}; CiSetReservedField (hdi, &deid, &arp); hr = HrSetupDiCallClassInstaller ( DIF_REMOVE, hdi, &deid); CiClearReservedField (hdi, &deid); } } } } if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) == hr) { hr = S_OK; } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hdi); } } } } VOID CmdRemoveComponent ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Remove component...(dump heap)"); hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgComponent* pIComp; hr = pINetCfg->FindComponent (pOptions->pszInfId, &pIComp); if (S_OK == hr) { GUID ClassGuid; hr = pIComp->GetClassGuid (&ClassGuid); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgClassSetup* pSetup; hr = pINetCfg->QueryNetCfgClass ( &ClassGuid, IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (VOID**)&pSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { OBO_TOKEN OboToken; ZeroMemory (&OboToken, sizeof(OboToken)); OboToken.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pSetup->DeInstall ( pIComp, &OboToken, NULL); if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was removed, but a reboot is required.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } if (NETCFG_S_STILL_REFERENCED == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S is still referenced\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } if (E_INVALIDARG == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S is installed, but not on behalf of " "the user, so it was not removed.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } ReleaseObj (pSetup); } } ReleaseObj (pIComp); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was not found.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); hr = S_OK; } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } else if (NETCFG_E_NEED_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Remove component.\n"); } PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Remove component...(dump heap and compare)"); } VOID CmdUpdateComponent ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Update component...(dump heap)"); hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgComponent* pIComp; hr = pINetCfg->FindComponent (pOptions->pszInfId, &pIComp); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgInternalSetup* pSetup; hr = pINetCfg->GetUnknown()->QueryInterface ( IID_INetCfgInternalSetup, (VOID**)&pSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pSetup->UpdateNonEnumeratedComponent ( pIComp, NSF_POSTSYSINSTALL, 0); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pINetCfg->Apply (); if (NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was removed, but a reboot is required.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); } } ReleaseObj (pSetup); } ReleaseObj (pIComp); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S was not found.\n", pOptions->pszInfId); hr = S_OK; } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } else if (NETCFG_E_NEED_REBOOT == hr) { hr = S_OK; } if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED Update component.\n"); } PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Update component...(dump heap and compare)"); } VOID CmdRemoveReferences ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { Assert (pOptions->pszInfId); CComponent* pComponent; pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components.PFindComponentByInfId ( pOptions->pszInfId, NULL); if (pComponent) { pComponent->Refs.RemoveAllReferences(); HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToRegistry (pNetConfig); } } VOID CmdShowBindings ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComponent* pComponent; CBindingSet BindingSet; tstring strBindingSet; if (SHOW_DISABLED == pOptions->ShowBindParam) { pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.Printf (ttidBeDiag, NULL); return; } else if (CST_BY_NAME == pOptions->CompSpecifier.Type) { pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components.PFindComponentByPnpId ( pOptions->CompSpecifier.pszInfOrPnpId); if (!pComponent) { pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components.PFindComponentByInfId ( pOptions->CompSpecifier.pszInfOrPnpId, NULL); } if (!pComponent) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Component not found."); return; } if (SHOW_BELOW == pOptions->ShowBindParam) { hr = pNetConfig->Core.HrGetComponentBindings ( pComponent, GBF_DEFAULT, &BindingSet); } else if (SHOW_INVOLVING == pOptions->ShowBindParam) { hr = pNetConfig->Core.HrGetBindingsInvolvingComponent ( pComponent, GBF_DEFAULT, &BindingSet); } if ((SHOW_UPPER == pOptions->ShowBindParam) && FIsEnumerated(pComponent->Class())) { hr = pNetConfig->Core.HrGetComponentUpperBindings ( pComponent, GBF_DEFAULT, &BindingSet); } } else if (CST_ALL == pOptions->CompSpecifier.Type) { CComponentList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent); hr = pNetConfig->Core.HrGetComponentBindings ( pComponent, GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET, &BindingSet); if (S_OK != hr) break; } } if ((S_OK == hr) && !BindingSet.FIsEmpty()) { BindingSet.Printf (ttidBeDiag, NULL); } } VOID CmdShowComponents ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; WCHAR szBuffer [256]; CHAR* pszNetClass; UINT CountRefdBy; UINT i; hr = pNetConfig->HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents (); if (S_OK != hr) { return; } for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent); StringFromGUID2 (pComponent->m_InstanceGuid, szBuffer, celems(szBuffer)); switch (pComponent->Class()) { case NC_NET: pszNetClass = "NET "; break; case NC_INFRARED: pszNetClass = "INFRARED "; break; case NC_NETTRANS: pszNetClass = "TRANSPORT"; break; case NC_NETCLIENT: pszNetClass = "CLIENT "; break; case NC_NETSERVICE: pszNetClass = "SERVICE "; break; default: pszNetClass = "(Invalid)"; break; } tstring strChars; SzFromCharacteristics(pComponent->m_dwCharacter, &strChars); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n" "%S %S\n" // InfId PnpId " Description: %S\n" " Class: %s\n" " Character: (0x%08x) %S\n" " Guid: %S\n" " NotifyObject?: %s\n" " BindForm: %S\n" " BindName: %S\n" " Service (CoServices): %S (%S)\n" " Ref'd by User?: %s\n", pComponent->m_pszInfId, (pComponent->m_pszPnpId) ? pComponent->m_pszPnpId : L"", (pComponent->Ext.PszDescription()) ? pComponent->Ext.PszDescription() : L"", pszNetClass, pComponent->m_dwCharacter, strChars.c_str(), szBuffer, pComponent->Ext.FHasNotifyObject() ? "Yes" : "No", (pComponent->Ext.PszBindForm()) ? pComponent->Ext.PszBindForm() : L"", pComponent->Ext.PszBindName(), (pComponent->Ext.PszService()) ? pComponent->Ext.PszService() : L"(none)", (pComponent->Ext.PszCoServices()) ? pComponent->Ext.PszCoServices() : L"none", (pComponent->Refs.FIsReferencedByUser()) ? "Yes" : "No"); CountRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.CountComponentsReferencedBy(); if (CountRefdBy) { *szBuffer = 0; for (i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { CComponent* pRefdBy; pRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.PComponentReferencedByAtIndex(i); Assert (pRefdBy); wcscat (szBuffer, pRefdBy->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); wcscat (szBuffer, L" "); } } else { wcscpy (szBuffer, L"(none)"); } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, " Ref'd by Components: %S\n", szBuffer); CountRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.CountSoftwareReferencedBy(); if (CountRefdBy) { *szBuffer = 0; for (i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { const CWideString* pRefdBy; pRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.PSoftwareReferencedByAtIndex(i); Assert (pRefdBy); wcscat (szBuffer, pRefdBy->c_str()); wcscat (szBuffer, L" "); } } else { wcscpy (szBuffer, L"(none)"); } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, " Ref'd by Software: %S\n", szBuffer); } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n"); } VOID CmdShowStackTable ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { const CStackEntry* pStackEntry; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n%15s | %s\n" "---------------------------------\n", "Upper", "Lower"); for (pStackEntry = pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.begin(); pStackEntry != pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.end(); pStackEntry++) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%15S | %S\n", pStackEntry->pUpper->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId(), pStackEntry->pLower->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\n"); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "WAN adapters are ordered %s\n\n", (pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.m_fWanAdaptersFirst) ? "first" : "last"); } VOID CmdShowLanAdapterPnpIds ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; hr = pNetConfig->HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents (); if (S_OK != hr) { return; } for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent); if (!FSubstringMatch (pComponent->Ext.PszUpperRange (), L"ndis5", NULL, NULL)) { continue; } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S\n", pComponent->m_pszPnpId); } } VOID CmdEnableOrDisableBinding ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN BOOL fEnable) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgBindingPath* pIPath; hr = HrFindBindPath (pINetCfg, pOptions->pszBindPath, &pIPath, NULL); if ((S_OK == hr) && pIPath) { pIPath->Enable (fEnable); ReleaseObj (pIPath); } hr = pINetCfg->Apply (); if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED to %s binding\n", (fEnable) ? "enable" : "disable"); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } } VOID CmdMoveBinding ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgBindingPath* pIPath; INetCfgBindingPath* pIOtherPath; INetCfgComponentBindings* pIOwner; hr = HrFindBindPath (pINetCfg, pOptions->pszBindPath, &pIPath, &pIOwner); if ((S_OK == hr) && pIPath) { if (0 == _wcsicmp(pOptions->pszOtherBindPath, L"null")) { pIOtherPath = NULL; } else { hr = HrFindBindPath (pINetCfg, pOptions->pszOtherBindPath, &pIOtherPath, NULL); } if (S_OK == hr) { if (pOptions->fMoveBefore) { hr = pIOwner->MoveBefore (pIPath, pIOtherPath); } else { hr = pIOwner->MoveAfter (pIPath, pIOtherPath); } ReleaseObj (pIOtherPath); } ReleaseObj (pIPath); ReleaseObj (pIOwner); } hr = pINetCfg->Apply (); if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED to move binding\n"); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } } VOID CmdWriteBindings ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions OPTIONAL, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; CRegistryBindingsContext RegBindCtx; hr = RegBindCtx.HrPrepare (pNetConfig); if (S_OK != hr) { return; } for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent); hr = RegBindCtx.HrWriteBindingsForComponent (pComponent); } } VOID CmdSetWanOrder ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { HRESULT hr; CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg; hr = HrCreateINetCfg (TRUE, &pINetCfg); if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgSpecialCase* pSpecialCase; hr = pINetCfg->GetUnknown()->QueryInterface ( IID_INetCfgSpecialCase, (VOID**)&pSpecialCase); Assert (S_OK == hr); hr = pSpecialCase->SetWanAdaptersFirst (pOptions->fWanAdaptersFirst); ReleaseObj (pSpecialCase); hr = pINetCfg->Apply (); if (S_OK != hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "FAILED to move binding\n"); } HRESULT hrT = pINetCfg->Uninitialize (); Assert (S_OK == hrT); ReleaseObj (pINetCfg->GetUnknown()); } } VOID CmdShowLanaDiag ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { CLanaMap LanaMap; HRESULT hr; hr = LanaMap.HrLoadLanaMap(); if (S_OK == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "NetBios Bindings and Lana Information\n" "-------------------------------------\n"); CWideString str; LanaMap.Dump (&str); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S", str.c_str()); HKEY hkeyNetBios; hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\currentcontrolset\\services\\netbios\\parameters", KEY_READ, &hkeyNetBios); if (S_OK == hr) { DWORD MaxLana; hr = HrRegQueryDword (hkeyNetBios, L"MaxLana", &MaxLana); if (S_OK == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\nMaximum Lana: %d\n", MaxLana); } RegCloseKey (hkeyNetBios); } HKEY hkeyRpc; hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\microsoft\\rpc\\netbios", KEY_READ, &hkeyRpc); if (S_OK == hr) { DWORD Index = 0; WCHAR szValueName [_MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbValueName = _MAX_PATH * sizeof (WCHAR); DWORD Lana; DWORD cbLana = sizeof (DWORD); DWORD Type; g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "\nRPC information\n" "---------------\n"); while (S_OK == HrRegEnumValue (hkeyRpc, Index, szValueName, &cbValueName, &Type, (BYTE*)&Lana, &cbLana)) { if (REG_DWORD == Type) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Lana: %3d\tProvider: %S\n", Lana, szValueName); } cbLana = sizeof (DWORD); cbValueName = _MAX_PATH * sizeof (WCHAR); Index++; } RegCloseKey (hkeyRpc); } } } HRESULT HrPrintComponentDescriptionsFromBindPath ( IN PCWSTR pszBindPath, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCWSTR pszBindName; PCWSTR pszEnd; DWORD cchComponent; CComponent* pComponent; WCHAR szComponentBindName[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; Assert (pszBindPath && *pszBindPath); GetFirstComponentFromBindPath (pszBindPath, &pszBindName, &cchComponent); while (pszBindName && *pszBindName) { wcsncpy (szComponentBindName, pszBindName, cchComponent); pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components. PFindComponentByBindName (NC_INVALID, szComponentBindName); if (pComponent) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "-->%S", pComponent->Ext.PszDescription()); } #ifdef ENABLETRACE else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "%S", szComponentBindName); } #endif // ENABLETRACE pszBindName = wcschr (pszBindName, L'_'); if (pszBindName) { pszBindName++; pszEnd = wcschr (pszBindName, L'_'); if (pszEnd) { cchComponent = pszEnd - pszBindName; } else { cchComponent = wcslen (pszBindName); } } } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrPrintComponentDescriptionsFromBindPath"); return hr; } VOID CmdShowLanaPaths ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; CLanaMap LanaMap; PCWSTR pszBindPath; CLanaEntry* pEntry; PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Show Lana UI info diagnostic...(dump heap)"); hr = pNetConfig->HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents(); if (S_OK != hr) { return; } hr = LanaMap.HrLoadLanaMap(); if (S_OK == hr) { PCWSTR pszBindName; PCWSTR pszEnd; DWORD cchComponent; CComponent* pComponent; WCHAR szComponentBindName[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; for (pEntry = LanaMap.begin(); pEntry != LanaMap.end(); pEntry++) { if (1 == pEntry->RegLanaEntry.Exported) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "Lana: %3d\n", pEntry->RegLanaEntry.LanaNumber); pszBindPath = pEntry->pszBindPath; GetFirstComponentFromBindPath (pszBindPath, &pszBindName, &cchComponent); while (pszBindName && *pszBindName) { wcsncpy (szComponentBindName, pszBindName, cchComponent); szComponentBindName[cchComponent] = 0; pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components. PFindComponentByBindName (NC_INVALID, szComponentBindName); if (pComponent) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "-->%S", pComponent->Ext.PszDescription()); } #ifdef ENABLETRACE else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "-->%S", szComponentBindName); } #endif // ENABLETRACE pszBindName = wcschr (pszBindName, L'_'); if (pszBindName) { pszBindName++; pszEnd = wcschr (pszBindName, L'_'); if (pszEnd) { cchComponent = pszEnd - pszBindName; } else { cchComponent = wcslen (pszBindName); } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n\n"); } } } PromptForLeakCheck (pOptions, "Show Lana UI info diagnostic...(dump heap and compare)"); } VOID CmdSetLanaNumber ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { CLanaMap LanaMap; HRESULT hr; hr = pNetConfig->HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents(); if (S_OK != hr) { return; } hr = LanaMap.HrLoadLanaMap(); if (S_OK == hr) { if (pOptions->OldLanaNumber != pOptions->NewLanaNumber) { hr = LanaMap.HrSetLanaNumber (pOptions->OldLanaNumber, pOptions->NewLanaNumber); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = LanaMap.HrWriteLanaConfiguration ( pNetConfig->Core.Components); g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nLana changed.\n"); } } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nNo change.\n"); } } if (S_OK != hr) { if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nThe old lana number is not currently " "assigned to a bind path.\n"); } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) == hr) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nThe new lana number is currently assigned " "to a bind path.\n"); } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nError %X occurred\n", hr); } } } VOID CmdRewriteLanaInfo ( IN const DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions, IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; const CComponent* pComponent; CRegistryBindingsContext RegBindCtx; hr = RegBindCtx.HrPrepare (pNetConfig); if (S_OK == hr) { pComponent = pNetConfig->Core.Components. PFindComponentByInfId (L"MS_NetBios", NULL); if (pComponent) { hr = RegBindCtx.HrWriteBindingsForComponent (pComponent); } else { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\nNetBios is not installed.\n"); } } } EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI NetCfgDiagFromCommandArgs ( IN DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { Assert (pOptions); Assert (pOptions->pDiagCtx); g_pDiagCtx = pOptions->pDiagCtx; CNetConfig NetConfig; HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry (KEY_READ, &NetConfig); switch (pOptions->Command) { case CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS: CmdShowBindings (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_SHOW_COMPONENTS: CmdShowComponents (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_SHOW_STACK_TABLE: CmdShowStackTable (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_SHOW_LAN_ADAPTER_PNPIDS: CmdShowLanAdapterPnpIds (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_ADD_COMPONENT: CmdAddComponent (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT: CmdRemoveComponent (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT: CmdUpdateComponent (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_REMOVE_REFS: CmdRemoveReferences (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_ENABLE_BINDING: CmdEnableOrDisableBinding (pOptions, TRUE); break; case CMD_DISABLE_BINDING: CmdEnableOrDisableBinding (pOptions, FALSE); break; case CMD_MOVE_BINDING: CmdMoveBinding (pOptions); break; case CMD_WRITE_BINDINGS: CmdWriteBindings (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_SET_WANORDER: CmdSetWanOrder (pOptions); break; case CMD_FULL_DIAGNOSTIC: CNetCfgInternalDiagnostic::CmdFullDiagnostic (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_CLEANUP: CmdCleanup (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_ADD_REMOVE_STRESS: CmdAddRemoveStress (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; default: break; } g_pDiagCtx = NULL; } EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI NetCfgDiagRepairRegistryBindings ( IN FILE* pLogFile) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fCoUninitialize = TRUE; hr = CoInitializeEx (NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (FAILED(hr)) { fCoUninitialize = FALSE; if (RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } else { fprintf(pLogFile, "CoInitializeEx failed. (hr=0x%08x)\n", hr); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CDiagContext DiagCtx; CNetConfig NetConfig; DiagCtx.SetFlags (DF_REPAIR_REGISTRY_BINDINGS); DiagCtx.SetLogFile (pLogFile); g_pDiagCtx = &DiagCtx; hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry (KEY_READ, &NetConfig); if (S_OK == hr) { CmdWriteBindings (NULL, &NetConfig); } else { fprintf(pLogFile, "Failed to load network configuration " "from the registry. (hr=0x%08x)\n", hr); } g_pDiagCtx = NULL; if (fCoUninitialize) { CoUninitialize (); } } } EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI LanaCfgFromCommandArgs ( IN DIAG_OPTIONS* pOptions) { Assert (pOptions); Assert (pOptions->pDiagCtx); g_pDiagCtx = pOptions->pDiagCtx; CNetConfig NetConfig; HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry (KEY_READ, &NetConfig); switch (pOptions->Command) { case CMD_SHOW_LANA_DIAG: CmdShowLanaDiag (pOptions); break; case CMD_SHOW_LANA_PATHS: CmdShowLanaPaths (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_SET_LANA_NUMBER: CmdSetLanaNumber (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; case CMD_REWRITE_LANA_INFO: CmdRewriteLanaInfo (pOptions, &NetConfig); break; default: break; } g_pDiagCtx = NULL; }